( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: vertx-cassandra-client   文件:
public void executeWithCollector(TestContext testContext) {
  String prefix = "(";
  String suffix = ")";
  String delimiter = ",";
  Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
    row -> row.getString(0),
    Collectors.joining(delimiter, prefix, suffix)
  String insert = "INSERT INTO names.names_by_first_letter (first_letter, name) VALUES (?, ?)";
  client.prepare(insert, testContext.asyncAssertSuccess(prepared -> {
    BatchStatement batch = BatchStatement.newInstance(BatchType.LOGGED);
    for (String name : Stream.of("Paul", "Paulo", "Pavel").collect(Collectors.toSet())) {
      batch = batch.add(prepared.bind(name.substring(0, 1), name));
    client.execute(batch, testContext.asyncAssertSuccess(exec -> {
      String query = "select name from names.names_by_first_letter where first_letter = 'P'";
      client.execute(query, collector, testContext.asyncAssertSuccess(result -> {
        testContext.assertEquals(result, "(Paul,Paulo,Pavel)");
源代码2 项目: vertx-sql-client   文件:
public void collector02Example(SqlClient client) {

    // Create a collector projecting a row set to a (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
    Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
      row -> row.getString("last_name"),
      Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")

    // Run the query with the collector
    client.query("SELECT * FROM users").collecting(collector).execute(ar -> {
        if (ar.succeeded()) {
          SqlResult<String> result = ar.result();

          // Get the string created by the collector
          String list = result.value();
          System.out.println("Got " + list);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());
源代码3 项目: vertx-sql-client   文件:
public void collector02Example(SqlClient client) {

    // Create a collector projecting a row set to a (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
    Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
      row -> row.getString("last_name"),
      Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")

    // Run the query with the collector
    client.query("SELECT * FROM users").collecting(collector).execute(ar -> {
        if (ar.succeeded()) {
          SqlResult<String> result = ar.result();

          // Get the string created by the collector
          String list = result.value();
          System.out.println("Got " + list);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());
源代码4 项目: vertx-sql-client   文件:
public void collector02Example(SqlClient client) {

    // Create a collector projecting a row set to a (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
    Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
      row -> row.getString("last_name"),
      Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")

    // Run the query with the collector
    client.query("SELECT * FROM users")
      .execute(ar -> {
        if (ar.succeeded()) {
          SqlResult<String> result = ar.result();

          // Get the string created by the collector
          String list = result.value();
          System.out.println("Got " + list);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());
源代码5 项目: vertx-sql-client   文件:
public void collector02Example(SqlClient client) {

    // Create a collector projecting a row set to a (last_name_1,last_name_2,...)
    Collector<Row, ?, String> collector = Collectors.mapping(
      row -> row.getString("last_name"),
      Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")")

    // Run the query with the collector
    client.query("SELECT * FROM users").collecting(collector).execute(ar -> {
        if (ar.succeeded()) {
          SqlResult<String> result = ar.result();

          // Get the string created by the collector
          String list = result.value();
          System.out.println("Got " + list);
        } else {
          System.out.println("Failure: " + ar.cause().getMessage());
源代码6 项目: crate   文件:
public void testBatchedIteratorConsumption() throws Exception {
    List<Object[]> expectedResult = IntStream.range(0, 10)
        .mapToObj(i -> new Object[]{i})

    BatchSimulatingIterator<Row> batchSimulatingIterator =
        new BatchSimulatingIterator<>(TestingBatchIterators.range(0, 10),

    CollectingRowConsumer<?, List<Object[]>> batchConsumer =
        new CollectingRowConsumer<>(Collectors.mapping(Row::materialize, Collectors.toList()));

    batchConsumer.accept(batchSimulatingIterator, null);

    CompletableFuture<List<Object[]>> result = batchConsumer.completionFuture();
    List<Object[]> consumedRows = result.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    assertThat(consumedRows.size(), is(10));
    assertThat(consumedRows, Matchers.contains(expectedResult.toArray(new Object[0])));
源代码7 项目: mug   文件:
 * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that first maps the input pair using {@code mapper} and then collects the
 * results using {@code downstream} collector.
 * @since 3.2
public static <K, V, T, R> BiCollector<K, V, R> mapping(
    BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends T> mapper, Collector<? super T, ?, R> downstream) {
  return new BiCollector<K, V, R>() {
    @Override public <E> Collector<E, ?, R> splitting(Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
      return Collectors.mapping(e -> mapper.apply(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)), downstream);
源代码8 项目: mug   文件:
 * Returns a {@code Collector} that extracts the pairs from the input stream,
 * and then collects them into a {@code BiCollection}.
 * @param leftFunction extracts the first element of each pair
 * @param rightFunction extracts the second element of each pair
public static <T, L, R> Collector<T, ?, BiCollection<L, R>> toBiCollection(
    Function<? super T, ? extends L> leftFunction,
    Function<? super T, ? extends R> rightFunction) {
  Function<T, Map.Entry<L, R>> toEntry = x -> kv(leftFunction.apply(x), rightFunction.apply(x));
  Collector<T, ?, ? extends Collection<Map.Entry<L, R>>> entryCollector =
      Collectors.mapping(toEntry, Collectors.toList());
  return Collectors.collectingAndThen(entryCollector, BiCollection::new);
源代码9 项目: POC   文件:
void testProjection() {

	List<PostCommentProjection> postCommentProjections = this.postRepository.findByTitle("Post Title");

	final Function<Entry<RootValueDTO, List<PostCommentsDTO>>, PostDTO> mapToPostDTO = entry -> PostDTO.builder()
	final Function<PostCommentProjection, RootValueDTO> titleAndContentClassifier = postCommentProjection -> new RootValueDTO(
			postCommentProjection.getTitle(), postCommentProjection.getContent());
	final Function<PostCommentProjection, PostCommentsDTO> mapToPostComments = postCommentProjection -> PostCommentsDTO
	final Collector<PostCommentProjection, ?, List<PostCommentsDTO>> downStreamCollector = Collectors
			.mapping(mapToPostComments, Collectors.toList());

	List<PostDTO> postDTOS =
			.collect(groupingBy(titleAndContentClassifier, downStreamCollector)).entrySet().stream()

	PostDTO postDTO = postDTOS.get(0);
	assertThat(postDTO.getTitle()).isEqualTo("Post Title");
	assertThat(postDTO.getContent()).isEqualTo("Post Content");
	assertThat(postDTO.getComments()).contains(PostCommentsDTO.builder().review("Review New").build(),
			PostCommentsDTO.builder().review("Review Old").build());

源代码10 项目: crate   文件:
private CompletableFuture<List<Row>> retrieveRows(ShardRouting activePrimaryRouting,
                                                  RoutedCollectPhase collectPhase,
                                                  CollectTask collectTask,
                                                  ShardCollectorProviderFactory shardCollectorProviderFactory) {
    Collector<Row, ?, List<Object[]>> listCollector = Collectors.mapping(Row::materialize, Collectors.toList());
    CollectingRowConsumer<?, List<Object[]>> consumer = new CollectingRowConsumer<>(listCollector);
    String nodeId = activePrimaryRouting.currentNodeId();
    String localNodeId = clusterService.localNode().getId();
    if (localNodeId.equalsIgnoreCase(nodeId)) {
        var indexShard = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(activePrimaryRouting.index())
        var collectorProvider = shardCollectorProviderFactory.create(indexShard);
        BatchIterator<Row> it;
        try {
            it = collectorProvider.getIterator(collectPhase, consumer.requiresScroll(), collectTask);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return Exceptions.rethrowRuntimeException(e);
        consumer.accept(it, null);
    } else {
        UUID childJobId = UUID.randomUUID();
        RemoteCollector remoteCollector = new RemoteCollector(
            createRemoteCollectPhase(childJobId, collectPhase, activePrimaryRouting.shardId(), nodeId)
    return consumer
        .thenApply(rows -> LazyMapList.of(rows, Buckets.arrayToSharedRow()));
源代码11 项目: crate   文件:
public BatchIterator<Row> apply(BatchIterator<Row> batchIterator) {
    Collector<Row, ?, Bucket> collector = Collectors.mapping(
        Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), this::sortAndCreateBucket));
    return CollectingBatchIterator.newInstance(batchIterator, collector);
源代码12 项目: mug   文件:
static <T, A, R> Collector<T, ?, R> checkingNulls(Collector<T, A, R> downstream) {
  return Collectors.mapping(Objects::requireNonNull, downstream);
源代码13 项目: compile-testing   文件:
 * Returns a {@link Collector} that lists the file lines numbered by the input stream (1-based).
Collector<Long, ?, String> toLineList() {
  return Collectors.mapping(this::listLine, joining("\n"));
源代码14 项目: crate   文件:
public TestingRowConsumer() {
    consumer = new CollectingRowConsumer<>(Collectors.mapping(Row::materialize, Collectors.toList()));
源代码15 项目: mug   文件:
 * Returns a collector that collects input elements into a list, which is then arranged by the
 * {@code arranger} function before being wrapped as <em>immutable</em> list result.
 * List elements are not allowed to be null.
 * <p>Example usages: <ul>
 * <li>{@code stream.collect(toListAndThen(Collections::reverse))} to collect to reverse order.
 * <li>{@code stream.collect(toListAndThen(Collections::shuffle))} to collect and shuffle.
 * <li>{@code stream.collect(toListAndThen(Collections::sort))} to collect and sort.
 * </ul>
 * @since 4.2
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, List<T>> toListAndThen(Consumer<? super List<T>> arranger) {
  Collector<T, ?, List<T>> rejectingNulls =
      Collectors.mapping(Objects::requireNonNull, Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
  return Collectors.collectingAndThen(rejectingNulls, list -> {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
源代码16 项目: streamex   文件:
 * Adapts a {@code Collector} accepting elements of type {@code U} to one
 * accepting elements of type {@code T} by applying a mapping function to
 * each input element before accumulation.
 * <p>
 * Unlike {@link Collectors#mapping(Function, Collector)} this method
 * returns a
 * <a href="package-summary.html#ShortCircuitReduction">short-circuiting
 * collector</a> if the downstream collector is short-circuiting.
 * @param <T> the type of the input elements
 * @param <U> type of elements accepted by downstream collector
 * @param <A> intermediate accumulation type of the downstream collector
 * @param <R> result type of collector
 * @param mapper a function to be applied to the input elements
 * @param downstream a collector which will accept mapped values
 * @return a collector which applies the mapping function to the input
 *         elements and provides the mapped results to the downstream
 *         collector
 * @throws NullPointerException if mapper is null, or downstream is null.
 * @see Collectors#mapping(Function, Collector)
 * @since 0.4.0
public static <T, U, A, R> Collector<T, ?, R> mapping(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper,
        Collector<? super U, A, R> downstream) {
    Predicate<A> finished = finished(downstream);
    if (finished != null) {
        BiConsumer<A, ? super U> downstreamAccumulator = downstream.accumulator();
        return new CancellableCollectorImpl<>(downstream.supplier(), (acc, t) -> {
            if (!finished.test(acc))
                downstreamAccumulator.accept(acc, mapper.apply(t));
        }, downstream.combiner(), downstream.finisher(), finished, downstream.characteristics());
    return Collectors.mapping(mapper, downstream);
源代码17 项目: streamex   文件:
 * Returns a {@link Map} where elements of this stream with the same key are
 * grouped together. The resulting {@code Map} keys are the keys of this
 * stream entries and the corresponding values are combined using the
 * provided downstream collector.
 * <p>
 * There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or
 * thread-safety of the {@code Map} object returned. If more control over
 * the returned {@code Map} is required, use
 * {@link #grouping(Supplier, Collector)}.
 * <p>
 * This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">terminal</a>
 * operation.
 * @param <A> the intermediate accumulation type of the downstream collector
 * @param <D> the result type of the downstream reduction
 * @param downstream a {@code Collector} implementing the downstream
 *        reduction
 * @return a {@code Map} containing the elements of this stream
 * @see Collectors#groupingBy(Function, Collector)
public <A, D> Map<K, D> grouping(Collector<? super V, A, D> downstream) {
    Function<Entry<K, V>, K> keyMapper = Entry::getKey;
    Collector<Entry<K, V>, ?, D> mapping = Collectors.mapping(Entry::getValue, downstream);
    if (isParallel() && downstream.characteristics().contains(Characteristics.UNORDERED)) {
        return collect(Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(keyMapper, mapping));
    return collect(Collectors.groupingBy(keyMapper, mapping));
源代码18 项目: streamex   文件:
 * Returns a {@link Map} where elements of this stream with the same key are
 * grouped together. The resulting {@code Map} keys are the keys of this
 * stream entries and the corresponding values are combined using the
 * provided downstream collector. The {@code Map} is created using
 * the provided supplier function.
 * <p>
 * This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">terminal</a>
 * operation.
 * @param <A> the intermediate accumulation type of the downstream collector
 * @param <D> the result type of the downstream reduction
 * @param <M> the type of the resulting {@code Map}
 * @param mapSupplier a function which returns a new, empty {@code Map} into
 *        which the results will be inserted
 * @param downstream a {@code Collector} implementing the downstream
 *        reduction
 * @return a {@code Map} containing the elements of this stream
 * @see Collectors#groupingBy(Function, Supplier, Collector)
public <A, D, M extends Map<K, D>> M grouping(Supplier<M> mapSupplier, Collector<? super V, A, D> downstream) {
    Function<Entry<K, V>, K> keyMapper = Entry::getKey;
    Collector<Entry<K, V>, ?, D> mapping = Collectors.mapping(Entry::getValue, downstream);
    if (isParallel() && downstream.characteristics().contains(Characteristics.UNORDERED)
        && mapSupplier.get() instanceof ConcurrentMap) {
        return (M) collect(Collectors.groupingByConcurrent(keyMapper,
            (Supplier<? extends ConcurrentMap<K, D>>) mapSupplier, mapping));
    return collect(Collectors.groupingBy(keyMapper, mapSupplier, mapping));
源代码19 项目: streamex   文件:
 * Returns a collector which collects input elements to the new {@code List}
 * transforming them with the supplied function beforehand.
 * <p>
 * This method behaves like
 * {@code Collectors.mapping(mapper, Collectors.toList())}.
 * <p>
 * There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or
 * thread-safety of the {@code List} returned.
 * @param <T> the type of the input elements
 * @param <U> the resulting type of the mapper function
 * @param mapper a function to be applied to the input elements
 * @return a collector which applies the mapping function to the input
 *         elements and collects the mapped results to the {@code List}
 * @throws NullPointerException if mapper is null.
 * @see #mapping(Function, Collector)
 * @since 0.6.0
public static <T, U> Collector<T, ?, List<U>> mapping(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
    return Collectors.mapping(mapper, Collectors.toList());