java.util.Calendar#after ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Calendar#after ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: objectlabkit   文件:
public int getNumberOfBusinessDaysBetween(final Calendar d1, final Calendar d2) {
    if (d1 == null || d2 == null) {
        return 0;
    final boolean d1B4d2 = !d1.after(d2);
    Calendar start = d1B4d2 ? d1 : d2;
    final Calendar end = d1B4d2 ? d2 : d1;
    if (getHolidayHandler() != null) {
        start = getHolidayHandler().adjustDate(start, 1, this);

    int count = 0;

    while (start.before(end)) {
        if (!isNonWorkingDay(start)) {
        start.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
    return d1B4d2 ? count : -count;
源代码2 项目: olca-app   文件:
public static String formatCommitDate(long value) {
	Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
	Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
	if (cal.after(today))
		return "In future";
	int seconds = getDifference(today, cal, Calendar.SECOND, 60);
	if (seconds < 60)
		return timeText(seconds, "second");
	int minutes = getDifference(today, cal, Calendar.MINUTE, 60);
	if (minutes < 60)
		return timeText(minutes, "minute");
	int hours = getDifference(today, cal, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 24);
	if (hours < 24)
		return timeText(hours, "hour");
	int days = getDifference(today, cal, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 365);
	if (days < 7)
		return timeText(days, "day");
	if (days < 31)
		return timeText(days / 7, "week");
	int months = getDifference(today, cal, Calendar.MONTH, 12);
	if (days < 365 && months > 0)
		return timeText(months, "month");
	int years = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
	return timeText(years, "year");
源代码3 项目: SuntimesWidget   文件:
public void updateViews(Context context, int appWidgetId, RemoteViews views, SuntimesRiseSetData data)
    super.updateViews(context, appWidgetId, views, data);
    boolean showSeconds = WidgetSettings.loadShowSecondsPref(context, appWidgetId);
    WidgetSettings.RiseSetOrder order = WidgetSettings.loadRiseSetOrderPref(context, appWidgetId);

    Calendar event = data.sunriseCalendar(1);
    if (order != WidgetSettings.RiseSetOrder.TODAY)
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        if (now.after(event)) {
            event = data.sunriseCalendar(2);
    updateViewsSunriseText(context, views, event, showSeconds);
 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isModified() {
    if (!isUnwrapped()) {
        return false;
    Calendar mod = getLastModified();
    if (mod == null) {
        return false;
    Calendar uw = getLastWrapped();
    if (uw == null) {
        uw = getLastUnwrapped();
    if (uw == null) {
        // backward compat check
        try {
            if (defNode.hasProperty("unwrapped")) {
                return true;
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            log.warn("Error while checking unwrapped property", e);
        return false;
    return mod.after(uw);
源代码5 项目: kogito-runtimes   文件:
 * This returns true is the rule is effective.
 * If the rule is not effective, it cannot activate.
 * This uses the dateEffective, dateExpires and enabled flag to decide this.
public boolean isEffective(Tuple tuple,
                           RuleTerminalNode rtn,
                           WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
    if ( !this.enabled.getValue( tuple,
                                 workingMemory ) ) {
        return false;
    if ( this.dateEffective == null && this.dateExpires == null ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        now.setTimeInMillis( workingMemory.getSessionClock().getCurrentTime() );

        if ( this.dateEffective != null && this.dateExpires != null ) {
            return (now.after( this.dateEffective ) && now.before( this.dateExpires ));
        } else if ( this.dateEffective != null ) {
            return (now.after( this.dateEffective ));
        } else {
            return (now.before( this.dateExpires ));
源代码6 项目: smarthome   文件:
 * Applies the config to the given calendar.
public static Calendar applyConfig(Calendar cal, AstroChannelConfig config) {
    Calendar cCal = cal;
    if (config.getOffset() != null && config.getOffset() != 0) {
        Calendar cOffset = Calendar.getInstance();
        cOffset.add(Calendar.MINUTE, config.getOffset());
        cCal = cOffset;

    Calendar cEarliest = adjustTime(cCal, getMinutesFromTime(config.getEarliest()));
    if (cCal.before(cEarliest)) {
        return cEarliest;
    Calendar cLatest = adjustTime(cCal, getMinutesFromTime(config.getLatest()));
    if (cCal.after(cLatest)) {
        return cLatest;

    return cCal;
源代码7 项目: ranger   文件:
private Calendar getEarlierCalendar(Calendar dayOfMonthCalendar, Calendar dayOfWeekCalendar) throws Exception {

            Calendar withDayOfMonth = fillOutCalendar(dayOfMonthCalendar);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("dayOfMonthCalendar:[" + (withDayOfMonth != null ? withDayOfMonth.getTime() : null) + "]");

            Calendar withDayOfWeek = fillOutCalendar(dayOfWeekCalendar);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("dayOfWeekCalendar:[" + (withDayOfWeek != null ? withDayOfWeek.getTime() : null) + "]");

            if (withDayOfMonth != null && withDayOfWeek != null) {
                return withDayOfMonth.after(withDayOfWeek) ? withDayOfMonth : withDayOfWeek;
            } else if (withDayOfMonth == null) {
                return withDayOfWeek;
            } else {
                return withDayOfMonth;
public void showGuide() {
    mPlaybackController.mVideoManager.contractVideo(Utils.convertDpToPixel(mActivity, 300));
    mGuideVisible = true;
    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
    boolean needLoad = mCurrentGuideStart == null;
    if (!needLoad) {
        Calendar needLoadTime = (Calendar) mCurrentGuideStart.clone();
        needLoadTime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 30);
        needLoad = now.after(needLoadTime);
    if (needLoad) {
源代码9 项目: PhoneProfilesPlus   文件:
 * @param calendar  a datetime
 * @param latitude  the latitude of the location in degrees.
 * @param longitude the longitude of the location in degrees (West is negative)
 * @return true if it is night at the given location and datetime. This returns
 * true if the given datetime at the location is after the astronomical twilight dusk and before
 * the astronomical twilight dawn.
public static boolean isNight(Calendar calendar, double latitude, double longitude) {
    Calendar[] astronomicalTwilight = getAstronomicalTwilight(calendar, latitude, longitude);
    if (astronomicalTwilight == null) {
        int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); // Reminder: January = 0
        if (latitude > 0) {
            if (month >= 3 && month <= 10) {
                return false; // Always day at the north pole in June
            } else {
                return true; // Always night at the north pole in December
        } else {
            if (month >= 3 && month <= 10) {
                return true; // Always night at the south pole in June
            } else {
                return false; // Always day at the south pole in December
    Calendar dawn = astronomicalTwilight[0];
    Calendar dusk = astronomicalTwilight[1];
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss z");
    return calendar.before(dawn) || calendar.after(dusk);
源代码10 项目: PhoneProfilesPlus   文件:
 * @param calendar the datetime for which to determine if it's nautical twilight in the given location
 * @param latitude  the latitude of the location in degrees.
 * @param longitude the longitude of the location in degrees (West is negative)
 * @return true if it is nautical twilight at the given location and the given calendar.
 * This returns true if the given time at the location is between civil and nautical twilight dusk
 * or between nautical and civil twilight dawn.
public static boolean isNauticalTwilight(Calendar calendar, double latitude, double longitude) {
    Calendar[] civilTwilight = getCivilTwilight(calendar, latitude, longitude);
    if (civilTwilight == null) return false;
    Calendar[] nauticalTwilight = getNauticalTwilight(calendar, latitude, longitude);
    if (nauticalTwilight == null) return false;

    return (calendar.after(civilTwilight[1]) && calendar.before(nauticalTwilight[1])
            || (calendar.after(nauticalTwilight[0]) && calendar.before(civilTwilight[0])));
源代码11 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public Transition nextTransition(Calendar from) {
   for(Transition transition : transitions()) {
      Calendar c = CalendarUtil.setTime(from, transition.timeOfDay());
      if(c.after(from)) {
         return Transition.builder(transition).withStartTime(c.getTime()).build();

   return null;
源代码12 项目: activiti6-boot2   文件:
private Calendar getDateAfterRepeat(Calendar date) {
	Calendar current = TimeZoneUtil.convertToTimeZone(start, date.getTimeZone());
	if (repeatWithNoBounds) {
    while(current.before(date) || current.equals(date)) { // As long as current date is not past the engine date, we keep looping
    	Calendar newTime = add(current, period);
      if (newTime.equals(current) || newTime.before(current)) {
      current = newTime;
	} else {
   int maxLoops = times;
   if (maxIterations > 0) {
     maxLoops = maxIterations - times;
   for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops+1 && !current.after(date); i++) {
     current = add(current, period);
	return current.before(date) ? date : TimeZoneUtil.convertToTimeZone(current, clockReader.getCurrentTimeZone());
源代码13 项目: flowable-engine   文件:
private Calendar getDateAfterRepeat(Calendar date) {
    Calendar current = TimeZoneUtil.convertToTimeZone(start, date.getTimeZone());

    if (repeatWithNoBounds) {

        while (current.before(date) || current.equals(date)) { // As long as current date is not past the engine date, we keep looping
            Calendar newTime = add(current, period);
            if (newTime.equals(current) || newTime.before(current)) {
            current = newTime;

    } else {

        int maxLoops = times;
        if (maxIterations > 0) {
            maxLoops = maxIterations - times;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops + 1 && !current.after(date); i++) {
            current = add(current, period);

    return current.before(date) ? date : TimeZoneUtil.convertToTimeZone(current, clockReader.getCurrentTimeZone());

源代码14 项目: PhoneProfilesPlus   文件:
 * @param calendar the datetime for which to determine if it's civil twilight in the given location
 * @param latitude  the latitude of the location in degrees.
 * @param longitude the longitude of the location in degrees (West is negative)
 * @return true if it is civil twilight at the given location and the given calendar.
 * This returns true if the given time at the location is between sunset and civil twilight dusk
 * or between civil twilight dawn and sunrise.
public static boolean isCivilTwilight(Calendar calendar, double latitude, double longitude) {
    Calendar[] sunriseSunset = getSunriseSunset(calendar, latitude, longitude);
    if (sunriseSunset == null) return false;
    Calendar[] civilTwilight = getCivilTwilight(calendar, latitude, longitude);
    if (civilTwilight == null) return false;

    return (calendar.after(sunriseSunset[1]) && calendar.before(civilTwilight[1])
            || (calendar.after(civilTwilight[0]) && calendar.before(sunriseSunset[0])));
源代码15 项目: SuntimesWidget   文件:
public void updateField(Context context, Calendar now, Calendar dateTime, boolean showWeeks, boolean showTime, boolean showHours, boolean showSeconds)
    if (field != null)
        field.setText(utils.calendarDateTimeDisplayString(context, dateTime, showTime, showSeconds).getValue());

    if (note != null)
        String noteText = (dateTime == null ? "" : utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(now.getTime(), dateTime.getTime(), showWeeks, showHours).toString());
        String noteString = now.after(dateTime) ? context.getString(R.string.ago, noteText) : context.getString(R.string.hence, noteText);
        note.setText(SuntimesUtils.createBoldColorSpan(null, noteString, noteText, noteColor));
源代码16 项目: civcraft   文件:
public void run() {
	Calendar cal = EventTimer.getCalendarInServerTimeZone();
	for (EventTimer timer : EventTimer.timers.values()) {
		if (cal.after(timer.getNext())) {

			Calendar next;
			try {
				next = timer.getEventFunction().getNextDate();
			} catch (InvalidConfiguration e) {
			if (next == null) {
				CivLog.warning("WARNING timer:"+timer.getName()+" did not return a next time.");


源代码17 项目: translationstudio8   文件:
 * 建议改名, 实现有错 判断时间1是否在时间2之前.
 * @param date1
 *            String 类型的时间1 格式为"yyyy-mm-dd"
 * @param date2
 *            String 类型的时间1 格式为"yyyy-mm-dd"
 * @return boolean
 * 			  ture: date2 > date 1; false: date2 <= date1
public static boolean getCompareResult(String date1, String date2) {
	Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();
	Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();
	if (calendar2.after(calendar1)) {
		return true;
	return false;
源代码18 项目: UltimateCore   文件:
public static String formatDateDiff(Calendar fromDate, Calendar toDate, int maxacc, @Nullable Integer disable) {
    boolean future = false;
    if (toDate.equals(fromDate)) {
        return Messages.getColored("");
    if (toDate.after(fromDate)) {
        future = true;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int[] types = {1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 13};

    String[] names = {

    int accuracy = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        if (accuracy >= maxacc) {
        int diff = dateDiff(types[i], fromDate, toDate, future);
        if (diff > 0) {
            int name = ((i * 2) + (diff == 1 ? 1 : 0));
            if (disable != null && name >= disable) {
            sb.append(" ").append(diff).append(" ").append(names[name]);
    if (sb.length() == 0) {
        return Messages.getColored("");
    return sb.toString().trim();
源代码19 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件:
 * Generate a random scheduled time between specified execution time window in the Azkaban compatible format
 * which is: hh,mm,a,z Eg. ScheduleTime=12,00,PM,PDT
 * @param windowStartHour Window start hour in 24 hr (HH) format (inclusive)
 * @param windowEndHour Window end hour in 24 hr (HH) format (exclusive)
 * @param delayMinutes If current time is within window, then additional delay for bootstrapping if desired
 * @return Scheduled time string of the format hh,mm,a,z
    justification = "As expected for randomization")
public static String getScheduledTimeInAzkabanFormat(int windowStartHour, int windowEndHour, int delayMinutes) {
  // Validate
  if (windowStartHour < 0 || windowEndHour > 23 || windowStartHour >= windowEndHour) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window start should be less than window end, and both should be between "
        + "0 and 23");
  if (delayMinutes < 0 || delayMinutes > 59) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Delay in minutes should be between 0 and 59 (inclusive)");

  // Setup window
  Calendar windowStartTime = Calendar.getInstance();
  windowStartTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, windowStartHour);
  windowStartTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
  windowStartTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

  Calendar windowEndTime = Calendar.getInstance();
  windowEndTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, windowEndHour);
  windowEndTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
  windowEndTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

  // Check if current time is between windowStartTime and windowEndTime, then let the execution happen
  // after delayMinutes minutes
  Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
  if (now.after(windowStartTime) && now.before(windowEndTime)) {
    // Azkaban takes a few seconds / a minute to bootstrap,
    // so extra few minutes get the first execution to run instantly
    now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, delayMinutes);

    return new SimpleDateFormat("hh,mm,a,z").format(now.getTime());

  // Current time is not between windowStartTime and windowEndTime, so get random execution time for next day
  int allowedSchedulingWindow = (int)((windowEndTime.getTimeInMillis() - windowStartTime.getTimeInMillis()) /
  int randomHourInWindow = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(allowedSchedulingWindow);
  int randomMinute = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(60);
  windowStartTime.add(Calendar.HOUR, randomHourInWindow);
  windowStartTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, randomMinute);

  return new SimpleDateFormat("hh,mm,a,z").format(windowStartTime.getTime());
private PropertyChangeListener chechkDates() {
	final PropertyChangeListener listener = new PropertyChangeListener() {

		public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
			// here leave ancestors empty because we need dates not ancestor
			if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("ancestor")) {
			boolean showed = false;
			startDate = checkinDateChooser.getDate();
			endDate = checkoutDateChooser.getDate();

			if (startDate != null && endDate != null) {
				// add to calendar to be able get day of date
				// and compare
				Calendar cs = Calendar.getInstance();
				Calendar ce = Calendar.getInstance();

				// compare if start date greater than end date
				if (cs.after(ce) && !showed) {
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Start date is after end date!",
					showed = true;
				// or both is same date
				else if (cs.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == ce.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) && !showed) {
							"Start date equals end date!\nPlease be sure you're choose right date.",
					showed = true;
				// other odds
				else {
					value = (int) ((startDate.getTime() - endDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
					totalDaysField.setText(Math.abs(value) + "");

	return listener;