java.util.regex.Matcher#quoteReplacement ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.regex.Matcher#quoteReplacement ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: crate   文件:
 * Lookup a value from the stash adding support for a special key ({@code $_path}) which
 * returns a string that is the location in the path of the of the object currently being
 * unstashed. This is useful during documentation testing.
private Object getValue(List<Object> path, String key) throws IOException {
    Matcher matcher = PATH.matcher(key);
    if (false == matcher.find()) {
        return getValue(key);
    StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    Iterator<Object> element = path.iterator();
    if (element.hasNext()) {
        pathBuilder.append(".", "\\."));
        while (element.hasNext()) {
            pathBuilder.append(".", "\\."));
    String builtPath = Matcher.quoteReplacement(pathBuilder.toString());
    StringBuffer newKey = new StringBuffer(key.length());
    do {
        matcher.appendReplacement(newKey, builtPath);
    } while (matcher.find());
    return getValue(newKey.toString());
源代码2 项目: datakernel   文件:
public static HttpResponse render(Throwable e, int code) {
	StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
	e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
	Matcher matcher = STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT.matcher(writer.toString());
	StringBuffer stacktrace = new StringBuffer();
	while (matcher.find()) {
		String cls =;
		String quotedFile = Matcher.quoteReplacement(cls.substring(0, cls.length() - 1).replace('.', '/').replaceAll("\\$.*(?:\\.|$)", ""));
		matcher.appendReplacement(stacktrace, "$1<a data-target=\"api/file/" + quotedFile + "$4$5\">$3</a>)");
	return HttpResponse.ofCode(500)
					.replace("{title}", HttpUtils.getHttpErrorTitle(code))
					.replace("{stacktrace}", stacktrace));
源代码3 项目: HongsCORE   文件:
 * fixSQLAlias 的内部方法
 * @param s
 * @param an
 * @return
private static CharSequence fixSQLAliaz(CharSequence s, String an)
    Matcher m = SQL_ALIAS.matcher(s);
    String  n ;

    if (m.find()) {
            n =;
        if ( ":".equals(n) || "!".equals(n)) {
            return s;
            n =;
        if (n == null) {
            n =;
        if ( == null) {
            n = "`"+n+"` AS `"+an+"."+n+"`";
        } else {
            n = /* Alias */"`"+an+"."+n+"`";
        n = Matcher.quoteReplacement(n);
        s = m.replaceFirst("$1"+n+"$4");

    return s;
源代码4 项目: secure-data-service   文件:
private String getQueryValueForQueryParameters(String queryName,
		String queryParameters) {
	String queryValue = null;
	String[] queries = queryParameters.split("&");
	String queryRegEx = "^" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(queryName) + "=.+";

	for (String query : queries) {
		if (query.matches(queryRegEx)) {
			int indexOfQueryValue = queryRegEx.length() - 3;
			queryValue = query.substring(indexOfQueryValue);

	return queryValue;
源代码5 项目: spring4-understanding   文件:
static String expandUriComponent(String source, UriTemplateVariables uriVariables) {
	if (source == null) {
		return null;
	if (source.indexOf('{') == -1) {
		return source;
	if (source.indexOf(':') != -1) {
		source = sanitizeSource(source);
	Matcher matcher = NAMES_PATTERN.matcher(source);
	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
	while (matcher.find()) {
		String match =;
		String variableName = getVariableName(match);
		Object variableValue = uriVariables.getValue(variableName);
		if (UriTemplateVariables.SKIP_VALUE.equals(variableValue)) {
		String variableValueString = getVariableValueAsString(variableValue);
		String replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(variableValueString);
		matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement);
	return sb.toString();
源代码6 项目: vscrawler   文件:
public static Integer replaceAll(Object orig_value_obj, Object repl_obj, Object ere_obj, StringBuffer sb, String convfmt) {
	String orig_value = toAwkString(orig_value_obj, convfmt);
	String repl = toAwkString(repl_obj, convfmt);
	String ere = toAwkString(ere_obj, convfmt);
	// remove special meaning for backslash and dollar signs
	repl = Matcher.quoteReplacement(repl);

	Pattern p = Pattern.compile(ere);
	Matcher m = p.matcher(orig_value);
	int cnt = 0;
	while (m.find()) {
		m.appendReplacement(sb, repl);
	return Integer.valueOf(cnt);
源代码7 项目: lams   文件:
public String executeMacro(TeXParser tp, String[] args) {
    String code = macrocode.get(args[0]);
    String rep;
    int nbargs = args.length - 11;
    int dec = 0;

    if (args[nbargs + 1] != null) {
        dec = 1;
        rep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(args[nbargs + 1]);
        code = code.replaceAll("#1", rep);
    } else if (macroreplacement.get(args[0]) != null) {
        dec = 1;
        rep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(macroreplacement.get(args[0]));
        code = code.replaceAll("#1", rep);

    for (int i = 1; i <= nbargs; i++) {
        rep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(args[i]);
        code = code.replaceAll("#" + (i + dec), rep);

    return code;
源代码8 项目: jpexs-decompiler   文件:
 * Executes the parser in order to parse the script with the expressions
 * added via {@link #remove(String)}, {@link #ignore(String)},
 * {@link #replace(String,String)} and {@link #replace(String,Evaluator)}.
 * Using a {@link ReplacementStrategy} object, a custom replacement
 * algorithm can be used.
 * @param input
 *            The script to be parsed
 * @param strategy
 *            The {@link ReplacementStrategy} object for custom replacement
 * @return The parsed script
public String exec(String input, ReplacementStrategy strategy) {
    Matcher matcher = buildPatterns().matcher(input);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(input.length());
    while (matcher.find()) {
        String rep = strategy.replace(jpatterns, matcher);
        if (rep != null && !rep.isEmpty()) {
            rep = Matcher.quoteReplacement(rep);
        matcher.appendReplacement(sb, rep);
    return DELETED.matcher(sb).replaceAll("");
源代码9 项目: bcm-android   文件:
 * Return a representation of the pattern used by this instance for formatting and
 * parsing.  The format is similar to, but not the same as the format recognized by the
 * {@link Builder#pattern} and {@link Builder#localizedPattern} methods.  The pattern
 * returned by this method is localized, any currency signs expressed are literally, and
 * optional fractional decimal places are shown grouped in parentheses.
public String pattern() {
    synchronized (numberFormat) {
        StringBuilder groups = new StringBuilder();
        for (int group : decimalGroups) {
            groups.append("(").append(Strings.repeat("#", group)).append(")");
        DecimalFormatSymbols s = numberFormat.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
        String digit = String.valueOf(s.getDigit());
        String exp = s.getExponentSeparator();
        String groupSep = String.valueOf(s.getGroupingSeparator());
        String moneySep = String.valueOf(s.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator());
        String zero = String.valueOf(s.getZeroDigit());
        String boundary = String.valueOf(s.getPatternSeparator());
        String minus = String.valueOf(s.getMinusSign());
        String decSep = String.valueOf(s.getDecimalSeparator());

        String prefixAndNumber = "(^|" + boundary + ")" +
                "([^" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(digit + zero + groupSep + decSep + moneySep) + "']*('[^']*')?)*" +
                "[" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(digit + zero + groupSep + decSep + moneySep + exp) + "]+";

        return numberFormat.toLocalizedPattern().
                replaceAll(prefixAndNumber, "$0" + groups.toString()).
                replaceAll("¤¤", Matcher.quoteReplacement(coinCode())).
                replaceAll("¤", Matcher.quoteReplacement(coinSymbol()));
源代码10 项目: vscrawler   文件:
public static Integer replaceFirst(Object orig_value_obj, Object repl_obj, Object ere_obj, StringBuffer sb, String convfmt) {
	String orig_value = toAwkString(orig_value_obj, convfmt);
	String repl = toAwkString(repl_obj, convfmt);
	String ere = toAwkString(ere_obj, convfmt);
	// remove special meaning for backslash and dollar signs
	repl = Matcher.quoteReplacement(repl);
	sb.append(orig_value.replaceFirst(ere, repl));
	if (sb.toString().equals(orig_value)) {
		return ZERO;
	} else {
		return ONE;
源代码11 项目: apk-dependency-graph   文件:
public Filter<String> makePathFilter() {
    String replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator);
 replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement);
    String packageNameAsPath = inputFilters.getPackageName().replaceAll("\\.", replacement);
    String packageNameRegex = ".*" + packageNameAsPath + ".*";
    RegexFilter filter = new RegexFilter(packageNameRegex);
    return filter;
源代码12 项目: spring-boot-cookbook   文件:
 * 简单实现${}模板功能
 * 如${var1} content ${var2} 其中 ${var1}, ${var2} 为占位符. 可用相关变量进行替换
 * @param template 模板字符串
 * @param params   需要被替换的变量名和变量值之间的映射关系
 * @return
public static String process(String template, Map<String, String> params) {
    Assert.notNull(template, "template must not be null");
    Assert.notEmpty(params, "params must not be empty");
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
        String replacement = entry.getValue();
        replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement);
        template = template.replaceAll("\\$\\{".concat(entry.getKey().trim()).concat("\\}"), replacement);
    return template;
源代码13 项目: nifi   文件:
 * If we have a '$' followed by anything other than a number, then escape
 * it. E.g., '$d' becomes '\$d' so that it can be used as a literal in a
 * regex.
private static String normalizeReplacementString(String replacement) {
    String replacementFinal = replacement;
    if (REPLACEMENT_NORMALIZATION_PATTERN.matcher(replacement).find()) {
        replacementFinal = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement);
    return replacementFinal;
源代码14 项目: incubator-heron   文件:
 * Given a static config map, substitute occurrences of ${HERON_*} variables
 * in the provided path string
 * @param config a static map config object of key value pairs
 * @param pathString string representing a path including ${HERON_*} variables
 * @return String string that represents the modified path
public static String substitute(Config config, String pathString) {

  // trim the leading and trailing spaces
  String trimmedPath = pathString.trim();

  if (isURL(trimmedPath)) {
    return substituteURL(config, trimmedPath);

  // get platform independent file separator
  String fileSeparator = Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator);

  // split the trimmed path into a list of components
  List<String> fixedList = Arrays.asList(trimmedPath.split(fileSeparator));
  List<String> list = new LinkedList<>(fixedList);

  // substitute various variables
  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    String elem = list.get(i);

    if ("${HOME}".equals(elem) || "~".equals(elem)) {
      list.set(i, System.getProperty("user.home"));

    } else if ("${JAVA_HOME}".equals(elem)) {
      String javaPath = System.getenv("JAVA_HOME");
      if (javaPath != null) {
        list.set(i, javaPath);
    } else if (isToken(elem)) {
      Matcher m = TOKEN_PATTERN.matcher(elem);
      if (m.matches()) {
        String token =;
        try {
          // For backwards compatibility the ${TOPOLOGY} token will match Key.TOPOLOGY_NAME
          if ("TOPOLOGY".equals(token)) {
            token = "TOPOLOGY_NAME";
          Key key = Key.valueOf(token);
          String value = config.getStringValue(key);
          if (value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Config value %s contains "
                    + "substitution token %s but the corresponding config setting %s not found",
                pathString, elem, key.value()));
          list.set(i, value);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          LOG.fine(String.format("Config value %s contains substitution token %s which is "
                  + "not defined in the Key enum, which is required for token substitution",
              pathString, elem));

  return combinePaths(list);
源代码15 项目: HongsCORE   文件:
public Object merge(Value watch, String param) throws Wrong {
    Map vars = watch.getCleans();
    Set a = Synt.setOf(); // 缺失的键
    int i = 0; // 缺值数量
    int j = 0; // 取值数量

     * 以下代码源自 Syno.inject

    Matcher matcher = INJ.matcher(param);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Object       ob;
    String       st;
    String       sd;

    while  ( matcher.find() ) {
        st =;

        if (! st.equals("$")) {
            if (st.startsWith("{")) {
                st = st.substring(1, st.length() - 1);
                // 默认值
                int p  = st.indexOf  ("|");
                if (p != -1) {
                    sd = st.substring(1+p);
                    st = st.substring(0,p);
                } else {
                    sd = "";
            } else {
                    sd = "";

            // 记下缺失的字段
            if (! vars.containsKey(st)) {
                a.add( st );
                i ++;
            }   j ++;

                ob  = vars.get (st);
            if (ob != null) {
                st  = ob.toString();
            } else {
                st  = sd;

        st = Matcher.quoteReplacement(st);
        matcher.appendReplacement(sb, st);

     * 创建时不理会缺失的值, 作空处理即可
     * 更新时除非全部未给值, 否则校验错误
    if (watch.isUpdate( )) {
        if (i != j) {
            throw new Wrong("core.error.default.need.vars", a.toString());
        } else {
            return  BLANK ;

    return sb.toString(  );
源代码16 项目: L2jOrg   文件:
 * @return the escaped class client Id formatted to be displayed on a HTML.
public String getEscapedClientCode() {
    return Matcher.quoteReplacement(getClientCode());
源代码17 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Parse special characters with String replacement
public static String replaceSpecials(String replacement) {

	return Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement);
源代码18 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
protected SyslogLayout(final Facility facility, final boolean includeNL, final String escapeNL, final Charset charset) {
    this.facility = facility;
    this.includeNewLine = includeNL;
    this.escapeNewLine = escapeNL == null ? null : Matcher.quoteReplacement(escapeNL);
源代码19 项目: Voovan   文件:
 * 快速字符串替换算法
 * @param source      源字符串
 * @param regex       正则字符串
 * @param replacement 替换字符串
 * @param quoteReplacement 对 replacement 是否进行转移
 * @return 替换后的字符串
public static String fastReplaceAll(String source, String regex, String replacement, Integer flags, boolean quoteReplacement) {
	Pattern pattern = getCachedPattern(regex, flags);
	if(quoteReplacement) {
		replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement);
	return pattern.matcher(source).replaceAll(replacement);
源代码20 项目: pra   文件:
* Escape <tt>'$'</tt> and <tt>'\'</tt> characters in replacement strings.
* <P>Synonym for <tt>Matcher.quoteReplacement(String)</tt>.
* <P>The following methods use replacement strings which treat 
* <tt>'$'</tt> and <tt>'\'</tt> as special characters:
* <ul>
* <li><tt>String.replaceAll(String, String)</tt>
* <li><tt>String.replaceFirst(String, String)</tt>
* <li><tt>Matcher.appendReplacement(StringBuffer, String)</tt>
* </ul>
* <P>If replacement text can contain arbitrary characters, then you 
* will usually need to escape that text, to ensure special characters 
* are interpreted literally.
public static String forReplacementString(String aInput){
  return Matcher.quoteReplacement(aInput);