java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceAll ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceAll ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: CombatLogX   文件:
public String getLogFileName() {
    FileConfiguration config = getConfig("logger.yml");
    if(config == null) return "logger.log";

    String fileNameOption = config.getString("log-file-info.file-name");
    if(fileNameOption == null) fileNameOption = "logger";

    String fileExtraFormatOption = config.getString("log-file-info.file-extra.format");
    if(fileExtraFormatOption == null) fileExtraFormatOption = "yyyy.MM.dd";

    String fileExtensionOption = config.getString("log-file-info.file-extension");
    if(fileExtensionOption == null) fileExtensionOption = "log";

    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(fileExtraFormatOption);
    Date currentDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    String fileNameExtra = format.format(currentDate);

    String preFileName = (fileNameOption + "-" + fileNameExtra + "." + fileExtensionOption);
    Matcher matcher = FILENAME_REGEX.matcher(preFileName);
    return matcher.replaceAll("_");
源代码2 项目: kairos-carbon   文件:
public CarbonMetric parseMetricName(String metricName)

	Matcher metricMatcher = m_metricPattern.matcher(metricName);
	if (!metricMatcher.matches())
		return (null);

	CarbonMetric ret = new CarbonMetric(metricMatcher.replaceAll(m_metricReplacement));

	Matcher hostMatcher = m_hostPattern.matcher(metricName);
	if (!hostMatcher.matches())
		return (null);

	ret.addTag("host", hostMatcher.replaceAll(m_hostReplacement));

	return (ret);
源代码3 项目: ambiverse-nlu   文件:
 * Applies cleaning patterns to an entity name.
 * @param entityMention Name to clean.
 * @return  Cleaned name.
public static String cleanEntityMention(String entityMention) {
  Matcher m = CLEAN_P_1.matcher(entityMention);
  entityMention = m.replaceAll("");

  m = CLEAN_P_2.matcher(entityMention);
  entityMention = m.replaceAll(" ");

  m = CLEAN_P_3.matcher(entityMention);
  entityMention = m.replaceAll("");

  m = CLEAN_P_4.matcher(entityMention);
  entityMention = m.replaceAll("");

  return entityMention;
源代码4 项目: ghidra   文件:
 * Will change globbing characters to work as expected in Ghidra, unless the
 * special characters are escaped with a backslash.
 * @param input
 *            The string containing potential globbing characters.
 * @return The fixed string
private static String convertGlobbingCharactersToRegex(String input) {
	// NOTE: order is important!

	// replace all unescaped '?' chars
	Matcher questionMatcher = QUESTION_PATTERN.matcher(input);
	String questionReplaced = questionMatcher.replaceAll(".");

	// replace all unescaped '*' chars
	Matcher starMatcher = STAR_PATTERN.matcher(questionReplaced);

	// *? is a Reluctant Quantifier, matching zero or more.  '*' is the quantifier, '?' makes
	// it reluctant
	String starReplaced = starMatcher.replaceAll(".*?");
	return starReplaced;
源代码5 项目: YiBo   文件:
public void setGeoLocation(GeoLocation geoLocation) {
	this.geoLocation = geoLocation;
	if (geoLocation == null) {
	EditText etText  = (EditText)this.findViewById(;
	String status = etText.getEditableText().toString();
	Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(status);
	if (!matcher.find() && locationListener != null && !locationListener.isAutoLocate()) {
		String locationText = getString(R.string.hint_my_location, geoLocation.getLatitude(), geoLocation.getLongitude());
		etText.setText(status + " " + locationText + " ");
	} else {
		status = matcher.replaceAll(MAP + geoLocation.getLatitude() + "," + geoLocation.getLongitude());
源代码6 项目: BmapLite   文件:
 * 去除html标签
 * @param htmlStr
 * @return
private static String delHTMLTag(String htmlStr) {
    String regExScript = "<script[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/script>"; //定义script的正则表达式
    String regExStyle = "<style[^>]*?>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/style>"; //定义style的正则表达式
    String regExHtml = "<[^>]+>"; //定义HTML标签的正则表达式

    Pattern pScript = Pattern.compile(regExScript, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher mScript = pScript.matcher(htmlStr);
    htmlStr = mScript.replaceAll(""); //过滤script标签

    Pattern pStyle = Pattern.compile(regExStyle, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher mStyle = pStyle.matcher(htmlStr);
    htmlStr = mStyle.replaceAll(""); //过滤style标签

    Pattern pHtml = Pattern.compile(regExHtml, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher mHtml = pHtml.matcher(htmlStr);
    htmlStr = mHtml.replaceAll(""); //过滤html标签

    return htmlStr.trim(); //返回文本字符串
public void whenRemoveEmojiUsingMatcher_thenSuccess() {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
    String result = matcher.replaceAll("");
    assertEquals(result, "la conférence, commencera à 10 heures ");
源代码8 项目: vertx-swagger   文件:
private static String convertParametersToVertx(String path) {
    Matcher pathMatcher = PATH_PARAMETERS.matcher(path);

    while (pathMatcher.find()) {

    return pathMatcher.replaceAll(":$1");
源代码9 项目: karaf-decanter   文件:
protected final String cleanLoggerName(String loggerName) {
    Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(loggerName);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        return matcher.replaceAll("_");
    } else {
        return loggerName;
源代码10 项目: Kandroid   文件:
public static URL sanitizeURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
    Matcher regexMatcher = urlPattern.matcher(url);
    if (regexMatcher.find()) {
        //URL has filename, replace it
        return new URL(regexMatcher.replaceAll("jsonrpc.php"));
    } else {
        //URL hs no filename, add one
        if (!url.endsWith("/"))
            url += "/";
        url += "jsonrpc.php";
        return new URL(url);
源代码11 项目: deeplearning4j   文件:
public static void executeTest(Configuration configWriter, Configuration configReader, File inputFile) throws Exception {
    File tempFile = File.createTempFile("SVMLightRecordWriter", ".txt");
    if (tempFile.exists())

    try (SVMLightRecordWriter writer = new SVMLightRecordWriter()) {
        FileSplit outputSplit = new FileSplit(tempFile);
        writer.initialize(configWriter,outputSplit,new NumberOfRecordsPartitioner());
        SVMLightRecordReader rr = new SVMLightRecordReader();
        rr.initialize(configReader, new FileSplit(inputFile));
        while (rr.hasNext()) {
            List<Writable> record =;

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(String.format("%s:\\d+ ", SVMLightRecordReader.QID_PREFIX));
    List<String> linesOriginal = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(inputFile)) {
        if (!line.startsWith(SVMLightRecordReader.COMMENT_CHAR)) {
            String lineClean = line.split(SVMLightRecordReader.COMMENT_CHAR, 2)[0];
            if (lineClean.startsWith(" ")) {
                lineClean = " " + lineClean.trim();
            } else {
                lineClean = lineClean.trim();
            Matcher m = p.matcher(lineClean);
            lineClean = m.replaceAll("");
    List<String> linesNew = FileUtils.readLines(tempFile);
    assertEquals(linesOriginal, linesNew);
源代码12 项目: enkan   文件:
public String interpolationChunk(OptionMap hash) {
    String value = hash.getString(getKey());
    try {
        value = CodecUtils.urlEncode(value);
        Matcher m = ENCODED_SLASH.matcher(value);
        return m.replaceAll("/");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return value;
源代码13 项目: gsc-core   文件:
private static byte[] replaceLibraryAddress(String code, String libraryAddressPair) {

    String[] libraryAddressList = libraryAddressPair.split("[,]");

    for (int i = 0; i < libraryAddressList.length; i++) {
      String cur = libraryAddressList[i];

      int lastPosition = cur.lastIndexOf(":");
      if (-1 == lastPosition) {
        throw new RuntimeException("libraryAddress delimit by ':'");
      String libraryName = cur.substring(0, lastPosition);
      String addr = cur.substring(lastPosition + 1);
      String libraryAddressHex;
      try {
        libraryAddressHex = (new String(Hex.encode(WalletClient.decodeFromBase58Check(addr)),
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);  // now ignore
      String repeated = new String(new char[40 - libraryName.length() - 2]).replace("\0", "_");
      String beReplaced = "__" + libraryName + repeated;
      Matcher m = Pattern.compile(beReplaced).matcher(code);
      code = m.replaceAll(libraryAddressHex);

    return Hex.decode(code);
源代码14 项目: MergeProcessor   文件:
 * Extracts the repository name of the given {@link String}. If no repository
 * name could be parsed a {@link MergeUnitException} is thrown.
 * @param fileName the {@link String} to parse
 * @return the repository name
 * @throws MergeUnitException if no repository name could be parsed
private static String getRepositoryName(String fileName) throws MergeUnitException {
	final Matcher matcher = PATTERN_REMOVE_ALL_EXCLUDE_REPONAME.matcher(fileName);
	if (matcher.find()) {
		final String repository = matcher.replaceAll(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (!repository.isEmpty()) {
			return repository;
	throw LogUtil.throwing(new MergeUnitException(
			String.format("No repository identified in the given file name '%s'", fileName))); //$NON-NLS-1$
源代码15 项目: TikTok   文件:
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {
            String content = editable.toString();
            if (atBeforeAfter == 1 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(content)) {
                char mentionChar = content.charAt(atBeforeStart);
                if ('@' == mentionChar && mOnMentionInputListener != null) {

            if(!isCanInputLineFeed && content.contains("\n")){
                Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\r|\n");
                Matcher m = p.matcher(content);
                content = m.replaceAll("");
                if (isShowToast) {
//                    ToastTool.showShort(AppUtil.getApplicationContext(), AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.edit_text_max_length_hint_not_line_feed));
            content = editable.toString();

            if (content.length() > maxEdit) {
                String afterStr = content.substring(beforeStart,beforeStart+beforeAfter);
                int residue = maxEdit - lastText.length();
                if(containsEmoji(afterStr) || afterStr.contains("@") || residue < 0){
                    residue = 0;
                editable.delete(beforeStart + residue,beforeStart + beforeAfter);
                if (isShowToast) {
//                    ToastTool.showShort(AppUtil.getApplicationContext(), AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.edit_text_max_length_hint, maxEdit));

 * Returns an array of transformer property names (and optional values).
 * @param text to be parsed
 * @param hasValue values are required, optionally exist when false.
 * @param transformerReferences map of transformerReferences to a line that referenced them.
 * @param dynamicTransformerNames added via properties
 * @return a list of cleaned up transformer properties from the text
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an unexpected line is found
private List<String> extractProperties(String text, boolean hasValue, Map<String,
        String> transformerReferences, Set<String> dynamicTransformerNames)
    List<String> properties = new ArrayList<String>();
    text = fixJConsolesMissingNewlines(text);
    // Split the lines
    Matcher lineMatcher = LINE_SPLIT.matcher(text);
    while (lineMatcher.find())
        String line =;
        // Strip comments from lines
        Matcher commentMatcher = COMMENT.matcher(line);
        line = commentMatcher.replaceAll("");
        // Ignore blank lines
        if (line.length() != 0)
            String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase(); // Should we set the lower case value anyway
            if (lowerLine.startsWith(TransformerConfig.PREFIX))
                checkTransformerProperty(hasValue, line, transformerReferences, dynamicTransformerNames);
            else if (lowerLine.startsWith(TransformerConfig.DEBUG_ENTRIES))
                checkInteger(hasValue, line, TransformerConfig.DEBUG_ENTRIES.length());
            else if (lowerLine.startsWith(TransformerConfig.LOG_ENTRIES))
                checkInteger(hasValue, line, TransformerConfig.LOG_ENTRIES.length());
            else if (lowerLine.startsWith(TransformerConfig.STRICT_MIMETYPE_CHECK_WHITELIST_MIMETYPES))
                checkMimetypeList(hasValue, line, TransformerConfig.STRICT_MIMETYPE_CHECK_WHITELIST_MIMETYPES.length(), true);
                throw unexpectedProperty("Not a transformer property", line);
    return properties;
源代码17 项目: tx-lcn   文件:
private String getTableName(String modelName) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-z0-9A-Z]");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(modelName);
    return matcher.replaceAll("_");
源代码18 项目: kvf-admin   文件:
private static String regexReplace(final Pattern regex_pattern, final String replacement, final String s) {
    Matcher m = regex_pattern.matcher(s);
    return m.replaceAll(replacement);
源代码19 项目: rice   文件:
 * Excapes out HTML to prevent XSS attacks, and replaces the following
 * strings to allow for a limited set of HTML tags
 * <li>[X] and [/X], where X represents any 1 or 2 letter string may be used
 * to specify the equivalent tag in HTML (i.e. &lt;X&gt; and &lt;/X&gt;) <li>
 * [font COLOR], where COLOR represents any valid html color (i.e. color
 * name or hexcode preceeded by #) will be filtered into &lt;font
 * color="COLOR"/&gt; <li>[/font] will be filtered into &lt;/font&gt; <li>
 * [table CLASS], where CLASS gives the style class to use, will be filter
 * into &lt;table class="CLASS"/&gt; <li>[/table] will be filtered into
 * &lt;/table&gt; <li>[td CLASS], where CLASS gives the style class to use,
 * will be filter into &lt;td class="CLASS"/&gt;
 * @param inputString
 * @return
public static String filterHtmlAndReplaceRiceMarkup(String inputString) {
	String outputString = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(inputString);
	// string has been escaped of all <, >, and & (and other characters)

       Map<String, String> findAndReplacePatterns = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

       // now replace our rice custom markup into html


       //strip out instances where javascript precedes a URL
       findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[a ((javascript|JAVASCRIPT|JavaScript).+)\\]", "");
       //turn passed a href value into appropriate tag
       findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[a (.+)\\]", "<a href=\"$1\">");
       findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[/a\\]", "</a>");
	// filter any one character tags
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[([A-Za-z])\\]", "<$1>");
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[/([A-Za-z])\\]", "</$1>");
	// filter any two character tags
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[([A-Za-z]{2})\\]", "<$1>");
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[/([A-Za-z]{2})\\]", "</$1>");
	// filter the font tag
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[font (#[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6}|[A-Za-z]+)\\]", "<font color=\"$1\">");
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[/font\\]", "</font>");
	// filter the table tag
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[table\\]", "<table>");
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[table ([A-Za-z]+)\\]", "<table class=\"$1\">");
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[/table\\]", "</table>");
	// fiter td with class
	findAndReplacePatterns.put("\\[td ([A-Za-z]+)\\]", "<td class=\"$1\">");

	for (String findPattern : findAndReplacePatterns.keySet()) {
		Pattern p = Pattern.compile(findPattern);
		Matcher m = p.matcher(outputString);
		if (m.find()) {
			String replacePattern = findAndReplacePatterns.get(findPattern);
			outputString = m.replaceAll(replacePattern);

	return outputString;
源代码20 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件:
 * Replace the username token
 * @param matcher the replacement pattern
 * @param string the target string
 * @param username the supplied username
 * @return the modified string
private String replaceUsernameToken(Matcher matcher, String string,
    String username) {
    return matcher != null ? matcher.replaceAll(username) : string;