java.util.TreeMap#values ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.TreeMap#values ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jkube   文件:
 * Create a list of services ordered according to the ordering given in the
 * service descriptor files. Note, that the descriptor will be looked up
 * in the whole classpath space, which can result in reading in multiple
 * descriptors with a single path. Note, that the reading order for multiple
 * resources with the same name is not defined.
 * @param descriptorPaths a list of resource paths which are handle in the given order.
 *        Normally, default service should be given as first parameter so that custom
 *        descriptors have a chance to remove a default service.
 * @param <T> type of the service objects to create
 * @return a ordered list of created services or an empty list.
public <T> List<T> createServiceObjects(String... descriptorPaths) {
    try {
        TreeMap<ServiceEntry,T> serviceMap = new TreeMap<ServiceEntry,T>();
        for (String descriptor : descriptorPaths) {
            readServiceDefinitions(serviceMap, descriptor);
        ArrayList<T> ret = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (T service : serviceMap.values()) {
        return ret;
    } finally {
源代码2 项目: jumbune   文件:
public String toString(){
	StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
	for(K reference: keySet()){
		b.append("\nReference -"+reference);
		TreeMap<V, LinkedList<V>> innerMap = get(reference);
		for(List<V> list : innerMap.values()){
			for(V entry:list){
						b.append( entry  );						
					b.append("[" + entry + "], " );					
	return b.toString();
源代码3 项目: Smack   文件:
public List<SignedPreKeyRecord> loadSignedPreKeys() {

    TreeMap<Integer, SignedPreKeyRecord> signedPreKeyRecordHashMap;
    try {
        signedPreKeyRecordHashMap = omemoStore.loadOmemoSignedPreKeys(getOurDevice());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return new ArrayList<>(signedPreKeyRecordHashMap.values());
源代码4 项目: j2objc   文件:
 * values collection contains all values
public void testValues() {
    TreeMap map = map5();
    Collection s = map.values();
    assertEquals(5, s.size());
源代码5 项目: jkube   文件:
 * Extract from given properties a list of string values. The prefix is used to determine the subset of the
 * given properties from which the list should be extracted, the rest is used as a numeric index. If the rest
 * is not numeric, the order is not determined (all those props are appended to the end of the list)
 * <p> NOTE: If suffix/index is "._combine" ({@link #PROPERTY_COMBINE_POLICY_SUFFIX}) it is ignored!
 * This is reserved for combine policy tweaking.
 * @param prefix     for selecting the properties from which the list should be extracted
 * @param properties properties from which to extract from
 * @return parsed list or null if no element with prefixes exists
public static List<String> extractFromPropertiesAsList(String prefix, Properties properties) {
    TreeMap<Integer, String> orderedMap = new TreeMap<>();
    List<String> rest = new ArrayList<>();
    Enumeration names = properties.propertyNames();
    String prefixP = prefix + ".";
    while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = (String) names.nextElement();
        if (propMatchesPrefix(prefixP, key)) {
            String index = key.substring(prefixP.length());

            if (PROPERTY_COMBINE_POLICY_SUFFIX.equals(index)) {

            String value = properties.getProperty(key);
            try {
                Integer nrIndex = Integer.parseInt(index);
                orderedMap.put(nrIndex, value);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
    List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(orderedMap.values());
    return ret.size() > 0 ? ret : null;
 * Returns <code>true</code> if there is a repartition in progress. Otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
 * @param storageNumber the storage number to check.
 * @return <code>true</code> if there is a repartition in progress. Otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
private boolean isRepartitionInProgress(final byte storageNumber) {

   final TreeMap<ClusterNodeAddress, BucketOwner> storageBucketOwners = bucketOwners[storageNumber];
   for (final BucketOwner owner : storageBucketOwners.values()) {

      if (owner.hasInboundBuckets() || owner.hasInboundReplicas() || owner.hasOutboundBuckets() || owner.hasOutboundReplicas()) {

         return true;

   return false;
源代码7 项目: mynlp   文件:
public DoubleArrayTrieStringIntMap(TreeMap<String, Integer> map) {
    ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(map.keySet());
    int[] values = new int[map.size()];
    Collection<Integer> values1 = map.values();
    int c = 0;
    for(Integer integer : values1){
        values[c++] = integer.intValue();

    this.dat = new DoubleArrayTrie(keys);
    this.values = values;
private List<TaskState> sortTasksById(JobState jobState) {
    TreeMap<TaskId, TaskState> sortedTasks = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<TaskId>() {
        public int compare(TaskId o1, TaskId o2) {
            return Integer.parseInt(o1.value()) - Integer.parseInt(o2.value());
    return new ArrayList<>(sortedTasks.values());
源代码9 项目: siddhi   文件:
public void deleteEntriesUsingCachePolicy(int numRowsToDelete) {
    IndexEventHolder indexEventHolder = (IndexEventHolder) stateHolder.getState().getEventHolder();
    if (numRowsToDelete >= indexEventHolder.size()) {
    } else {
        Set<Object> keys = indexEventHolder.getAllPrimaryKeyValues();
        TreeMap<Integer, Object> toDelete = new TreeMap<>();
        for (Object key : keys) {
            if (toDelete.size() < numRowsToDelete) {
                toDelete.put((Integer) indexEventHolder.getEvent(key).getOutputData()[cachePolicyAttributePosition],
            } else {
                Integer count = (Integer) indexEventHolder.getEvent(key).
                Integer firstKey = toDelete.firstKey();
                if (count < firstKey) {
                    toDelete.put(count, key);
        for (Object deleteKey : toDelete.values()) {
            if (deleteKey != null) {
源代码10 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Get the image list of this backup for restore in time order.
 * @param reverse If true, then output in reverse order, otherwise in time order from old to new
 * @return the backup image list for restore in time order
public ArrayList<BackupImage> getRestoreDependentList(boolean reverse) {
  TreeMap<Long, BackupImage> restoreImages = new TreeMap<>();
  restoreImages.put(backupImage.startTs, backupImage);
  for (BackupImage image : backupImage.getAncestors()) {
    restoreImages.put(Long.valueOf(image.startTs), image);
  return new ArrayList<>(reverse ? (restoreImages.descendingMap().values())
      : (restoreImages.values()));
源代码11 项目: ambry   文件:
 * Ensure that Stitch requests for given blob id reaches to all the mock servees in the {@link MockServerLayout}.
 * @param blobId The blob id of which stitch request will be created.
 * @param serverLayout The mock server layout.
 * @param chunksToStitch The list of {@link ChunkInfo} to stitch.
 * @param singleBlobSize The size of each chunk
 * @throws IOException
private void ensureStitchInAllServers(String blobId, MockServerLayout serverLayout, List<ChunkInfo> chunksToStitch,
    int singleBlobSize) throws IOException {
  TreeMap<Integer, Pair<StoreKey, Long>> indexToChunkIdsAndChunkSizes = new TreeMap<>();
  int i = 0;
  for (ChunkInfo chunkInfo : chunksToStitch) {
        new Pair<>(new BlobId(chunkInfo.getBlobId(), mockClusterMap), chunkInfo.getChunkSizeInBytes()));
  ByteBuffer serializedContent;
  int totalSize = singleBlobSize * chunksToStitch.size();
  if (routerConfig.routerMetadataContentVersion == MessageFormatRecord.Metadata_Content_Version_V2) {
    serializedContent = MetadataContentSerDe.serializeMetadataContentV2(singleBlobSize, totalSize,
  } else {
    List<Pair<StoreKey, Long>> orderedChunkIdList = new ArrayList<>(indexToChunkIdsAndChunkSizes.values());
    serializedContent = MetadataContentSerDe.serializeMetadataContentV3(totalSize, orderedChunkIdList);
  BlobId id = new BlobId(blobId, mockClusterMap);
  for (MockServer server : serverLayout.getMockServers()) {
    if (!server.getBlobs().containsKey(blobId)) {
          new PutRequest(NonBlockingRouter.correlationIdGenerator.incrementAndGet(), routerConfig.routerHostname, id,
              putBlobProperties, ByteBuffer.wrap(putUserMetadata), Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(serializedContent),
              serializedContent.remaining(), BlobType.MetadataBlob, null)).release();
源代码12 项目: buck   文件:
private void uniqueSort(BuckExpressionListOrComprehension expressionListOrComprehension) {
  List<BuckExpression> expressionList = expressionListOrComprehension.getExpressionList();
  if (expressionList.isEmpty()) {
    return; // nothing to sort
  TreeMap<String, PsiElement> treeMap =
      new TreeMap<>(DependenciesOptimizer::compareDependencyStrings);
  boolean isSorted = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < expressionList.size(); i++) {
    if (isSorted
        && i > 0
        && compareDependencyStrings(
                expressionList.get(i - 1).getText(), expressionList.get(i).getText())
            > 0) {
      isSorted = false;
    treeMap.put(expressionList.get(i).getText(), expressionList.get(i).copy());
  if (treeMap.size() < expressionList.size()) {
    prunedDependencies += expressionList.size() - treeMap.size();
  int index = 0;
  for (PsiElement psiElement : treeMap.values()) {
  if (index < expressionList.size() && index > 0) {
源代码13 项目: calcite-avatica   文件:
 * Converts an Array into a List using {@link Array#getResultSet()}. This implementation is
 * recursive and can parse multi-dimensional arrays.
static List<?> extractUsingResultSet(Array array, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException {
  ResultSet arrayValues = array.getResultSet();
  TreeMap<Integer, Object> map = new TreeMap<>();
  while ( {
    // column 1 is the index in the array, column 2 is the value.
    // Recurse on `getValue` to unwrap nested types correctly.
    // `j` is zero-indexed and incremented for us, thus we have `1` being used twice.
    map.put(arrayValues.getInt(1), getValue(arrayValues, array.getBaseType(), 1, calendar));
  // If the result set is not in the same order as the actual Array, TreeMap fixes that.
  // Need to make a concrete list to ensure Jackson serialization.
  return new ArrayList<>(map.values());
源代码14 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 *   Returns a list of range counts sorted by the range lower bound, using the indexed "id" field (i.e. the terms are full IDs, not just prefixes)
static Collection<RangeCount> getHashHistogramFromId(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, String idField, DocRouter router, DocCollection collection) throws IOException {
  RTimer timer = new RTimer();

  TreeMap<DocRouter.Range, RangeCount> counts = new TreeMap<>();

  Terms terms = MultiTerms.getTerms(searcher.getIndexReader(), idField);
  if (terms == null) {
    return counts.values();

  int numPrefixes = 0;
  int numCollisions = 0;
  long sumBuckets = 0;

  byte sep = (byte) CompositeIdRouter.SEPARATOR.charAt(0);
  TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
  BytesRef currPrefix = new BytesRef();  // prefix of the previous "id" term
  int bucketCount = 0; // count of the number of docs in the current bucket

  // We're going to iterate over all terms, so do the minimum amount of work per term.
  // Terms are sorted, so all terms sharing a prefix will be grouped together.  The extra work
  // is really just limited to stepping over all the terms in the id field.
  for (;;) {
    BytesRef term =;

    // compare to current prefix bucket and see if this new term shares the same prefix
    if (term != null && term.length >= currPrefix.length && currPrefix.length > 0) {
      if (StringHelper.startsWith(term, currPrefix)) {
        bucketCount++;  // use 1 since we are dealing with unique ids

    // At this point the prefix did not match, so if we had a bucket we were working on, record it.
    if (currPrefix.length > 0) {
      sumBuckets += bucketCount;
      String currPrefixStr = currPrefix.utf8ToString();
      DocRouter.Range range = router.getSearchRangeSingle(currPrefixStr, null, collection);

      RangeCount rangeCount = new RangeCount(range, bucketCount);
      bucketCount = 0;

      RangeCount prev = counts.put(rangeCount.range, rangeCount);
      if (prev != null) {
        // we hit a hash collision, so add the buckets together.
        rangeCount.count += prev.count;

    // if the current term is null, we ran out of values
    if (term == null) break;

    // find the new prefix (if any)

    // resize if needed
    if (currPrefix.length < term.length) {
      currPrefix.bytes = new byte[term.length+10];

    // Copy the bytes up to and including the separator, and set the length if the separator is found.
    // If there was no separator, then length remains 0 and it's the indicator that we have no prefix bucket
    currPrefix.length = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<term.length; i++) {
      byte b = term.bytes[i + term.offset];
      currPrefix.bytes[i] = b;
      if (b == sep) {
        currPrefix.length = i + 1;

  if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Split histogram from idField {}: ms={}, numBuckets={} sumBuckets={} numPrefixes={} numCollisions={}"
        , idField, timer.getTime(), counts.size(), sumBuckets, numPrefixes, numCollisions);

  return counts.values();
源代码15 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
/** Find All Displayable objects that intersect with the given srcRect and return them ordered by stack_index. Of @param visible_only is true, then hidden Displayable objects are ignored.
 * Fast and dirty, never returns a false negative but may return a false positive. */
synchronized final Collection<Displayable> roughlyFind(final Rectangle srcRect, final Layer layer, final boolean visible_only) {
	final TreeMap<Integer,Displayable> accum = new TreeMap<Integer,Displayable>();
	roughlyFind(accum, srcRect, layer, visible_only);
	return accum.values(); // sorted by integer key
源代码16 项目: biojava   文件:
 * A parser for the symop.lib file provided by CCP4. Note: this file is not getting re-distributed by BioJava.
 * It can be downloaded from:
 * Note: this file is not needed by BioJava. BioJava loads equivalent information from the file spacegroups.xml
 * @param symoplibIS
 * @return
public static TreeMap<Integer,SpaceGroup> parseSymopLib(InputStream symoplibIS) {
	TreeMap<Integer, SpaceGroup> map = new TreeMap<Integer, SpaceGroup>();
	name2sgs = new HashMap<String, SpaceGroup>();
	try {
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(symoplibIS));
		String line;
		SpaceGroup currentSG = null;
		while ((line=br.readLine())!=null) {
			if (!line.startsWith(" ")) {
				if (currentSG!=null) {
					name2sgs.put(currentSG.getShortSymbol(), currentSG);
					if (currentSG.getAltShortSymbol()!=null) {
						// we add also alternative name to map so we can look it up
						name2sgs.put(currentSG.getAltShortSymbol(), currentSG);

				int idxFirstSpace = line.indexOf(' ');
				int idxSecondSpace = line.indexOf(' ',idxFirstSpace+1);
				int idxThirdSpace = line.indexOf(' ',idxSecondSpace+1);
				int id = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, idxFirstSpace));
				int multiplicity = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(idxFirstSpace+1, idxSecondSpace));
				int primitiveMultiplicity = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(idxSecondSpace+1, idxThirdSpace));
				Matcher m = namePat.matcher(line);
				String shortSymbol = null;
				String altShortSymbol = null;
				String brav = null;
				if (m.matches()) {
					brav =;
					altShortSymbol =; // null if there is no match
					if (altShortSymbol!=null) altShortSymbol = altShortSymbol.trim().replaceAll("'", "");
					shortSymbol =;
				currentSG = new SpaceGroup(id, multiplicity, primitiveMultiplicity, shortSymbol, altShortSymbol, BravaisLattice.getByName(brav));
			} else {
		// and we add the last SG
		map.put(currentSG.getId(), currentSG);
		name2sgs.put(currentSG.getShortSymbol(), currentSG);
		if (currentSG.getAltShortSymbol()!=null) {
			// we add also alternative name to map so we can look it up
			name2sgs.put(currentSG.getAltShortSymbol(), currentSG);

	} catch (IOException e) {
		logger.error("Fatal error! Can't read symop.lib file. Error: "+e.getMessage()+". ");

	for (SpaceGroup sg:map.values()) {
	return map;
源代码17 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
/** Find all Displayable objects that intersect the given Area and return them ordered by stack_index. If @param visible_only is trye, then hidden Displayable objects are ignored. */
synchronized final Collection<Displayable> find(final Class<?> c, final Area area, final Layer layer, final boolean visible_only, final boolean instance_of) {
	final TreeMap<Integer,Displayable> accum = new TreeMap<Integer,Displayable>();
	find(accum, c, area, layer, visible_only, instance_of);
	return accum.values(); // sorted by integer key
源代码18 项目: TrakEM2   文件:
public ArrayList<Patch> getStackPatches() {
	final TreeMap<Double,Patch> ht = new TreeMap<Double,Patch>();
	return new ArrayList<Patch>(ht.values()); // sorted by z
源代码19 项目: chipster   文件:
private Collection<Drawable> getCoverageDrawables(Strand strand, Color color) {				
	Collection<Drawable> drawables = getEmptyDrawCollection();

	Chromosome chr = getView().getBpRegion().start.chr;
	// If SNP highlight mode is on, we need reference sequence data
	char[] refSeq = ReadPileTrack.getReferenceArray(refReads, view, Strand.FORWARD);

	// Count width of a single bp in pixels
	float bpWidth = (float) (getView().getWidth() / getView().getBpRegionDouble().getLength());

	// Count maximum y coordinate (the bottom of the track)
	int bottomlineY = 0;

	int previousValueY = 0;
	int previousEndX = -1;
	//Line color is opaque
	Color lineColor = new Color(color.getRGB(), false);
	TreeMap<BpCoord, Base> totalBases = coverageStorage.getTotalBases();
	for (Base base : totalBases.values()) {
		Nucleotide reference = null;
		int viewIndex = (int) (base.getBpLocation() - view.getBpRegion().start.bp);
		if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < refSeq.length) {
			reference = Nucleotide.fromCharacter(refSeq[viewIndex]);
			Base refBase = new Base(base.getBpLocation(), reference);
			base = refBase;
		BpCoord location = new BpCoord(base.getBpLocation(), chr);
		float startX = getView().bpToTrackFloat(location);
		//Round together with position dividends to get the same result than where next block will start
		int width = (int)(startX + bpWidth) - (int)startX;
		int profileY = 0;
		Base coverageBase = coverageStorage.getBase(location, strand);			
		if (coverageBase != null) {
			profileY = super.getScaledY(coverageBase.getCoverage());
		} else {
			//this totalBase is on the wrong strand
		int valueY = (int)(bottomlineY + profileY);
		drawables.add(new RectDrawable((int)startX, bottomlineY, width,  valueY, color, null));
		//Check if there was a gap between profile blocks
		if (previousEndX < (int)startX) {
			//End last block with line
			drawables.add(new LineDrawable(previousEndX, bottomlineY, previousEndX,  previousValueY, lineColor));
			//Start next line from the bottom
			previousValueY = 0;
		//Draw line between height difference of previous and current block
		drawables.add(new LineDrawable((int)startX, previousValueY, (int)startX,  valueY, lineColor));
		//Draw line on top of the current block
		drawables.add(new LineDrawable((int)startX, valueY, (int)startX + width,  valueY, lineColor));									
		drawSNPBar(drawables, (int)bpWidth, bottomlineY, base, strand, (int)startX);
		previousValueY = valueY;
		previousEndX = (int)startX + width;
	//End last block with line
	drawables.add(new LineDrawable(previousEndX, bottomlineY, previousEndX,  previousValueY, lineColor));

	return drawables;
源代码20 项目: lams   文件:
   public String swapOption(HttpServletRequest request) {

Integer questionNumber = WebUtil.readIntParam(request, "questionNumber", true);

// Work out which two to swap and make swap1 the smaller of the two.
// They should always be consecutive, so we can (the new) swap1 with whichever is the next item.
int swap1 = WebUtil.readIntParam(request, "optionNumber1");
int swap2 = WebUtil.readIntParam(request, "optionNumber2");
if (swap2 < swap1) {
    swap1 = swap2;

boolean useAssessmentVersion = WebUtil.readBooleanParam(request, "assess", false);
String containingDivName = WebUtil.readStrParam(request, "containingDivName", true);
String prefixParam = containingDivName != null ? containingDivName + "assmcq" : "question";
TreeMap<Integer, Option> optionsMap = getOptions(request, questionNumber, prefixParam);
// reorder the options and setup the return value
LinkedList<Option> options = new LinkedList<>();

Option swap = null;
for (Option option : optionsMap.values()) {
    if (swap != null) {
	swap = null;
    } else if (option.getDisplayOrder() == swap1) {
	swap = option;
    } else {
if (swap != null) {
    // something wrong - ended up with swap object last!
request.setAttribute("questionNumber", questionNumber);
request.setAttribute("options", options);
request.setAttribute("optionCount", options.size());
request.setAttribute("containingDivName", WebUtil.readStrParam(request, "containingDivName", true));
return (useAssessmentVersion ? "authoring/template/tool/assessredooption"
	: "authoring/template/tool/mcredooption");