com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult#getModifiedCount ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult#getModifiedCount ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hmily   文件:
public int updateParticipant(final HmilyTransaction hmilyTransaction) {
    Query query = new Query();
    query.addCriteria(new Criteria("transId").is(hmilyTransaction.getTransId()));
    Update update = new Update();
    try {
        update.set("contents", objectSerializer.serialize(hmilyTransaction.getHmilyParticipants()));
    } catch (HmilyException e) {
    final UpdateResult updateResult = template.updateFirst(query, update, MongoAdapter.class, collectionName);
    if (updateResult.getModifiedCount() <= 0) {
        throw new HmilyRuntimeException("update data exception!");
    return ROWS;
源代码2 项目: hmily   文件:
public Boolean updateRetry(final String id, final Integer retry, final String appName) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(id) || StringUtils.isBlank(appName) || Objects.isNull(retry)) {
        return Boolean.FALSE;
    final String mongoTableName = RepositoryPathUtils.buildMongoTableName(appName);
    Query query = new Query();
    query.addCriteria(new Criteria("transId").is(id));
    Update update = new Update();
    update.set("lastTime", DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime());
    update.set("retriedCount", retry);
    final UpdateResult updateResult = mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update,
            MongoAdapter.class, mongoTableName);
    if (updateResult.getModifiedCount() <= 0) {
        throw new HmilyRuntimeException("更新数据异常!");
    return Boolean.TRUE;
源代码3 项目: morphia   文件:
public <T> T merge(final T entity, final InsertOneOptions options) {
    final Object id = mapper.getId(entity);
    if (id == null) {
        throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + entity.getClass().getName());

    final Document document = mapper.toDocument(entity);

    final Query<T> query = (Query<T>) find(entity.getClass()).filter(eq("_id", id));
    if (!tryVersionedUpdate(entity, mapper.getCollection(entity.getClass()), options)) {
        UpdateResult execute = query.update(UpdateOperators.set(entity))
                                    .execute(new UpdateOptions()
        if (execute.getModifiedCount() != 1) {
            throw new UpdateException("Nothing updated");

    return query.first();
源代码4 项目: redtorch   文件:
 * 更新
 * @param dbName
 * @param collectionName
 * @param filter
 * @param document
 * @return
public boolean updateOne(String dbName, String collectionName, Document filter, Document document) {
	if (filter != null && filter.size() > 0 && document != null) {
		UpdateResult result = mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName)
				.updateOne(new Document(filter), new Document("$set", new Document(document)));
		long modifiedCount = result.getModifiedCount();
		return modifiedCount > 0 ? true : false;

	return false;
源代码5 项目: redtorch   文件:
 * 通过_id更新
 * @param dbName
 * @param collectionName
 * @param _id
 * @param document
 * @return
public boolean updateById(String dbName, String collectionName, String _id, Document document) {
	ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(_id);
	Bson filter = Filters.eq("_id", objectId);

	UpdateResult result = getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).updateOne(filter,
			new Document("$set", document));
	long modifiedCount = result.getModifiedCount();

	return modifiedCount > 0 ? true : false;
源代码6 项目: hmily   文件:
public int updateStatus(final String id, final Integer status) {
    Query query = new Query();
    query.addCriteria(new Criteria("transId").is(id));
    Update update = new Update();
    update.set("status", status);
    final UpdateResult updateResult = template.updateFirst(query, update, MongoAdapter.class, collectionName);
    if (updateResult.getModifiedCount() <= 0) {
        throw new HmilyRuntimeException("update data exception!");
    return ROWS;
源代码7 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件:
public SyncUpdateResult execute(@Nullable final CoreStitchServiceClient service) {
  final UpdateResult localResult = this.dataSynchronizer.updateOne(
      new UpdateOptions().upsert(this.syncUpdateOptions.isUpsert()));

  return new SyncUpdateResult(
源代码8 项目: stitch-android-sdk   文件:
public SyncUpdateResult execute(@Nullable final CoreStitchServiceClient service) {
  final UpdateResult localResult = this.dataSynchronizer.updateMany(
      new UpdateOptions().upsert(this.syncUpdateOptions.isUpsert()));

  return new SyncUpdateResult(
long executeQuery(int threadId, long threadRunCount, long globalRunCount, long selectorId, long randomId){

    final Document doc = new Document("$set", new Document(RANDOM_LONG, randomId))
            .append("$inc", new Document(VERSION, 1));

    final UpdateResult res = THREAD_RUN_COUNT.equals(queriedField)?mongoCollection.updateMany(eq(queriedField, selectorId), doc)
            :ID.equals(queriedField)?mongoCollection.updateOne(eq(queriedField, selectorId), doc):null;
    return res!=null?res.getModifiedCount():0l;
源代码10 项目: eagle   文件:
private <T> OpResult addOrReplace(MongoCollection<Document> collection, T t) {
    BsonDocument filter = new BsonDocument();
    if (t instanceof StreamDefinition) {
        filter.append("streamId", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t)));
    } else if (t instanceof AlertPublishEvent) {
        filter.append("alertId", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t)));
    } else {
        filter.append("name", new BsonString(MetadataUtils.getKey(t)));

    String json = "";
    OpResult result = new OpResult();
    try {
        json = mapper.writeValueAsString(t);
        UpdateOptions options = new UpdateOptions();
        UpdateResult ur = collection.replaceOne(filter, Document.parse(json), options);
        // FIXME: could based on matched count do better matching...
        if (ur.getModifiedCount() > 0 || ur.getUpsertedId() != null) {
            result.code = 200;
            result.message = String.format("update %d configuration item.", ur.getModifiedCount());
        } else {
            result.code = 500;
            result.message = "no configuration item create/updated.";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        result.code = 500;
        result.message = e.getMessage();
        LOG.error("", e);
    return result;
源代码11 项目: rya   文件:
public void update(final RyaDetails oldDetails, final RyaDetails newDetails)
        throws NotInitializedException, ConcurrentUpdateException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
    // Preconditions.

    if(!newDetails.getRyaInstanceName().equals( instanceName )) {
        throw new RyaDetailsRepositoryException("The instance name that was in the provided 'newDetails' does not match " +
                "the instance name that this repository is connected to. Make sure you're connected to the" +
                "correct Rya instance.");

    if(!isInitialized()) {
        throw new NotInitializedException("Could not update the details for the Rya instanced named '" +
                instanceName + "' because it has not been initialized yet.");

    if(oldDetails.equals(newDetails)) {

    final MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(INSTANCE_DETAILS_COLLECTION_NAME);
    final Document oldObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(oldDetails);
    final Document newObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(newDetails);
    final UpdateResult result = col.replaceOne(oldObj, newObj, new ReplaceOptions());

    //since there is only 1 document, there should only be 1 update.
    if(result.getModifiedCount() != 1) {
        throw new ConcurrentUpdateException("Could not update the details for the Rya instance named '" +
            instanceName + "' because the old value is out of date.");
源代码12 项目: vertx-mongo-client   文件:
static MongoClientUpdateResult toMongoClientUpdateResult(UpdateResult updateResult) {
  return updateResult.wasAcknowledged() ? new MongoClientUpdateResult(updateResult.getMatchedCount(), convertUpsertId(updateResult.getUpsertedId()), updateResult.getModifiedCount()) : null;
源代码13 项目: morphia   文件:
private <T> boolean tryVersionedUpdate(final T entity, final MongoCollection collection, final InsertOneOptions options) {
    final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(entity.getClass());
    if (mc.getVersionField() == null) {
        return false;

    MappedField idField = mc.getIdField();
    final Object idValue = idField.getFieldValue(entity);
    final MappedField versionField = mc.getVersionField();

    Long oldVersion = (Long) versionField.getFieldValue(entity);
    long newVersion = oldVersion == null ? 1L : oldVersion + 1;
    ClientSession session = findSession(options);

    if (newVersion == 1) {
        try {
            updateVersion(entity, versionField, newVersion);
            if (session == null) {
                options.prepare(collection).insertOne(entity, options.getOptions());
            } else {
                options.prepare(collection).insertOne(session, entity, options.getOptions());
        } catch (MongoWriteException e) {
            updateVersion(entity, versionField, oldVersion);
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(Sofia.concurrentModification(entity.getClass().getName(), idValue));
    } else if (idValue != null) {
        final UpdateResult res = find(collection.getNamespace().getCollectionName())
                                     .filter(eq("_id", idValue),
                                         eq(versionField.getMappedFieldName(), oldVersion))
                                     .execute(new UpdateOptions()

        if (res.getModifiedCount() != 1) {
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException(Sofia.concurrentModification(entity.getClass().getName(), idValue));
        updateVersion(entity, versionField, newVersion);

    return true;
源代码14 项目: tutorials   文件:
 * Adds a list of tags to the blog post with the given title.
 * @param title
 *            the title of the blog post
 * @param tags
 *            a list of tags to add
 * @return the outcome of the operation
public boolean addTags(String title, List<String> tags) {
	UpdateResult result = collection.updateOne(new BasicDBObject(DBCollection.ID_FIELD_NAME, title),
			Updates.addEachToSet(TAGS_FIELD, tags));
	return result.getModifiedCount() == 1;
源代码15 项目: tutorials   文件:
 * Removes a list of tags to the blog post with the given title.
 * @param title
 *            the title of the blog post
 * @param tags
 *            a list of tags to remove
 * @return the outcome of the operation
public boolean removeTags(String title, List<String> tags) {
	UpdateResult result = collection.updateOne(new BasicDBObject(DBCollection.ID_FIELD_NAME, title),
			Updates.pullAll(TAGS_FIELD, tags));
	return result.getModifiedCount() == 1;