org.bukkit.Location#distanceSquared ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.bukkit.Location#distanceSquared ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: QuickShop-Reremake   文件:
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) {
    final Info info = plugin.getShopManager().getActions().get(e.getPlayer().getUniqueId());
    if (info == null) {
    final Player p = e.getPlayer();
    final Location loc1 = info.getLocation();
    final Location loc2 = p.getLocation();
    if (loc1.getWorld() != loc2.getWorld() || loc1.distanceSquared(loc2) > 25) {
        if (info.getAction() == ShopAction.BUY) {
            MsgUtil.sendMessage(p, MsgUtil.getMessage("shop-purchase-cancelled", p));
            Util.debugLog(p.getName() + " too far with the shop location.");
        } else if (info.getAction() == ShopAction.CREATE) {
            MsgUtil.sendMessage(p, MsgUtil.getMessage("shop-creation-cancelled", p));
            Util.debugLog(p.getName() + " too far with the shop location.");
源代码2 项目: NovaGuilds   文件:
 * Checks if players are far enough
 * to set long distance flag to true
 * @param location location
 * @param players  list of players
 * @return long distance flag
private static boolean isLongDistance(Location location, List<Player> players) {
	String world = location.getWorld().getName();
	Iterator i = players.iterator();

	Location playerLocation;
	do {
		if(!i.hasNext()) {
			return false;

		Player player = (Player);
		playerLocation = player.getLocation();
	} while(!world.equals(playerLocation.getWorld().getName()) || playerLocation.distanceSquared(location) < 65536.0D);

	return true;
源代码3 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
public static ArmorStand getArmorStand(Location reactor, boolean createIfNoneExists) {
    Location l = new Location(reactor.getWorld(), reactor.getX() + 0.5, reactor.getY() + 0.7, reactor.getZ() + 0.5);

    for (Entity n : l.getChunk().getEntities()) {
        if (n instanceof ArmorStand && l.distanceSquared(n.getLocation()) < 0.4D) {
            return (ArmorStand) n;

    if (!createIfNoneExists) {
        return null;

    ArmorStand hologram = SimpleHologram.create(l);
    return hologram;
源代码4 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
private static ArmorStand getArmorStand(Block projector, boolean createIfNoneExists) {
    String nametag = BlockStorage.getLocationInfo(projector.getLocation(), "text");
    double offset = Double.parseDouble(BlockStorage.getLocationInfo(projector.getLocation(), "offset"));
    Location l = new Location(projector.getWorld(), projector.getX() + 0.5, projector.getY() + offset, projector.getZ() + 0.5);

    for (Entity n : l.getChunk().getEntities()) {
        if (n instanceof ArmorStand && n.getCustomName() != null && n.getCustomName().equals(nametag) && l.distanceSquared(n.getLocation()) < 0.4D) {
            return (ArmorStand) n;

    if (!createIfNoneExists) {
        return null;

    ArmorStand hologram = SimpleHologram.create(l);
    return hologram;
源代码5 项目: PGM   文件:
private void removeEntities(Location origin, double radius) {
  if (radius <= 0) return;

  double radiusSq = radius * radius;
  for (Entity ent : origin.getWorld().getEntities()) {
    if (origin.distanceSquared(ent.getLocation()) > radiusSq) continue;

    if (ent instanceof TNTPrimed) {
源代码6 项目: ProjectAres   文件:
public static @Nullable <T extends Entity> T getClosestEntity(Location location, Vector range, final Class<T> type) {
    T closest = null;
    double minDistanceSquared = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    for(Entity entity : location.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(location, range.getX(), range.getY(), range.getZ())) {
        if(type.isInstance(entity)) {
            double distanceSquared = location.distanceSquared(entity.getLocation());
            if(distanceSquared < minDistanceSquared) {
                minDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
                closest = type.cast(entity);
    return closest;
源代码7 项目: ProjectAres   文件:
private void removeEntities(Location origin, double radius) {
    if(radius <= 0) return;

    double radiusSq = radius * radius;
    for(Entity ent : origin.getWorld().getEntities()) {
        if(origin.distanceSquared(ent.getLocation()) > radiusSq)

        if(ent instanceof TNTPrimed) {
源代码8 项目: StaffPlus   文件:
 * Uses the player's location subtracted from a nearby player's location and
 * then gets angle with Vector#dot().
 * @param player Player to check for direction.
 * @return Gets target player by using all players within a radius of six blocks
 * from the given player.
public static Player getTargetPlayer(Player player)
	Location location = player.getLocation();
	Player targetPlayer = null;
	List<Player> nearbyPlayers = new ArrayList<Player>();
	for(Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers())
		if(player.getWorld() != p.getWorld())
		if(location.distanceSquared(p.getLocation()) > 36 || player.getName().equals(p.getName()))
		Vector targetVector = p.getLocation().toVector().subtract(location.toVector()).normalize();
		if(Math.round( == 1)
			targetPlayer = p;
	return targetPlayer;
源代码9 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件:
protected int process(User user, PacketEvent packetEvent)
    final WrapperPlayClientPositionLook clientPositionLookWrapper = new WrapperPlayClientPositionLook(packetEvent.getPacket());

    // Only check if the player has been teleported recently
    if (user.hasTeleportedRecently(1000) &&
        // World changes and respawns are exempted
        !user.hasRespawnedRecently(2500) &&
        !user.hasChangedWorldsRecently(2500) &&
        // Lag occurrences after login.
        // The position packet might not be exactly the same position.
        // Squared values of 10, 5 and 3
        final double allowedDistanceSquared = user.getPlayer().isFlying() ?
                                              100 :
                                              (user.getPlayer().isSprinting() ? 25 : 9);

        final Location forcedLocation = (Location) user.getDataMap().getValue(DataKey.PACKET_ANALYSIS_LAST_POSITION_FORCE_LOCATION);

        if (forcedLocation.getWorld().getUID().equals(user.getPlayer().getWorld().getUID())) {
            final double distanceSquared = forcedLocation.distanceSquared(clientPositionLookWrapper.getLocation(user.getPlayer().getWorld()));

            if (distanceSquared > allowedDistanceSquared) {
                VerboseSender.getInstance().sendVerboseMessage("PacketAnalysisData-Verbose | Player: " + user.getPlayer().getName() + " tried to spoof position packets. | DS: " + distanceSquared + " ADS: " + allowedDistanceSquared);
                return 10;
        } else {
            VerboseSender.getInstance().sendVerboseMessage("PacketAnalysisData-Verbose | Player: " + user.getPlayer().getName() + " diff world.");
    return 0;
源代码10 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件:
 * Gets the squared distance of two {@link Location}s, correctly handling cross-world requests.
 * @return the squared distance of the two {@link Location}s or {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} if they are from different worlds.
public static double safeWorldDistanceSquared(final Location firstLocation, final Location secondLocation)
    return firstLocation.getWorld().getUID().equals(secondLocation.getWorld().getUID()) ?
           firstLocation.distanceSquared(secondLocation) :
源代码11 项目: RandomTeleport   文件:
 * Convenience method to check if a location is inside the border
 * @param location The location to check
 * @return True if it is inside (or there is no border), false if not
default boolean isInsideBorder(Location location) {
    Location center = getCenter(location.getWorld());
    if (center != null) {
        double radius = getBorderRadius(location.getWorld());
        if (radius > 0) {
            return center.distanceSquared(location) <= radius * radius;
    return true;
源代码12 项目: FastAsyncWorldedit   文件:
public void onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent event) {
    final Player player = event.getPlayer();
    VirtualWorld gen = getGenerator(player);
    if (gen != null) {
        Location from = event.getFrom();
        Location to = event.getTo();
        if (to.getWorld().equals(from.getWorld()) && to.distanceSquared(from) < 8) {
源代码13 项目: RedProtect   文件:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) {
        HandleHelpPage(sender, 1);
        return true;

    Player player = (Player) sender;

    String claimmode = RedProtect.get().config.getWorldClaimType(player.getWorld().getName());
    if (!claimmode.equalsIgnoreCase("WAND") && !claimmode.equalsIgnoreCase("BOTH") && !RedProtect.get().ph.hasCommandPerm(player, "redefine")) {
        return true;

    if (args.length == 0) {
        Location pl = player.getLocation();
        RedProtect.get().firstLocationSelections.put(player, pl);
        player.sendMessage(RedProtect.get().lang.get("playerlistener.wand1") + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + " (" + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockX() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ", " + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockY() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ", " + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockZ() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ").");

        //show preview border
        if (RedProtect.get().firstLocationSelections.containsKey(player) && RedProtect.get().secondLocationSelections.containsKey(player)) {
            Location loc1 = RedProtect.get().firstLocationSelections.get(player);
            Location loc2 = RedProtect.get().secondLocationSelections.get(player);
            if (RedProtect.get().hooks.worldEdit && RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().hooks.useWECUI) {
                WEHook.setSelectionRP(player, loc1, loc2);

            if (loc1.getWorld().equals(loc2.getWorld()) && loc1.distanceSquared(loc2) > RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().region_settings.max_scan) {
                double dist = loc1.distanceSquared(loc2);
                RedProtect.get().lang.sendMessage(player, String.format(RedProtect.get().lang.get("regionbuilder.selection.maxdefine"), RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().region_settings.max_scan, (int) dist));
            } else {
                RedProtect.get().getUtil().addBorder(player, new Region("", loc1, loc2, player.getWorld().getName()));
        return true;

    RedProtect.get().lang.sendCommandHelp(sender, "pos1", true);
    return true;
源代码14 项目: RedProtect   文件:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
    if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) {
        HandleHelpPage(sender, 1);
        return true;

    Player player = (Player) sender;
    String claimmode = RedProtect.get().config.getWorldClaimType(player.getWorld().getName());
    if (!claimmode.equalsIgnoreCase("WAND") && !claimmode.equalsIgnoreCase("BOTH") && !RedProtect.get().ph.hasCommandPerm(player, "redefine")) {
        return true;

    if (args.length == 0) {
        Location pl = player.getLocation();
        RedProtect.get().secondLocationSelections.put(player, pl);
        player.sendMessage(RedProtect.get().lang.get("playerlistener.wand2") + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + " (" + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockX() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ", " + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockY() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ", " + ChatColor.GOLD + pl.getBlockZ() + RedProtect.get().lang.get("general.color") + ").");

        //show preview border
        if (RedProtect.get().firstLocationSelections.containsKey(player) && RedProtect.get().secondLocationSelections.containsKey(player)) {
            Location loc1 = RedProtect.get().firstLocationSelections.get(player);
            Location loc2 = RedProtect.get().secondLocationSelections.get(player);
            if (RedProtect.get().hooks.worldEdit && RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().hooks.useWECUI) {
                WEHook.setSelectionRP(player, loc1, loc2);

            if (loc1.getWorld().equals(loc2.getWorld()) && loc1.distanceSquared(loc2) > RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().region_settings.max_scan && !RedProtect.get().ph.hasPerm(player, "redprotect.bypass.define-max-distance")) {
                double dist = loc1.distanceSquared(loc2);
                RedProtect.get().lang.sendMessage(player, String.format(RedProtect.get().lang.get("regionbuilder.selection.maxdefine"), RedProtect.get().config.configRoot().region_settings.max_scan, (int) dist));
            } else {
                RedProtect.get().getUtil().addBorder(player, new Region("", loc1, loc2, player.getWorld().getName()));
        return true;

    RedProtect.get().lang.sendCommandHelp(sender, "pos2", true);
    return true;
源代码15 项目: Slimefun4   文件:
private static ArmorStand getArmorStand(Block b, boolean createIfNoneExists) {
    Location l = new Location(b.getWorld(), b.getX() + 0.5, b.getY() + 0.7F, b.getZ() + 0.5);

    for (Entity n : l.getChunk().getEntities()) {
        if (n instanceof ArmorStand && n.getCustomName() != null && l.distanceSquared(n.getLocation()) < 0.4D) {
            return (ArmorStand) n;

    if (!createIfNoneExists) return null;
    else return create(l);
源代码16 项目: GriefDefender   文件:
public void run() {
    for (World world : Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()) {
        for (Player player : world.getPlayers()) {
            final GDPlayerData playerData = GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().dataStore.getOrCreatePlayerData(player.getWorld(), player.getUniqueId());
            final GDClaim claim = GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().dataStore.getClaimAtPlayer(playerData, player.getLocation());
            final GDPermissionUser holder = PermissionHolderCache.getInstance().getOrCreateUser(player);
            final int accrualPerHour = GDPermissionManager.getInstance().getInternalOptionValue(TypeToken.of(Integer.class), holder, Options.BLOCKS_ACCRUED_PER_HOUR, claim).intValue();
            if (accrualPerHour > 0) {
                Location lastLocation = playerData.lastAfkCheckLocation;
                // if he's not in a vehicle and has moved at least three blocks since the last check and he's not being pushed around by fluids
                if (player.getVehicle() == null &&
                        (lastLocation == null || lastLocation.getWorld() != player.getWorld() || lastLocation.distanceSquared(player.getLocation()) >= 0) &&
                        !NMSUtil.getInstance().isBlockWater(player.getLocation().getBlock())) {
                    int accruedBlocks = playerData.getBlocksAccruedPerHour() / 12;
                    if (accruedBlocks < 0) {
                        accruedBlocks = 1;

                    if (GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().isEconomyModeEnabled()) {
                        final VaultProvider vaultProvider = GriefDefenderPlugin.getInstance().getVaultProvider();
                        if (!vaultProvider.hasAccount(player)) {
                        vaultProvider.depositPlayer(player, accruedBlocks);
                    } else {
                        int currentTotal = playerData.getAccruedClaimBlocks();
                        if ((currentTotal + accruedBlocks) > playerData.getMaxAccruedClaimBlocks()) {
                            playerData.lastAfkCheckLocation = player.getLocation();

                        playerData.setAccruedClaimBlocks(playerData.getAccruedClaimBlocks() + accruedBlocks);

                playerData.lastAfkCheckLocation = player.getLocation();
源代码17 项目: Hawk   文件:
protected void check(MoveEvent event) {
    Location locTo = event.getTo();
    Location locFrom = event.getFrom();
    Player p = event.getPlayer();
    HawkPlayer pp = event.getHawkPlayer();

    //this stops an NPE
    double distanceSquared = locFrom.distanceSquared(locTo);
    if (distanceSquared == 0)

    double horizDistanceSquared = Math.pow(locTo.getX() - locFrom.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(locTo.getZ() - locFrom.getZ(), 2);
    double vertDistance = Math.abs(locTo.getY() - locFrom.getY());

    Vector moveDirection = new Vector(locTo.getX() - locFrom.getX(), locTo.getY() - locFrom.getY(), locTo.getZ() - locFrom.getZ());

    AABB playerFrom = WrappedEntity.getWrappedEntity(p).getCollisionBox(locFrom.toVector());
    playerFrom.shrink(SIDE_EPSILON, 0, SIDE_EPSILON);
    playerFrom.getMin().setY(playerFrom.getMin().getY() + BOTTOM_EPSILON);
    playerFrom.getMax().setY(playerFrom.getMax().getY() - TOP_EPSILON);
    AABB playerTo = playerFrom.clone();

    Vector minBigBox = new Vector(Math.min(playerFrom.getMin().getX(), playerTo.getMin().getX()), Math.min(playerFrom.getMin().getY(), playerTo.getMin().getY()), Math.min(playerFrom.getMin().getZ(), playerTo.getMin().getZ()));
    Vector maxBigBox = new Vector(Math.max(playerFrom.getMax().getX(), playerTo.getMax().getX()), Math.max(playerFrom.getMax().getY(), playerTo.getMax().getY()), Math.max(playerFrom.getMax().getZ(), playerTo.getMax().getZ()));
    AABB bigBox = new AABB(minBigBox, maxBigBox);

    AABB selection = bigBox.clone();
    selection.getMin().setY(selection.getMin().getY() - 0.6); //we need to grab blocks below us too, such as fences

    Set<Location> ignored = pp.getIgnoredBlockCollisions();

    GameMode gm = p.getGameMode();
    if(gm == GameMode.SURVIVAL || gm == GameMode.ADVENTURE || gm == GameMode.CREATIVE) {
        for (int x = selection.getMin().getBlockX(); x <= selection.getMax().getBlockX(); x++) {
            for (int y = selection.getMin().getBlockY(); y <= selection.getMax().getBlockY(); y++) {
                for (int z = selection.getMin().getBlockZ(); z <= selection.getMax().getBlockZ(); z++) {

                    Location blockLoc = new Location(locTo.getWorld(), x, y, z);

                    //Skip block if it updated within player AABB (only if they move slowly)
                    if(ignored.contains(blockLoc) && horizDistanceSquared <= HORIZONTAL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && vertDistance <= VERTICAL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)

                    Block bukkitBlock = ServerUtils.getBlockAsync(blockLoc);

                    if (bukkitBlock == null)

                    WrappedBlock block = WrappedBlock.getWrappedBlock(bukkitBlock, pp.getClientVersion());
                    if (!block.isSolid())

                    if(bukkitBlock.getType() == Material.PISTON_MOVING_PIECE) {

                    if (bukkitBlock.getState().getData() instanceof Openable && horizDistanceSquared <= HORIZONTAL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && vertDistance <= VERTICAL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {

                    for (AABB test : block.getCollisionBoxes()) {
                        //check if "test" box is even in "bigBox"
                        if (!test.isColliding(bigBox))

                        boolean xCollide = collides2d(test.getMin().getZ(), test.getMax().getZ(), test.getMin().getY(), test.getMax().getY(), playerFrom.getMin().getZ(), playerFrom.getMax().getZ(), playerFrom.getMin().getY(), playerFrom.getMax().getY(), moveDirection.getZ(), moveDirection.getY());
                        boolean yCollide = collides2d(test.getMin().getX(), test.getMax().getX(), test.getMin().getZ(), test.getMax().getZ(), playerFrom.getMin().getX(), playerFrom.getMax().getX(), playerFrom.getMin().getZ(), playerFrom.getMax().getZ(), moveDirection.getX(), moveDirection.getZ());
                        boolean zCollide = collides2d(test.getMin().getX(), test.getMax().getX(), test.getMin().getY(), test.getMax().getY(), playerFrom.getMin().getX(), playerFrom.getMax().getX(), playerFrom.getMin().getY(), playerFrom.getMax().getY(), moveDirection.getX(), moveDirection.getY());
                        if (xCollide && yCollide && zCollide) {
                            punish(pp, false, event, new Placeholder("block", bukkitBlock.getType()));

源代码18 项目: Civs   文件:
public Set<?> getTargets() {
    Set<LivingEntity> returnSet = new HashSet<LivingEntity>();
    int level = getLevel();
    ConfigurationSection config = getConfig();
    Entity origin = getOrigin();
    if (!(origin instanceof LivingEntity)) {
        return returnSet;
    LivingEntity player = (LivingEntity) origin;
    int range = (int) Math.round(Spell.getLevelAdjustedValue(config.getString("range","15"), level, null, null));
    boolean pen = config.getBoolean("penetration", true);
    boolean allowMultiple = config.getBoolean("allow-multiple", false);

    Location observerPos = player.getEyeLocation();
    Vector3D observerDir = new Vector3D(observerPos.getDirection());

    Vector3D observerStart = new Vector3D(observerPos);
    Vector3D observerEnd = observerStart.add(observerDir.multiply(range));

    double closestDistance = 999999999;
    HashSet<Material> materialHashSet = new HashSet<>();
    Location wallLocation = player.getTargetBlock(materialHashSet, range).getLocation();
    double wallDistance = player.getLocation().distanceSquared(wallLocation);
    // Get nearby entities
    for (Entity target : player.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range)) {
        // Bounding box of the given player
        Vector3D targetPos = new Vector3D(target.getLocation());
        Vector3D minimum = targetPos.add(-0.5, 0, -0.5);
        Vector3D maximum = targetPos.add(0.5, 1.67, 0.5);

        if (target != player &&
                Vector3D.hasIntersection(observerStart, observerEnd, minimum, maximum) &&
                target instanceof LivingEntity) {

            if (!pen && player.getLocation().distanceSquared(target.getLocation()) > wallDistance) {

            if (!allowMultiple) {
                double currentDistance = observerPos.distanceSquared(target.getLocation());
                if (closestDistance < currentDistance) {
                } else {
                    closestDistance = currentDistance;

            returnSet.add((LivingEntity) target);

    return returnSet;
源代码19 项目: Shopkeepers   文件:
public static List<Entity> getNearbyEntities(Location location, double radius, EntityType... types) {
	List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
	if (location == null) return entities;
	if (radius <= 0.0D) return entities;

	double radius2 = radius * radius;
	int chunkRadius = ((int) (radius / 16)) + 1;
	Chunk center = location.getChunk();
	int startX = center.getX() - chunkRadius;
	int endX = center.getX() + chunkRadius;
	int startZ = center.getZ() - chunkRadius;
	int endZ = center.getZ() + chunkRadius;
	World world = location.getWorld();
	for (int chunkX = startX; chunkX <= endX; chunkX++) {
		for (int chunkZ = startZ; chunkZ <= endZ; chunkZ++) {
			if (!world.isChunkLoaded(chunkX, chunkZ)) continue;
			Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(chunkX, chunkZ);
			for (Entity entity : chunk.getEntities()) {
				Location entityLoc = entity.getLocation();
				// TODO: this is a workaround: for some yet unknown reason entities sometimes report to be in a
				// different world..
				if (!entityLoc.getWorld().equals(world)) {
					Log.debug("Found an entity which reports to be in a different world than the chunk we got it from:");
					Log.debug("Location=" + location + ", Chunk=" + chunk + ", ChunkWorld=" + chunk.getWorld()
							+ ", entityType=" + entity.getType() + ", entityLocation=" + entityLoc);
					continue; // skip this entity

				if (entityLoc.distanceSquared(location) <= radius2) {
					if (types == null) {
					} else {
						EntityType type = entity.getType();
						for (EntityType t : types) {
							if (type.equals(t)) {
	return entities;
源代码20 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件:
 * Simple method to know if a {@link Location} is close to another {@link Location}
 * @param firstLocation   the first {@link Location}
 * @param secondLocation  the second {@link Location}
 * @param squaredDistance the squared distance that must be at most between the two {@link Location}s to make this {@link java.lang.reflect.Method} return true.
 * @return true if the {@link Location} are in range, false if not
public static boolean areLocationsInRange(final Location firstLocation, final Location secondLocation, final double squaredDistance)
    return firstLocation.getWorld().getUID().equals(secondLocation.getWorld().getUID()) &&
           firstLocation.distanceSquared(secondLocation) <= squaredDistance;