java.util.TreeMap#get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.TreeMap#get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: monasca-thresh   文件:
private byte[] calculateDimensionSHA1(final Map<String, String> dimensions) {
  // Calculate dimensions sha1 hash id.
  final StringBuilder dimensionIdStringToHash = new StringBuilder("");
  if (dimensions != null) {
    // Sort the dimensions on name and value.
    TreeMap<String, String> dimensionTreeMap = new TreeMap<>(dimensions);
    for (String dimensionName : dimensionTreeMap.keySet()) {
      if (dimensionName != null && !dimensionName.isEmpty()) {
        String dimensionValue = dimensionTreeMap.get(dimensionName);
        if (dimensionValue != null && !dimensionValue.isEmpty()) {
          dimensionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(dimensionName, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH));
          dimensionIdStringToHash.append(trunc(dimensionValue, MAX_COLUMN_LENGTH));

  final byte[] dimensionIdSha1Hash = DigestUtils.sha(dimensionIdStringToHash.toString());
  return dimensionIdSha1Hash;
源代码2 项目: io   文件:
 * コンストラクタ.
 * @param srcHandler OEntityDocHandler
 * @param targetSetName ターゲット側のEntitySet名
 * @param targetEntityTypeId ターゲット側のEntityTypeID
public NtoNQueryParameter(
        final EntitySetDocHandler srcHandler,
        final String targetSetName,
        final String targetEntityTypeId) {
    String srcSetName = srcHandler.getType();
    String srcId = srcHandler.getId();

    TreeMap<String, String> tm = new TreeMap<String, String>();
    if (srcSetName.equals(UserDataODataProducer.USER_ODATA_NAMESPACE)) {
        tm.put(srcHandler.getEntityTypeId(), srcId);
        tm.put(targetEntityTypeId, "");
    } else {
        tm.put(srcSetName, srcId);
        tm.put(targetSetName, "");
    this.t1 = tm.firstKey();
    this.t2 = tm.lastKey();
    this.k1 = tm.get(t1);
    this.k2 = tm.get(t2);
源代码3 项目: gsn   文件:
public boolean initialize() {

        TreeMap<String, String> params = getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getMainClassInitialParams();

        String logging_interval_str = params.get(PARAM_LOGGING_INTERVAL);
        if (logging_interval_str != null) {
            logging_timestamps = true;
            try {
                logging_interval = Integer.parseInt(logging_interval_str.trim());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                logger.warn("Parameter \"" + PARAM_LOGGING_INTERVAL + "\" incorrect in Virtual Sensor file");
                logging_timestamps = false;

        vsname = getVirtualSensorConfiguration().getName();

        return true;
源代码4 项目: DataLink   文件:
public FileSplitMode getFileSplitMode(MediaMappingInfo mappingInfo) {
    HdfsMappingParameter hdfsMappingParameter = JSONObject.toJavaObject(mappingInfo.getParameterObj(), HdfsMappingParameter.class);
    if (hdfsMappingParameter != null) {
        List<FileSplitStrategy> fileSplitStrategieList = hdfsMappingParameter.getFileSplitStrategieList();
        if (fileSplitStrategieList != null && fileSplitStrategieList.size() > 0) {
            Date current = new Date();
            TreeMap<Date, FileSplitMode> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
            for (FileSplitStrategy fileSplitStrategy : fileSplitStrategieList) {
                treeMap.put(fileSplitStrategy.getEffectiveDate(), fileSplitStrategy.getFileSplitMode());
            Date greatest = treeMap.floorKey(current);
            if (greatest != null) {
                return treeMap.get(greatest);
            } else {
                return FileSplitMode.DAY;
        } else {
            return FileSplitMode.DAY;
    } else {
        return FileSplitMode.DAY;// 没有明确配置的话,一天一个文件
源代码5 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
public List<String> getRolesForObject(ObjectName objectName, String methodName) {
   TreeMap<String, Access> domainMap = domainAccess.get(objectName.getDomain());
   if (domainMap != null) {
      Hashtable<String, String> keyPropertyList = objectName.getKeyPropertyList();
      for (Map.Entry<String, String> keyEntry : keyPropertyList.entrySet()) {
         String key = normalizeKey(keyEntry.getKey() + "=" + keyEntry.getValue());
         for (Access accessEntry : domainMap.values()) {
            if (accessEntry.getKeyPattern().matcher(key).matches()) {
               return accessEntry.getMatchingRolesForMethod(methodName);

      Access access = domainMap.get("");
      if (access != null) {
         return access.getMatchingRolesForMethod(methodName);

   return defaultAccess.getMatchingRolesForMethod(methodName);
源代码6 项目: java-technology-stack   文件:
public List<Integer> topKFrequent(int[] nums, int k) {

        TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>();
        for(int num: nums){
                map.put(num, map.get(num) + 1);
                map.put(num, 1);

        PriorityQueue<Freq> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
        for(int key: map.keySet()){
            if(pq.getSize() < k)
                pq.enqueue(new Freq(key, map.get(key)));
            else if(map.get(key) > pq.getFront().freq){
                pq.enqueue(new Freq(key, map.get(key)));

        LinkedList<Integer> res = new LinkedList<>();
        return res;
源代码7 项目: java-technology-stack   文件:
public List<Integer> topKFrequent(int[] nums, int k) {

        TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>();
        for(int num: nums){
                map.put(num, map.get(num) + 1);
                map.put(num, 1);

        MaxHeap<Freq> maxHeap = new MaxHeap<>();
        for(int key: map.keySet()){
            if(maxHeap.size() < k)
                maxHeap.add(new Freq(key, map.get(key)));
            else if(map.get(key) > maxHeap.findMax().freq)
                maxHeap.replace(new Freq(key, map.get(key)));

        LinkedList<Integer> res = new LinkedList<>();
        return res;
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件:
private static void registerModuleInKit(ModuleInfo module, String kit, TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> allKits) {
    TreeSet<String> modules = allKits.get(kit);
    if (modules == null) {
        modules = new TreeSet<>();
        allKits.put(kit, modules);
源代码9 项目: btrbck   文件:
 * Determines the ancestors of the given snapshot which are available on the
 * target
Set<Integer> calculateAncestorNrs(Snapshot snapshot,
        VersionHistory versionHistory,
        TreeSet<Integer> availableCloneSources) {
    Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
    TreeMap<Integer, HistoryNode> nodes = versionHistory.calculateNodes();
    // log.debug("Node Map: " + nodes);
    HistoryNode node = nodes.get(;

    fillAvailableAncestors(node, result, availableCloneSources);
    return result;
源代码10 项目: cacheonix-core   文件:
public boolean hasBucketResponsibilities(final ClusterNodeAddress leavingAddress) {

      // Iterate storages
      for (final TreeMap<ClusterNodeAddress, BucketOwner> map : bucketOwners) {

         final BucketOwner bucketOwner = map.get(leavingAddress);
         if (bucketOwner.hasBucketResponsibilities()) {

            return true;

      return false;
源代码11 项目: lumongo   文件:
private List<IndexInfo> getIndexInfos() throws Exception {
	GetIndexesResult indexes = lumongoWorkPool.getIndexes();

	List<IndexInfo> indexInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
	for (String indexName : indexes.getIndexNames()) {
		IndexInfo indexInfo = new IndexInfo();
		indexInfo.setTotalDocs((int) lumongoWorkPool.getNumberOfDocs(indexName).getNumberOfDocs());

		TreeMap<String, FieldConfig> fieldConfigMap = lumongoWorkPool.getIndexConfig(new GetIndexConfig(indexName)).getIndexConfig().getFieldConfigMap();
		for (String fieldName : fieldConfigMap.keySet()) {
			FieldConfig fieldConfig = fieldConfigMap.get(fieldName);

			for (IndexAs indexAs : fieldConfig.getIndexAsList()) {

			for (FacetAs facetAs : fieldConfig.getFacetAsList()) {


	return indexInfoList;
源代码12 项目: gsn   文件:
public void testFieldConverting() throws IOException {
	String fields = "TIMED, air_temp , TIMED , AiR_TeMp2";
	String formats = "Timestamp(d.M.y ) , Numeric , timestamp(k:m) , numeric    ";
	String badFormat = "Timestamp(d.M.y k:m) , numeric , numeric, numeric,numeric,dollluble ";
	String badFormat2 ="Timestamp(d.Mjo0o.y k:m) , numeric, numeric, numeric";
	CSVHandler wrapper = new CSVHandler();
	assertEquals(false,wrapper.initialize("test.csv.csv", fields,badFormat,',','\"',0,"NaN,-1234,4321"));
	assertEquals(false,wrapper.initialize("test.csv.csv", fields,badFormat,',','\"',0,"NaN,-1234,4321"));
	assertEquals(false,wrapper.initialize("test.csv.csv", fields,badFormat2,',','\"',0,"NaN,-1234,4321"));
	assertEquals(true,wrapper.initialize("test.csv.csv", fields,formats,',','\"',0,"NaN,-1234,4321"));
	FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(wrapper.getCheckPointFile()),  "","UTF-8");
	String[] formatsParsed = wrapper.getFormats();
	String[] fieldsParsed =  wrapper.getFields();
	assertEquals(true,compare(fieldsParsed, new String[] {"timed","air_temp","timed","air_temp2"}));
	assertEquals(true,compare(formatsParsed, new String[] {"Timestamp(d.M.y )","Numeric","timestamp(k:m)","numeric"}));
	TreeMap<String, Serializable> se = wrapper.convertTo(wrapper.getFormats(),wrapper.getFields(),wrapper.getNulls(),new String[] {} , wrapper.getSeparator());
	assertEquals(wrapper.getFields().length-1, se.keySet().size());//timestamp is douplicated.
	assertEquals(null, se.get("timed"));
	se = wrapper.convertTo(wrapper.getFormats(),wrapper.getFields(),wrapper.getNulls(),new String[] {"","","","-1234","4321","NaN"} , wrapper.getSeparator());
	assertEquals(null, se.get("timed"));
	se = wrapper.convertTo(wrapper.getFormats(),wrapper.getFields(),wrapper.getNulls(),new String[] {"","","","-1234","4321","NaN"} , wrapper.getSeparator());
	assertEquals(null, se.get("timed"));
	se = wrapper.convertTo(wrapper.getFormats(),wrapper.getFields(),wrapper.getNulls(),new String[] {"01.01.2009","1234","","-4321","ignore-me","NaN"} , wrapper.getSeparator());
	long parsedTimestamp = (Long)se.get("timed");
	assertEquals(1234.0, se.get("air_temp"));
	assertEquals(-4321.0, se.get("air_temp2"));
	se = wrapper.convertTo(wrapper.getFormats(),wrapper.getFields(),wrapper.getNulls(),new String[] {"01.01.2009","-1234","10:10","-4321","ignore-me","NaN"} , wrapper.getSeparator());

源代码13 项目: j2objc   文件:
 * get(null) of nonempty map throws NPE
public void testGet_NullPointerException() {
    TreeMap c = map5();
    try {
    } catch (NullPointerException success) {}
源代码14 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
 * Get a list of installed fonts in the requested {@link Locale}.
 * The list contains the fonts Family Names.
 * If Locale is null, the default locale is used.
 * @param requestedLocale, if null the default locale is used.
 * @return list of installed fonts in the system.
public String[] getInstalledFontFamilyNames(Locale requestedLocale) {
    if (requestedLocale == null) {
        requestedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
    if (allFamilies != null && lastDefaultLocale != null &&
        requestedLocale.equals(lastDefaultLocale)) {
            String[] copyFamilies = new String[allFamilies.length];
            System.arraycopy(allFamilies, 0, copyFamilies,
                             0, allFamilies.length);
            return copyFamilies;

    TreeMap<String,String> familyNames = new TreeMap<String,String>();
    //  these names are always there and aren't localised
    String str;
    str = Font.SERIF;         familyNames.put(str.toLowerCase(), str);
    str = Font.SANS_SERIF;    familyNames.put(str.toLowerCase(), str);
    str = Font.MONOSPACED;    familyNames.put(str.toLowerCase(), str);
    str = Font.DIALOG;        familyNames.put(str.toLowerCase(), str);
    str = Font.DIALOG_INPUT;  familyNames.put(str.toLowerCase(), str);

    /* Platform APIs may be used to get the set of available family
     * names for the current default locale so long as it is the same
     * as the start-up system locale, rather than loading all fonts.
    if (requestedLocale.equals(getSystemStartupLocale()) &&
        getFamilyNamesFromPlatform(familyNames, requestedLocale)) {
        /* Augment platform names with JRE font family names */
        getJREFontFamilyNames(familyNames, requestedLocale);
    } else {
        Font2D[] physicalfonts = getPhysicalFonts();
        for (int i=0; i < physicalfonts.length; i++) {
            if (!(physicalfonts[i] instanceof NativeFont)) {
                String name =
                familyNames.put(name.toLowerCase(requestedLocale), name);

    // Add any native font family names here
    addNativeFontFamilyNames(familyNames, requestedLocale);

    String[] retval =  new String[familyNames.size()];
    Object [] keyNames = familyNames.keySet().toArray();
    for (int i=0; i < keyNames.length; i++) {
        retval[i] = familyNames.get(keyNames[i]);
    if (requestedLocale.equals(Locale.getDefault())) {
        lastDefaultLocale = requestedLocale;
        allFamilies = new String[retval.length];
        System.arraycopy(retval, 0, allFamilies, 0, allFamilies.length);
    return retval;
源代码15 项目: big-c   文件:
private void
    addResourceRequest(Priority priority, String resourceName,
        Resource capability, T req, boolean relaxLocality,
        String labelExpression) {
  Map<String, TreeMap<Resource, ResourceRequestInfo>> remoteRequests =
  if (remoteRequests == null) {
    remoteRequests = 
        new HashMap<String, TreeMap<Resource, ResourceRequestInfo>>();
    this.remoteRequestsTable.put(priority, remoteRequests);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Added priority=" + priority);
  TreeMap<Resource, ResourceRequestInfo> reqMap = 
  if (reqMap == null) {
    // capabilities are stored in reverse sorted order. smallest last.
    reqMap = new TreeMap<Resource, ResourceRequestInfo>(
        new ResourceReverseMemoryThenCpuComparator());
    remoteRequests.put(resourceName, reqMap);
  ResourceRequestInfo resourceRequestInfo = reqMap.get(capability);
  if (resourceRequestInfo == null) {
    resourceRequestInfo =
        new ResourceRequestInfo(priority, resourceName, capability,
    reqMap.put(capability, resourceRequestInfo);
       resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest.getNumContainers() + 1);

  if (relaxLocality) {
  if (ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(resourceName)) {

  // Note this down for next interaction with ResourceManager

  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("addResourceRequest:" + " applicationId="
        + " priority=" + priority.getPriority()
        + " resourceName=" + resourceName + " numContainers="
        + resourceRequestInfo.remoteRequest.getNumContainers() 
        + " #asks=" + ask.size());
源代码16 项目: clust4j   文件:
protected static int[] getLabels(ArrayList<CompQuadTup<Integer, Integer, Double, Integer>> condensed,
								TreeMap<Integer, Double> stability) {
	double subTreeStability;
	ArrayList<Integer> clusters = new ArrayList<Integer>();
	HSet<Integer> clusterSet;
	TreeMap<Integer, Integer> clusterMap = new TreeMap<>(), 
			reverseClusterMap = new TreeMap<>();
	// Get descending sorted key set
	ArrayList<Integer> nodeList = GetLabelUtils.descSortedKeySet(stability);
	// Get tuples where child size > 1
	EntryPair<ArrayList<double[]>, Integer> entry = GetLabelUtils.childSizeGtOneAndMaxChild(condensed);
	ArrayList<double[]> clusterTree = entry.getKey();
	// Map of nodes to whether it's a cluster
	TreeMap<Integer, Boolean> isCluster = GetLabelUtils.initNodeMap(nodeList);
	// Get num points
	//int numPoints = entry.getValue();
	// Iter over nodes
	for(Integer node: nodeList) {
		subTreeStability = GetLabelUtils.subTreeStability(clusterTree, node, stability);
		if(subTreeStability > stability.get(node)) {
			isCluster.put(node, false);
			stability.put(node, subTreeStability);
		} else {
			for(Integer subNode: GetLabelUtils.breadthFirstSearchFromClusterTree(clusterTree, node))
				if(subNode.intValue() != node)
					isCluster.put(subNode, false);
	// Now add to clusters
	for(Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> c: isCluster.entrySet())
	clusterSet = new HSet<Integer>(clusters);
	// Build cluster map
	int n = 0;
	for(Integer clust: clusterSet) {
		clusterMap.put(clust, n);
		reverseClusterMap.put(n, clust);

	return doLabeling(condensed, clusters, clusterMap);
源代码17 项目:   文件:
 * Create an instance of the ACL from its canonical string representation.
 * @param acl The string representation of the ACL as defined in OMA DM. If
 *        {@code null} or empty then it represents an empty list of
 *        principals with no permissions.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if acl is not a valid OMA DM ACL string
public Acl(String acl) {
	if (acl == null || acl.equals("")) { // empty permission set
		principalPermissions = new TreeMap();
		globalPermissions = 0;

	TreeMap tempPrincipalPermissions = new TreeMap();
	int tempGlobalPermissions = 0;

	String[] aclEntries = split(acl, '&', -1);
	for (int i = 0; i < aclEntries.length; i++) {
		if (aclEntries[i].length() == 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ACL string: empty ACL entry.");

		String[] entryParts = split(aclEntries[i], '=', 2);
		if (entryParts.length == 1)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ACL string: no '=' in ACL entry.");
		if (entryParts[1].length() == 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ACL string: no server identifiers in ACL entry.");

		int command = parseCommand(entryParts[0]);
		String[] serverIds = split(entryParts[1], '+', -1);
		for (int j = 0; j < serverIds.length; j++) {
			if (serverIds[j].length() == 0)
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ACL string: empty server identifier.");

			if (serverIds[j].equals(ALL_PRINCIPALS))
				tempGlobalPermissions |= command;
			else {
				checkServerId(serverIds[j], "Invalid ACL string: " + "server ID contains illegal character");
				Integer n = (Integer) tempPrincipalPermissions.get(serverIds[j]);
				int oldPermission = (n != null) ? n.intValue() : 0;
				tempPrincipalPermissions.put(serverIds[j], new Integer(oldPermission | command));

	principalPermissions = tempPrincipalPermissions;
	globalPermissions = tempGlobalPermissions;
 * Precondition:
 * 1. Index are rotated with name pattern ".opendistro-anomaly-results-history-{now/d}-1" and now is using UTC.
 * 2. Latest entry with error is recorded within enabled and disabled time.  Note disabled time can be null.
 * Error is populated if error of the latest anomaly result is not empty.
 * Two optimization to avoid scanning all anomaly result indices to get a detector's most recent error
 * First, when a detector is running, we only need to scan the current index, not all of the rolled over ones
 *  since we are interested in the latest error.
 * Second, when a detector is disabled, we only need to scan the latest anomaly result indices created before the
 *  detector's enable time.
 * @param detectorId detector id
 * @param enabledTimeMillis the time when AD job is enabled in milliseconds
 * @param listener listener to process the returned error or exception
private void profileError(
    String detectorId,
    long enabledTimeMillis,
    Instant disabledTime,
    MultiResponsesDelegateActionListener<DetectorProfile> listener
) {
    String[] latestIndex = null;

    long disabledTimeMillis = 0;
    if (disabledTime != null) {
        disabledTimeMillis = disabledTime.toEpochMilli();
    if (enabledTimeMillis > disabledTimeMillis) {
        // detector is still running
        latestIndex = new String[1];
        latestIndex[0] = AnomalyResult.ANOMALY_RESULT_INDEX;
    } else {
        String[] concreteIndices = indexNameExpressionResolver

        // find the latest from result indices such as .opendistro-anomaly-results-history-2020.04.06-1 and
        // /.opendistro-anomaly-results-history-2020.04.07-000002
        long maxTimestamp = -1;
        TreeMap<Long, List<String>> candidateIndices = new TreeMap<>();
        for (String indexName : concreteIndices) {
            Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\.opendistro-anomaly-results-history-(\\d{4})\\.(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{2})-\\d+").matcher(indexName);
            if (m.matches()) {
                int year = Integer.parseInt(;
                int month = Integer.parseInt(;
                int date = Integer.parseInt(;
                // month starts with 0
                calendar.set(year, month - 1, date);
                // 2020.05.08 is translated to 1588896000000
                long timestamp = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

                // a candidate index can be created before or after enabled time, but the index is definitely created before disabled
                // time
                if (timestamp <= disabledTimeMillis && maxTimestamp <= timestamp) {
                    maxTimestamp = timestamp;
                    // we can have two rotations on the same day and we don't know which one has our data, so we keep all
                    List<String> indexList = candidateIndices.computeIfAbsent(timestamp, k -> new ArrayList<String>());
        List<String> candidates = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> latestCandidate = candidateIndices.get(maxTimestamp);

        if (latestCandidate != null) {

        // look back one more index for an edge case:
        // Suppose detector interval is 1 minute. Detector last run is at 2020-05-07, 11:59:50 PM,
        // then AD result indices rolled over as .opendistro-anomaly-results-history-2020.05.07-001
        // Detector next run will be 2020-05-08, 00:00:50 AM. If a user stop the detector at
        // 2020-05-08 00:00:10 AM, detector will not have AD result on 2020-05-08.
        // We check AD result indices one day earlier to make sure we can always get AD result.
        Map.Entry<Long, List<String>> earlierCandidate = candidateIndices.lowerEntry(maxTimestamp);
        if (earlierCandidate != null) {
        latestIndex = candidates.toArray(new String[0]);

    if (latestIndex == null || latestIndex.length == 0) {
        // no result index found: can be due to anomaly result is not created yet or result indices for the detector have been deleted.
        listener.onResponse(new DetectorProfile());
    SearchRequest searchLatestResult = createLatestAnomalyResultRequest(detectorId, enabledTimeMillis, disabledTimeMillis, latestIndex);, onGetLatestAnomalyResult(listener, detectorId));
源代码19 项目: clust4j   文件:
protected static int[] doLabeling(ArrayList<CompQuadTup<Integer, Integer, Double, Integer>> tree,
		ArrayList<Integer> clusters, TreeMap<Integer, Integer> clusterMap) {
	CompQuadTup<Integer, Integer, Double, Integer> quad;
	int rootCluster, parent, child, n = tree.size(), cluster, i;
	int[] resultArr, parentArr = new int[n], childArr = new int[n];
	UnifiedFinder unionFind;
	// [parent, child, lambda, size]
	int maxParent = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
	int minParent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		quad = tree.get(i);
		parentArr[i]= quad.getFirst();
		childArr[i] = quad.getSecond();
		if(quad.getFirst() < minParent)
			minParent = quad.getFirst();
		if(quad.getFirst() > maxParent)
			maxParent = quad.getFirst();
	rootCluster = minParent;
	resultArr = new int[rootCluster];
	unionFind = new TreeUnionFind(maxParent + 1);
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		child = childArr[i];
		parent= parentArr[i];
			unionFind.union(parent, child);
	for(i = 0; i < rootCluster; i++) {
		cluster = unionFind.find(i);
		if(cluster <= rootCluster)
			resultArr[i] = NOISE_CLASS;
			resultArr[i] = clusterMap.get(cluster);
	return resultArr;
源代码20 项目: gsn   文件:
public boolean initialize()
  VSensorConfig vsensor = getVirtualSensorConfiguration();
  TreeMap<String, String> params = vsensor.getMainClassInitialParams();
  ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(params.get("host"), params.get("username"), params.get("password"));
  managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection();
  // get the name of the virtual sensor from the vsd
  vs_name = new String(vsensor.getName());
  // generate a random extension number between 9000-10000
  Random random = new Random();    
  Integer ext =  (int)((long)(1001 * random.nextDouble()) + 9000);
  vs_ext = ext.toString();
    // connect to Asterisk and log in
    connected = true;
    // delete previous configuration, e.g. dial plan and config files
    // create the text-to-speech ulaw file
    // create the dial plan in the asterisk server
    createDialPlan(vs_name, vs_ext);
    // settings for making the actual phone call
    originateAction = new OriginateAction();
    phone_no = new String(params.get("number"));
    originateAction.setChannel("SIP/" + phone_no + "@" + SIP_TRUNK);
    originateAction.setPriority(new Integer(1));
    originateAction.setCallerId("GSN Notification");
  } catch (Exception e)
    connected = false;
    logger.error("connection state is " + managerConnection.getState() + "    "+ e);
  vs_counter++;"Virtual Sensor [" + vs_name + "]" + " added to GSN with extension " + vs_ext +  " running instance @" + vs_counter);
  return connected;