java.util.Collections#addAll ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Collections#addAll ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: pcgen   文件:
 * Returns true if this AbstractProfProvider provides proficiency with the
 * given Equipment TYPE. This only tests against the Equipment TYPE
 * reference list provided during construction of the AbstractProfProvider.
 * @param typeString
 *            The TYPE of Equipment to be tested to see if this
 *            AbstractProfProvider provides proficiency with the given
 *            Equipment TYPE
 * @return true if this AbstractProfProvider provides proficiency with the
 *         given Equipment TYPE.
public boolean providesEquipmentType(String typeString)
	if (typeString == null || typeString.isEmpty())
		return false;
	Set<String> types = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
	Collections.addAll(types, typeString.split("\\."));
	REF: for (CDOMReference<Equipment> ref : byEquipType)
		StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(ref.getLSTformat(false).substring(5), ".");
		while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
			if (!types.contains(tok.nextToken()))
				continue REF;
		return true;
	return false;
源代码2 项目: CEC-Automatic-Annotation   文件:
public void testListAndSet() {
	List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
	Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
	Collections.addAll(list, "wo", "woai", "woaini", "wo");
	set.addAll(list);// 将List转成Set
	list.addAll(set);// 将Set转成List
	int index = 0;
源代码3 项目: flowable-engine   文件:
private void getFilesFromFields(Expression expression, DelegateExecution execution, List<File> files, List<DataSource> dataSources) {
    Object value = checkAllowedTypes(expression, execution);
    if (value != null) {
        if (value instanceof File) {
            files.add((File) value);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            files.add(new File((String) value));
        } else if (value instanceof File[]) {
            Collections.addAll(files, (File[]) value);
        } else if (value instanceof String[]) {
            String[] paths = (String[]) value;
            for (String path : paths) {
                files.add(new File(path));
        } else if (value instanceof DataSource) {
            dataSources.add((DataSource) value);
        } else if (value instanceof DataSource[]) {
            for (DataSource ds : (DataSource[]) value) {
                if (ds != null) {
    for (Iterator<File> it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        File file =;
        if (!fileExists(file)) {
源代码4 项目: firebase-android-sdk   文件:
 * Converts varargs from an update call to a list of objects, ensuring that the arguments
 * alternate between String/FieldPath and Objects.
 * @param fieldPathOffset The offset of the first field path in the original update API (used as
 *     the index in error messages)
public static List<Object> collectUpdateArguments(
    int fieldPathOffset, Object field, Object val, Object... fieldsAndValues) {
  if (fieldsAndValues.length % 2 == 1) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Missing value in call to update().  There must be an even number of "
            + "arguments that alternate between field names and values");
  List<Object> argumentList = new ArrayList<>();
  Collections.addAll(argumentList, fieldsAndValues);

  for (int i = 0; i < argumentList.size(); i += 2) {
    Object fieldPath = argumentList.get(i);
    if (!(fieldPath instanceof String) && !(fieldPath instanceof FieldPath)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Excepted field name at argument position "
              + (i + fieldPathOffset + 1)
              + " but got "
              + fieldPath
              + " in call to update.  The arguments to update "
              + "should alternate between field names and values");

  return argumentList;
源代码5 项目: arma-intellij-plugin   文件:
 * Create an instance with the specified {@link ValueType} instances. This will set {@link #getNumOptionalValues()} to 0.
 * @param isUnbounded      true if the last element in valueTypes is repeating, false otherwise
 * @param polymorphicTypes polymorphic types to use for {@link #getPolymorphicTypes()}
 * @param valueTypes       value types to use
public ExpandedValueType(boolean isUnbounded, @NotNull List<ValueType> polymorphicTypes, @NotNull ValueType... valueTypes) {
	this.isUnbounded = isUnbounded;
	this.polymorphicTypes = polymorphicTypes;

	this.valueTypes = new ArrayList<>(valueTypes.length);
	Collections.addAll(this.valueTypes, valueTypes);
	numOptionalValues = 0;
源代码6 项目: K-Sonic   文件:
private static List<byte[]> buildCodecSpecificData(String codecSpecificDataString) {
  ArrayList<byte[]> csd = new ArrayList<>();
  if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(codecSpecificDataString)) {
    byte[] codecPrivateData = Util.getBytesFromHexString(codecSpecificDataString);
    byte[][] split = CodecSpecificDataUtil.splitNalUnits(codecPrivateData);
    if (split == null) {
    } else {
      Collections.addAll(csd, split);
  return csd;
public void restoreFromBundle( Bundle bundle ) {
	if (level() > 0) name = Messages.get(this, "name_" + level());
	if (bundle.contains(SEEDS))
		Collections.addAll(seeds , bundle.getClassArray(SEEDS));
	if (level() == 1)  image = ItemSpriteSheet.ARTIFACT_SHOES;
	else if (level() == 2)  image = ItemSpriteSheet.ARTIFACT_BOOTS;
	else if (level() >= 3)  image = ItemSpriteSheet.ARTIFACT_GREAVES;
public void testValidationOptionsParsedCorrectly() throws Exception {
  String[] types = {"INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY", "VARCHAR(32)", "VARCHAR(32)"};
  String[] insertVals = {"1", "'Bob'", "'sales'"};

  try {
    createTableWithColTypes(types, insertVals);

    String[] args = getArgv(true, null, getConf());
    ArrayList<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    Collections.addAll(argsList, args);

    assertTrue("Validate option missing.", argsList.contains("--validate"));
    assertTrue("Validator option missing.", argsList.contains("--validator"));

    String[] optionArgs = toStringArray(argsList);

    SqoopOptions validationOptions = new ImportTool().parseArguments(
      optionArgs, getConf(), getSqoopOptions(getConf()), true);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    fail("The validation options are passed correctly: " + e.getMessage());
  } finally {
源代码9 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void addIterator(DocIdSetIterator disi, List<DocIdSetIterator> allIterators) {
  if (disi.getClass() == ConjunctionDISI.class) { // Check for exactly this class for collapsing
    ConjunctionDISI conjunction = (ConjunctionDISI) disi;
    // subconjuctions have already split themselves into two phase iterators and others, so we can take those
    // iterators as they are and move them up to this conjunction
    Collections.addAll(allIterators, conjunction.others);
  } else {
源代码10 项目: score   文件:
private void registerEventListener(String... eventTypes) {
    Set<String> handlerTypes = new HashSet<>();
    Collections.addAll(handlerTypes, eventTypes);
    eventBus.subscribe(new ScoreEventListener() {
        public void onEvent(ScoreEvent event) {
  "Listener " + this.toString() + " invoked on type: " + event.getEventType() + " with data: " + event.getData());
    }, handlerTypes);
   * Adds the launcher and uima core jar to the class path,
   * depending on normal mode or PDE development mode.
  public String[] getClasspath(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException {
    // The class path already contains the jars which are specified in the Classpath tab
    List<String> extendedClasspath = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.addAll(extendedClasspath, super.getClasspath(configuration));
    // Normal mode, add the launcher plugin and uima runtime jar to the classpath
    try {
      if (!Platform.inDevelopmentMode()) {     
        // Add this plugin jar to the classpath 
        extendedClasspath.add(pluginIdToJarPath(LauncherPlugin.ID)); }
      else {
        // When running inside eclipse with PDE in development mode the plugins
        // are not installed inform of jar files and the classes must be loaded
        // from the target/classes folder or target/org.apache.uima.runtime.*.jar file
        extendedClasspath.add(pluginIdToJarPath(LauncherPlugin.ID) + "target/classes");
      // UIMA jar should be added the end of the class path, because user uima jars
      // (maybe a different version) should appear first on the class path

      // Add org.apache.uima.runtime jar to class path
      Bundle bundle = LauncherPlugin.getDefault().getBundle("org.apache.uima.runtime");
      // Ignore the case when runtime bundle does not exist ...
      if (bundle != null) {
        // find entries: starting point, pattern, whether or not to recurse
        //   all the embedded jars are at the top level, no recursion needed
        //   All the jars are not needed - only the uimaj core one
        //     any other jars will be provided by the launching project's class path
        //     uimaj-core provided because the launcher itself needs uimaj-core classes
        //  Found empirically that recursion is need to find the jar in development mode
        Enumeration<?> jarEnum = bundle.findEntries("/", "uimaj-core*.jar", Platform.inDevelopmentMode());
        while (jarEnum != null && jarEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
          URL element = (URL) jarEnum.nextElement();
      // adds things like the top level metainf info, 
      // probably not required in most cases
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, LauncherPlugin.ID, IStatus.OK, 
              "Failed to compose classpath!", e));
    // Dump classpath
//    for (String cp : extendedClasspath) {
//      System.out.println("Uima Launcher CP entry: " + cp);
//    }
    return extendedClasspath.toArray(new String[extendedClasspath.size()]);
源代码12 项目: remote-monitoring-services-java   文件:
 * Client authorization configuration
public IClientAuthConfig getClientAuthConfig() {
    if (this.clientAuthConfig != null) return this.clientAuthConfig;

    // Default to True unless explicitly disabled
    Boolean authRequired = !data.hasPath(AUTH_REQUIRED_KEY)
        || data.getString(AUTH_REQUIRED_KEY).isEmpty()
        || data.getBool(AUTH_REQUIRED_KEY);

    String authServiceUrl = data.getString(AUTH_WEB_SERVICE_URL_KEY);

    // Default to JWT
    String authType = "JWT";
    if (data.hasPath(AUTH_REQUIRED_KEY)) {
        authType = data.getString(AUTH_TYPE_KEY);

    // Default to RS256, RS384, RS512
    HashSet<String> jwtAllowedAlgos = new HashSet<>();
    if (data.hasPath(JWT_ALGOS_KEY)) {

    // Default to empty, no issuer
    String jwtIssuer = "";
    if (data.hasPath(JWT_ISSUER_KEY)) {
        jwtIssuer = data.getString(JWT_ISSUER_KEY);

    // Default to empty, no audience
    String jwtAudience = "";
    if (data.hasPath(JWT_AUDIENCE_KEY)) {
        jwtAudience = data.getString(JWT_AUDIENCE_KEY);

    // Default to 2 minutes
    Duration jwtClockSkew = Duration.ofSeconds(120);
    if (data.hasPath(JWT_AUDIENCE_KEY)) {
        jwtClockSkew = data.getDuration(JWT_CLOCK_SKEW_KEY);

    this.clientAuthConfig = new ClientAuthConfig(

    return this.clientAuthConfig;
源代码13 项目: fresco   文件:
public static <E> ImmutableSet<E> of(E... elements) {
  HashSet<E> set = new HashSet<>(elements.length);
  Collections.addAll(set, elements);
  return new ImmutableSet<>(set);
源代码14 项目: Ardulink-2   文件:
public static <T> List<T> newArrayList(T... values) {
	List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
	Collections.addAll(list, values);
	return list;
源代码15 项目: groovy   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String targetDirectory = "target/classes/";
    boolean info = (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("--info"))
            || (args.length==2 && args[0].equals("--info"));
    if (info && args.length==2) {
        targetDirectory = args[1];
        if (!targetDirectory.endsWith("/")) targetDirectory += "/";
    List<CachedMethod> cachedMethodsList = new ArrayList<CachedMethod>();
    for (Class aClass : DefaultGroovyMethods.DGM_LIKE_CLASSES) {
        Collections.addAll(cachedMethodsList, ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(aClass).getMethods());
    final CachedMethod[] cachedMethods = cachedMethodsList.toArray(CachedMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY);

    List<GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord> records = new ArrayList<GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord>();

    int cur = 0;
    for (CachedMethod method : cachedMethods) {
        if (!method.isStatic() || !method.isPublic())

        if (method.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null)

        if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0)

        final Class returnType = method.getReturnType();

        final String className = "org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/dgm$" + cur++;

        GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord record = new GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord();

        record.methodName = method.getName();
        record.returnType = method.getReturnType();
        record.parameters = method.getNativeParameterTypes();
        record.className = className;

        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
        cw.visit(V1_3, ACC_PUBLIC, className, null, "org/codehaus/groovy/reflection/GeneratedMetaMethod", null);


        final String methodDescriptor = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, method.getNativeParameterTypes());

        createInvokeMethod(method, cw, returnType, methodDescriptor);

        createDoMethodInvokeMethod(method, cw, className, returnType, methodDescriptor);

        createIsValidMethodMethod(method, cw, className);


        final byte[] bytes = cw.toByteArray();

        File targetFile = new File(targetDirectory + className + ".class").getCanonicalFile();

        try (final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile)) {

    GeneratedMetaMethod.DgmMethodRecord.saveDgmInfo(records, targetDirectory+"/META-INF/dgminfo");
    if (info)
        System.out.println("Saved " + cur + " dgm records to: "+targetDirectory+"/META-INF/dgminfo");
源代码16 项目: Curve-Fit   文件:
public CurveOptions add(LatLng... points) {
    Collections.addAll(this.latLngList, points);
    return this;
源代码17 项目: javacore   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> all = new ArrayList<String>();    // 返回空的 List集合
    Collections.addAll(all, "MLDN", "LXH", "mldnjava");
    int point = Collections.binarySearch(all, "LXH");    // 检索数据
    System.out.println("检索结果:" + point);
源代码18 项目: scipio-erp   文件:
public GifFileType() {

    new MagicNumber("474946383761", null, "003B", 0, "Graphics interchange format file", "gif"),

    new MagicNumber("474946383961", null, "003B", 0, "Graphics interchange format file", "gif")

源代码19 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
 * Opens or creates a file for reading and/or writing, returning an
 * asynchronous file channel to access the file.
 * <p> An invocation of this method behaves in exactly the same way as the
 * invocation
 * <pre>
 *     ch.{@link #open(Path,Set,ExecutorService,FileAttribute[])
 *       open}(file, opts, null, new FileAttribute&lt;?&gt;[0]);
 * </pre>
 * where {@code opts} is a {@code Set} containing the options specified to
 * this method.
 * <p> The resulting channel is associated with default thread pool to which
 * tasks are submitted to handle I/O events and dispatch to completion
 * handlers that consume the result of asynchronous operations performed on
 * the resulting channel.
 * @param   file
 *          The path of the file to open or create
 * @param   options
 *          Options specifying how the file is opened
 * @return  A new asynchronous file channel
 * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 *          If the set contains an invalid combination of options
 * @throws  UnsupportedOperationException
 *          If the {@code file} is associated with a provider that does not
 *          support creating file channels, or an unsupported open option is
 *          specified
 * @throws  IOException
 *          If an I/O error occurs
 * @throws  SecurityException
 *          If a security manager is installed and it denies an
 *          unspecified permission required by the implementation.
 *          In the case of the default provider, the {@link
 *          SecurityManager#checkRead(String)} method is invoked to check
 *          read access if the file is opened for reading. The {@link
 *          SecurityManager#checkWrite(String)} method is invoked to check
 *          write access if the file is opened for writing
public static AsynchronousFileChannel open(Path file, OpenOption... options)
    throws IOException
    Set<OpenOption> set = new HashSet<OpenOption>(options.length);
    Collections.addAll(set, options);
    return open(file, set, null, NO_ATTRIBUTES);
 * Set a list of names of shareable JNDI resources,
 * which this factory is allowed to cache once obtained.
 * @param shareableResources the JNDI names
 * (typically within the "java:comp/env/" namespace)
public void setShareableResources(String... shareableResources) {
	Collections.addAll(this.shareableResources, shareableResources);