java.util.Collection#isEmpty ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Collection#isEmpty ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
 * Constructor that should be overridden by child implementation. The constructor allows for easy toString() output
 * customization.
 * @param toStringName a general name of the object (such as 'policy' or 'nested policy') that will be used in the
 * toString() method to identify the object.
 * @param sets represents the collection of policy alternatives of the policy object created. During the creation of
 * the new policy object, the content of the alternatives collection is copied into an internal policy object structure,
 * thus any subsequent operations on the collection will have no impact on the newly constructed policy object. The
 * collection may be {@code null} or empty. In such case a 'NULL' policy object is constructed.
Policy(final String toStringName, final Collection<AssertionSet> sets) {
    this.nsVersion = NamespaceVersion.getLatestVersion();
    this.toStringName = toStringName;

    if (sets == null || sets.isEmpty()) {
        this.assertionSets = NULL_POLICY_ASSERTION_SETS;
        this.vocabulary = EMPTY_VOCABULARY;
        this.immutableVocabulary = EMPTY_VOCABULARY;
    } else {
        this.assertionSets = new LinkedList<AssertionSet>();
        this.vocabulary = new TreeSet<QName>(PolicyUtils.Comparison.QNAME_COMPARATOR);
        this.immutableVocabulary = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.vocabulary);

源代码2 项目: light-rest-4j   文件:
private Status validateQueryParameter(final HttpServerExchange exchange,
                                      final SwaggerOperation swaggerOperation,
                                      final Parameter queryParameter) {

    final Collection<String> queryParameterValues = exchange.getQueryParameters().get(queryParameter.getName());

    if ((queryParameterValues == null || queryParameterValues.isEmpty())) {
        if(queryParameter.getRequired()) {
            return new Status(VALIDATOR_REQUEST_PARAMETER_QUERY_MISSING, queryParameter.getName(), swaggerOperation.getPathString().original());
    } else {

        Optional<Status> optional = queryParameterValues
                .map((v) -> parameterValidators.validate(v, queryParameter))
                .filter(s -> s != null)
        if(optional.isPresent()) {
            return optional.get();
    return null;
public <T> int[] batchInsert(Collection<T> collection) {
	if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) {
		throw new JdbcException("batchInsert collection不能为空");
	int row[] = null;
	List<Object[]> batchArgs = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
	String sql = "";
	for (T t : collection) {
		SqlObject sqlField = DynamicSql.insertSql(t);
		if (sqlField == null) {
			throw new JdbcException("batchInsert SqlField 不能为空");
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(sql)) {
			sql = sqlField.sql;
	row = getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(sql, batchArgs);
	return row;
源代码4 项目: packagedrone   文件:
public static <E, V, T extends RpmBaseTag> void putFields ( final Header<T> header, final Collection<E> entries, final T tag, final ArrayAllocator<V> arrayAllocator, final Function<E, V> func, final Putter<T, V> putter )
    if ( entries.isEmpty () )

    final V[] values = arrayAllocator.allocate ( entries.size () );
    int i = 0;
    for ( final E entry : entries )
        values[i] = func.apply ( entry );

    putter.put ( header, tag, values );
public Collection<VisualNode> collect(VisualModel model) {
    Collection<VisualNode> joints = new HashSet<>();
    if (model instanceof VisualCircuit) {
        VisualCircuit circuit = (VisualCircuit) model;
        joints.addAll(Hierarchy.getDescendantsOfType(circuit.getRoot(), VisualJoint.class));
        Collection<VisualNode> selection = circuit.getSelection();
        if (!selection.isEmpty()) {
            HashSet<VisualNode> selectedJoints = new HashSet<>(selection);
            if (!selectedJoints.isEmpty()) {
    return joints;
源代码6 项目: arctic-sea   文件:
private QualityPropertyType[] createQuality(Collection<SweQuality> quality) {
    if (!quality.isEmpty()) {
        ArrayList<QualityPropertyType> xbQualities = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(quality.size());
        for (SweQuality sweQuality : quality) {
            QualityPropertyType xbQuality = QualityPropertyType.Factory.newInstance();
            if (sweQuality instanceof SweText) {
                xbQuality.addNewText().set(createText((SweText) sweQuality));
            } else if (sweQuality instanceof SweCategory) {
                xbQuality.addNewCategory().set(createCategory((SweCategory) sweQuality));
            } else if (sweQuality instanceof SweQuantity) {
                xbQuality.addNewQuantity().set(createQuantity((SweQuantity) sweQuality));
            } else if (sweQuality instanceof SweQuantityRange) {
                xbQuality.addNewQuantityRange().set(createQuantityRange((SweQuantityRange) sweQuality));
        return xbQualities.toArray(new QualityPropertyType[xbQualities.size()]);
    return new QualityPropertyType[] { QualityPropertyType.Factory.newInstance() };
源代码7 项目: kfs   文件:
 * This method retrieves the vendor identification code for the vendor found who has a matching tax id and tax payer type 
 * code.
 * @param taxIDNumber The tax id number used to retrieve the associated vendor.
 * @param taxPayerTypeCode The tax payer type code used to retrieve the associated vendor.  See the TAX_TYPE_* constants defined in 
 *                         DisbursementVoucherRuleConstants for examples of valid tax type codes.
 * @return The id of the vendor found matching the tax id and type code provided.  Null if no matching vendor is found.
 * @see org.kuali.kfs.fp.document.service.DisbursementVoucherTaxService#getPayeeNumber(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public String getVendorId(String taxIDNumber, String taxPayerTypeCode) {
    String vendorId = null;

    Map taxIDCrit = new HashMap();
    taxIDCrit.put("taxIdNumber", taxIDNumber);
    taxIDCrit.put("taxpayerTypeCode", taxPayerTypeCode);
    Collection<VendorDetail> foundPayees = businessObjectService.findMatching(VendorDetail.class, taxIDCrit);

    if (!foundPayees.isEmpty()) {
        VendorDetail vendor = (VendorDetail) foundPayees.iterator().next();
        vendorId = vendor.getVendorHeaderGeneratedIdentifier().toString();

    return vendorId;
public void process(final JVoiceXMLEvent event) throws JVoiceXMLEvent {
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("processing event " + event + "...");
    final RecognitionEvent recognitionEvent = (RecognitionEvent) event;
    final RecognitionResult result = recognitionEvent
    final VoiceXmlInterpreterContext context =
    final DataModel model = context.getDataModel();
    final Collection<InputItem> filtered = filterEvent(model, result);
    if ((filtered == null) || filtered.isEmpty()) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("no matching form items: processing aborted");
    setFilledInputItems(result, filtered);

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("executing filled elements...");
    final Collection<Filled> filledElements = dialog.getFilledElements();
    final FormInterpretationAlgorithm fia =
    final VoiceXmlInterpreter interpreter = getVoiceXmlInterpreter();
    final TagStrategyExecutor executor = getTagStrategyExecutor();
    for (Filled filled : filledElements) {
        if (shouldExecute(filled, model)) {
            executor.executeChildNodes(context, interpreter, fia, null,
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("...done executing filled element");
源代码9 项目: steady   文件:
static Assertion getAddressingPolicy(AssertionInfoMap aim, boolean optional) {
    Collection<AssertionInfo> lst = aim.get(MetadataConstants.USING_ADDRESSING_2004_QNAME);
    Assertion assertion = null;
    if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {
        assertion = lst.iterator().next().getAssertion();
    if (assertion == null) {
        lst = aim.get(MetadataConstants.USING_ADDRESSING_2005_QNAME);
        if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {
            assertion = lst.iterator().next().getAssertion();
    if (assertion == null) {
        lst = aim.get(MetadataConstants.USING_ADDRESSING_2006_QNAME);
        if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {
            assertion = lst.iterator().next().getAssertion();
    if (assertion == null) {
        return new PrimitiveAssertion(MetadataConstants.USING_ADDRESSING_2006_QNAME,
    } else if (optional) {
        return new PrimitiveAssertion(assertion.getName(),
    return assertion;
源代码10 项目: netbeans   文件:
static void log(String prefix, Collection cls) {                        
    if(LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        LOG.log(Level.FINE, prefix);  
        if(cls.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.log(Level.FINE, " EMPTY"); // NOI18N
        } else {
            for (Object o : cls) {
                LOG.log(Level.FINE, " {0}", o.toString()); // NOI18N
源代码11 项目: pcgen   文件:
public String[] unparse(LoadContext context, Campaign campaign)
	Changes<String> changes = context.getObjectContext().getListChanges(campaign, ListKey.BOOK_TYPE);
	if (changes == null || changes.isEmpty())
		return null;
	Collection<String> added = changes.getAdded();
	if (added == null || added.isEmpty())
		return null;
	return new String[]{StringUtil.join(added, Constants.PIPE)};
源代码12 项目: ignite   文件:
 * Awaits for all futures to complete and optionally reduces all results into one.
 * @param timeout Timeout for waiting ({@code 0} for forever).
 * @param rdc Optional reducer. If not {@code null}, then results will be reduced into one.
 * @param futs List of futures to wait for.
 * @param <T> Return type of the futures.
 * @param <R> Return type of the reducer.
 * @return Reduced result if reducer is provided, {@code null} otherwise.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException If any of the futures failed.
@Nullable public static <T, R> R awaitAll(long timeout, @Nullable IgniteReducer<T, R> rdc,
    @Nullable Collection<IgniteInternalFuture<T>> futs) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    if (futs == null || futs.isEmpty())
        return null;

    long end = timeout == 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : U.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;

    // Overflow.
    if (end < 0)
        end = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    // Note that it is important to wait in the natural order of collection and
    // not via listen method, because caller may actually add to this collection
    // concurrently while this method is in progress.
    for (IgniteInternalFuture<T> fut : futs) {
        T t;

        if (timeout > 0) {
            long left = end - U.currentTimeMillis();

            if (left <= 0 && !fut.isDone())
                throw new IgniteFutureTimeoutCheckedException("Timed out waiting for all futures: " + futs);

            if (fut.isDone() && left < 0)
                left = 0;

            t = fut.get(left);
            t = fut.get();

        if (rdc != null)

    return rdc == null ? null : rdc.reduce();
public void renderHead(Component component, IHeaderResponse response) {
	super.renderHead(component, response);
	Collection<SpecialDate> specialDates = getSpecialDates();

			response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new JavaScriptResourceReference(BootstrapDatePickerBehaviour.class, "locales/bootstrap-datepicker."+component.getLocale().getLanguage()+".min.js")));

		if(null != specialDates && !specialDates.isEmpty()) {
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
			SpecialDate[] sdArray = specialDates.toArray(new SpecialDate[20]);
			for(int i = 0; i < specialDates.size(); ++i) {
				SpecialDate sd = sdArray[i];
				sb.append("{dt:new Date('"+df.format(sd.getDt())+"'), css:'"+sd.getCssClass()+"', tooltip:'"+ sd.getTooltip() +"'}");
				if(i < specialDates.size() - 1) {

			response.render(OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript("$(\"#"+component.getMarkupId()+"\").datepicker(null, "+sb.toString()+")"));
		} else {
源代码14 项目: megamek   文件:
 * Sets annotations on a given hex.
 * @param c Coordinates of the hex to apply the annotations to.
 * @param a A collection of annotations to assign to the hex. This may be null.
public void setAnnotations(Coords c, @Nullable Collection<String> a) {
    if (null == a || a.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        annotations.put(c, a);
源代码15 项目: registry   文件:
public void authorizeCreateSchemaBranch(UserAndGroups userAndGroups,
                                        ISchemaRegistry schemaRegistry,
                                        String schemaMetadataName,
                                        Long schemaVersionId,
                                        String branchTocreate)
        throws AuthorizationException, SchemaNotFoundException {

    SchemaMetadata sM = schemaRegistry
    String sGroup = sM.getSchemaGroup();
    String sName = sM.getName();

    Authorizer.SchemaBranchResource schemaBranchResource =
            new Authorizer.SchemaBranchResource(sGroup, sName, branchTocreate);
    authorize(schemaBranchResource, AccessType.CREATE, userAndGroups);

    Collection<SchemaBranch> branchSet = schemaRegistry.getSchemaBranchesForVersion(schemaVersionId);
    if(branchSet.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SchemaNotFoundException("Schema version with id : " + schemaVersionId + " not found");
    String branch = getPrimaryBranch(branchSet);
    Authorizer.SchemaVersionResource schemaVersionResource =
            new Authorizer.SchemaVersionResource(sGroup, sName, branch);
    authorize(schemaVersionResource, AccessType.READ, userAndGroups);
源代码16 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
/** Don't use this for fast pixel grabbing; this is intended for the dropper tool and status bar reporting by mouse motion. */
public int[] getPixel(final int x, final int y, final double mag) {
	// find Patch under cursor
	final Collection<Displayable> under = find(Patch.class, x, y);
	if (null == under || under.isEmpty()) return new int[3]; // zeros
	final Patch pa = (Patch)under.iterator().next();// get(0) // the top one, since they are ordered like html divs
	// TODO: edit here when adding layer mipmaps
	return pa.getPixel(x, y, mag);
源代码17 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Returns a panel for choosing name and target location of the test
 * class. If the panel already exists, returns the existing panel,
 * otherwise creates a new panel.
 * @return  existing panel or a newly created panel if it did not exist
private WizardDescriptor.Panel<WizardDescriptor> getTargetPanel() {
    final Project project = Templates.getProject(wizard);
    if(project == null) { // #176639
        return new StepProblemMessage(project,
                                         "MSG_UnsupportedPlugin")); //NOI18N

    if (targetPanel == null || project != lastSelectedProject) {
        JUnitPlugin plugin = JUnitTestUtil.getPluginForProject(project);
        if (JUnitUtils.isInstanceOfDefaultPlugin(plugin)) {
            targetPanel = new StepProblemMessage(
                                        "MSG_UnsupportedPlugin"));  //NOI18N
        } else {
            Collection<SourceGroup> sourceGroups = JUnitUtils.getTestTargets(project, true);
            if (sourceGroups.isEmpty()) {
                if (SourceGroupModifier.createSourceGroup(project, JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_TYPE_JAVA, JavaProjectConstants.SOURCES_HINT_TEST) != null) {
                    sourceGroups = JUnitUtils.getTestTargets(project, true);

            if (sourceGroups.isEmpty()) {
                targetPanel = new StepProblemMessage(
            } else {
                      testSrcGroups = new SourceGroup[sourceGroups.size()]);
                if (optionsPanel == null) {
                    optionsPanel = new TestSuiteStepLocation();
                targetPanel = JavaTemplates.createPackageChooser(project,
        lastSelectedProject = project;
    return targetPanel;
源代码18 项目: netbeans   文件:
final void addUpdateUnits (File... newFiles) {
    Collection<UpdateUnit> alreadyInstalled = new HashSet<UpdateUnit> ();
    for (File nbm : newFiles) {
        UpdateUnit u = null;
        if(NBM_FILE_FILTER.accept(nbm) || OSGI_BUNDLE_FILTER.accept(nbm)) {
            u = createUpdateUnitFromNBM (nbm, false);
        if (u != null) {
            if (u.getAvailableUpdates () == null || u.getAvailableUpdates ().isEmpty ()) {
                // already installed
                alreadyInstalled.add (u);
            } else if (getCodeName2Unit ().containsKey (u.getCodeName ())) {
                UpdateElement uE1 = u.getAvailableUpdates ().get (0);
                UpdateElement uE2 = getCodeName2Unit ().get (u.getCodeName ()).getAvailableUpdates ().get (0);
                UpdateUnit winnerUnit;
                File winnerFile;
                UpdateUnit looserUnit;
                File looserFile;
                // both are valid, an user have to choose
                String name1 = NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationPlugin", uE1.getDisplayName (), uE1.getSpecificationVersion ()); // NOI18N
                String name2 = NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationPlugin", uE2.getDisplayName (), uE2.getSpecificationVersion ()); // NOI18N
                Object res = DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (
                        new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation (
                        NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationAlreadyPresent", name2, name1), // NOI18N
                        NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationAlreadyPresentTitle"))); // NOI18N
                if (NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION.equals (res)) {
                    winnerUnit = uE1.getUpdateUnit ();
                    winnerFile = nbm;
                    looserUnit = uE2.getUpdateUnit ();
                    looserFile = getNbm (winnerUnit.getCodeName ());
                } else if (NotifyDescriptor.NO_OPTION.equals (res)) {
                    winnerUnit = uE2.getUpdateUnit ();
                    winnerFile = getNbm (winnerUnit.getCodeName ());
                    looserUnit = uE1.getUpdateUnit ();
                    looserFile = nbm;
                } else {
                    // CANCEL_OPTION
                getNbm2CodeName ().remove (looserFile);
                getCodeName2Unit ().remove (looserUnit.getCodeName ());
                getNbm2CodeName ().put (winnerFile, winnerUnit.getCodeName ());
                getCodeName2Unit ().put (winnerUnit.getCodeName (), winnerUnit);
                fileList.removeFile (looserFile);
                Containers.forUpdateNbms ().removeAll ();
                Containers.forAvailableNbms ().removeAll ();
            } else {
                getNbm2CodeName ().put (nbm, u.getCodeName ());
                getCodeName2Unit ().put (u.getCodeName (), u);
        } else {
            fileList.removeFile (nbm);
        if (!alreadyInstalled.isEmpty ()) {
            String msg;
            if (alreadyInstalled.size () == 1) {
                msg = NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationOneAlreadyInstalled", getDisplayNames (alreadyInstalled)); //NOI18N
            } else {
                msg = NbBundle.getMessage(LocalDownloadSupport.class, "NotificationMoreAlreadyInstalled", getDisplayNames (alreadyInstalled)); //NOI18N
            DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Message (
源代码19 项目: purplejs   文件:
public String getFirst( final String key )
    final Collection<String> values = get( key );
    return values.isEmpty() ? null : values.iterator().next();
源代码20 项目: stendhal   文件:
 * Adds a new set of transitions to the FSM.
 * @param triggerExpressions
 *            a list of trigger expressions for this transition, must not be null
 * @param state
 *            the starting state of the FSM
 * @param condition
 *            null or condition that has to return true for this transition
 *            to be considered
 * @param secondary
 * 			  flag to mark secondary transitions to be taken into account after preferred transitions
 * @param nextState
 *            the new state of the FSM
 * @param reply
 *            a simple sentence reply (may be null for no reply)
 * @param action
 *            a special action to be taken (may be null)
 * @param label
 *            a label to find this transition at a later time
public void add(Collection<Expression> triggerExpressions, final ConversationStates state, final ChatCondition condition,
		boolean secondary, final ConversationStates nextState, final String reply, final ChatAction action, final String label) {
	if (triggerExpressions!=null && !triggerExpressions.isEmpty()) {
		stateTransitionTable.add(new Transition(state, triggerExpressions, condition, secondary, nextState, reply, action, label));