java.util.LinkedList#addLast ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.LinkedList#addLast ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Puts a specific parfor statistic for future analysis into the repository.
 * @param id ?
 * @param type parfor statistic type
 * @param s ?
public static void putPFStat( long id, Stat type, double s)
	if( _disabled )
		return; // do nothing
	//check if parfor exists
	if( !_pfstats.containsKey(id) )
		_pfstats.put(id, new HashMap<Stat,LinkedList<Double>>());
	HashMap<Stat,LinkedList<Double>> allstats = _pfstats.get(id);
	//check if stat type exists
	if( !allstats.containsKey(type) )
		allstats.put(type, new LinkedList<Double>());
	LinkedList<Double> stats = allstats.get(type);
	//add new stat
源代码2 项目: Elasticsearch   文件:
public ShardIterator replicaActiveInitializingShardIt() {
    // If the primaries are unassigned, return an empty list (there aren't
    // any replicas to query anyway)
    if (noPrimariesActive()) {
        return new PlainShardIterator(shardId, NO_SHARDS);

    LinkedList<ShardRouting> ordered = new LinkedList<>();
    for (ShardRouting replica : shuffler.shuffle(replicas)) {
        if ( {
        } else if (replica.initializing()) {
    return new PlainShardIterator(shardId, ordered);
源代码3 项目: egads   文件:
public static void addQ(LinkedList<Float> Q, List<Float> P) {
    Iterator<Float> it = P.iterator();
    float p = 0;
    LinkedList<Float> temp = new LinkedList<Float>();

    for (float q : Q) {
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            p =;

        temp.addLast(p + q);

public List<List<Integer>> levelOrderBottom(TreeNode root) {
    List<List<Integer>> res = new LinkedList<>();
    if (root == null) {
        return res;
    LinkedList<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
        int size = queue.size();
        List<Integer> curLevel = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            TreeNode node = queue.removeFirst();
            if (node.left != null) {
            if (node.right != null) {
        res.add(0, curLevel);
    return res;
源代码5 项目: egads   文件:
public static void multiplyQ(LinkedList<Float> Q, List<Float> P) {
    Iterator<Float> it = P.iterator();
    float p = 0;
    LinkedList<Float> temp = new LinkedList<Float>();

    for (float q : Q) {
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            p =;

        temp.addLast(q * p);

源代码6 项目: RankPL   文件:
public void testShiftFTF10() throws RPLException {
	AbstractExpression condition = and(geq(var("x"), lit(4)), leq(var("x"), lit(6)));

	LinkedList<State> output = new LinkedList<State>();
	closed = false;
	JShifter m = new JShifter(new Executor() {
		public void close() throws RPLException {
			closed = true;
		public void push(State s) throws RPLException {
	}, condition, 10);

	m.push(s1, 0);
	assertEquals(list(), output);
	m.push(s2, 1); 
	assertEquals(list(), output); 
	m.push(s3, 2); 
	assertEquals(list(), output); 
	m.push(s4, 3); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0), output);
	m.push(s5, 4); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1), output);
	m.push(s6, 5); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1, s6, 2), output);
	m.push(s7, 6); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1, s6, 2), output);
	m.push(s8, 7); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1, s6, 2), output);
	m.push(s9, 8); 
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1, s6, 2), output);
	assertEquals(list(s4, 0, s5, 1, s6, 2, s1, 10, s2, 11, s3, 12, s7, 16, s8, 17, s9, 18), output);
源代码7 项目: RankPL   文件:
public void testShiftTF1() throws RPLException {
	AbstractExpression condition = lt(var("x"), lit(4));
	LinkedList<State> output = new LinkedList<State>();
	closed = false;
	LShifter m = new LShifter(new Executor() {
		public void close() throws RPLException {
			closed = true;
		public void push(State s) throws RPLException {
	}, condition, 1);

	m.push(s1, 0);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0), output);
	m.push(s2, 1);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1), output);
	m.push(s3, 2);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1, s3, 2), output);
	m.push(s4, 3);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1, s3, 2), output);
	m.push(s5, 4);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1, s3, 2, s4, 4), output);
	m.push(s6, 5);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1, s3, 2, s4, 4, s5, 5), output);
	assertEquals(list(s1, 0, s2, 1, s3, 2, s4, 4, s5, 5, s6, 6), output);
源代码8 项目: JAADAS   文件:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    String s1 = req.getParameter(FIELD_NAME);
    LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
    String s2 = (String) ll.getLast();
    PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();  
    writer.println(s2);                    /* BAD */
private void doVisit(FileVisitor visitor, File file, LinkedList<String> relativePath, int segmentIndex, AtomicBoolean stopFlag) {
    if (stopFlag.get()) {

    String segment = patternSegments.get(segmentIndex);

    if (segment.contains("**")) {
        PatternSet patternSet = new PatternSet();
        DirectoryFileTree fileTree = new DirectoryFileTree(baseDir, patternSet);
        fileTree.visitFrom(visitor, file, new RelativePath(file.isFile(), relativePath.toArray(new String[relativePath.size()])));
    } else if (segment.contains("*") || segment.contains("?")) {
        PatternStep step = PatternStepFactory.getStep(segment, false);
        File[] children = file.listFiles();
        if (children == null) {
            if (!file.canRead()) {
                throw new GradleException(String.format("Could not list contents of directory '%s' as it is not readable.", file));
            // else, might be a link which points to nothing, or has been removed while we're visiting, or ...
            throw new GradleException(String.format("Could not list contents of '%s'.", file));
        for (File child : children) {
            if (stopFlag.get()) { break; }
            if (step.matches(child.getName())) {
                doVisitDirOrFile(visitor, child, relativePath, segmentIndex + 1, stopFlag);
    } else {
        doVisitDirOrFile(visitor, new File(file, segment), relativePath, segmentIndex + 1, stopFlag);
源代码10 项目: neoscada   文件:
static String makeVersion ( String version )
    if ( version == null )
        return null;

    //  remove trailing -SNAPSHOT
    version = version.replaceAll ( "-SNAPSHOT$", "" );
    final LinkedList<String> toks = new LinkedList<String> ( Arrays.asList ( version.split ( "\\.", 4 ) ) );

    while ( toks.size () > 3 )
        toks.removeLast ();
    while ( toks.size () < 3 )
        toks.addLast ( "0" );

    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();

    while ( !toks.isEmpty () )
        if ( sb.length () > 0 )
            sb.append ( '.' );
        sb.append ( toks.pollFirst () );

    return sb.toString ();
源代码11 项目: consulo   文件:
public List<TextRange> select(final PsiElement e, final CharSequence editorText, final int cursorOffset, final Editor editor) {
  final VirtualFile file = e.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile();
  final FileType fileType = file == null? null : file.getFileType();
  if (fileType == null) return, editorText, cursorOffset, editor);
  final int textLength = editorText.length();
  final TextRange totalRange = e.getTextRange();
  final HighlighterIterator iterator = ((EditorEx)editor).getHighlighter().createIterator(totalRange.getStartOffset());
  final BraceMatcher braceMatcher = BraceMatchingUtil.getBraceMatcher(fileType, iterator);

  final ArrayList<TextRange> result = new ArrayList<TextRange>();
  final LinkedList<Trinity<Integer, Integer, IElementType>> stack = new LinkedList<Trinity<Integer, Integer, IElementType>>();
  while (!iterator.atEnd() && iterator.getStart() < totalRange.getEndOffset()) {
    final Trinity<Integer, Integer, IElementType> last;
    if (braceMatcher.isLBraceToken(iterator, editorText, fileType)) {
      stack.addLast(Trinity.create(iterator.getStart(), iterator.getEnd(), iterator.getTokenType()));
    else if (braceMatcher.isRBraceToken(iterator, editorText, fileType)
        && !stack.isEmpty() && braceMatcher.isPairBraces((last = stack.getLast()).third, iterator.getTokenType())) {
      result.addAll(expandToWholeLine(editorText, new TextRange(last.first, iterator.getEnd())));
      int bodyStart = last.second;
      int bodyEnd = iterator.getStart();
      while (bodyStart < textLength && Character.isWhitespace(editorText.charAt(bodyStart))) bodyStart ++;
      while (bodyEnd > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(editorText.charAt(bodyEnd - 1))) bodyEnd --;
      result.addAll(expandToWholeLine(editorText, new TextRange(bodyStart, bodyEnd)));
  return result;
public List<List<Writable>> mapSequence(List<List<Writable>> sequence) {
    int colIdx = inputSchema.getIndexOfColumn(columnName);
    ColumnType columnType = inputSchema.getType(colIdx);
    List<List<Writable>> out = new ArrayList<>(sequence.size());
    LinkedList<Writable> window = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++) {
        Writable current = sequence.get(i).get(colIdx);
        if (window.size() > lookback) {
        Writable reduced;
        if (window.size() < lookback && edgeCaseHandling == EdgeCaseHandling.SpecifiedValue) {
            reduced = edgeCaseValue;
        } else {
            IAggregableReduceOp<Writable, List<Writable>> reductionOp = AggregableReductionUtils
                            .reduceColumn(Collections.singletonList(op), columnType, false, null);
            for (Writable w : window) {
            reduced = reductionOp.get().get(0);
        ArrayList<Writable> outThisStep = new ArrayList<>(sequence.get(i).size() + 1);

    return out;
源代码13 项目: distributedlog   文件:
private static void deleteOldSegmentAndCreateNewSegment(LogSegmentMetadata oldMetadata,
                                                        String newSegmentsPath,
                                                        List<ACL> acls,
                                                        LinkedList<Op> createOps,
                                                        LinkedList<Op> deleteOps) {
        newSegmentsPath + "/" + oldMetadata.getZNodeName(),
源代码14 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Add a runtime event to the runtime event queue. The queue has a fixed
 * size {@link RuntimeEvent#RUNTIME_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE} and the oldest
 * entry will be thrown out of the queue is about to overflow
 * @param self self reference
 * @param event event to add
@Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, where = Where.CONSTRUCTOR)
public static void addRuntimeEvent(final Object self, final Object event) {
    final LinkedList<RuntimeEvent<?>> q = getEventQueue(self);
    final int cap = (Integer)getEventQueueCapacity(self);
    while (q.size() >= cap) {
源代码15 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
private double Proposal_multistepOnNode() {
	int rootNodeNum = treeModel.getRoot().getNumber();
	//unlike the old version, self-move isn't allowed.
	int originalNode1 = findAnOnNodeRandomly();			//find an on-node
	//System.out.print("Try " + originalNode1);
	int[] numStepsFromI_selected =determineTreeNeighborhood(originalNode1, 100000);
	//1. Select an unoccupied site within some steps away from it.	 
	 LinkedList<Integer> possibilities1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	 for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){
		// System.out.println("#steps from I_selected " + numStepsFromI_selected[i]);
		 //make sure no self select
		 boolean isIn1 = numStepsFromI_selected[i] <= maxNodeLevel && numStepsFromI_selected[i] !=0 && i != rootNodeNum;
			possibilities1.addLast(new Integer(i));
	 }//end for		
	 int numPossibilities1 = possibilities1.size();		 
	 int whichMove = (int) (Math.floor(Math.random()*numPossibilities1)); //choose from possibilities
		 int site_add1 = possibilities1.get(whichMove).intValue();
		curNode = site_add1;

	//	 System.out.println(" and select " + site_add1);
	// System.out.println("selected node = " + site_add1 + " that's " + numStepsFromI_selected[site_add1] + " steps from " + originalNode1);
	indicators.setParameterValue(originalNode1, 0); // the existing indicator is now set to be off
	indicators.setParameterValue(site_add1, 1); //set the new selected index to the new node.

	//backward calculation
	int[] numStepsBackward =determineTreeNeighborhood(site_add1, 100000);
	//1. Select an unoccupied site within some steps away from it.
	 LinkedList<Integer> possibilities2 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	 for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){
		// System.out.println("#steps from I_selected " + numStepsFromI_selected[i]);
		 //make sure no self select
		 boolean isIn2 = numStepsBackward[i] <= maxNodeLevel && numStepsBackward[i] !=0 && i != rootNodeNum;
			possibilities2.addLast(new Integer(i));
	 }//end for
	 int numPossibilities2 = possibilities2.size();		 
	 //	 System.out.println("numPossibilities1=" + numPossibilities1 + " numPossibilities2 = " + numPossibilities2);

 		double logHastingRatio = Math.log( (1/ (double)numPossibilities2) / (1/ (double)numPossibilities1)  );
 		//System.out.println("logHastingRatio = " + logHastingRatio);
	return logHastingRatio;
源代码16 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
private double Proposal_HotMultistepOnNodeFlipMu() {
	int rootNum = treeModel.getRoot().getNumber();

	//unlike the old version, self-move isn't allowed.
	int originalNode1 = findAnOnNodeRandomly();			//find an on-node
	//System.out.print("Try " + originalNode1);
	int[] numStepsFromI_selected =determineTreeNeighborhood(originalNode1, 100000);
	//1. Select an unoccupied site within some steps away from it.	 
	 LinkedList<Integer> possibilities1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	 for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){
		// System.out.println("#steps from I_selected " + numStepsFromI_selected[i]);
		 //make sure no self select
		 boolean isIn1 = numStepsFromI_selected[i] <= maxNodeLevel && numStepsFromI_selected[i] !=0  &&  i != rootNum;
		 if(isIn1 && hotNodes[i] ==1){
			possibilities1.addLast(new Integer(i));
	 }//end for		
	 int numPossibilities1 = possibilities1.size();		
	 //if there is a single legal configuration to switch to
	 if(numPossibilities1 > 0){
	 int whichMove = (int) (Math.floor(Math.random()*numPossibilities1)); //choose from possibilities
		 int site_add1 = possibilities1.get(whichMove).intValue();
	//	 System.out.println(" and select " + site_add1);
	// System.out.println("selected node = " + site_add1 + " that's " + numStepsFromI_selected[site_add1] + " steps from " + originalNode1);
	indicators.setParameterValue(originalNode1, 0); // the existing indicator is now set to be off
	indicators.setParameterValue(site_add1, 1); //set the new selected index to the new node.

	//Flip mu - so the neighbor that replaces the original node now also inherits the existing node's mu
	//Parameter originalNodeMu = mu.getParameter(originalNode1+1); //offset of 1
	Parameter originalNodeMu = mu.getParameter(originalNode1); 
	double[] tmp = originalNodeMu.getParameterValues();

	//Parameter newMu = mu.getParameter(site_add1+1); //offset of 1
	Parameter newMu = mu.getParameter(site_add1); 
	double[] tmpNew = newMu.getParameterValues();
	originalNodeMu.setParameterValue(0, tmpNew[0]);
	originalNodeMu.setParameterValue(1, tmpNew[1]);

	newMu.setParameterValue(0, tmp[0]);
	newMu.setParameterValue(1, tmp[1]);

	//backward calculation
	int[] numStepsBackward =determineTreeNeighborhood(site_add1, 100000);
	//1. Select an unoccupied site within some steps away from it.
	 LinkedList<Integer> possibilities2 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	 for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){
		// System.out.println("#steps from I_selected " + numStepsFromI_selected[i]);
		 //make sure no self select
		 boolean isIn2 = numStepsBackward[i] <= maxNodeLevel && numStepsBackward[i] !=0   &&  i != rootNum;
		 if(isIn2 && hotNodes[i] ==1){
			possibilities2.addLast(new Integer(i));
	 }//end for
	 int numPossibilities2 = possibilities2.size();		 
	 //	 System.out.println("numPossibilities1=" + numPossibilities1 + " numPossibilities2 = " + numPossibilities2);

 		double logHastingRatio = Math.log( (1/ (double)numPossibilities2) / (1/ (double)numPossibilities1)  );
 		//System.out.println("logHastingRatio = " + logHastingRatio);
	return logHastingRatio;
		 return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
源代码17 项目: systemds   文件:
public List<Task> createTasks()
	LinkedList<Task> tasks = new LinkedList<>();
	long lFrom = _fromVal.getLongValue();
	long lTo = _toVal.getLongValue();
	long lIncr = _incrVal.getLongValue();
	int P = _numThreads;  // number of parallel workers
	long N = _numIter;    // total number of iterations
	long R = N;           // remaining number of iterations
	long K = -1;          // next _numThreads task sizes
	TaskType type = null; // type of iterations: range tasks (similar to run-length encoding) make only sense if taskSize>3
	for( long i = lFrom; i<=lTo;  )
		K = determineNextBatchSize(R, P);
		R -= (K * P);
		type = (ParForProgramBlock.USE_RANGE_TASKS_IF_USEFUL && K>3 ) ? 
			TaskType.RANGE : TaskType.SET;
		//for each logical processor
		for( int j=0; j<P; j++ )
			if( i > lTo ) //no more iterations
			//create new task and add to list of tasks
			Task lTask = new Task(_iterVarName, type);
			// add iterations to task 
			if( type == TaskType.SET ) {
				//value based tasks
				for( long k=0; k<K && i<=lTo; k++, i+=lIncr )
					lTask.addIteration(new IntObject(i));
			else {
				//determine end of task
				long to = Math.min( i+(K-1)*lIncr, lTo );
				//range based tasks
				lTask.addIteration(new IntObject(i));     //from
				lTask.addIteration(new IntObject(to));    //to
				lTask.addIteration(new IntObject(lIncr)); //increment
				i = to + lIncr;

	return tasks;
protected Route buildroute(RouteId id) {
    NodePortTuple npt;
    long srcId = id.getSrc();
    long dstId = id.getDst();

    LinkedList<NodePortTuple> switchPorts =
            new LinkedList<NodePortTuple>();

    if (destinationRootedTrees == null) return null;
    if (destinationRootedTrees.get(dstId) == null) return null;

    Map<Long, Link> nexthoplinks =

    if (!switches.contains(srcId) || !switches.contains(dstId)) {
        // This is a switch that is not connected to any other switch
        // hence there was no update for links (and hence it is not
        // in the network)
        log.debug("buildroute: Standalone switch: {}", srcId);

        // The only possible non-null path for this case is
        // if srcId equals dstId --- and that too is an 'empty' path []

    } else if ((nexthoplinks!=null) && (nexthoplinks.get(srcId)!=null)) {
        while (srcId != dstId) {
            Link l = nexthoplinks.get(srcId);

            npt = new NodePortTuple(l.getSrc(), l.getSrcPort());
            npt = new NodePortTuple(l.getDst(), l.getDstPort());
            srcId = nexthoplinks.get(srcId).getDst();
    // else, no path exists, and path equals null

    Route result = null;
    if (switchPorts != null && !switchPorts.isEmpty())
        result = new Route(id, switchPorts);
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("buildroute: {}", result);
    return result;
源代码19 项目: streaminer   文件:
 * This method checks all blocks of each level and creates an ensemble that minimizes
 * the epsilon of this ensemble. This is done by choosing disjoint blocks with maximal size,
 * i.e. if the block of <code>maxLevel</code> is active, we found the most accurate summary.
 * If this block is in the state <b>UNDER-CONSTRUCTION</b> right now, it will take the <b>
 * ACTIVE</b> block at level <code>maxLevel - 1</code> and fills the missing partitions by
 * choosing appropriate blocks at lower levels.
 * @return {@link LinkedList} of {@link Quantiles} that contains the summary of the stream that
 * have the smallest epsilon compared to all other possible summaries.
private LinkedList<Quantiles> getStreamSummary() {
    LinkedList<Quantiles> summary = new LinkedList<Quantiles>();

    // if the highest level contains an ACTIVE element, this element will cover the whole window
    if (!this.quantiles.get(maxLevel).isEmpty()) {
        return summary;

    // if there is no ACTIVE element in the highest level we add the only active element of the next
    // lower level into the summary. There is at most one element active, because if there would be
    // two elements, the block in the highest level must be ACTIVE, too.
    Quantiles bigBlock = this.quantiles.get(maxLevel - 1).getNewestElement();

    // interval [ 0 ; leftBorder ] not covered yet
    int leftBorder = this.quantiles.get(maxLevel - 1).getLifeTime(0);
    // interval [ rightBorder ; windowSize ] not covered yet
    int rightBorder = this.quantiles.get(maxLevel - 1).getLifeTime(0) + this.quantiles.get(maxLevel - 1).getSize(0);
    // there are at most two intervals uncovered. i.e. at the beginning and at the end of the window.
    int maxUncovered = this.quantiles.get(0).getSize(0);

    // next level
    int level = this.maxLevel - 2;
    // covering the left uncovered interval
    while (level >= 0 && leftBorder > maxUncovered) {
        for (int i = this.quantiles.get(level).getAll().size() - 1; i > -1; i--){
            if (leftBorder > this.quantiles.get(level).getLifeTime(i)){
                leftBorder = this.quantiles.get(level).getLifeTime(i);



    // next level
    level = this.maxLevel - 2;
    // covering the right uncovered interval
    while (level >=0 && rightBorder < this.windowSize - maxUncovered) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.quantiles.get(level).getAll().size(); i++){
            if (rightBorder < this.quantiles.get(level).getLifeTime(i) + this.quantiles.get(level).getSize(i)){
                rightBorder = this.quantiles.get(level).getLifeTime(i) + this.quantiles.get(level).getSize(i);


    return summary;
源代码20 项目: ContentAssist   文件:
 * Find the differences between two texts.  Simplifies the problem by
 * stripping any common prefix or suffix off the texts before diffing.
 * @param text1 Old string to be diffed.
 * @param text2 New string to be diffed.
 * @param checklines Speedup flag.  If false, then don't run a
 *     line-level diff first to identify the changed areas.
 *     If true, then run a faster slightly less optimal diff.
 * @param deadline Time when the diff should be complete by.  Used
 *     internally for recursive calls.  Users should set DiffTimeout instead.
 * @return Linked List of Diff objects.
private LinkedList<Diff> diff_main(String text1, String text2,
                                   boolean checklines, long deadline) {
  // Check for null inputs.
  if (text1 == null || text2 == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null inputs. (diff_main)");

  // Check for equality (speedup).
  LinkedList<Diff> diffs;
  if (text1.equals(text2)) {
    diffs = new LinkedList<Diff>();
    if (text1.length() != 0) {
      diffs.add(new Diff(Operation.EQUAL, text1));
    return diffs;

  // Trim off common prefix (speedup).
  int commonlength = diff_commonPrefix(text1, text2);
  String commonprefix = text1.substring(0, commonlength);
  text1 = text1.substring(commonlength);
  text2 = text2.substring(commonlength);

  // Trim off common suffix (speedup).
  commonlength = diff_commonSuffix(text1, text2);
  String commonsuffix = text1.substring(text1.length() - commonlength);
  text1 = text1.substring(0, text1.length() - commonlength);
  text2 = text2.substring(0, text2.length() - commonlength);

  // Compute the diff on the middle block.
  diffs = diff_compute(text1, text2, checklines, deadline);

  // Restore the prefix and suffix.
  if (commonprefix.length() != 0) {
    diffs.addFirst(new Diff(Operation.EQUAL, commonprefix));
  if (commonsuffix.length() != 0) {
    diffs.addLast(new Diff(Operation.EQUAL, commonsuffix));

  return diffs;