
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public SpanScorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
  if (field == null)
    return null;

  Terms terms = context.reader().terms(field);
  if (terms != null && terms.hasPositions() == false) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("field \"" + field + "\" was indexed without position data; cannot run SpanQuery (query=" + parentQuery + ")");

  final Spans spans = getSpans(context, Postings.PAYLOADS);
  if (spans == null) {
    return null;
  final LeafSimScorer docScorer = getSimScorer(context);
  return new SpanScorer(this, spans, docScorer);
源代码2 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private void checkSpans(Spans spans, int expectedNumSpans, int expectedNumPayloads,
                        int expectedPayloadLength, int expectedFirstByte) throws IOException {
  assertTrue("spans is null and it shouldn't be", spans != null);
  //each position match should have a span associated with it, since there is just one underlying term query, there should
  //only be one entry in the span
  VerifyingCollector collector = new VerifyingCollector();
  int seen = 0;
  while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
    while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
      collector.verify(expectedPayloadLength, expectedFirstByte);
      assertEquals("expectedNumPayloads", expectedNumPayloads, collector.payloads.size());
  assertEquals("expectedNumSpans", expectedNumSpans, seen);
源代码3 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private void checkSpans(Spans spans, int numSpans, int[] numPayloads) throws IOException {
  int cnt = 0;
  VerifyingCollector collector = new VerifyingCollector();
  while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
    while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
        System.out.println("\nSpans Dump --");
      assertEquals("payload size", numPayloads[cnt], collector.payloads.size());


  assertEquals("expected numSpans", numSpans, cnt);
源代码4 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void test() throws IOException {
  SpanQuery query = new PayloadScoreQuery(new SpanTermQuery(new Term("field", "seventy")),
          new MaxPayloadFunction(), PayloadDecoder.FLOAT_DECODER);
  TopDocs hits =, 100);
  assertTrue("hits is null and it shouldn't be", hits != null);
  assertTrue("hits Size: " + hits.totalHits.value + " is not: " + 100, hits.totalHits.value == 100);

  //they should all have the exact same score, because they all contain seventy once, and we set
  //all the other similarity factors to be 1

  for (int i = 0; i < hits.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
    ScoreDoc doc = hits.scoreDocs[i];
    assertTrue(doc.score + " does not equal: " + 1, doc.score == 1);
  CheckHits.checkExplanations(query, PayloadHelper.FIELD, searcher, true);
  Spans spans = query.createWeight(searcher, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.POSITIONS);
  assertTrue("spans is null and it shouldn't be", spans != null);
  /*float score = hits.score(0);
  for (int i =1; i < hits.length(); i++)
    assertTrue("scores are not equal and they should be", score == hits.score(i));

源代码5 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public DisiWrapper(Spans spans) {
  this.scorer = null;
  this.spans = spans;
  this.iterator = spans;
  this.cost = iterator.cost();
  this.doc = -1;
  this.twoPhaseView = spans.asTwoPhaseIterator();
  if (twoPhaseView != null) {
    approximation = twoPhaseView.approximation();
    matchCost = twoPhaseView.matchCost();
  } else {
    approximation = iterator;
    matchCost = 0f;
  this.lastApproxNonMatchDoc = -2;
  this.lastApproxMatchDoc = -2;
源代码6 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas span sequence spans.
 * @param query the query
 * @param setSequenceSpans the set sequence spans
 * @param ignoreSpans the ignore spans
 * @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
public MtasSpanSequenceSpans(MtasSpanSequenceQuery query,
    List<MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans> setSequenceSpans, Spans ignoreSpans,
    Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
  docId = -1;
  this.query = query;
  queueSpans = new ArrayList<>();
  queueMatches = new ArrayList<>();
  for (MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans sequenceSpans : setSequenceSpans) {
    queueSpans.add(new QueueItem(sequenceSpans));
  ignoreItem = new MtasIgnoreItem(ignoreSpans, maximumIgnoreLength);
源代码7 项目: mtas   文件:
public MtasSpans getSpans(LeafReaderContext context,
    Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {
  if (field == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    Terms terms = context.reader().terms(field);
    if (terms == null) {
      return null; // field does not exist
    Spans subSpans = subWeight.getSpans(context, requiredPostings);
    if (subSpans == null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      Spans ignoreSpans = null;
      if (ignoreWeight != null) {
        ignoreSpans = ignoreWeight.getSpans(context, requiredPostings);
      return new MtasSpanRecurrenceSpans(MtasSpanRecurrenceQuery.this,
          subSpans, minimumRecurrence, maximumRecurrence, ignoreSpans,
源代码8 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas ignore item.
 * @param ignoreSpans the ignore spans
 * @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
public MtasIgnoreItem(Spans ignoreSpans, Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
  this.ignoreSpans = ignoreSpans;
  currentDocId = -1;
  currentPosition = -1;
  minimumPosition = -1;
  baseStartPositionList = new HashMap<>();
  baseEndPositionList = new HashMap<>();
  fullEndPositionList = new HashMap<>();
  minBaseStartPosition = new HashMap<>();
  maxBaseEndPosition = new HashMap<>();
  minFullStartPosition = new HashMap<>();
  maxFullEndPosition = new HashMap<>();
  if (maximumIgnoreLength == null) {
    this.maximumIgnoreLength = DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_IGNORE_LENGTH;
  } else {
    this.maximumIgnoreLength = maximumIgnoreLength;
源代码9 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Advance to doc.
 * @param docId the doc id
 * @return true, if successful
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public boolean advanceToDoc(int docId) throws IOException {
  if (ignoreSpans == null || currentDocId == Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
    return false;
  } else if (currentDocId == docId) {
    return true;
  } else {
    if (currentDocId < docId) {
      currentDocId = ignoreSpans.advance(docId);
      currentPosition = -1;
      minimumPosition = -1;
    return currentDocId == docId;
源代码10 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Collect spans for occurences.
 * @param occurences
 *          the occurences
 * @param prefixes
 *          the prefixes
 * @param field
 *          the field
 * @param searcher
 *          the searcher
 * @param lrc
 *          the lrc
 * @return the map
 * @throws IOException
 *           Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private static Map<GroupHit, Spans> collectSpansForOccurences(
    Set<GroupHit> occurences, Set<String> prefixes, String field,
    IndexSearcher searcher, LeafReaderContext lrc) throws IOException {
  Map<GroupHit, Spans> list = new HashMap<>();
  IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
  final float boost = 0;
  for (GroupHit hit : occurences) {
    MtasSpanQuery queryHit = createQueryFromGroupHit(prefixes, field, hit);
    if (queryHit != null) {
      MtasSpanQuery queryHitRewritten = queryHit.rewrite(reader);
      SpanWeight weight = queryHitRewritten.createWeight(searcher, false,
      Spans spans = weight.getSpans(lrc, SpanWeight.Postings.POSITIONS);
      if (spans != null) {
        list.put(hit, spans);
  return list;
源代码11 项目: pyramid   文件:
public Spans getSpans(final LeafReaderContext context, Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {

    Terms terms = context.reader().terms(field);
    if (terms == null) {
        return null; // field does not exist

    ArrayList<Spans> subSpans = new ArrayList<>(clauses.size());
    for (CustomSpanWeight w : subWeights) {
        Spans subSpan = w.getSpans(context, requiredPostings);
        if (subSpan != null) {
        } else {
            return null; // all required

    // all NearSpans require at least two subSpans
    return (!inOrder) ? new CustomNearSpansUnordered(slop, subSpans)
            : new NearSpansOrdered(slop, subSpans);
源代码12 项目: pyramid   文件:
public Spans getSpans(final LeafReaderContext context, Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {

    assert termContext.wasBuiltFor(ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(context)) : "The top-reader used to create Weight is not the same as the current reader's top-reader (" + ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(context);

    final TermState state = termContext.get(context.ord);
    if (state == null) { // term is not present in that reader
        assert context.reader().docFreq(term) == 0 : "no termstate found but term exists in reader term=" + term;
        return null;

    final Terms terms = context.reader().terms(term.field());
    if (terms == null)
        return null;
    if (terms.hasPositions() == false)
        throw new IllegalStateException("field \"" + term.field() + "\" was indexed without position data; cannot run CustomSpanTermQuery (term=" + term.text() + ")");

    final TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
    termsEnum.seekExact(term.bytes(), state);

    final PostingsEnum postings = termsEnum.postings(null, requiredPostings.getRequiredPostings());
    float positionsCost = termPositionsCost(termsEnum) * PHRASE_TO_SPAN_TERM_POSITIONS_COST;
    return new TermSpans(getSimScorer(context), postings, term, positionsCost);
public SpanScorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
    if (field == null)
        return null;

    Terms terms = context.reader().terms(field);
    if (terms != null && !terms.hasPositions()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("field \"" + field +
                "\" was indexed without position data; cannot run SpanQuery (query=" + parentQuery + ")");

    final Spans spans = getSpans(context, Postings.PAYLOADS);
    if (spans == null) {
        return null;
    final Similarity.SimScorer docScorer = getSimScorer(context);
    return new SpanScorer(this, spans, docScorer);
源代码14 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public Spans getSpans(final LeafReaderContext context, Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {
  final PayloadChecker collector = new PayloadChecker();
  Spans matchSpans = matchWeight.getSpans(context, requiredPostings.atLeast(Postings.PAYLOADS));
  return (matchSpans == null) ? null : new FilterSpans(matchSpans) {
    protected AcceptStatus accept(Spans candidate) throws IOException {
      return collector.match();
源代码15 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public SpanScorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
  Spans spans = getSpans(context, Postings.PAYLOADS);
  if (spans == null)
    return null;
  LeafSimScorer docScorer = innerWeight.getSimScorer(context);
  PayloadSpans payloadSpans = new PayloadSpans(spans, decoder);
  return new PayloadSpanScorer(this, payloadSpans, docScorer);
源代码16 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testFirstClauseWithoutPayload() throws Exception {
  Spans spans;
  IndexSearcher searcher = getSearcher();

  SpanQuery[] clauses = new SpanQuery[3];
  clauses[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "nopayload"));
  clauses[1] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "qq"));
  clauses[2] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "ss"));

  SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(clauses, 6, true);
  SpanQuery[] clauses2 = new SpanQuery[2];
  clauses2[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "pp"));
  clauses2[1] = spanNearQuery;

  SpanNearQuery snq = new SpanNearQuery(clauses2, 6, false);
  SpanQuery[] clauses3 = new SpanQuery[2];
  clauses3[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "np"));
  clauses3[1] = snq;

  SpanNearQuery nestedSpanNearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(clauses3, 6, false);
  spans = nestedSpanNearQuery.createWeight(searcher, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.PAYLOADS);

  assertTrue("spans is null and it shouldn't be", spans != null);
  checkSpans(spans, 1, new int[]{3});
源代码17 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testHeavilyNestedSpanQuery() throws Exception {
  Spans spans;
  IndexSearcher searcher = getSearcher();

  SpanQuery[] clauses = new SpanQuery[3];
  clauses[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "one"));
  clauses[1] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "two"));
  clauses[2] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "three"));

  SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(clauses, 5, true);
  clauses = new SpanQuery[3];
  clauses[0] = spanNearQuery; 
  clauses[1] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "five"));
  clauses[2] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "six"));

  SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery2 = new SpanNearQuery(clauses, 6, true);
  SpanQuery[] clauses2 = new SpanQuery[2];
  clauses2[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "eleven"));
  clauses2[1] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "ten"));
  SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery3 = new SpanNearQuery(clauses2, 2, false);
  SpanQuery[] clauses3 = new SpanQuery[3];
  clauses3[0] = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.FIELD, "nine"));
  clauses3[1] = spanNearQuery2;
  clauses3[2] = spanNearQuery3;
  SpanNearQuery nestedSpanNearQuery = new SpanNearQuery(clauses3, 6, false);

  spans = nestedSpanNearQuery.createWeight(searcher, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.PAYLOADS);
  assertTrue("spans is null and it shouldn't be", spans != null);
  checkSpans(spans, 2, new int[]{8, 8});
源代码18 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testShrinkToAfterShortestMatch() throws IOException {
  Directory directory = newDirectory();
  RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), directory,
                                                   newIndexWriterConfig(new TestPayloadAnalyzer()));

  Document doc = new Document();
  doc.add(new TextField("content", new StringReader("a b c d e f g h i j a k")));

  IndexReader reader = writer.getReader();
  IndexSearcher is = newSearcher(getOnlyLeafReader(reader), false);

  SpanTermQuery stq1 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("content", "a"));
  SpanTermQuery stq2 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("content", "k"));
  SpanQuery[] sqs = { stq1, stq2 };
  SpanNearQuery snq = new SpanNearQuery(sqs, 1, true);
  VerifyingCollector collector = new VerifyingCollector();
  Spans spans = snq.createWeight(is, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(is.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.PAYLOADS);

  TopDocs topDocs =, 1);
  Set<String> payloadSet = new HashSet<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < topDocs.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
    while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
      while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
        for (final BytesRef payload : collector.payloads) {
  assertEquals(2, payloadSet.size());
源代码19 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testShrinkToAfterShortestMatch2() throws IOException {
  Directory directory = newDirectory();
  RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), directory,
                                                   newIndexWriterConfig(new TestPayloadAnalyzer()));

  Document doc = new Document();
  doc.add(new TextField("content", new StringReader("a b a d k f a h i k a k")));
  IndexReader reader = writer.getReader();
  IndexSearcher is = newSearcher(getOnlyLeafReader(reader), false);

  SpanTermQuery stq1 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("content", "a"));
  SpanTermQuery stq2 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term("content", "k"));
  SpanQuery[] sqs = { stq1, stq2 };
  SpanNearQuery snq = new SpanNearQuery(sqs, 0, true);
  VerifyingCollector collector = new VerifyingCollector();
  Spans spans = snq.createWeight(is, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(is.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.PAYLOADS);

  TopDocs topDocs =, 1);
  Set<String> payloadSet = new HashSet<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < topDocs.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
    while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
      while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
        for (final BytesRef payload: collector.payloads) {
  assertEquals(2, payloadSet.size());
源代码20 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void testMultipleMatchesPerDoc() throws Exception {
  SpanQuery query = new PayloadScoreQuery(new SpanTermQuery(new Term(PayloadHelper.MULTI_FIELD, "seventy")),
          new MaxPayloadFunction(), PayloadDecoder.FLOAT_DECODER);
  TopDocs hits =, 100);
  assertTrue("hits is null and it shouldn't be", hits != null);
  assertTrue("hits Size: " + hits.totalHits.value + " is not: " + 100, hits.totalHits.value == 100);

  //they should all have the exact same score, because they all contain seventy once, and we set
  //all the other similarity factors to be 1

  //System.out.println("Hash: " + seventyHash + " Twice Hash: " + 2*seventyHash);
  //there should be exactly 10 items that score a 4, all the rest should score a 2
  //The 10 items are: 70 + i*100 where i in [0-9]
  int numTens = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < hits.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
    ScoreDoc doc = hits.scoreDocs[i];
    if (doc.doc % 10 == 0) {
      assertTrue(doc.score + " does not equal: " + 4.0, doc.score == 4.0);
    } else {
      assertTrue(doc.score + " does not equal: " + 2, doc.score == 2);
  assertTrue(numTens + " does not equal: " + 10, numTens == 10);
  CheckHits.checkExplanations(query, "field", searcher, true);
  Spans spans = query.createWeight(searcher, ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f).getSpans(searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0), SpanWeight.Postings.POSITIONS);
  assertTrue("spans is null and it shouldn't be", spans != null);
  //should be two matches per document
  int count = 0;
  //100 hits times 2 matches per hit, we should have 200 in count
  while (spans.nextDoc() != Spans.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
    while (spans.nextStartPosition() != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
  assertTrue(count + " does not equal: " + 200, count == 200);
源代码21 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
/** Create a conjunction over the provided {@link Spans}. Note that the
 * returned {@link DocIdSetIterator} might leverage two-phase iteration in
 * which case it is possible to retrieve the {@link TwoPhaseIterator} using
 * {@link TwoPhaseIterator#unwrap}. */
public static DocIdSetIterator intersectSpans(List<Spans> spanList) {
  if (spanList.size() < 2) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot make a ConjunctionDISI of less than 2 iterators");
  final List<DocIdSetIterator> allIterators = new ArrayList<>();
  final List<TwoPhaseIterator> twoPhaseIterators = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Spans spans : spanList) {
    addSpans(spans, allIterators, twoPhaseIterators);

  return createConjunction(allIterators, twoPhaseIterators);
源代码22 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
/** Adds the Spans. */
private static void addSpans(Spans spans, List<DocIdSetIterator> allIterators, List<TwoPhaseIterator> twoPhaseIterators) {
  TwoPhaseIterator twoPhaseIter = spans.asTwoPhaseIterator();
  if (twoPhaseIter != null) {
    addTwoPhaseIterator(twoPhaseIter, allIterators, twoPhaseIterators);
  } else { // no approximation support, use the iterator as-is
    addIterator(spans, allIterators, twoPhaseIterators);
源代码23 项目: mtas   文件:
public MtasSpans getSpans(LeafReaderContext context,
    Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {
  if (field == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    Terms terms = context.reader().terms(field);
    if (terms == null) {
      return null; // field does not exist
    List<MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans> setSequenceSpans = new ArrayList<>(
    Spans ignoreSpans = null;
    boolean allSpansEmpty = true;
    for (MtasSpanSequenceQueryWeight w : subWeights) {
      Spans sequenceSpans = w.spanWeight.getSpans(context,
      if (sequenceSpans != null) {
        setSequenceSpans.add(new MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans(
            MtasSpanSequenceQuery.this, sequenceSpans, w.optional));
        allSpansEmpty = false;
      } else {
        if (w.optional) {
          setSequenceSpans.add(new MtasSpanSequenceQuerySpans(
              MtasSpanSequenceQuery.this, null, w.optional));
        } else {
          return null;
    if (allSpansEmpty) {
      return null; // at least one required
    } else if (ignoreWeight != null) {
      ignoreSpans = ignoreWeight.getSpans(context, requiredPostings);
    return new MtasSpanSequenceSpans(MtasSpanSequenceQuery.this,
        setSequenceSpans, ignoreSpans, maximumIgnoreLength);
源代码24 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas span recurrence spans.
 * @param query the query
 * @param spans the spans
 * @param minimumRecurrence the minimum recurrence
 * @param maximumRecurrence the maximum recurrence
 * @param ignoreSpans the ignore spans
 * @param maximumIgnoreLength the maximum ignore length
public MtasSpanRecurrenceSpans(MtasSpanRecurrenceQuery query, Spans spans,
    int minimumRecurrence, int maximumRecurrence, Spans ignoreSpans,
    Integer maximumIgnoreLength) {
  assert minimumRecurrence <= maximumRecurrence : "minimumRecurrence > maximumRecurrence";
  assert minimumRecurrence > 0 : "minimumRecurrence < 1 not supported";
  this.query = query;
  this.spans = spans;
  this.minimumRecurrence = minimumRecurrence;
  this.maximumRecurrence = maximumRecurrence;
  queueSpans = new ArrayList<>();
  queueMatches = new ArrayList<>();
  ignoreItem = new MtasIgnoreItem(ignoreSpans, maximumIgnoreLength);
源代码25 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas maximum expand spans.
 * @param query the query
 * @param mtasCodecInfo the mtas codec info
 * @param field the field
 * @param subSpans the sub spans
public MtasMaximumExpandSpans(MtasMaximumExpandSpanQuery query,
    CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo, String field, Spans subSpans) {
  this.subSpans = subSpans;
  this.field = field;
  this.mtasCodecInfo = mtasCodecInfo;
  this.query = query;
  docId = -1;
源代码26 项目: mtas   文件:
public MtasSpans getSpans(LeafReaderContext context,
    Postings requiredPostings) throws IOException {
  Spans subSpan = subWeight.getSpans(context, requiredPostings);
  if (subSpan == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    return new MtasSpanUniquePositionSpans(MtasSpanUniquePositionQuery.this,
源代码27 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas span unique position spans.
 * @param query the query
 * @param spans the spans
public MtasSpanUniquePositionSpans(MtasSpanUniquePositionQuery query,
    Spans spans) {
  this.query = query;
  this.spans = spans;
  queueSpans = new ArrayList<>();
  queueMatches = new ArrayList<>();
源代码28 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Instantiates a new mtas expand spans.
 * @param query the query
 * @param mtasCodecInfo the mtas codec info
 * @param field the field
 * @param subSpans the sub spans
public MtasExpandSpans(MtasExpandSpanQuery query, CodecInfo mtasCodecInfo,
    String field, Spans subSpans) {
  this.subSpans = subSpans;
  this.field = field;
  this.mtasCodecInfo = mtasCodecInfo;
  this.query = query;
  docId = -1;
  collectedPositions = new TreeMap<>();
源代码29 项目: mtas   文件:
 * Move to.
 * @param position the position
private void moveTo(int position) {
  while (position >= currentPosition) {
    try {
      currentPosition = ignoreSpans.nextStartPosition();
      if (currentPosition != Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS
          && currentPosition >= minimumPosition) {
        if (!baseEndPositionList.containsKey(currentPosition)) {
          baseEndPositionList.put(currentPosition, new HashSet<Integer>());
          maxBaseEndPosition.put(currentPosition, currentPosition);
        } else {
        if (!baseStartPositionList.containsKey(ignoreSpans.endPosition())) {
              new HashSet<Integer>());
        } else {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      currentPosition = Spans.NO_MORE_POSITIONS;
源代码30 项目: pyramid   文件:
public PhraseCountScorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
  final Spans spans = getSpans(context, Postings.POSITIONS);
  if (spans == null) {
    return null;
  final SimScorer docScorer = getSimScorer(context);
  return new PhraseCountScorer(this, spans, docScorer, weightedCount);