java.util.Enumeration#nextElement ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Enumeration#nextElement ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件:
 * Specifies whether this animated memory image should always be
 * updated by sending the complete buffer of pixels whenever
 * there is a change.
 * This flag is ignored if the animation flag is not turned on
 * through the setAnimated() method.
 * <p>This method should be called immediately after the
 * MemoryImageSource is constructed and before an image is
 * created with it to ensure that all ImageConsumers will
 * receive the correct pixel delivery hints.
 * @param fullbuffers <code>true</code> if the complete pixel
 *             buffer should always
 * be sent
 * @see #setAnimated
public synchronized void setFullBufferUpdates(boolean fullbuffers) {
    if (this.fullbuffers == fullbuffers) {
    this.fullbuffers = fullbuffers;
    if (animating) {
        Enumeration enum_ = theConsumers.elements();
        while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) {
            ImageConsumer ic = (ImageConsumer) enum_.nextElement();
                        ? (ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT |
                        : ImageConsumer.RANDOMPIXELORDER);
源代码2 项目: keycloak   文件:
 * Get the Principal given the authenticated Subject. Currently the first subject that is not of type {@code Group} is
 * considered or the single subject inside the CallerPrincipal group.
 * @param subject
 * @return the authenticated subject
protected static Principal getPrincipal(Subject subject) {
    Principal principal = null;
    Principal callerPrincipal = null;
    if (subject != null) {
        Set<Principal> principals = subject.getPrincipals();
        if (principals != null && !principals.isEmpty()) {
            for (Principal p : principals) {
                if (!(p instanceof Group) && principal == null) {
                    principal = p;
                if (p instanceof Group) {
                    Group g = Group.class.cast(p);
                    if (g.getName().equals(SecurityConstants.CALLER_PRINCIPAL_GROUP) && callerPrincipal == null) {
                        Enumeration<? extends Principal> e = g.members();
                        if (e.hasMoreElements())
                            callerPrincipal = e.nextElement();
    return callerPrincipal == null ? principal : callerPrincipal;
源代码3 项目: Bats   文件:
* First finds path to marker file url, otherwise throws {@link JarValidationException}.
* Then scans jar classes according to list indicated in marker files.
* Additional logic is added to close {@link URL} after {@link ConfigFactory#parseURL(URL)}.
* This is extremely important for Windows users where system doesn't allow to delete file if it's being used.
* @param classLoader unique class loader for jar
* @param path local path to jar
* @param urls urls associated with the jar (ex: binary and source)
* @return scan result of packages, classes, annotations found in jar
private ScanResult scan(ClassLoader classLoader, Path path, URL[] urls) throws IOException {
  Enumeration<URL> markerFileEnumeration = classLoader.getResources(
  while (markerFileEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
    URL markerFile = markerFileEnumeration.nextElement();
    if (markerFile.getPath().contains(path.toUri().getPath())) {
      URLConnection markerFileConnection = null;
      try {
        markerFileConnection = markerFile.openConnection();
        DrillConfig drillConfig = DrillConfig.create(ConfigFactory.parseURL(markerFile));
        return RunTimeScan.dynamicPackageScan(drillConfig, Sets.newHashSet(urls));
      } finally {
        if (markerFileConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
          ((JarURLConnection) markerFile.openConnection()).getJarFile().close();
  throw new JarValidationException(String.format("Marker file %s is missing in %s",
      ConfigConstants.DRILL_JAR_MARKER_FILE_RESOURCE_PATHNAME, path.getName()));
源代码4 项目: tuxguitar   文件:
public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws TGResourceException {
	try {
		Vector<URL> vector = new Vector<URL>();
		if( this.getFilePaths() != null){
			for( int i = 0; i < this.getFilePaths().length ; i ++ ){
				File file = new File(this.getFilePaths()[i] + File.separator + name);
				if( TGFileUtils.isExistentAndReadable( file ) ){
					vector.addElement( file.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toURL() );
		Enumeration<URL> resources = this.classLoader.getResources(name);
		while( resources.hasMoreElements() ){
			URL url = (URL)resources.nextElement();
			if( !vector.contains(url) ){
				vector.addElement( url );
		return vector.elements();
	} catch (Throwable e) {
		throw new TGResourceException(e);
源代码5 项目: tomee   文件:
 * Retrieves all intialization parameters for this servlet and stores them in a java.util.Properties object.
 * @param config javax.servlet.ServletConfig
 * @return java.util.Properties
protected Properties initParamsToProperties(final ServletConfig config) {
    final Properties properties = new Properties();

    // Set some defaults
    properties.setProperty("openejb.loader", "tomcat");

    // Load in each init-param as a property
    final Enumeration<?> enumeration = config.getInitParameterNames();
    System.out.println("OpenEJB Loader init-params:");
    if (!enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        System.out.println("\tThere are no initialization parameters.");

    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        final String name = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
        final String value = config.getInitParameter(name);
        properties.put(name, value);
        System.out.println("\tparam-name: " + name + ", param-value: " + value);

    return properties;
源代码6 项目: lams   文件:
 * Iterates through the parameters in this holder, recording them in the supplied parameter processor.
public void recordParameters( ParameterProcessor processor ) throws IOException {
    Enumeration e = _parameters.keys();

    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) e.nextElement();
        Object[] values = (Object[]) _parameters.get( name );
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
       	  if (values[i] instanceof String || values[i] == null) {
                processor.addParameter( name, (String) values[i], _characterSet );
            } else if (values[i] instanceof UploadFileSpec) {
                processor.addFile( name, (UploadFileSpec) values[i] );
源代码7 项目: Moss   文件:
private static List<PomInfo> getAllJarPomInfo() throws IOException {
    List<PomInfo> pomInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
    String metaPath = "META-INF";

    Enumeration<URL> urls = Analyzer.class.getClassLoader().getResources(metaPath);
    while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL url = urls.nextElement();
        if (url != null && "jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
            String urlStr = url.toString();
            logger.debug("url-str: " + urlStr);
            String location = urlStr.substring(urlStr.indexOf('f'), urlStr.lastIndexOf('!'));
            logger.debug("location: " + location);
            readPomInfo(location, pomInfos);

    return pomInfos;
源代码8 项目: jmg   文件:
* Change the duration value of each note in the Part.
public void setDuration(double val) {
	Enumeration enum1 = getPhraseList().elements();
		Phrase phrase = (Phrase) enum1.nextElement();
源代码9 项目: tsml   文件:
 * Checks whether the scheme can take command line options.
 * @return index 0 is true if the classifier can take options
protected boolean[] canTakeOptions() {

  boolean[] result = new boolean[2];

  if (m_Classifier instanceof OptionHandler) {
    if (m_Debug) {
      println("\n=== Full report ===");
      Enumeration enu = ((OptionHandler)m_Classifier).listOptions();
      while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
        Option option = (Option) enu.nextElement();
        print(option.synopsis() + "\n"
            + option.description() + "\n");
    result[0] = true;
  else {
    result[0] = false;

  return result;
源代码10 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Sets the http request data.
 * @param request          the request
 * @param requestContainer the request container
private void setHttpRequestData(HttpServletRequest request, RequestContainer requestContainer) {
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE, request.getAuthType());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_CHARACTER_ENCODING, request.getCharacterEncoding());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(request.getContentLength()));
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getContentType());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_CONTEXT_PATH, request.getContextPath());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD, request.getMethod());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_PATH_INFO, request.getPathInfo());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_PATH_TRANSLATED, request.getPathTranslated());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_PROTOCOL, request.getProtocol());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_QUERY_STRING, request.getQueryString());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDR, request.getRemoteAddr());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REMOTE_HOST, request.getRemoteHost());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REMOTE_USER, request.getRemoteUser());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REQUESTED_SESSION_ID, request.getRequestedSessionId());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REQUEST_URI, request.getRequestURI());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_SCHEME, request.getScheme());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_SERVER_NAME, request.getServerName());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_SERVER_PORT, String.valueOf(request.getServerPort()));
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_SERVLET_PATH, request.getServletPath());
	if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null)
		requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_USER_PRINCIPAL, request.getUserPrincipal());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REQUESTED_SESSION_ID_FROM_COOKIE, String.valueOf(request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()));
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REQUESTED_SESSION_ID_FROM_URL, String.valueOf(request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()));
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_REQUESTED_SESSION_ID_VALID, String.valueOf(request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()));
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_REQUEST_SECURE, String.valueOf(request.isSecure()));
	Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
	while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
		String headerName = (String) headerNames.nextElement();
		String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName);
		requestContainer.setAttribute(headerName, headerValue);
	} // while (headerNames.hasMoreElements())
	requestContainer.setAttribute(HTTP_SESSION_ID, request.getSession().getId());
	requestContainer.setAttribute(Constants.HTTP_IS_XML_REQUEST, "FALSE");
源代码11 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
 * Delete all the generated source files made during the execution
 * of this environment (those that have been registered with the
 * "addGeneratedFile" method).
public void deleteGeneratedFiles() {
    synchronized(generatedFiles) {
        Enumeration<File> enumeration = generatedFiles.elements();
        while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
            File file = enumeration.nextElement();
源代码12 项目: skywalking   文件:
public static List<String> getAllIPV4() {
    if (IPV4_LIST == null) {
        IPV4_LIST = new LinkedList<>();
        try {
            Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfs = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
            while (interfs.hasMoreElements()) {
                NetworkInterface networkInterface = interfs.nextElement();
                Enumeration<InetAddress> inetAddresses = networkInterface.getInetAddresses();
                while (inetAddresses.hasMoreElements()) {
                    InetAddress address = inetAddresses.nextElement();
                    if (address instanceof Inet4Address) {
                        String addressStr = address.getHostAddress();
                        if ("".equals(addressStr)) {
                        } else if ("localhost".equals(addressStr)) {
        } catch (SocketException e) {

    return IPV4_LIST;
源代码13 项目: hbase   文件:
public void testConflictRegionServerHostnameConfigurationsAbortServer() throws Exception {
  Enumeration<NetworkInterface> netInterfaceList = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
  while (netInterfaceList.hasMoreElements()) {
    NetworkInterface ni = netInterfaceList.nextElement();
    Enumeration<InetAddress> addrList = ni.getInetAddresses();
    // iterate through host addresses and use each as hostname
    while (addrList.hasMoreElements()) {
      InetAddress addr = addrList.nextElement();
      if (addr.isLoopbackAddress() || addr.isLinkLocalAddress() || addr.isMulticastAddress()) {
      String hostName = addr.getHostName();"Found " + hostName + " on " + ni);

      TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().set(DNS.MASTER_HOSTNAME_KEY, hostName);
      // "hbase.regionserver.hostname" and "hbase.regionserver.hostname.disable.master.reversedns"
      // are mutually exclusive. Exception should be thrown if both are used.
      TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().set(DNS.RS_HOSTNAME_KEY, hostName);
      TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().setBoolean(HRegionServer.RS_HOSTNAME_DISABLE_MASTER_REVERSEDNS_KEY, true);
      try {
        StartMiniClusterOption option = StartMiniClusterOption.builder()
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Throwable t1 = e.getCause();
        Throwable t2 = t1.getCause();
        assertTrue(t1.getMessage()+" - "+t2.getMessage(), t2.getMessage().contains(
              DNS.RS_HOSTNAME_KEY + " are mutually exclusive"));
      } finally {
      assertTrue("Failed to validate against conflict hostname configurations", false);
源代码14 项目: hbase   文件:
public void testRegionServerHostname() throws Exception {
  Enumeration<NetworkInterface> netInterfaceList = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
  while (netInterfaceList.hasMoreElements()) {
    NetworkInterface ni = netInterfaceList.nextElement();
    Enumeration<InetAddress> addrList = ni.getInetAddresses();
    // iterate through host addresses and use each as hostname
    while (addrList.hasMoreElements()) {
      InetAddress addr = addrList.nextElement();
      if (addr.isLoopbackAddress() || addr.isLinkLocalAddress() || addr.isMulticastAddress() ||
          !addr.isSiteLocalAddress()) {
      String hostName = addr.getHostName();"Found " + hostName + " on " + ni + ", addr=" + addr);

      TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().set(DNS.MASTER_HOSTNAME_KEY, hostName);
      TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().set(DNS.RS_HOSTNAME_KEY, hostName);
      StartMiniClusterOption option = StartMiniClusterOption.builder()
      try {
        ZKWatcher zkw = TEST_UTIL.getZooKeeperWatcher();
        List<String> servers = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(zkw, zkw.getZNodePaths().rsZNode);
        // there would be NUM_RS+1 children - one for the master
        assertTrue(servers.size() ==
          NUM_RS + (LoadBalancer.isTablesOnMaster(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration())? 1: 0));
        for (String server : servers) {
          assertTrue("From zookeeper: " + server + " hostname: " + hostName,
      } finally {
源代码15 项目: buck   文件:
public final void traverse() throws IOException {
  try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file.toFile())) {
    Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
      ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
      visit(zipFile, entry);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // help debugging a "MALFORMED" error
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("zipfile traverse exception on file:" + file, e);
源代码16 项目: lutece-core   文件:
public String getResetPassword( HttpServletRequest request )
    // Invalidate a previous session
    HttpSession session = request.getSession( false );

    if ( session != null )
        session.removeAttribute( SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_USER );

    Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>( );

    Locale locale = AdminUserService.getLocale( request );

    Enumeration<String> enumParams = request.getParameterNames( );
    ReferenceList listParams = new ReferenceList( );
    String strParamName;

    while ( enumParams.hasMoreElements( ) )
        strParamName = enumParams.nextElement( );

        String strParamValue = request.getParameter( strParamName );
        listParams.addItem( strParamName, strParamValue );

    model.put( MARK_PARAM_VERSION, AppInfo.getVersion( ) );
    model.put( MARK_PARAMS_LIST, listParams );
    model.put( MARK_SITE_NAME, PortalService.getSiteName( ) );

    HtmlTemplate template = AppTemplateService.getTemplate( TEMPLATE_ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD, locale, model );

    return template.getHtml( );
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Try to register a JCE provider from property in the first slot
    // otherwise register a dummy provider which would provoke the issue of bug 8139436
    boolean providerPrepended = false;
    String testprovider = System.getProperty("");
    if (testprovider != null && !testprovider.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            System.out.println("Trying to prepend external JCE provider " + testprovider);
            Class<?> providerclass = Class.forName(testprovider);
            Object provider = providerclass.newInstance();
            Security.insertProviderAt((Provider)provider, 1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Could not load JCE provider " + testprovider +". Exception is:");
        providerPrepended = true;
        System.out.println("Sucessfully prepended JCE provider " + testprovider);
    if (!providerPrepended) {
        System.out.println("Trying to prepend dummy JCE provider");
        Security.insertProviderAt(new TestProvider(), 1);
        System.out.println("Sucessfully prepended dummy JCE provider");

    // load Windows-ROOT KeyStore
    KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-ROOT", "SunMSCAPI");
    keyStore.load(null, null);

    // iterate KeyStore
    Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases();
    while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
        String alias = aliases.nextElement();
        System.out.print("Reading certificate for alias: " + alias + "...");
        System.out.println(" done.");
源代码18 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
 * Return the maximum size of the table. The maximum height is the
 * row heighttimes the number of rows.
 * The maximum width is the sum of the maximum widths of each column.
public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) {
    long width = 0;
    Enumeration<TableColumn> enumeration = table.getColumnModel().getColumns();
    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        TableColumn aColumn = enumeration.nextElement();
        width = width + aColumn.getMaxWidth();
    return createTableSize(width);
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
private PermissionCollection mergePermissions() {
    if (staticPermissions)
        return permissions;

    PermissionCollection perms =
        (new<PermissionCollection>() {
                public PermissionCollection run() {
                    Policy p = Policy.getPolicyNoCheck();
                    return p.getPermissions(ProtectionDomain.this);

    Permissions mergedPerms = new Permissions();
    int swag = 32;
    int vcap = 8;
    Enumeration<Permission> e;
    List<Permission> pdVector = new ArrayList<>(vcap);
    List<Permission> plVector = new ArrayList<>(swag);

    // Build a vector of domain permissions for subsequent merge
    if (permissions != null) {
        synchronized (permissions) {
            e = permissions.elements();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

    // Build a vector of Policy permissions for subsequent merge
    if (perms != null) {
        synchronized (perms) {
            e = perms.elements();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

    if (perms != null && permissions != null) {
        // Weed out the duplicates from the policy. Unless a refresh
        // has occurred since the pd was consed this should result in
        // an empty vector.
        synchronized (permissions) {
            e = permissions.elements();   // domain vs policy
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                Permission pdp = e.nextElement();
                Class<?> pdpClass = pdp.getClass();
                String pdpActions = pdp.getActions();
                String pdpName = pdp.getName();
                for (int i = 0; i < plVector.size(); i++) {
                    Permission pp = plVector.get(i);
                    if (pdpClass.isInstance(pp)) {
                        // The equals() method on some permissions
                        // have some side effects so this manual
                        // comparison is sufficient.
                        if (pdpName.equals(pp.getName()) &&
                            pdpActions.equals(pp.getActions())) {

    if (perms !=null) {
        // the order of adding to merged perms and permissions
        // needs to preserve the bugfix 4301064

        for (int i = plVector.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (permissions != null) {
        for (int i = pdVector.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {

    return mergedPerms;
源代码20 项目: tsml   文件:
  * Reads properties that inherit from three locations. Properties
  * are first defined in the system resource location (i.e. in the
  * CLASSPATH).  These default properties must exist. Properties optionally
  * defined in the user properties location (WekaPackageManager.PROPERTIES_DIR) 
  * override default settings. Properties defined in the current directory (optional)
  * override all these settings.
  * @param resourceName the location of the resource that should be
  * loaded.  e.g.: "weka/core/Utils.props". (The use of hardcoded
  * forward slashes here is OK - see
  * jdk1.1/docs/guide/misc/resources.html) This routine will also
  * look for the file (in this case) "Utils.props" in the users home
  * directory and the current directory.
  * @return the Properties
  * @exception Exception if no default properties are defined, or if
  * an error occurs reading the properties files.  
 public static Properties readProperties(String resourceName)
   throws Exception {

   Properties defaultProps = new Properties();
   try {
     // Apparently hardcoded slashes are OK here
     // jdk1.1/docs/guide/misc/resources.html
     Utils utils = new Utils();
     Enumeration<URL> urls = utils.getClass().getClassLoader().getResources(resourceName);
     boolean first = true;
     while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
URL url = urls.nextElement();
if (first) {
  first = false;
else {
  Properties props = new Properties(defaultProps);
  defaultProps = props;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     System.err.println("Warning, unable to load properties file(s) from "
		 +"system resource ( " + resourceName);

   // Hardcoded slash is OK here
   // eg: see jdk1.1/docs/guide/misc/resources.html
   int slInd = resourceName.lastIndexOf('/');
   if (slInd != -1) {
     resourceName = resourceName.substring(slInd + 1);

   /* Allow a properties file in the WekaPackageManager.PROPERTIES_DIR to override
   Properties userProps = new Properties(defaultProps);
   if (!WekaPackageManager.PROPERTIES_DIR.exists()) {
   File propFile = new File(WekaPackageManager.PROPERTIES_DIR.toString()
                            + File.separator
                            + resourceName);

   if (propFile.exists()) {
     try {
       userProps.load(new FileInputStream(propFile));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new Exception("Problem reading user properties: " + propFile);

   // Allow a properties file in the current directory to override
   Properties localProps = new Properties(userProps);
   propFile = new File(resourceName);
   if (propFile.exists()) {
     try {
       localProps.load(new FileInputStream(propFile));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new Exception("Problem reading local properties: " + propFile);
   return defaultProps;