
下面列出了java.util.Calendar#ERA 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: j2objc   文件:
private static String[] getNames(String id, int field, int style, Locale locale) {
    int context = toContext(style);
    int width = toWidth(style);
    DateFormatSymbols symbols = getDateFormatSymbols(id, locale);
    switch (field) {
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            return symbols.getMonths(context, width);
        case Calendar.ERA:
            switch (width) {
                case DateFormatSymbols.NARROW:
                    return symbols.getNarrowEras();
                case DateFormatSymbols.ABBREVIATED:
                    return symbols.getEras();
                case DateFormatSymbols.WIDE:
                    return symbols.getEraNames();
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown width: " + width);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            return symbols.getWeekdays(context, width);
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            return symbols.getAmPmStrings();
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown field: " + field);
源代码2 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码3 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码4 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
private static String[] getDisplayNameArray(int field, boolean isLong, Locale locale) {
    DateFormatSymbols dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
    switch (field) {
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            return dfs.getAmPmStrings();
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            return isLong ? dfs.getWeekdays() : dfs.getShortWeekdays();
        case Calendar.ERA:
            return dfs.getEras();
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            return isLong ? dfs.getMonths() : dfs.getShortMonths();
    return null;
源代码5 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Gets the text for the specified chrono, field, locale and style
 * for the purpose of formatting.
 * <p>
 * The text associated with the value is returned.
 * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
 * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
 * @param chrono  the Chronology to get text for, not null
 * @param field  the field to get text for, not null
 * @param value  the field value to get text for, not null
 * @param style  the style to get text for, not null
 * @param locale  the locale to get text for, not null
 * @return the text for the field value, null if no text found
public String getText(Chronology chrono, TemporalField field, long value,
                                TextStyle style, Locale locale) {
    if (chrono == IsoChronology.INSTANCE
            || !(field instanceof ChronoField)) {
        return getText(field, value, style, locale);

    int fieldIndex;
    int fieldValue;
    if (field == ERA) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.ERA;
        if (chrono == JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE) {
            if (value == -999) {
                fieldValue = 0;
            } else {
                fieldValue = (int) value + 2;
        } else {
            fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else if (field == MONTH_OF_YEAR) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.MONTH;
        fieldValue = (int) value - 1;
    } else if (field == DAY_OF_WEEK) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
        fieldValue = (int) value + 1;
        if (fieldValue > 7) {
            fieldValue = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    } else if (field == AMPM_OF_DAY) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.AM_PM;
        fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else {
        return null;
    return CalendarDataUtility.retrieveJavaTimeFieldValueName(
            chrono.getCalendarType(), fieldIndex, fieldValue, style.toCalendarStyle(), locale);
源代码6 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
 * Gets the text for the specified chrono, field, locale and style
 * for the purpose of formatting.
 * <p>
 * The text associated with the value is returned.
 * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
 * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
 * @param chrono  the Chronology to get text for, not null
 * @param field  the field to get text for, not null
 * @param value  the field value to get text for, not null
 * @param style  the style to get text for, not null
 * @param locale  the locale to get text for, not null
 * @return the text for the field value, null if no text found
public String getText(Chronology chrono, TemporalField field, long value,
                                TextStyle style, Locale locale) {
    if (chrono == IsoChronology.INSTANCE
            || !(field instanceof ChronoField)) {
        return getText(field, value, style, locale);

    int fieldIndex;
    int fieldValue;
    if (field == ERA) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.ERA;
        if (chrono == JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE) {
            if (value == -999) {
                fieldValue = 0;
            } else {
                fieldValue = (int) value + 2;
        } else {
            fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else if (field == MONTH_OF_YEAR) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.MONTH;
        fieldValue = (int) value - 1;
    } else if (field == DAY_OF_WEEK) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
        fieldValue = (int) value + 1;
        if (fieldValue > 7) {
            fieldValue = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    } else if (field == AMPM_OF_DAY) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.AM_PM;
        fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else {
        return null;
    return CalendarDataUtility.retrieveJavaTimeFieldValueName(
            chrono.getCalendarType(), fieldIndex, fieldValue, style.toCalendarStyle(), locale);
源代码8 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码9 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码10 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码11 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Gets the text for the specified chrono, field, locale and style
 * for the purpose of formatting.
 * <p>
 * The text associated with the value is returned.
 * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
 * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
 * @param chrono  the Chronology to get text for, not null
 * @param field  the field to get text for, not null
 * @param value  the field value to get text for, not null
 * @param style  the style to get text for, not null
 * @param locale  the locale to get text for, not null
 * @return the text for the field value, null if no text found
public String getText(Chronology chrono, TemporalField field, long value,
                                TextStyle style, Locale locale) {
    if (chrono == IsoChronology.INSTANCE
            || !(field instanceof ChronoField)) {
        return getText(field, value, style, locale);

    int fieldIndex;
    int fieldValue;
    if (field == ERA) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.ERA;
        if (chrono == JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE) {
            if (value == -999) {
                fieldValue = 0;
            } else {
                fieldValue = (int) value + 2;
        } else {
            fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else if (field == MONTH_OF_YEAR) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.MONTH;
        fieldValue = (int) value - 1;
    } else if (field == DAY_OF_WEEK) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
        fieldValue = (int) value + 1;
        if (fieldValue > 7) {
            fieldValue = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    } else if (field == AMPM_OF_DAY) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.AM_PM;
        fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else {
        return null;
    return CalendarDataUtility.retrieveJavaTimeFieldValueName(
            chrono.getCalendarType(), fieldIndex, fieldValue, style.toCalendarStyle(), locale);
源代码12 项目: SimFix   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码13 项目: coming   文件:
 * Get the short and long values displayed for a field
 * @param field The field of interest
 * @return A sorted array of the field key / value pairs
KeyValue[] getDisplayNames(int field) {
    Integer fieldInt = Integer.valueOf(field);
    KeyValue[] fieldKeyValues= nameValues.get(fieldInt);
    if(fieldKeyValues==null) {
        DateFormatSymbols symbols= DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
        switch(field) {
        case Calendar.ERA:
            // DateFormatSymbols#getEras() only returns AD/BC or translations
            // It does not work for the Thai Buddhist or Japanese Imperial calendars.
            // see:
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
            // N.B. Some calendars have different short and long symbols, e.g. ja_JP_JP
            String[] shortEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.SHORT, locale));
            String[] longEras = toArray(c.getDisplayNames(Calendar.ERA, Calendar.LONG, locale));
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(longEras, shortEras);
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getWeekdays(), symbols.getShortWeekdays());
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getAmPmStrings(), null);
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            fieldKeyValues= createKeyValues(symbols.getMonths(), symbols.getShortMonths());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field value "+field);
        KeyValue[] prior = nameValues.putIfAbsent(fieldInt, fieldKeyValues);
        if(prior!=null) {
            fieldKeyValues= prior;
    return fieldKeyValues;
源代码14 项目: Telegram   文件:
private static String[] getDisplayNameArray(int field, boolean isLong, Locale locale) {
    DateFormatSymbols dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
    switch (field) {
        case Calendar.AM_PM:
            return dfs.getAmPmStrings();
        case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
            return isLong ? dfs.getWeekdays() : dfs.getShortWeekdays();
        case Calendar.ERA:
            return dfs.getEras();
        case Calendar.MONTH:
            return isLong ? dfs.getMonths() : dfs.getShortMonths();
    return null;
源代码15 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Gets the text for the specified chrono, field, locale and style
 * for the purpose of formatting.
 * <p>
 * The text associated with the value is returned.
 * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
 * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
 * @param chrono  the Chronology to get text for, not null
 * @param field  the field to get text for, not null
 * @param value  the field value to get text for, not null
 * @param style  the style to get text for, not null
 * @param locale  the locale to get text for, not null
 * @return the text for the field value, null if no text found
public String getText(Chronology chrono, TemporalField field, long value,
                                TextStyle style, Locale locale) {
    if (chrono == IsoChronology.INSTANCE
            || !(field instanceof ChronoField)) {
        return getText(field, value, style, locale);

    int fieldIndex;
    int fieldValue;
    if (field == ERA) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.ERA;
        if (chrono == JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE) {
            if (value == -999) {
                fieldValue = 0;
            } else {
                fieldValue = (int) value + 2;
        } else {
            fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else if (field == MONTH_OF_YEAR) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.MONTH;
        fieldValue = (int) value - 1;
    } else if (field == DAY_OF_WEEK) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
        fieldValue = (int) value + 1;
        if (fieldValue > 7) {
            fieldValue = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    } else if (field == AMPM_OF_DAY) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.AM_PM;
        fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else {
        return null;
    return CalendarDataUtility.retrieveJavaTimeFieldValueName(
            chrono.getCalendarType(), fieldIndex, fieldValue, style.toCalendarStyle(), locale);
源代码16 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
 * Gets the text for the specified chrono, field, locale and style
 * for the purpose of formatting.
 * <p>
 * The text associated with the value is returned.
 * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
 * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
 * @param chrono  the Chronology to get text for, not null
 * @param field  the field to get text for, not null
 * @param value  the field value to get text for, not null
 * @param style  the style to get text for, not null
 * @param locale  the locale to get text for, not null
 * @return the text for the field value, null if no text found
public String getText(Chronology chrono, TemporalField field, long value,
                                TextStyle style, Locale locale) {
    if (chrono == IsoChronology.INSTANCE
            || !(field instanceof ChronoField)) {
        return getText(field, value, style, locale);

    int fieldIndex;
    int fieldValue;
    if (field == ERA) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.ERA;
        if (chrono == JapaneseChronology.INSTANCE) {
            if (value == -999) {
                fieldValue = 0;
            } else {
                fieldValue = (int) value + 2;
        } else {
            fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else if (field == MONTH_OF_YEAR) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.MONTH;
        fieldValue = (int) value - 1;
    } else if (field == DAY_OF_WEEK) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
        fieldValue = (int) value + 1;
        if (fieldValue > 7) {
            fieldValue = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    } else if (field == AMPM_OF_DAY) {
        fieldIndex = Calendar.AM_PM;
        fieldValue = (int) value;
    } else {
        return null;
    return CalendarDataUtility.retrieveJavaTimeFieldValueName(
            chrono.getCalendarType(), fieldIndex, fieldValue, style.toCalendarStyle(), locale);
源代码17 项目: nebula   文件:
public static int getCalendarTypeForString(String oneChar) {

		int calType = -1;

		switch (oneChar.charAt(0)) {
			case 'G':
				calType = Calendar.ERA;
			case 'y':
				calType = Calendar.YEAR;
			case 'M':
				calType = Calendar.MONTH;
			case 'd':
				calType = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH;
			case 'E':
				calType = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
			case 'D':
				calType = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;
			case 'F':
				calType = Calendar.DATE;
			case 'h':
				calType = Calendar.HOUR;
			case 'm':
				calType = Calendar.MINUTE;
			case 's':
				calType = Calendar.SECOND;
			case 'S':
				calType = Calendar.MILLISECOND;
			case 'w':
				calType = Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR;
			case 'W':
				calType = Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH;
			case 'a':
				calType = Calendar.AM_PM;
			case 'k':
				calType = Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;
			case 'K':
				// ?
			case 'z':
				calType = Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET;

		return calType;
源代码18 项目: nebula   文件:
 * Set the style of this CDateTime to work with dates and / or times as
 * determined by the given pattern. This will set the fields shown in the
 * text box and, if <code>DROP_DOWN</code> style is set, the fields of the
 * drop down component.<br>
 * This method is backed by an implementation of SimpleDateFormat, and as
 * such, any string pattern which is valid for SimpleDateFormat may be used.
 * Examples (US Locale):<br>
 * </code>setPattern("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a");</code><br />
 * </code>setPattern("'Meeting @' h:mm a 'on' EEEE, MMM dd,
 * yyyy");</code><br />
 * @param pattern
 *            the pattern to use, if it is invalid, the original is restored
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * @see SimpleDateFormat
 * @see #getPattern()
 * @see #setFormat(int)
public void setPattern(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException {
	this.allowedTimezones = null;
	if (isOpen()) {
	df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
	if (updateFields()) {
		this.pattern = pattern;
		this.format = -1;
		boolean wasDate = isDate;
		boolean wasTime = isTime;
		isDate = isTime = false;
		calendarFields = new int[field.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < calendarFields.length; i++) {
			calendarFields[i] = getCalendarField(field[i]);
			switch (calendarFields[i]) {
			case Calendar.AM_PM:
			case Calendar.HOUR:
			case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
			case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
			case Calendar.MINUTE:
			case Calendar.SECOND:
			case Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET:
				isTime = true;
			case Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH:
			case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
			case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH:
			case Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR:
			case Calendar.ERA:
			case Calendar.MONTH:
			case Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH:
			case Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR:
			case Calendar.YEAR:
				isDate = true;
		if (checkButton() && (isDate != wasDate || isTime != wasTime)) {
			if (defaultButtonImage) {
				if (isDate && isTime) {
				} else if (isDate) {
				} else {
		if (checkText()) {
		if (isSimple()) {
	} else {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"Problem setting pattern: \"" + pattern + "\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
源代码19 项目: nebula   文件:
 * The Verify Event handler.<br>
 * <b>EVERYTHING</b> is blocked via this handler (Event.doit is set to
 * false). Depending upon the input, a course of action is determined and
 * the displayed text is updated via the <code>updateText()</code> method.
 * <br>
 * This method implements the following logic: If the event is a paste, the
 * pasted text is parsed for the entire date/time selection; if this parse
 * is successful, the result is committed to the selection property and is
 * displayed; otherwise, it is discarded. One-character pastes are discarded
 * without parsing. When user types characters one by one, all non-digits
 * are discarded (if they have effects, they have already been processed by
 * other event handlers) while digits are added to
 * <code>this.editField</code> without affecting the selection. Once
 * <code>this.editField</code> reaches its capacity for the active field,
 * its contents are attempted to be committed. If the commit is successful,
 * focus switches to the next field of CDateTime. Otherwise, the contents of
 * <code>this.editField</code> are discarded and the previous value of the
 * selection (before user started typing in this field) is restored; focus
 * stays in the same field. <b>Example:</b> if the seconds field contains
 * "23", and user types 8 in the seconds field, "08" is shown on screen
 * while getSelection still returns 23. If user types 9 after that, the
 * field reaches its capacity, the attempt to commit 89 seconds fails, and
 * 23 gets restored on screen.
 * @param e
 *            the event
 * @see CDateTime#updateText()
void verify(Event e) {
	// we don't want to reprocess the event
	if (e.doit == false) {

	e.doit = false;
	if (field.length == 0 || activeField == FIELD_NONE) {

	char c = e.character;
	if (e.text.length() == 1 && String.valueOf(c).equals(e.text)
			&& Character.isDigit(c) || e.text.length() > 1) {
		if (e.text.length() == 1) {
			if (editField == null) {
				int cf = getCalendarField();
				if (cf >= 0) {
					int digits;
					switch (cf) {
					case Calendar.YEAR:
						digits = 4;
					case Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR:
						digits = 3;
					case Calendar.AM_PM:
					case Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK:
					case Calendar.ERA:
						digits = 1;
					case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
						digits = 3;
						digits = 2;
					editField = new EditField(digits, calendar.get(cf));
				} else {
			if (editField.addChar(c)) {
				if (commitEditField()) {
				} else {
					editField = null;
					if (selection.length > 0) {
						selection[0] = calendar.getTime();
			if (selection.length > 0) {
				selection[0] = calendar.getTime();
		} else {
			try {
			} catch (ParseException pe) {
				// do nothing
源代码20 项目: drftpd   文件:
public void testDoReset() throws ParseException {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm");
    Date date;
    // parseFormat = MM/dd/yy HH:mm

    // test year & week
    _resetWeek = false;
    _lastReset = Calendar.ERA; // used as a un-set value
    date = df.parse("1/1/08 00:00"); // tuesday, so never gonna be the First the of Week
    System.out.println("Testing date - " + date);
    assertEquals(_lastReset, Calendar.YEAR);

    // test month & week
    _resetWeek = false;
    _lastReset = Calendar.ERA; // used as a un-set value
    date = df.parse("2/1/07 00:00");
    System.out.println("Testing date - " + date);
    assertEquals(_lastReset, Calendar.MONTH);

    // test day & week
    _resetWeek = false;
    _lastReset = Calendar.ERA; // used as a un-set value
    date = df.parse("2/3/07 00:00");
    System.out.println("Testing date - " + date);
    assertEquals(_lastReset, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // test hour & week
    _resetWeek = false;
    _lastReset = Calendar.ERA; // used as a un-set value
    date = df.parse("1/1/07 2:00");
    System.out.println("Testing date - " + date);
    assertEquals(_lastReset, Calendar.HOUR);
