
下面列出了org.bukkit.Material#BARRIER 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: UhcCore   文件:
public Inventory getScenarioMainInventory(boolean editItem){

        Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(null,3*ROW, Lang.SCENARIO_GLOBAL_INVENTORY);

        for (Scenario scenario : getActiveScenarios()) {
            if (scenario.isCompatibleWithVersion()) {

        if (editItem){
            // add edit item
            ItemStack edit = new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER);
            ItemMeta itemMeta = edit.getItemMeta();

        return inv;
源代码2 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件:
private GameKit(String fnam, String nam, int pos, int pag, ItemStack ico, String lore) {
       inventory = new ItemStack[41];
       armor = new ItemStack[4];
       icon = ico;    
       lIcon = new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER, 1);
       name = nam;
       filename = fnam;
       position = pos;
       page = pag;
      	lores.put(1, lore);
       for (int x = 2; x < 17; x++) {
       	lores.put(x, " ");
       lockedLore = "";
       enabled = true;
       requirePermission = false;
源代码3 项目: HeavySpleef   文件:
private void calculateSpawnLocations() {
	for (Floor floor : game.getFloors()) {
		Region region = floor.getRegion();
		RegionIterator iterator = new RegionIterator(region);
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
			BlockVector vector =;
			Location location = BukkitUtil.toLocation(game.getWorld(), vector);
			Block block = location.getBlock();
			if (block.getType() != Material.BARRIER) {
			spawningBarriers.add(vector.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
源代码4 项目: Transport-Pipes   文件:
 * sync method which checks if the given duct should be visible or not for the given player and shows / hides the duct
public void tickDuctSpawnAndDespawn(Duct duct, Player p) {
    int renderDistance = playerSettingsService.getOrCreateSettingsConf(p).getRenderDistance();
    if (duct.getBlockLoc().toLocation(duct.getWorld()).distance(p.getLocation()) <= renderDistance && (duct.obfuscatedWith() == null || duct.getBlockLoc().toBlock(duct.getWorld()).getType() == Material.BARRIER)) {
        // spawn globalDuctManager if not there
        duct.getDuctType().getBaseDuctType().getDuctManager().notifyDuctShown(duct, p);
    } else {
        // despawn globalDuctManager if there
        duct.getDuctType().getBaseDuctType().getDuctManager().notifyDuctHidden(duct, p);
源代码5 项目: Transport-Pipes   文件:
public void loadFromNBTTag(CompoundTag compoundTag, ItemService itemService) {
    if (compoundTag.containsKey("obfuscatedWith")) {
        obfuscatedWith = Bukkit.createBlockData(compoundTag.getString("obfuscatedWith"));
        // replace barrier block with real obfuscation block
        if (getBlockLoc().toBlock(getWorld()).getType() == Material.BARRIER) {
源代码6 项目: Civs   文件:
public boolean doActionAndCancel(Civilian civilian, String actionString, ItemStack clickedItem) {
    if (actionString.equals("view-item")) {
        String key = clickedItem.getItemMeta().getLore().get(0);
        Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(civilian.getUuid());
        String sortType = (String) MenuManager.getData(civilian.getUuid(), "sort");
        HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        String name = ChatColor.stripColor(key).toLowerCase();
        CivItem civItem = ItemManager.getInstance().getItemType(name);
        if (civItem != null) {
            if (civItem.getItemType() == CivItem.ItemType.REGION) {
                params.put("regionType", name);
                params.put("showPrice", "true");
                MenuManager.getInstance().openMenu(player, "region-type", params);
                return true;
            } else if (civItem.getItemType() == CivItem.ItemType.TOWN) {
                params.put("townType", name);
                params.put("showPrice", "true");
                MenuManager.getInstance().openMenu(player, "town-type", params);
                return true;
        } else if (clickedItem.getType() == Material.BARRIER) {
            return true;
        if ("level".equals(sortType)) {
            int level = Integer.parseInt(name);
            params.put("level", "" + level);
            params.put("sort", "level");
            MenuManager.getInstance().openMenu(player, "shop", params);
            return true;
        } else if ("category".equals(sortType)) {
            params.put("sort", "category");
            params.put("parent", ChatColor.stripColor(key).toLowerCase());
            MenuManager.getInstance().openMenu(player, "shop", params);
            return true;
        return true;
    return super.doActionAndCancel(civilian, actionString, clickedItem);
源代码7 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件:
 * Fix for Spigot's broken occluding method.
public static boolean isReallyOccluding(Material material)
    switch (ServerVersion.getActiveServerVersion()) {
        case MC188:
        case MC112:
            return material != Material.BARRIER && material != Material.getMaterial("MOB_SPAWNER") && material.isOccluding();
        case MC113:
        case MC114:
        case MC115:
            return material != Material.BARRIER && material != Material.SPAWNER && material.isOccluding();
            throw new UnknownMinecraftVersion();
源代码8 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件:
public ShrinkingBorderEvent(GameMap map, boolean b) {
	this.gMap = map;
	this.enabled = b;
	File dataDirectory = SkyWarsReloaded.get().getDataFolder();
       File mapDataDirectory = new File(dataDirectory, "mapsData");

       if (!mapDataDirectory.exists() && !mapDataDirectory.mkdirs()) {
       File mapFile = new File(mapDataDirectory, gMap.getName() + ".yml");
    if (mapFile.exists()) {
    	eventName = "ShrinkingBorderEvent";
    	slot = 9;
    	material = new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER, 1);
        FileConfiguration fc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(mapFile);
        this.min = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".minStart");
        this.max = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".maxStart");
        this.length = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".length");
        this.chance = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".chance");
        this.title = fc.getString("events." + eventName + ".title");
        this.subtitle = fc.getString("events." + eventName + ".subtitle");
        this.startMessage = fc.getString("events." + eventName + ".startMessage");
        this.endMessage = fc.getString("events." + eventName + ".endMessage");
        this.announceEvent = fc.getBoolean("events." + eventName + ".announceTimer");
        this.repeatable = fc.getBoolean("events." + eventName + ".repeatable");
		this.borderSize = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".startingBorderSize");
		this.delay = fc.getInt("events." + eventName + ".shrinkRepeatDelay");
源代码9 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
private void displayItem(ChestMenu menu, PlayerProfile profile, Player p, Object item, ItemStack output, RecipeType recipeType, ItemStack[] recipe, RecipeChoiceTask task) {
    addBackButton(menu, 0, p, profile);

    MenuClickHandler clickHandler = (pl, slot, itemstack, action) -> {
        try {
            if (itemstack != null && itemstack.getType() != Material.BARRIER) {
                displayItem(profile, itemstack, 0, true);
        catch (Exception | LinkageError x) {
            printErrorMessage(pl, x);
        return false;

    boolean isSlimefunRecipe = item instanceof SlimefunItem;

    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        ItemStack recipeItem = getDisplayItem(p, isSlimefunRecipe, recipe[i]);
        menu.addItem(recipeSlots[i], recipeItem, clickHandler);

        if (recipeItem != null && item instanceof MultiBlockMachine) {
            for (Tag<Material> tag : MultiBlock.getSupportedTags()) {
                if (tag.isTagged(recipeItem.getType())) {
                    task.add(recipeSlots[i], tag);

    menu.addItem(10, recipeType.getItem(p), ChestMenuUtils.getEmptyClickHandler());
    menu.addItem(16, output, ChestMenuUtils.getEmptyClickHandler());
源代码10 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
private static ItemStack getDisplayItem(Player p, boolean isSlimefunRecipe, ItemStack item) {
    if (isSlimefunRecipe) {
        SlimefunItem slimefunItem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item);

        if (slimefunItem == null) {
            return item;

        String lore = Slimefun.hasPermission(p, slimefunItem, false) ? "&fNeeds to be unlocked elsewhere" : "&fNo Permission";
        return Slimefun.hasUnlocked(p, slimefunItem, false) ? item : new CustomItem(Material.BARRIER, ItemUtils.getItemName(item), "&4&l" + SlimefunPlugin.getLocalization().getMessage(p, "guide.locked"), "", lore);
    else {
        return item;
源代码11 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
private void showMinecraftRecipe(Recipe[] recipes, int index, ItemStack item, PlayerProfile profile, Player p, boolean addToHistory) {
    Recipe recipe = recipes[index];

    ItemStack[] recipeItems = new ItemStack[9];
    RecipeType recipeType = RecipeType.NULL;
    ItemStack result = null;

    Optional<MinecraftRecipe<? super Recipe>> optional = MinecraftRecipe.of(recipe);
    RecipeChoiceTask task = new RecipeChoiceTask();

    if (optional.isPresent()) {
        MinecraftRecipe<?> mcRecipe = optional.get();

        RecipeChoice[] choices = SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftRecipeService().getRecipeShape(recipe);

        if (choices.length == 1 && choices[0] instanceof MaterialChoice) {
            recipeItems[4] = new ItemStack(((MaterialChoice) choices[0]).getChoices().get(0));

            if (((MaterialChoice) choices[0]).getChoices().size() > 1) {
                task.add(recipeSlots[4], (MaterialChoice) choices[0]);
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
                if (choices[i] instanceof MaterialChoice) {
                    recipeItems[i] = new ItemStack(((MaterialChoice) choices[i]).getChoices().get(0));

                    if (((MaterialChoice) choices[i]).getChoices().size() > 1) {
                        task.add(recipeSlots[i], (MaterialChoice) choices[i]);

        recipeType = new RecipeType(mcRecipe);
        result = recipe.getResult();
    else {
        recipeItems = new ItemStack[] { null, null, null, null, new CustomItem(Material.BARRIER, "&4We are somehow unable to show you this Recipe :/"), null, null, null, null };

    ChestMenu menu = create(p);

    if (addToHistory) {
        profile.getGuideHistory().add(item, index);

    displayItem(menu, profile, p, item, result, recipeType, recipeItems, task);

    if (recipes.length > 1) {
        for (int i = 27; i < 36; i++) {
            menu.addItem(i, ChestMenuUtils.getBackground(), ChestMenuUtils.getEmptyClickHandler());

        menu.addItem(28, ChestMenuUtils.getPreviousButton(p, index + 1, recipes.length), (pl, slot, action, stack) -> {
            if (index > 0) {
                showMinecraftRecipe(recipes, index - 1, item, profile, p, true);
            return false;

        menu.addItem(34, ChestMenuUtils.getNextButton(p, index + 1, recipes.length), (pl, slot, action, stack) -> {
            if (index < recipes.length - 1) {
                showMinecraftRecipe(recipes, index + 1, item, profile, p, true);
            return false;

    if (!task.isEmpty()) {