com.mongodb.DBCursor#sort ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.mongodb.DBCursor#sort ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: ymate-platform-v2   文件:
public List<GridFSDBFile> findAll(OrderBy orderBy, Page page) {
    DBCursor _cursor = __dbCollection.find();
    if (orderBy != null) {
    if (page != null && > 0 && page.pageSize() > 0) {
        _cursor.skip(( - 1) * page.pageSize()).limit(page.pageSize());
    List<GridFSDBFile> _results = new ArrayList<GridFSDBFile>();
    while (_cursor.hasNext()) {
    return _results;
源代码2 项目: ymate-platform-v2   文件:
public List<GridFSDBFile> find(Query query, OrderBy orderBy, Page page) {
    DBCursor _cursor = __dbCollection.find(query.toBson());
    if (orderBy != null) {
    if (page != null && > 0 && page.pageSize() > 0) {
        _cursor.skip(( - 1) * page.pageSize()).limit(page.pageSize());
    List<GridFSDBFile> _results = new ArrayList<GridFSDBFile>();
    while (_cursor.hasNext()) {
    return _results;
源代码3 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find all DBObjects from database using this query. 
 * Note 1: it may do a full table scan if the query contains no index keys.
 * Note 2: it will fetch all content into JVM memory rather than use lazy loading.
 * So make sure you call it only at small collection such as configuration data.
 * @param query
 * @param databaseName
 * @param namespace
 * @param collection
 * @param fields
 * @return
public static final List<DBObject> queryAllFromMongo(DBObject query, 
		String databaseName, String namespace, String collection, 
		DBObject fields, DBObject sortFields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	int count = (int)coll.count(query);
	ArrayList<DBObject> objList = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
	DBCursor list = coll.find(query, fields);
	if ( sortFields != null ) {
		list = list.sort(sortFields);
	while ( list.hasNext() ) {
	return objList;
源代码4 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find all DBObjects from database using this query. 
 * Note 1: it may do a full table scan if the query contains no index keys.
 * Note 2: it will fetch all content into JVM memory rather than use lazy loading.
 * So make sure you call it only at small collection such as configuration data.
 * @param query
 * @param databaseName
 * @param namespace
 * @param collection
 * @param fields
 * @return
public static final List<DBObject> queryAllFromMongo(DBObject query, 
		String databaseName, String namespace, String collection, 
		DBObject fields, DBObject sortFields, int numToSkip, int limit) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	int count = (int)coll.count(query);
	ArrayList<DBObject> objList = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
	DBCursor list = coll.find(query, fields).skip(numToSkip).limit(limit);
	if ( sortFields != null ) {
		list = list.sort(sortFields);
	while ( list.hasNext() ) {
	return objList;
源代码5 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find all DBObjects from database using this query. 
 * Note 1: it may do a full table scan if the query contains no index keys.
 * Note 2: it will fetch all content into JVM memory rather than use lazy loading.
 * So make sure you call it only at small collection such as configuration data.
 * @param query
 * @param databaseName
 * @param namespace
 * @param collection
 * @param fields
 * @return
public static final List<DBObject> queryAllFromMongo(DBObject query, 
		String databaseName, String namespace, String collection, 
		DBObject fields, DBObject sortFields) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	//int count = (int)coll.count(query);
	ArrayList<DBObject> objList = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
	DBCursor list = coll.find(query, fields);
	if ( sortFields != null ) {
		list = list.sort(sortFields);
	while ( list.hasNext() ) {
	return objList;
源代码6 项目: gameserver   文件:
 * Find all DBObjects from database using this query. 
 * Note 1: it may do a full table scan if the query contains no index keys.
 * Note 2: it will fetch all content into JVM memory rather than use lazy loading.
 * So make sure you call it only at small collection such as configuration data.
 * @param query
 * @param databaseName
 * @param namespace
 * @param collection
 * @param fields
 * @return
public static final List<DBObject> queryAllFromMongo(DBObject query, 
		String databaseName, String namespace, String collection, 
		DBObject fields, DBObject sortFields, int numToSkip, int limit) {
	DBCollection coll = getDBCollection(databaseName, namespace, collection);
	int count = (int)coll.count(query);
	ArrayList<DBObject> objList = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
	DBCursor list = coll.find(query, fields).skip(numToSkip).limit(limit);
	if ( sortFields != null ) {
		list = list.sort(sortFields);
	while ( list.hasNext() ) {
	return objList;
源代码7 项目: tangyuan2   文件:
public DBCursor selectSet(DBCollection collection) {
	DBObject fields = getFields();
	DBObject query = getQuery();
	DBObject orderByObject = getOrderByObject();
	DBCursor cursor = null;

	// 日志
	log(fields, query, orderByObject);

	if (null != query && null == fields) {
		cursor = collection.find(query);
	} else if (null == query && null != fields) {
		cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(), fields);
	} else if (null != fields && null != query) {
		cursor = collection.find(query, fields);
	} else {
		cursor = collection.find();

	if (null != orderByObject) {
	if (null != this.limit) {
		if (null == this.limit.getOffset()) {
		} else {
	return cursor;
源代码8 项目: ipst   文件:
protected DBCursor getDataCursor(Map<String, ?> ranges, int start, int count, ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, Map<String, INDEXTYPE> indexTypes) {
    DBCursor cursor = super.getDataCursor(ranges, start, count, columnDescriptors, indexTypes);

    //TODO use indexes on filters ; check
    // example : {horizon:1,datetime:1,CHOO17GROUP_1_NGU_SM_P:1}

    return cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("datetime", 1));
源代码9 项目: ipst   文件:
protected DBCursor getDataCursor(Map<String, ?> ranges, int start, int count, ColumnDescriptor[] columnDescriptors, Map<String, INDEXTYPE> indexTypes) {
    DBCursor cursor = super.getDataCursor(ranges, start, count, columnDescriptors, indexTypes);

    return cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("datetime", 1));
源代码10 项目: ipst   文件:
public Object getRepresentation() {

    if (ds == null) {
        return null;

    if (!ds.getStatus().isInitialized()) {
        return "Initializing...";

    Form queryForm = getRequest().getOriginalRef().getQueryAsForm();

    ITeslaDatasource teslaDs = (ITeslaDatasource)ds;

    String fieldName = (String)getRequest().getAttributes().get("field");
    if (fieldName != null) {
        if ("regions".equals(fieldName))
            return teslaDs.getMetadata().getRegions();
        else if ("count".equals(fieldName)) {
            DBCursor cursor = getData().getCursor();
            return ((Number)cursor.explain().get("n")).intValue();
        else if ("forecastsDiff".equals(fieldName))
            return getForecastsAndSnapshots();
        else if ("stations".equals(fieldName))
            return teslaDs.getMetadata().getToposPerSubstation().keySet();
        else if ("explain".equals(fieldName))
            return new JsonRepresentation(((MongoDataset)getData()).explain().toString());
        else if ("countries".equals(fieldName))
            return teslaDs.getMetadata().getCountries();
        else if ("topos".equals(fieldName)) {
            //warn this is potentially a large result - must implement a finer query mechanism (per substation id)
            String stationId = queryForm.getFirstValue("topoId", true);
            if (stationId == null) {
                return teslaDs.getMetadata().getToposPerSubstation();
            else return teslaDs.getMetadata().getToposPerSubstation().get(stationId).keySet();

        else return null;
    } else
        return super.getRepresentation();
源代码11 项目: konker-platform   文件:
public List<PrivateStorage> findByQuery(String collectionName,
                                        Map<String, String> queryParam,
                                        String sort,
                                        int pageNumber,
                                        int pageSize) throws JsonProcessingException {
    List<BasicDBObject> criterias = queryParam.entrySet()
            .map(item -> {
                String[] params = item.getValue().split(":");
                String value = params[0];
                FilterEnum filter = FilterEnum.DEFAULT;

                if (params.length == 2) {
                    String operator = params[0];
                    value = params[1];
                    filter = FilterEnum.valueOf(operator.toUpperCase());

                return filter.criteria(item.getKey(), value);

    List<PrivateStorage> privatesStorage = new ArrayList<>();
    DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

    if (!criterias.isEmpty()) {
        List<BasicDBObject> andCriteria = new ArrayList<>();
        query.put("$and", andCriteria);

    DBCollection collection = mongoPrivateStorageTemplate.getCollection(collectionName);
    DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query);

    if (sort != null) {
        String[] sortParams = sort.split(":");
        BasicDBObject sortObject = SortEnum.valueOf(sortParams[0].toUpperCase()).sort(sortParams[1]);

    toPrivateStorageList(collectionName, privatesStorage, cursor, pageNumber, pageSize);

    return privatesStorage;
源代码12 项目: BLELocalization   文件:
 * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
 *      response)
 *      Get resource
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

	if (mDS != MongoService.getInstance()) {
		System.out.println("MongoService db name is changed");
		mDS = MongoService.getInstance();
		mCollRef = mDS.getCollection("refpoints");
		mCollSamp = mDS.getCollection("samplings");
		mCollMap = mDS.getCollection("maps");
	String type = request.getParameter("type");
	String id = request.getParameter("id");
	System.out.println("doGet: type=" + type + " id=" + id);

	if ("file".equals(type)) {
		if (id == null) {
			// Get list of files
			mDS.sendJSON(mDS.getFileList(), request, response);
		try {
			mDS.sendFile(id, response);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			System.err.println("Send error: " + id);

	// Get document(s)
	String distinct = request.getParameter("distinct");
	String pipeline = request.getParameter("pipeline");
	String query = request.getParameter("query");
	String keys = request.getParameter("keys");
	String format = request.getParameter("format");
	DBObject queryObj = query != null ? (DBObject) JSON.parse(query) : null;
	DBObject keysObj = keys != null ? (DBObject) JSON.parse(keys) : null;

	Object result = null;
	DBCollection collection = mDS.getCollection(type);
	if (id != null) {
		result = collection.findOne(new ObjectId(id), keysObj);
	} else if (distinct != null) {
		result = collection.distinct(distinct, queryObj);
	} else if (pipeline != null) {
		DBObject pipelineObj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(pipeline);
		if (pipelineObj instanceof List<?>) {
			result = collection.aggregate((List<DBObject>) pipelineObj).results();
		} else {
			result = collection.aggregate(pipelineObj).results();
	} else {
		DBCursor cursor = collection.find(queryObj, keysObj);
		String sort = request.getParameter("sort");
		String skip = request.getParameter("skip");
		String limit = request.getParameter("limit");
		String count = request.getParameter("count");
		if (sort != null) {
			cursor = cursor.sort((DBObject) JSON.parse(sort));
		if (skip != null) {
			cursor = cursor.skip(Integer.parseInt(skip));
		if (limit != null) {
			cursor = cursor.limit(Integer.parseInt(limit));
		result = "true".equals(count) ? cursor.count() : cursor;
	if (id != null && result == null) {
		response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, String.format("Document %s does not exist", id));
	if ("csv".equals(format)) {
		mDS.sendCSV(result, request, response);
	mDS.sendJSON(result, request, response);