org.hibernate.type.AssociationType#getOnCondition ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.hibernate.type.AssociationType#getOnCondition ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: lams   文件:
public OuterJoinableAssociation(
		PropertyPath propertyPath,
		AssociationType joinableType,
		String lhsAlias,
		String[] lhsColumns,
		String rhsAlias,
		JoinType joinType,
		String withClause,
		boolean hasRestriction,
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
		Map enabledFilters) throws MappingException {
	this.propertyPath = propertyPath;
	this.joinableType = joinableType;
	this.lhsAlias = lhsAlias;
	this.lhsColumns = lhsColumns;
	this.rhsAlias = rhsAlias;
	this.joinType = joinType;
	this.joinable = joinableType.getAssociatedJoinable( factory );
	this.rhsColumns = JoinHelper.getRHSColumnNames( joinableType, factory );
	this.on = joinableType.getOnCondition( rhsAlias, factory, enabledFilters )
			+ ( withClause == null || withClause.trim().length() == 0 ? "" : " and ( " + withClause + " )" );
	this.hasRestriction = hasRestriction;
	this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters; // needed later for many-to-many/filter application
源代码2 项目: lams   文件:
private String resolveAdditionalJoinCondition(String rhsTableAlias, String withClause, Joinable joinable, AssociationType associationType) {
	// turns out that the call to AssociationType#getOnCondition in the initial code really just translates to
	// calls to the Joinable.filterFragment() method where the Joinable is either the entity or
	// collection persister
	final String filter = associationType!=null?
			associationType.getOnCondition( rhsTableAlias, factory, queryInfluencers.getEnabledFilters() ):

	if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( withClause ) && StringHelper.isEmpty( filter ) ) {
		return "";
	else if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( withClause ) && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( filter ) ) {
		return filter + " and " + withClause;
	else {
		// only one is non-empty...
		return StringHelper.isNotEmpty( filter ) ? filter : withClause;
源代码3 项目: cacheonix-core   文件:
public OuterJoinableAssociation(
	AssociationType joinableType,
	String lhsAlias,
	String[] lhsColumns,
	String rhsAlias,
	int joinType,
	SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
	Map enabledFilters)
throws MappingException {
	this.joinableType = joinableType;
	this.lhsAlias = lhsAlias;
	this.lhsColumns = lhsColumns;
	this.rhsAlias = rhsAlias;
	this.joinType = joinType;
	this.joinable = joinableType.getAssociatedJoinable(factory);
	this.rhsColumns = JoinHelper.getRHSColumnNames(joinableType, factory);
	this.on = joinableType.getOnCondition(rhsAlias, factory, enabledFilters);
	this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters; // needed later for many-to-many/filter application