java.util.Properties#propertyNames ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Properties#propertyNames ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: lams   文件:
protected void processProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, Properties props)
		throws BeansException {

	for (Enumeration<?> names = props.propertyNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) {
		String key = (String) names.nextElement();
		try {
			processKey(beanFactory, key, props.getProperty(key));
		catch (BeansException ex) {
			String msg = "Could not process key '" + key + "' in PropertyOverrideConfigurer";
			if (!this.ignoreInvalidKeys) {
				throw new BeanInitializationException(msg, ex);
			if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
				logger.debug(msg, ex);
源代码2 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
void parse(Properties entries) {
    // first, strip out the platform-specific temp file template
    String tempFileTemplate = (String)entries.get("temp.file.template");
    if (tempFileTemplate != null) {
        MimeTable.tempFileTemplate = tempFileTemplate;

    // now, parse the mime-type spec's
    Enumeration<?> types = entries.propertyNames();
    while (types.hasMoreElements()) {
        String type = (String)types.nextElement();
        String attrs = entries.getProperty(type);
        parse(type, attrs);
 * @param prefix                 Prefix of the property key
 * @param propertiesWithFullKeys Set of properties which needs to be converted to single word key properties
 * @return Set of properties which has keys containing single word.
public static Properties buildSingleWordKeyProperties(String prefix, Properties propertiesWithFullKeys) {

    // Stop proceeding if required arguments are not present
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix) || propertiesWithFullKeys == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Prefix and properties should not be null to get  properties with " +
                "single word keys.");

    propertiesWithFullKeys = NotificationManagementUtils.getPropertiesWithPrefix(prefix, propertiesWithFullKeys);
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    Enumeration propertyNames = propertiesWithFullKeys.propertyNames();

    while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
        String newKey = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, key.length());
        if (!newKey.trim().isEmpty()) {
            // Remove from original properties to hold property schema. ie need to get the set of properties which
            // remains after consuming all required specific properties
            properties.put(newKey, propertiesWithFullKeys.remove(key));
    return properties;
源代码4 项目: kogito-runtimes   文件:
private void mapStartsWith(Map<String, String> map,
                           Properties properties,
                           String startsWith,
                           boolean includeSubProperties) {
    Enumeration< ? > enumeration = properties.propertyNames();
    while ( enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) {
        String key = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
        if ( key.startsWith( startsWith ) ) {
            if ( !includeSubProperties && key.substring( startsWith.length() + 1 ).indexOf( '.' ) > 0 ) {
                // +1 to the length, as we do allow the direct property, just not ones below it
                // This key has sub properties beyond the given startsWith, so skip
            if ( !map.containsKey( key ) ) {
                map.put( key,
                         properties.getProperty( key ) );

源代码5 项目: olat   文件:
private void printOlatLocalProperties() {
    final Resource overwritePropertiesRes = new ClassPathResource("");
    try {
        final Properties overwriteProperties = new Properties();
        final Enumeration<String> propNames = (Enumeration<String>) overwriteProperties.propertyNames();

        System.out.println("### : ###");
        while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String propName = propNames.nextElement();
            System.out.println("++" + propName + "='" + overwriteProperties.getProperty(propName) + "'");
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Could not load properties files from classpath! Exception=" + e);

源代码6 项目: snowflake-jdbc   文件:
 * Verify the passed memory parameters are set in the session
public void testClientMemoryParameters() throws Exception
  Properties paramProperties = new Properties();
  paramProperties.put("CLIENT_PREFETCH_THREADS", "6");
  paramProperties.put("CLIENT_RESULT_CHUNK_SIZE", 48);
  paramProperties.put("CLIENT_MEMORY_LIMIT", 1000);
  Connection connection = getConnection(paramProperties);

  for (Enumeration<?> enums = paramProperties.propertyNames();
       enums.hasMoreElements(); )
    String key = (String) enums.nextElement();
    ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(
        String.format("show parameters like '%s'", key));;
    String value = rs.getString("value");
    assertThat(key, value, equalTo(paramProperties.get(key).toString()));
源代码7 项目: pegasus   文件:
 * Connects the interface with the work catalog implementation. The choice of backend is
 * configured through properties. This class is useful for non-singleton instances that may
 * require changing properties.
 * @param props is an instance of properties to use.
 * @exception ClassNotFoundException if the schema for the database cannot be loaded. You might
 *     want to check your CLASSPATH, too.
 * @exception NoSuchMethodException if the schema's constructor interface does not comply with
 *     the database driver API.
 * @exception InstantiationException if the schema class is an abstract class instead of a
 *     concrete implementation.
 * @exception IllegalAccessException if the constructor for the schema class it not publicly
 *     accessible to this package.
 * @exception InvocationTargetException if the constructor of the schema throws an exception
 *     while being dynamically loaded.
 * @see org.griphyn.common.util.CommonProperties
public static WorkCatalog loadInstance(CommonProperties props) throws WorkFactoryException {
    // sanity check
    if (props == null) throw new NullPointerException("invalid properties");

    Properties connect = props.matchingSubset(WorkCatalog.c_prefix, false);

    // get the default db driver properties in first pegasus.catalog.*.db.driver.*
    Properties db = props.matchingSubset(WorkCatalog.DB_ALL_PREFIX, false);
    // now overload with the work catalog specific db properties.
    db.putAll(props.matchingSubset(WorkCatalog.DB_PREFIX, false));

    // to make sure that no confusion happens.
    // add the db prefix to all the db properties
    for (Enumeration e = db.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String key = (String) e.nextElement();
        connect.put("db." + key, db.getProperty(key));

    // put the driver property back into the DB property
    //       String driver = props.getProperty( WorkCatalog.DBDRIVER_PREFIX );
    //       if( driver == null ){ driver = props.getProperty( WorkCatalog.DBDRIVER_ALL_PREFIX
    // ); }
    //       connect.put( "db.driver", driver );

    // determine the class that implements the work catalog
    return loadInstance(props.getProperty(WorkCatalog.c_prefix), connect);
源代码8 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
public String getStartCommand() {
  if (!isSqlFire) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(this.controller.getProductExecutable(this, GFE_LAUNCHER_NAME));
    sb.append(" start-locator -q -dir=");
    sb.append(" -port=");
    Properties props = config.getDistributedSystemProperties();
    Enumeration en = props.propertyNames();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      String pn = (String)en.nextElement();
      sb.append(" -Dgemfire." + pn + "=" + props.getProperty(pn));

    String bindAddress = this.getConfig().getBindAddress();
    if (bindAddress != null && bindAddress.length() > 0) {
      sb.append(" -address=");
    sb.append(" ");

    String sslArgs =
    if (sslArgs != null) {

    return sb.toString().trim();

  } else {
    return getGfxdStartCommand();
源代码9 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件:
 * Merge the given Properties instance into the given Map,
 * copying all properties (key-value pairs) over.
 * <p>Uses {@code Properties.propertyNames()} to even catch
 * default properties linked into the original Properties instance.
 * @param props the Properties instance to merge (may be {@code null})
 * @param map the target Map to merge the properties into
public static <K, V> void mergePropertiesIntoMap(@Nullable Properties props, Map<K, V> map) {
	if (props != null) {
		for (Enumeration<?> en = props.propertyNames(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
			String key = (String) en.nextElement();
			Object value = props.get(key);
			if (value == null) {
				// Allow for defaults fallback or potentially overridden accessor...
				value = props.getProperty(key);
			map.put((K) key, (V) value);
源代码10 项目: nextreports-server   文件:
   * Parse the driver URL and extract the properties.
   * @param url  the URL to parse
   * @param info any existing properties already loaded in a
   *             <code>Properties</code> object
   * @return the URL properties as a <code>Properties</code> object
  public static Properties parseURL(String url, Properties info) {
if ((url == null) || !url.toLowerCase().startsWith(driverPrefix)) {
	return null; // throws exception ?!

      Properties props = new Properties(info);

      // take local copy of existing properties
      Enumeration<?> en = info.propertyNames();
      while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
          String key = (String) en.nextElement();
          String value = info.getProperty(key);

          if (value != null) {
              props.setProperty(key.toUpperCase(), value);

      String tmp = url.substring(driverPrefix.length());
      String[] tokens = tmp.split(";");
      if (tokens.length != 2) {
          return null; // datasource missing

      try {
      	new URL(tokens[0]);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      	return null; // url invalid

      props.setProperty(SERVER_URL, tokens[0]);
      props.setProperty(DATASOURCE_PATH, tokens[1]);

      return props;
源代码11 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
private void setProperties(Properties values)
    throws PrivilegedActionException
	for (Enumeration e = values.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();)
		String key = (String) e.nextElement();
		String value = values.getProperty(key);
		String old = BaseTestCase.getSystemProperty(key);
		boolean change;
		if (old != null)
            // set, might need to be changed.
            change = !old.equals(value);
            // If we are not processing the oldValues
            // then store in the oldValues. Reference equality is ok here.
			if (change && (values != oldValues))
			   oldValues.setProperty(key, old);
		else {
			// notset, needs to be set
			change = true;
		if (change) {
			BaseTestCase.setSystemProperty(key, value);
源代码12 项目: Game   文件:
protected void setupAliases() {
	try {
		Properties aliases = new Properties();
		FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(getServer().getConfig().CONFIG_DIR, "aliases.xml"));
		for (Enumeration<?> e = aliases.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
			String alias = (String) e.nextElement();
			Class<?> c = Class.forName((String) aliases.get(alias));
			xstream.alias(alias, c);
	} catch (Exception ioe) {
源代码13 项目: tsml   文件:
 * Creates a set of protected properties from a set of normal ones.
 * @param props the properties to be stored and protected.
public ProtectedProperties(Properties props)

  Enumeration propEnum = props.propertyNames();
  while (propEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
    String propName = (String) propEnum.nextElement();
    String propValue = props.getProperty(propName);
    super.setProperty(propName, propValue);
  closed = true; // no modifications allowed from now on
源代码14 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Internal method to get the default properties from the
 * serializer factory and set them on the property object.
 * @param props a java.util.Property object on which the properties are set.
 * @param method The output method type, one of "xml", "text", "html" ...
private void setDefaults(Properties props, String method)
        final Properties method_props =
                final Enumeration names = method_props.propertyNames();
                while (names.hasMoreElements())
                        final String name = (String)names.nextElement();
                        props.setProperty(name, method_props.getProperty(name));
源代码15 项目: api-boot   文件:
 * properties convert to string
 * @param properties config properties
 * @return config string
 * @throws ApiBootException ApiBoot Exception
protected String fromProperties(Properties properties) throws ApiBootException {
    Enumeration enumeration = properties.propertyNames();
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        String propertyKey = String.valueOf(enumeration.nextElement());
        String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(propertyKey);
    return buffer.toString();
源代码16 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
	separate from the constructor so that connection
	failure does not prevent object creation.
void init(LocalizedOutput out) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

	Connection c = util.startJBMS(null,null);

	// only load up ij.connection.* properties if there is
	// only one ConnectionEnv in the system.
	if (only) {
           Properties p = (Properties) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
           	public Object run() {
               	return System.getProperties();
           protocol = p.getProperty(ij.PROTOCOL_PROPERTY);

        String prefix = CONNECTION_PROPERTY + ".";
	    for (Enumeration e = p.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
	    	String key = (String)e.nextElement();
	    	if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
	    		String name = key.substring(prefix.length());
					p.getProperty(key), out);

	if (c!=null) // have a database from the startup?
		String sname=Session.DEFAULT_NAME+sessions.size();
		Session s = new Session(c,tag,sname);
		currSession = s;

源代码17 项目: rice   文件:
 * -DXMLIngester.userCnt=176 will override the userCnt in property files.
 * @param props
private void systemPropertiesOverride(Properties props) {
    Enumeration<?> names = props.propertyNames();
    Object nameObject;
    String name;
    while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
        nameObject = names.nextElement();
        if (nameObject instanceof String) {
            name = (String)nameObject;
            props.setProperty(name, System.getProperty("XMLIngester." + name, props.getProperty(name)));
源代码18 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
 * Implements JAXP's Transformer.setOutputProperties().
 * Set the output properties for the transformation. These properties
 * will override properties set in the Templates with xsl:output.
 * Unrecognised properties will be quitely ignored.
 * @param properties The properties to use for the Transformer
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException Never, errors are ignored
public void setOutputProperties(Properties properties)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
    if (properties != null) {
        final Enumeration names = properties.propertyNames();

        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String name = (String) names.nextElement();

            // Ignore lower layer properties
            if (isDefaultProperty(name, properties)) continue;

            if (validOutputProperty(name)) {
                _properties.setProperty(name, properties.getProperty(name));
            else {
                ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_UNKNOWN_PROP_ERR, name);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(err.toString());
    else {
        _properties = _propertiesClone;
源代码19 项目: spliceengine   文件:
 * Sorts property list and print out each key=value pair prepended with 
 * specific indentation.  If indent is null, do not prepend with
 * indentation. 
 * The output string shows up in two styles, style 1 looks like
 * { key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3 }
 * style 2 looks like
 *		key1=value1
 *		key2=value2
 *		key3=value3
 * where indent goes between the new line and the keys
 * To get style 1, pass in a null indent
 * To get sytle 2, pass in non-null indent (whatever you want to go before
 * the key value)
public	static	String	sortProperties( Properties list, String indent )
	int				size = list == null ? 0 : list.size();
	int				count = 0;
	String[]		array = new String[size];
	String			key;
	String			value;
	StringBuffer	buffer;

	// Calculate the number of properties in the property list and
	// build an array of all the property names.
	// We need to go thru the enumeration because Properties has a
	// recursive list of defaults.
	if (list != null)
		for (Enumeration propertyNames = list.propertyNames();
			 propertyNames.hasMoreElements(); )
			if (count == size)
				// need to expand the array
				size = size*2;
				String[] expandedArray = new String[size];
				System.arraycopy(array, 0, expandedArray, 0, count);
				array = expandedArray;
			key = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
			array[ count++ ] = key;

		// now sort the array
		java.util.Arrays.sort(array, 0, count);

	// now stringify the array
	buffer = new StringBuffer();
	if (indent == null)
		buffer.append( "{ " );

	for ( int ictr = 0; ictr < count; ictr++ )
		if ( ictr > 0 && indent == null)
			buffer.append( ", " );

		key = array[ ictr ];

		if (indent != null)
			buffer.append( indent );

		buffer.append( key ); buffer.append( "=" );

		value = list.getProperty( key, "MISSING_VALUE" );
		buffer.append( value );

		if (indent != null)
			buffer.append( "\n" );

	if (indent == null)
		buffer.append( " }" );

	return	buffer.toString();
源代码20 项目: pegasus   文件:
 * Adds new properties to an existing set of properties while substituting variables. This
 * function will allow value substitutions based on other property values. Value substitutions
 * may not be nested. A value substitution will be ${property.key}, where the dollar-brace and
 * close-brace are being stripped before looking up the value to replace it with. Note that the
 * ${..} combination must be escaped from the shell.
 * @param a is the initial set of known properties (besides System ones)
 * @param b is the set of properties to add to a
 * @return the combined set of properties from a and b.
protected static Properties addProperties(Properties a, Properties b) {
    // initial
    Properties result = new Properties(a);
    Properties sys = System.getProperties();
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+\\}");

    for (Enumeration e = b.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String key = (String) e.nextElement();
        String value = b.getProperty(key);

        // unparse value ${prop.key} inside braces
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        while (matcher.find()) {
            // extract name of properties from braces
            String newKey = value.substring(matcher.start() + 2, matcher.end() - 1);

            // try to find a matching value in result properties
            String newVal = result.getProperty(newKey);

             * // if not found, try b's properties
             * if ( newVal == null ) newVal = b.getProperty(newKey);

            // try myself
            if (newVal == null) newVal = result.getProperty(newKey);

            // if still not found, try system properties
            if (newVal == null) newVal = sys.getProperty(newKey);

            // replace braced string with the actual value or empty string
            matcher.appendReplacement(sb, newVal == null ? "" : newVal);
        result.setProperty(key, sb.toString());

    // final
    return result;