org.objectweb.asm.Handle#getOwner ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.objectweb.asm.Handle#getOwner ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Concurnas   文件:
private void invokeDynamicOnLambda(MethodVisitor mv, AbstractInsnNode ain) {
    InvokeDynamicInsnNode indy = (InvokeDynamicInsnNode)ain;
    Object[]bsmArgs = indy.bsmArgs;
    // Is it a lambda conversion
    if (indy.bsm.getOwner().equals("java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory")) {
        Handle lambdaBody = (Handle)bsmArgs[1];
        Detector detector = this.methodFlow.detector();
        String desc = lambdaBody.getDesc();
        //if (detector.isPausable(lambdaBody.getOwner(), lambdaBody.getName(), desc)) {
        //if(!lambdaBody.getName().equals("<init>")) {
        	bsmArgs[0] = addFiberType((org.objectweb.asm.Type)bsmArgs[0]);
            bsmArgs[1] = new Handle(lambdaBody.getTag(), 
                                    desc.replace(")", D_FIBER + ")"));
            bsmArgs[2] = addFiberType((org.objectweb.asm.Type)bsmArgs[2]);
源代码2 项目: maple-ir   文件:
protected void _dynamic_call(Handle bsm, Object[] bsmArgs, String bootstrapDesc, String boundName) {
	// these are the additional bound variables passed into the boostrap method (typically metafactory) 
	Expr[] boundArgs = new Expr[Type.getArgumentTypes(bootstrapDesc).length];
	for(int i = boundArgs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		boundArgs[i] = pop();
	// copy the bsm and bsm args
	Handle bsmCopy = new Handle(bsm.getTag(), bsm.getOwner(), bsm.getName(), bsm.getDesc());
	Handle provider = new Handle(bsm.getTag(), bsm.getOwner(), bsm.getName(), bsm.getDesc());
	Object[] bsmArgsCopy = new Object[bsmArgs.length];
	System.arraycopy(bsmArgs, 0, bsmArgsCopy, 0, bsmArgsCopy.length);
	DynamicInvocationExpr expr = new DynamicInvocationExpr(bsmCopy, bsmArgsCopy, bootstrapDesc, boundArgs, boundName);
	if(expr.getType() == Type.VOID_TYPE) {
		addStmt(new PopStmt(expr));
	} else {
		int index = currentStack.height();
		Type type = assign_stack(index, expr);
		push(load_stack(index, type));
	// TODO: redo vm lambdas as static resolution calls/concrete calls.
源代码3 项目: AVM   文件:
public void visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String origMethodName, String methodDescriptor, Handle bootstrapMethodHandle, Object... bootstrapMethodArguments) {
    String methodOwner = bootstrapMethodHandle.getOwner();
    if (isStringConcatIndy(methodOwner, origMethodName)) {
        handleStringConcatIndy(origMethodName, methodDescriptor, bootstrapMethodHandle, bootstrapMethodArguments);
    } else if (isLambdaIndy(methodOwner)) {
        // AKI-130: The bootstrap methodDescriptor to this metafactory must NOT require additional arguments (since that would require dynamic class generation for each callsite - potential attack vector).
        if (!methodDescriptor.startsWith("()")) {
            throw RejectedClassException.invokeDynamicBootstrapMethodArguments(methodDescriptor);
        // This is really just a specialization of the above call to check the return type (this would need to be changed if we accepted arguments).
        if (!RUNNABLE_DESCRIPTOR.equals(methodDescriptor) && !FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR.equals(methodDescriptor)) {
            throw RejectedClassException.invokeDynamicLambdaType(methodDescriptor);
        if (bootstrapMethodHandle.getTag() != Opcodes.H_INVOKEVIRTUAL && bootstrapMethodHandle.getTag() != Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC
                && bootstrapMethodHandle.getTag() != Opcodes.H_NEWINVOKESPECIAL && bootstrapMethodHandle.getTag() != Opcodes.H_INVOKEINTERFACE) {
            throw RejectedClassException.invokeDynamicHandleType(bootstrapMethodHandle.getTag(), methodDescriptor);

        handleLambdaIndy(origMethodName, methodDescriptor, bootstrapMethodHandle, bootstrapMethodArguments);
    } else {
        throw RejectedClassException.invokeDynamicUnsupportedMethodOwner(origMethodName, methodOwner);
源代码4 项目: pitest   文件:
 * Mutates a handle within an invoke virtual.
private Handle mutateHandle(Handle handle) {
  int opcode = handle.getTag();
  String owner = handle.getOwner();
  String name = handle.getName();
  String descriptor = handle.getDesc();

  if (owner.equals(expectedOwner) && opcode == Opcodes.H_INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
    if (REPLACEMENTS.containsKey(name)) {
      Replacement replacement = REPLACEMENTS.get(name);
      if (replacement.descriptor.equals(descriptor)) {
        MutationIdentifier id = context.registerMutation(factory, replacement.toString());
        if (context.shouldMutate(id)) {
          return new Handle(
  return handle;
源代码5 项目: maple-ir   文件:
public DynamicInvocationExpr(Handle bootstrapMethod, Object[] bootstrapArgs, String bootstrapDesc, Expr[] args, String boundName) {
	super(CallType.DYNAMIC, args, bootstrapMethod.getOwner(), bootstrapMethod.getName(), bootstrapDesc);
	this.bootstrapMethod = bootstrapMethod;
	this.bootstrapArgs = bootstrapArgs;
	this.boundName = boundName;
	assert(Type.getArgumentTypes(bootstrapDesc).length == args.length); // I hope this tells me when this fucks up, because this is not a matter of if, but when.
	for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
		writeAt(args[i], i);
源代码6 项目: AVM   文件:
 * @param methodHandle The pre-transform method handle.
 * @param mapMethodDescriptor True if the underlying descriptor should be mapped or false to leave it unchanged.
 * @return The post-transform method handle.
public Handle mapHandle(Handle methodHandle, boolean mapMethodDescriptor, boolean preserveDebuggability) {
    String methodOwner = methodHandle.getOwner();
    String methodName = methodHandle.getName();
    String methodDescriptor = methodHandle.getDesc();

    String newMethodOwner = mapType(methodOwner, preserveDebuggability);
    String newMethodName = mapMethodName(methodName);
    String newMethodDescriptor = mapMethodDescriptor ? mapDescriptor(methodDescriptor,  preserveDebuggability) : methodDescriptor;
    return new Handle(methodHandle.getTag(), newMethodOwner, newMethodName, newMethodDescriptor, methodHandle.isInterface());
源代码7 项目: AVM   文件:
private Handle newLambdaHandleFrom(Handle origHandle, boolean shadowMethodDescriptor) {
    final String owner = origHandle.getOwner();
    final String newOwner = owner;
    final String newMethodName = origHandle.getName();
    final String newMethodDescriptor = shadowMethodDescriptor ? replacer.replaceMethodDescriptor(origHandle.getDesc()) : origHandle.getDesc();
    return new Handle(origHandle.getTag(), newOwner, newMethodName, newMethodDescriptor, origHandle.isInterface());