com.mongodb.DBCollection#findOne ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.mongodb.DBCollection#findOne ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: metadata-qa-marc   文件:
public void testFindOne() throws UnknownHostException {
  MarcMongodbClient client = new MarcMongodbClient("localhost" , 27017, "sub_last_print");
  DBCollection collection = client.getCollection("marc");
  BasicDBObject doc = createTestObject();
  assertEquals(1, collection.count());
  DBObject myDoc = collection.findOne();
  assertEquals("MongoDB", myDoc.get("name"));
  assertEquals("database", myDoc.get("type"));
  assertEquals(1, myDoc.get("count"));
  assertEquals(BasicDBObject.class, myDoc.get("info").getClass());
  assertEquals(new BasicDBObject("x", 203).append("y", 102), myDoc.get("info"));
  assertEquals(203, ((BasicDBObject)myDoc.get("info")).get("x"));
  assertEquals(Integer.class, ((BasicDBObject)myDoc.get("info")).get("x").getClass());
  collection.remove(new BasicDBObject("name", "MongoDB"));
源代码2 项目: tangyuan2   文件:
public DBObject selectOne(DBCollection collection) {
	DBObject fields = getFields();
	DBObject query = getQuery();
	DBObject orderByObject = getOrderByObject();

	// 日志
	log(fields, query, orderByObject);

	if (null == fields && null == orderByObject) {
		return collection.findOne(query);
	} else if (null != fields && null == orderByObject) {
		return collection.findOne(query, fields);
	} else {
		return collection.findOne(query, fields, orderByObject);
public PrivateStorage update(String collectionName,  Map<String, Object> content) throws JsonProcessingException {
    DBObject queryById = new BasicDBObject().append(ID, content.get(ID));

    DBCollection collectionFor = mongoPrivateStorageTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);
    DBObject dbObject = collectionFor.findOne(queryById);

    if (!Optional.ofNullable(dbObject).isPresent()) {
        return null;


 DBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append(ID, dbObject.get(ID));

    DBCollection collection = mongoPrivateStorageTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);
    collection.update(query, dbObject);

    return PrivateStorage.builder()
public PrivateStorage findById(String collectionName, String id) throws JsonProcessingException {
    DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put(ID, id);

    DBCollection collection = mongoPrivateStorageTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);
    DBObject object = collection.findOne(query);

    if (!Optional.ofNullable(object).isPresent()) {
        return null;

    return PrivateStorage.builder()
源代码5 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find a DBObject from database using the query. If the ‘fields' argument is null, 
 * then return the whole document. Otherwise, only returns given fields.
 * This method uses reflection to convert the result DBObject into given Object.
 * @param query The query condition
 * @param databaseName The database name
 * @param namespace The collection namespace
 * @param collection The collection name
 * @param filterFields The fields that will be returned.
 * @return
public static final Object queryObjectFromMongo(DBObject query, String databaseName,
		String namespace, String collection, DBObject filterFields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	DBObject dbObject = null;
	if ( filterFields != null ) {
		dbObject = coll.findOne(query, filterFields);
	} else {
		dbObject = coll.findOne(query);
	if ( dbObject != null ) {
		return constructObject(dbObject);
	} else {
		return null;
源代码6 项目: XBDD   文件:
 * Uses the '.+' regexp on featureId to allow for symbols such as slashes in the id
 * @param featureId String The featureId to make changes to
 * @return DBObjet Returns the the features new state if changes were made and returns null if bad JSON was sent
public Response putFeature(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId,
		final BasicDBObject feature) {
	feature.put("calculatedStatus", StatusHelper.getFeatureStatus(feature));
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
	final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getReportCoordinatesQueryObject().append("id", featureId);
	final DBObject report = collection.findOne(example);

	// get the differences/new edits

	// Detect if the edits caused a change
	feature.put("statusLastEditedBy", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getDisplay());
	feature.put("lastEditOn", new Date());
	final BasicDBList edits = updateEdits(feature, report);
	feature.put("edits", edits);

	updateTestingTips(this.mongoLegacyDb, coordinates, featureId, feature); // save testing tips / strip them out of the document.
	updateEnvironmentDetails(this.mongoLegacyDb, coordinates, feature);;
	Feature.embedTestingTips(feature, coordinates, this.mongoLegacyDb); // rembed testing tips.
	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(feature))
			.build();// pull back feature - will re-include tips that were extracted prior to saving
源代码7 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件:
 * Delete a user.
 * @param id The ID of the user to delete.
 * @return Nothing.
public Response deleteUser(@PathParam("id") String id) {
  // Validate the JWT.  The JWT must be in the 'users' group.  We do not check
  // to see if the user is deleting their own profile.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Retrieve the user from the database.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  ObjectId dbId = new ObjectId(id);
  DBObject dbUser = dbCollection.findOne(dbId);

  // If the user did not exist, return an error.  Otherwise, remove the user.
  if (dbUser == null) {
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("The user name was not Found.").build();

  dbCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(User.DB_ID, dbId));
  return Response.ok().build();
源代码8 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件:
 * Retrieve a user's profile.
 * @param id The ID of the user.
 * @return The user's profile, as a JSON object. Private fields such as password and salt are not
 *     returned.
public Response getUser(@PathParam("id") String id) {
  // Validate the JWT.  The JWT must belong to the 'users' or 'orchestrator' group.
  // We do not check if the user is retrieving their own profile, or someone else's.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users", "orchestrator")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Retrieve the user from the database.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  DBObject user = dbCollection.findOne(new ObjectId(id));

  // If the user did not exist, return an error.  Otherwise, only return the public
  // fields (exclude things like the password).
  if (user == null) {
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("The user not Found.").build();

  JsonObject responsePayload = new User(user).getPublicJsonObject();

  return Response.ok(responsePayload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();
源代码9 项目: restfiddle   文件:
@RequestMapping(value = "/api/{projectId}/entities/{name}/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json")
   public @ResponseBody
   String getEntityDataById(@PathVariable("projectId") String projectId, @PathVariable("name") String entityName,
    @PathVariable("id") String entityDataId,
    @RequestHeader(value = "authToken", required = false) String authToken) {

JSONObject authRes = authService.authorize(projectId,authToken,"USER");
    return authRes.toString(4);

DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection(projectId+"_"+entityName);

BasicDBObject queryObject = new BasicDBObject();
queryObject.append("_id", new ObjectId(entityDataId));

DBObject resultObject = dbCollection.findOne(queryObject);

if(resultObject == null){
    return "Not Found";


String json = resultObject.toString();

// Indentation
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
return jsonObject.toString(4);
源代码10 项目: XBDD   文件:
public Response getFavouriteStateOfProduct(@PathParam("product") final String product) {
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("users");

	final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("user_id", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getUserId());
	query.put("favourites." + product, true);

	final DBObject favState = collection.findOne(query);

	return Response.ok(favState != null).build();
源代码11 项目: XBDD   文件:
public Response getPresence(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId) {
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("presence");
	final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("coordinates",
			coordinates.getObject(Field.PRODUCT, Field.VERSION, Field.BUILD).append(
					"featureId", featureId))
							.append("_id", coordinates.getProduct() + "/" + coordinates.getVersionString() + "/" + coordinates
									.getBuild() + "/" + featureId);
	final DBObject newPresence = collection.findOne(query);
	newPresence.put("currentUser", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getDisplay());
	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(newPresence)).build();

源代码12 项目: XBDD   文件:
public Response getEnvironmentsForProduct(@PathParam("product") final String product) {
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("environments");
	final DBObject rtn = collection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("coordinates.product", product));

	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(rtn)).build();
源代码13 项目: brooklyn-library   文件:
/** @return The {@link DBObject} representing the object with the given id */
public static DBObject getById(AbstractMongoDBServer entity, String id) {"Getting {} from {}", new Object[]{id, entity});
    MongoClient mongoClient = clientForServer(entity);
    // Secondary preferred means the driver will let us read from secondaries too.
    try {
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB(TEST_DB);
        DBCollection testCollection = db.getCollection(TEST_COLLECTION);
        return testCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(id)));
    } finally {
源代码14 项目: XBDD   文件:
public Response updateCommentWithPatch(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId,
		final BasicDBObject patch) {
	try {
		final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
		final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getReportCoordinatesQueryObject().append("id", featureId);
		final BasicDBObject storedFeature = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(example);

		final String scenarioId = (String) patch.get("scenarioId");
		final String label = (String) patch.get("label");
		final String content = (String) patch.get("content");

		final BasicDBObject featureToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) storedFeature.copy();
		final BasicDBObject scenarioToUpdate = getScenarioById(scenarioId, featureToUpdate);
		scenarioToUpdate.put(label, content);

		if (label.equals("testing-tips")) {
			final DBCollection tips = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("testingTips");
			updateTestingTipsForScenario(tips, scenarioToUpdate, coordinates, featureId);
		featureToUpdate.put("statusLastEditedBy", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getDisplay());
		featureToUpdate.put("lastEditOn", new Date());
		featureToUpdate.put("calculatedStatus", calculateStatusForFeature(featureToUpdate));;
		if (label.equals("testing-tips")) {
			Feature.embedTestingTips(featureToUpdate, coordinates, this.mongoLegacyDb);
		return Response.ok().build();
	} catch (final Throwable th) {
		return Response.serverError().build();

源代码15 项目: XBDD   文件:
public Response updateStepWithPatch(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId,
		final BasicDBObject patch) {
	try {
		final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
		final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getReportCoordinatesQueryObject().append("id", featureId);
		final BasicDBObject storedFeature = (BasicDBObject) collection.findOne(example);

		final int stepLine = (int) patch.get("line");
		final String status = (String) patch.get("status");
		final String scenarioId = (String) patch.get("scenarioId");

		final BasicDBObject featureToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) storedFeature.copy();
		final BasicDBObject scenarioToUpdate = getScenarioById(scenarioId, featureToUpdate);

		boolean found = false;

		if (scenarioToUpdate.get("background") != null) {
			final BasicDBObject backgroundToUpdate = (BasicDBObject) (scenarioToUpdate.get("background"));
			final BasicDBList backgroundStepsToUpdate = (BasicDBList) (backgroundToUpdate.get("steps"));
			found = updateSteps(backgroundStepsToUpdate, stepLine, status);
		if (!found) {
			final BasicDBList stepsToUpdate = (BasicDBList) (scenarioToUpdate.get("steps"));
			updateSteps(stepsToUpdate, stepLine, status);
		featureToUpdate.put("statusLastEditedBy", LoggedInUserUtil.getLoggedInUser().getDisplay());
		featureToUpdate.put("lastEditOn", new Date());
		featureToUpdate.put("calculatedStatus", calculateStatusForFeature(featureToUpdate));;
		return Response.ok().build();
	} catch (final Throwable th) {
		return Response.serverError().build();
源代码16 项目: sample-acmegifts   文件:
 * Update an existing user.
 * @param id The ID of the user to update.
 * @param payload The fields of the user that should be updated.
 * @return Nothing.
public Response updateUser(@PathParam("id") String id, JsonObject payload) {

  // Validate the JWT. The JWT should be in the 'users' group. We do not
  // check to see if the user is modifying their own profile.
  try {
    validateJWT(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("users")));
  } catch (JWTException jwte) {
    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED)

  // Retrieve the user from the database.
  DB database = mongo.getMongoDB();
  DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection(User.DB_COLLECTION_NAME);
  DBObject oldDbUser = dbCollection.findOne(new ObjectId(id));

  if (oldDbUser == null) {
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("The user was not Found.").build();

  // If the input object contains a new password, need to hash it for use in the database.
  User newUser = null;
  if (payload.containsKey("password")) {
    try {
      String rawPassword = payload.getString("password");
      String saltString = (String) (oldDbUser.get(User.JSON_KEY_USER_PASSWORD_SALT));
      PasswordUtility pwUtil = new PasswordUtility(rawPassword, saltString);
      JsonObject newJson =
              .add(User.JSON_KEY_USER_PASSWORD_HASH, pwUtil.getHashedPassword())
              .add(User.JSON_KEY_USER_PASSWORD_SALT, pwUtil.getSalt())
      newUser = new User(newJson);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      return Response.serverError().entity("Error updating password").build();
  } else {
    newUser = new User(payload);

  // Create the updated user object.  Only apply the fields that we want the
  // client to change (skip the internal fields).
  DBObject updateObject = new BasicDBObject("$set", newUser.getDBObjectForModify());
  dbCollection.findAndModify(oldDbUser, updateObject);

  return Response.ok().build();
源代码17 项目: hvdf   文件:
public DBObject getChannelConfiguration(String feedName, String channelName) {
	DBCollection configColl = getChannelConfigCollection(feedName);
	return configColl.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", channelName));
源代码18 项目: XBDD   文件:
 * Uses the '.+' regexp on featureId to allow for symbols such as slashes in the id
 * @param featureId String The featureId to get the history for
 * @return DBObjet Returns the past feature status for the given featureId
public Response getFeatureRollup(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates, @PathParam("featureId") final String featureId) {
	final List<BasicDBObject> features = new ArrayList<>();
	final DBCollection collection = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("features");
	final DBCollection summary = this.mongoLegacyDb.getCollection("summary");
	final BasicDBObject example = coordinates.getRollupQueryObject(featureId);
	final DBCursor cursor = collection.find(example,
			new BasicDBObject("id", 1).append("", 1).append("calculatedStatus", 1)
					.append("originalAutomatedStatus", 1).append("statusLastEditedBy", 1));
	try {
		while (cursor.hasNext()) {
			final DBObject doc =;
			final BasicDBObject rollup = new BasicDBObject()
					.append("build", ((DBObject) doc.get("coordinates")).get("build"))
					.append("calculatedStatus", doc.get("calculatedStatus"))
					.append("originalAutomatedStatus", doc.get("originalAutomatedStatus"))
					.append("statusLastEditedBy", doc.get("statusLastEditedBy"));
	} finally {
	final BasicDBObject returns = new BasicDBObject()
			.append("coordinates", coordinates.getRollupCoordinates().append("featureId", featureId)
					.append("version", coordinates.getVersionString()));

	final DBObject buildOrder = summary.findOne(coordinates.getQueryObject());
	final List<String> buildArray = (List<String>) buildOrder.get("builds");
	final List<BasicDBObject> orderedFeatures = new ArrayList<>();

	for (final String build : buildArray) {
		for (final BasicDBObject feature : features) {
			if (feature.get("build").equals(build)) {

	returns.append("rollup", orderedFeatures);

	return Response.ok(SerializerUtil.serialise(returns)).build();
源代码19 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find a DBObject from database using the query. If the ‘fields' argument is null, 
 * then return the whole document. Otherwise, only returns given fields.
 * @param query The query condition
 * @param databaseName The database name
 * @param namespace The collection namespace
 * @param collection The collection name
 * @param fields The fields that will be returned.
 * @return
public static final DBObject queryFromMongo(DBObject query, String databaseName,
		String namespace, String collection, DBObject fields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	if ( fields != null ) {
		return coll.findOne(query, fields);
	} else {
		return coll.findOne(query);
源代码20 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find a DBObject from database using the query. If the ‘fields' argument is null, 
 * then return the whole document. Otherwise, only returns given fields.
 * @param query The query condition
 * @param databaseName The database name
 * @param namespace The collection namespace
 * @param collection The collection name
 * @param fields The fields that will be returned.
 * @return
public static final DBObject queryFromMongo(DBObject query, String databaseName,
		String namespace, String collection, DBObject fields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	if ( fields != null ) {
		return coll.findOne(query, fields);
	} else {
		return coll.findOne(query);