
下面列出了org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger#org.jboss.logging.Logger 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: wildfly-core   文件:
private void checkCertificatesValidity(KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException {
    if (ROOT_LOGGER.isEnabled(Logger.Level.WARN)) {
        Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases();
        while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
            String alias = aliases.nextElement();
            Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
            if (certificate != null && certificate instanceof X509Certificate) {
                try {
                    ((X509Certificate) certificate).checkValidity();
                } catch (CertificateExpiredException | CertificateNotYetValidException e) {
                    ROOT_LOGGER.certificateNotValid(alias, e);
源代码2 项目: quarkus   文件:
public JmxService initiateService(Map configurationValues, ServiceRegistryImplementor registry) {
    if (ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean(AvailableSettings.JMX_ENABLED, configurationValues, false)) {
                .warn("Enabling JMX is not allowed in Quarkus: forcefully disabled. Ignoring property:"
                        + AvailableSettings.JMX_ENABLED);
    return DisabledJmxServiceImpl.INSTANCE;
源代码3 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void unableToCloseStreamError(IOException arg0) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, Logger.Level.ERROR, (Throwable)null, this.unableToCloseStreamError$str(), arg0);
源代码4 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void collectionsRemoved(final long arg0) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, (org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.INFO), null, collectionsRemoved$str(), arg0);
源代码5 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 601030, value = "User {0} is getting incoming interceptor class names on target resource: {1} {2}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void getIncomingInterceptorClassNames(String user, Object source, Object... args);
源代码6 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 601145, value = "User {0} is getting message expiry scan period on target resource: {1} {2}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void getMessageExpiryScanPeriod(String user, Object source, Object... args);
源代码7 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void tooManyInExpressions(final String arg0, final int arg1, final String arg2, final int arg3) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, (org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN), null, tooManyInExpressions$str(), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
源代码8 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 221007, value = "Server is now live", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void serverIsLive();
源代码9 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void resolvedSqlTypeDescriptorForDifferentSqlCode(final String arg0, final String arg1, final String arg2, final String arg3) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, (org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN), null, resolvedSqlTypeDescriptorForDifferentSqlCode$str(), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
源代码10 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void usingAstQueryTranslatorFactory() {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, (org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.INFO), null, usingAstQueryTranslatorFactory$str());
源代码11 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR)
@Message(id = 134004, value = "Message Listener failed to process message", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void errorProcessingMessage(@Cause Throwable e);
源代码12 项目: hawkular-alerts   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 220018, value = "Deleting all definitions on tenantId [%s] before import.")
void warningDeleteDefinitionsTenant(String tenantId);
源代码13 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 221075, value = "Usage of wildcardRoutingEnabled configuration property is deprecated, please use wildCardConfiguration.enabled instead", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void deprecatedWildcardRoutingEnabled();
源代码14 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void unableToCloseOutputFile(final String arg0, final arg1) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, (org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.ERROR), (arg1), unableToCloseOutputFile$str(), arg0);
源代码15 项目: smallrye-open-api   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 6003, value = "Adding child node to path: %s")
void addingChildNode(ClassInfo classInfo);
源代码16 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 212029,
   value = "Closing a Server Locator left open. Please make sure you close all Server Locators explicitly before letting them go out of scope! {0}",
   format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void serverLocatorNotClosed(@Cause Exception e, int identity);
源代码17 项目: smallrye-reactive-messaging   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 16213, value = "Connection with AMQP broker established")
void connectionEstablished();
源代码18 项目: quarkus   文件:
public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
    return log.isEnabled(Logger.Level.WARN);
源代码19 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 244003, value = "Temporary file not deleted on shutdown: {0}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void tmpFileNotDeleted(File tmpdir);
源代码20 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR)
@Message(id = 104000, value = "Failed to delete file {0}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void errorDeletingFile(String name);
源代码21 项目: hawkular-alerts   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 220015, value = "Hawkular Alerts deployed in distributed mode")
void infoPartitionManagerEnabled();
源代码22 项目: thorntail   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 3, value = "Deploying %s")
void deploying(String deploymentName);
源代码23 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void unableToLogSqlWarnings(SQLException arg0) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, Logger.Level.WARN, (Throwable)null, this.unableToLogSqlWarnings$str(), arg0);
源代码24 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void unableToCloseJar(String arg0) {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, Logger.Level.ERROR, (Throwable)null, this.unableToCloseJar$str(), arg0);
源代码25 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 222071, value = "Interrupted while waiting for stomp heartbeat to die", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void errorOnStompHeartBeat(@Cause InterruptedException e);
源代码26 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 222118, value = "unable to start Bridge {0}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void unableToStartBridge(@Cause Exception e, SimpleString name);
源代码27 项目: smallrye-jwt   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 8028, value = "Invalid token 'kid' header: %s, expected: %s")
void invalidTokenKidHeader(String kidHeaderName, String expectedName);
源代码28 项目: J2Cache   文件: J2CacheMessageLogger_$
public final void usingReflectionOptimizer() {
    super.log.logf(FQCN, Logger.Level.INFO, (Throwable)null, this.usingReflectionOptimizer$str(), new Object[0]);
源代码29 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 221029, value = "stopped bridge {0}", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void bridgeStopped(SimpleString name);
源代码30 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR)
@Message(id = 224020, value = "Failed to handle create queue", format = Message.Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void failedToHandleCreateQueue(@Cause Exception e);