java.util.Map#equals ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Map#equals ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: netbeans   文件:
private void fireChanged() {
    Map<String, CodeTemplateDescription> current = new HashMap<>();
    for (int idx = 0; idx < getRowCount(); idx++) {
        String abbreviation = getAbbreviation(idx);
        CodeTemplateDescription ctd = new CodeTemplateDescription(
                new ArrayList(getContexts(idx)),

        current.put(abbreviation, ctd);
    MimePath mimePath = MimePath.parse(mimeType);
    Map<String, CodeTemplateDescription> saved = CodeTemplateSettingsImpl.get(mimePath).getCodeTemplates();
    modified = !current.equals(saved);
源代码2 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
 * For test purposes, see if two RVVs have seen the same events
 * and GC version vectors
 * @return true if the RVVs are the same.
public boolean sameAs(RegionVersionVector<T> other) {
  //Compare the version version vectors
  Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> myMemberToVersion = getMemberToVersion();
  Map<T, RegionVersionHolder<T>> otherMemberToVersion = other.getMemberToVersion();
  if (!myMemberToVersion.keySet().equals(otherMemberToVersion.keySet())) {
    return false;
  for (Iterator<T> it = myMemberToVersion.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    T key =;
    if (!myMemberToVersion.get(key).sameAs(otherMemberToVersion.get(key))) {
      return false;
  Map<T, Long> myGCVersion = getMemberToGCVersion();
  Map<T, Long> otherGCVersion = other.getMemberToGCVersion();
  if(!myGCVersion.equals(otherGCVersion)) {
    return false;
  return true;
源代码3 项目: mars-sim   文件:
 * Provides the surface temperature or air pressure at a given location from the
 * temperatureCacheMap. If calling the given location for the first time from
 * the cache map, call update temperature/air pressure instead
 * @return temperature or pressure
public double getCachedReading(Map<Coordinates, Double> map, Coordinates location) {
	double result;

	if (map.containsKey(location)) {
		result = map.get(location);
	} else {
		double cache = 0;
		// if (value == TEMPERATURE )
		if (map.equals(temperatureCacheMap))
			cache = calculateTemperature(location);
		// else if (value == AIR_PRESSURE )
		else if (map.equals(airPressureCacheMap))
			cache = calculateAirPressure(location, 0);

		map.put(location, cache);

		result = cache;
	return result;
源代码4 项目: swagger-aem   文件:
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
  Map<String, String> headers = super.getHeaders();
  if (headers == null || headers.equals(Collections.emptyMap())) {
    headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
  if (apiHeaders != null && !apiHeaders.equals(Collections.emptyMap())) {
  if(contentType != null) {
    headers.put("Content-Type", contentType);

  return headers;
源代码5 项目: workspacemechanic   文件:
 * compares first to second, where an empty map substitues for null.
private static boolean equalMaps(
    Map<String,String> first,
    Map<String,String> second) {
  if (first == null) {
    first = Collections.emptyMap();
  if (second == null) {
    second = Collections.emptyMap();
  return second.equals(first);
protected boolean matchesSafely(String eventAsJson) {

    if (expectedEvent == null) return false;

    LOG.trace("Convert the following json string to a map: {}", eventAsJson);
    Map mapEvent = convertJsonStringToMap(eventAsJson);

    Map mapExpectedEvent = getMapWithoutCreatedAt(expectedEvent);

    LOG.trace("Got the map: {}", mapEvent);
    LOG.trace("Compare to the expected map: {}", mapExpectedEvent);
    return mapEvent.equals(mapExpectedEvent);
源代码7 项目: interface-test   文件:
 * Map比较
private static boolean evalMap(Map expect, Map actual, String operator) {
    switch (operator) {
        case CMP_OP_EQUALS:
            return expect.equals(actual);
        case CMP_OP_NOT_EQUALS:
            return !expect.equals(actual);
        case CMP_OP_CONTAINS:
            for (Object expectKey : expect.keySet()) {
                Object actualValue = actual.get(expectKey);
                Object expectValue = expect.get(expectKey);

                if (actualValue == null && expectValue == null) {
                    return true;
                } else if (actualValue != null && expectValue != null && actualValue.equals(expectValue)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        case CMP_OP_NOT_CONTAINS:
        case CMP_OP_LESS_THAN:
        case CMP_OP_GREATER_THAN:
        case CMP_OP_MATCH:
        case CMP_OP_NOT_MATCH:
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("【%s】与【%s】不支持进行【%s】比较", expect, actual, operator));
protected boolean matchesSafely(String eventAsJson) {

    if (expectedEvent == null) return false;

    LOG.trace("Convert the following json string to a map: {}", eventAsJson);
    Map mapEvent = convertJsonStringToMap(eventAsJson);

    Map mapExpectedEvent = getMapWithoutCreatedAt(expectedEvent);

    LOG.trace("Got the map: {}", mapEvent);
    LOG.trace("Compare to the expected map: {}", mapExpectedEvent);
    return mapEvent.equals(mapExpectedEvent);
源代码9 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
private Map mergeMap(Map a, Map b) throws MergeFailed{
    if(a.equals(b)) return a;
    Map ret = new HashMap();
    Set keys = new HashSet(Fp.append(a.keySet(), b.keySet()));
    for(Object key : keys){
        Object ai = a.get(key);
        Object bi = b.get(key);
        if(ai != null && bi == null) ret.put(key, ai);
        else if(ai == null && bi != null) ret.put(key, bi);
        else if(ai.equals(bi)) ret.put(key, ai);
        else throw new MergeFailed("a and b are different", ai, bi);
    return ret;
源代码10 项目: swaggy-jenkins   文件:
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
  Map<String, String> headers = super.getHeaders();
  if (headers == null || headers.equals(Collections.emptyMap())) {
    headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
  if (apiHeaders != null && !apiHeaders.equals(Collections.emptyMap())) {
  if(contentType != null) {
    headers.put("Content-Type", contentType);

  return headers;
源代码11 项目: fusionauth-jwt   文件:
protected void assertJSONEquals(Object object, String jsonFile) throws IOException {
  Map<String, Object> actual = Mapper.deserialize(Mapper.serialize(object), Map.class);
  Map<String, Object> expected = Mapper.deserialize(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(jsonFile)), Map.class);

  actual = deepSort(actual);
  expected = deepSort(expected);

  if (!actual.equals(expected)) {
    String actualString = new String(Mapper.prettyPrint(actual));
    String expectedString = new String(Mapper.prettyPrint(expected));
    throw new AssertionError("The actual JSON doesn't match the expected JSON output. expected [" + expectedString + "] but found [" + actualString + "]");
protected boolean matchesSafely(String eventAsJson) {

    if (expectedEvent == null) return false;

    LOG.trace("Convert the following json string to a map: {}", eventAsJson);
    Map mapEvent = convertJsonStringToMap(eventAsJson);

    Map mapExpectedEvent = getMapWithoutCreatedAt(expectedEvent);

    LOG.trace("Got the map: {}", mapEvent);
    LOG.trace("Compare to the expected map: {}", mapExpectedEvent);
    return mapEvent.equals(mapExpectedEvent);
protected boolean matchesSafely(String eventAsJson) {

    if (expectedEvent == null) return false;

    LOG.trace("Convert the following json string to a map: {}", eventAsJson);
    Map mapEvent = convertJsonStringToMap(eventAsJson);

    Map mapExpectedEvent = getMapWithoutCreatedAt(expectedEvent);

    LOG.trace("Got the map: {}", mapEvent);
    LOG.trace("Compare to the expected map: {}", mapExpectedEvent);
    return mapEvent.equals(mapExpectedEvent);
源代码14 项目: sakai   文件:
 * Has the page model's grade mapping been changed from the stored one?
 * @return
private boolean isDirty() {

	// Note that the maps must be HashMaps for the comparison to work properly due to TreeMap.equals() != HashMap.equals().

	// get current values
	final List<GbGradingSchemaEntry> currentValues = SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.this.model.getObject().getGradingSchemaEntries();
	final Map<String, Double> currentGradeMapping = new HashMap<>(SettingsHelper.asMap(currentValues));

	// get stored values
	final GradeMappingDefinition storedValues = getGradingSchema(SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.this.currentGradeMappingId);
	final Map<String, Double> storedGradeMapping = new HashMap<>(storedValues.getGradeMap());

	return !currentGradeMapping.equals(storedGradeMapping);
源代码15 项目: pumpernickel   文件:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
	Map<String, Color> current = getCurrentColors();
	if (current.equals(animationEndColors)) {
		animationStartColors = null;
		animationStart = -1;
源代码16 项目: cloudbreak   文件:
public CloudbreakTestDto await(CloudbreakTestDto entity, Map<String, Status> desiredStatuses, TestContext testContext,
        RunningParameter runningParameter, Duration pollingInterval, int maxRetry) {
    try {
        if (entity == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cloudbreak key has been provided but no result in resource map!");
        Log.await(LOGGER, String.format("%s for %s", entity.getName(), desiredStatuses));
        CloudbreakClient client = testContext.getMicroserviceClient(CloudbreakClient.class, testContext.getWho(runningParameter)
        String name = entity.getName();
        if (desiredStatuses.equals(STACK_DELETED)) {
            waitForCloudbreakStatuses(new CloudbreakTerminationChecker<>(), client, name, testContext, desiredStatuses,
                    pollingInterval, maxRetry);
        } else if (desiredStatuses.equals(STACK_FAILED)) {
            waitForCloudbreakStatuses(new CloudbreakFailedChecker<>(), client, name, testContext, desiredStatuses,
                    pollingInterval, maxRetry);
            entity.refresh(testContext, client);
        } else {
            waitForCloudbreakStatuses(new CloudbreakOperationChecker<>(), client, name, testContext, desiredStatuses,
                    pollingInterval, maxRetry);
            entity.refresh(testContext, client);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (runningParameter.isLogError()) {
            LOGGER.error("await [{}] is failed for statuses {}: {}, name: {}", entity, desiredStatuses, ResponseUtil.getErrorMessage(e),
            Log.await(null, String.format("[%s] is failed for statuses %s: %s, name: %s",
                    entity, desiredStatuses, ResponseUtil.getErrorMessage(e), entity.getName()));
        testContext.getExceptionMap().put("await " + entity + " for desired statuses " + desiredStatuses, e);
    return entity;
protected boolean shouldUpdateAttribute(CloudApplication existingApplication, CloudApplication application) {
    Map<String, String> env = application.getEnv();
    Map<String, String> existingEnv = existingApplication.getEnv();
    return !existingEnv.equals(env);
源代码18 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testReadWriteCached() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
  CollectionProperties collectionProps = new CollectionProperties(zkClient());

  // NOTE: Using a semaphore to ensure we wait for Watcher to fire before proceeding with
  // test logic, to prevent triggering SOLR-13678
  final Semaphore sawExpectedProps = new Semaphore(0);
  final AtomicReference<Map<String,String>> expectedProps
    = new AtomicReference<Map<String,String>>(null);
  final CollectionPropsWatcher w = new CollectionPropsWatcher() {
    public boolean onStateChanged(Map<String,String> collectionProperties) {"collection properties changed. Now: {}",  collectionProperties);
      final Map<String,String> expected = expectedProps.get();
      if (expected != null && expected.equals(collectionProperties)) {" props match expected");
      return false;
  cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader().registerCollectionPropsWatcher(collectionName, w);
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property1", "value1");
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property2", "value2");
  waitForValue("property1", "value1", 5000);
  waitForValue("property2", "value2", 5000);

  // HACK: don't let our watcher be removed until we're sure it's "up to date"
  // with the final prop values expected below...
  expectedProps.set(new HashMap<>());

  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property1", "value1"); // no change
  checkValue("property1", "value1");

  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property1", null);
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property2", "newValue");
  waitForValue("property1", null, 5000);
  waitForValue("property2", "newValue", 5000);
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property2", null);
  waitForValue("property2", null, 5000);
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property2", null); // no change
  checkValue("property2", null);

  assertTrue("Gave up waitng an excessive amount of time for watcher to see final expected props",
             sawExpectedProps.tryAcquire(1, 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
  cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader().removeCollectionPropsWatcher(collectionName, w);
  collectionProps.setCollectionProperty(collectionName, "property1", "value1");
  checkValue("property1", "value1"); //Should be no cache, so the change should take effect immediately
源代码19 项目: cloudbreak   文件:
private boolean permitLockedComponentsUpgrade(Image currentImage, Image image) {
    Map<String, String> currentImagePackageVersions = currentImage.getPackageVersions();
    Map<String, String> imagePackageVersions = image.getPackageVersions();
    return currentImagePackageVersions.equals(imagePackageVersions);
源代码20 项目: hawkular-agent   文件:
public int compare(Resource<L> r1, Resource<L> r2) {
    // make sure we are looking at the same resource
    int c = r1.getID().compareTo(r2.getID());
    if (c != 0) {
        return c;

    // see if the names changed
    c = r1.getName().compareTo(r2.getName());
    if (c != 0) {
        return c;

    // see if the resource configuration property values are the same
    Collection<ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L>> rcp1 = r1.getResourceConfigurationProperties();
    Collection<ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L>> rcp2 = r2.getResourceConfigurationProperties();
    if (rcp1.size() == rcp2.size()) {
        if (!rcp1.isEmpty()) {
            Map<ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L>, String> rcp1Map = new HashMap<>(rcp1.size());
            for (ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L> rcp1Item : rcp1) {
                rcp1Map.put(rcp1Item, rcp1Item.getValue());
            Map<ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L>, String> rcp2Map = new HashMap<>(rcp2.size());
            for (ResourceConfigurationPropertyInstance<L> rcp2Item : rcp2) {
                rcp2Map.put(rcp2Item, rcp2Item.getValue());
            if (!rcp1Map.equals(rcp2Map)) {
                return rcp1Map.hashCode() < rcp2Map.hashCode() ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
        return rcp1.size() < rcp2.size() ? -1 : 1;

    // see if the general properties are the same
    if (!r1.getProperties().equals(r2.getProperties())) {
        return r1.getProperties().hashCode() < r2.getProperties().hashCode() ? -1 : 1;

    // everything we care about didn't change - consider them the same resource
    return 0;