java.util.concurrent.Future#isDone ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.concurrent.Future#isDone ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: bireme   文件:
 * Start {@code ChangeLoader} to work
 * @throws BiremeException last call to {@code ChangeLoader} throw an Exception.
 * @throws InterruptedException interrupted when get the result of last call to
 *         {@code ChangeLoader}.
public void startLoad() throws BiremeException, InterruptedException {
  Future<LoadTask> head = mergeResult.peek();

  if (head != null && head.isDone()) {
    // get result of last load
    if (loadResult != null && loadResult.isDone()) {
      try {
      } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw new BiremeException("Loader failed. ", e.getCause());

    // start a new load
    if (loadResult == null || loadResult.isDone()) {
      loadResult = cxt.loaderPool.submit(loader);
源代码2 项目: schedge   文件:
private Optional<Output> checkMailboxes() {
  for (int i = 0; i < pendingRequests; i++) {
    Future<Output> future = (Future<Output>)mailboxes[i];
    if (future.isDone()) {

      Output value = getFuture(future);
      if (iteratorHasNext && (iteratorHasNext = inputData.hasNext())) {
        mailboxes[i] = callback.apply(, i);
      } else {
        mailboxes[i] = mailboxes[pendingRequests];
        mailboxes[pendingRequests] = null;

      if (value == null)
        return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(value);
  return null;
源代码3 项目: jkes   文件:
public void start(String entityClassName) {
    synchronized (this) {
        IndexTask<?> task = this.tasksMap.get(entityClassName);

        Future<?> future = this.inFlightTasksMap.get(entityClassName);
        if(future != null && !future.isDone()) {
      "Canceled task: " + task);

        Future<?> submit = submit(task);
        logger.debug("submitted task: " + task);

        Class<?> domainClass = task.getDomainClass();
        super.progress.put(domainClass.getCanonicalName(), new IndexProgress(domainClass, task.count(), (long) 0));

        this.inFlightTasksMap.put(task.getDomainClass().getCanonicalName(), submit);
源代码4 项目: presto   文件:
public void close()
    boolean shouldSendDelete;
    Future<?> future;
    synchronized (this) {
        shouldSendDelete = !closed;

        closed = true;

        future = this.future;

        this.future = null;

        lastUpdate =;

    if (future != null && !future.isDone()) {

    // abort the output buffer on the remote node; response of delete is ignored
    if (shouldSendDelete) {
源代码5 项目: incubator-crail   文件:
public synchronized boolean isDone() {
	if (status.get() == RPC_PENDING) {
		try {
			Future<R> dataFuture = pendingDataOps.peek();
			while (dataFuture != null && dataFuture.isDone()) {
				dataFuture = pendingDataOps.poll();
				R result = dataFuture.get();
				dataFuture = pendingDataOps.peek();
			if (pendingDataOps.isEmpty() && status.get() == RPC_PENDING) {
		} catch (Exception e) {
			this.exception = e;
	return status.get() > 0;
源代码6 项目: galleon   文件:
synchronized void close() {
    closed = true;
    boolean terminated = true;
    for (Future<?> f : submited) {
        if (!f.isDone()) {
            terminated = false;
    if (!terminated) {
        // We need to in order to have all the layout closed before the factory.
        // This should not exeed few seconds, resolution stops has soon as it
        // detects that we are closed (closing == true).
        pmSession.println("Awaiting termination of background resolution...");
        try {
            executorService.awaitTermination(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

源代码7 项目: jkes   文件:
public void start(String entityClassName) {
    synchronized (this) {
        IndexTask<?> task = this.tasksMap.get(entityClassName);

        Future<?> future = this.inFlightTasksMap.get(entityClassName);
        if(future != null && !future.isDone()) {
            boolean cancel = future.cancel(true);
      "Canceled task: " + task);

        Future<?> submit = submit(task);
        this.inFlightTasksMap.put(task.getDomainClass().getCanonicalName(), submit);
        logger.debug("added task: " + task);
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Delays given task if neccessary - e.g. projects are currently openning - and reschedules the task if indexing is running
 * This method waits for projects to open and thus blocks the current thread.
 * @param task task to be delayed
 * @param logger 
 * @param logMessagePrefix
 * @return true if the task was rescheduled
public boolean isDelayed (RequestProcessor.Task task, Logger logger, String logMessagePrefix) {
    boolean rescheduled = false;
    DelayedScan scan = getRegisteredScan(task);
    Future<Project[]> projectOpenTask = OpenProjects.getDefault().openProjects();
    if (!projectOpenTask.isDone()) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // not interested
    if (IndexingBridge.getInstance().isIndexingInProgress()
            && (BLOCK_INDEFINITELY || scan.waitingLoops * WAITING_PERIOD < MAX_WAITING_TIME)) {
        // do not steal disk from openning projects and indexing tasks
        Level level = ++scan.waitingLoops < 10 ? Level.FINE : Level.INFO;
        logger.log(level, "{0}: Scanning in progress, trying again in {1}ms", new Object[]{logMessagePrefix, WAITING_PERIOD}); //NOI18N
        task.schedule(WAITING_PERIOD); // try again later
        rescheduled = true;
    } else {
        scan.waitingLoops = 0;
    return rescheduled;
源代码9 项目: netbeans   文件:
public boolean isResultAvailable(final P arg) {
    Future<R> res = cache.get(arg);

    if (res == null) {
        return false;

    return res.isDone() && !res.isCancelled();
源代码10 项目: supplierShop   文件:
 * 打印线程异常信息
public static void printException(Runnable r, Throwable t)
    if (t == null && r instanceof Future<?>)
            Future<?> future = (Future<?>) r;
            if (future.isDone())
        catch (CancellationException ce)
            t = ce;
        catch (ExecutionException ee)
            t = ee.getCause();
        catch (InterruptedException ie)
    if (t != null)
        logger.error(t.getMessage(), t);
源代码11 项目: relight   文件:
public void dispose() {
    disposed = true;
    for (Future future : updateStateMap.values()) {
        if (future.isDone())
    updateStateMap = null;
源代码12 项目: incubator-crail   文件:
private CrailBuffer getSlice(boolean blocking) throws Exception {
	CrailBuffer slice = readySlices.peek();
	if (slice == null){
		Future<CrailResult> future = pendingFutures.peek();
		if (future == null){
			future = pendingFutures.peek();
		if (future != null){
			if (blocking){
			if (future.isDone()){
				future = pendingFutures.poll();
				slice = pendingSlices.poll();
			} else {
				slice = null;
		} else {
			slice = null;
	return slice;		
源代码13 项目: ProjectStudy   文件:
 * 多个异步执行
 * @param
 * @return java.lang.String
 * @throws
 * @author wliduo[[email protected]]
 * @date 2020/5/20 10:26
public String run3() throws Exception {"run3开始执行");
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Future<String> future3 = asyncService.task3();
    Future<String> future4 = asyncService.task4();
    // 这样与下面是一样的;;
    // 先判断是否执行完成
    boolean run3Done = Boolean.FALSE;
    while (true) {
        if (future3.isDone() && future4.isDone()) {
            // 执行完成
            run3Done = Boolean.TRUE;
        if (future3.isCancelled() || future4.isCancelled()) {
            // 取消情况
    if (run3Done) {;;
    } else {
        // 其他异常情况
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"run3执行完成,执行时间: {}", end - start);
    return "run3 success";
 * Test that an Asynchronous Service does not throw a TimeoutException where the service completes more
 * quickly than the specified time out. The service is annotated with both @Asynchronous and @Timeout.
 * A 2 second timeout is configured for serviceB but serviceB has a 0.5 second sleep so that, in this case, the 
 * service should NOT generate Timeout exceptions.
public void testAsyncNoTimeout() {
    // Call serviceB. As it is annotated @Asynchronous, serviceB should return a future straight away even though 
    // the method has a 0.5s sleep in it
    long start = System.nanoTime();

    Future<Connection> future = null;
    try {
        future = clientForAsyncTimeout.serviceB();
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new AssertionError("testAsyncNoTimeout: unexpected InterruptedException calling serviceB");
    long end = System.nanoTime();

    Duration duration = Duration.ofNanos(end - start);
    // should have returned almost instantly, if it takes TEST_FUTURE_THRESHOLD then there is something wrong
    assertThat("Method did not return quickly enough", duration, lessThan(TEST_FUTURE_THRESHOLD));
    // serviceB is fast and should return normally after 0.5 seconds but check for premature
    if (future.isDone()) {
        throw new AssertionError("testAsyncNoTimeout: Future completed too fast");

    // The service should complete normally, there should be no FT TimeoutException
    try {
        Connection conn = future.get(TEST_TIME_UNIT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    catch (Exception t) {
        // Not Expected"serviceB should not throw an Exception in testAsyncNoTimeout");
 * Test consuming and producing via KafkaProducer and KafkaConsumer instances.
public void testProducerAndConsumer() throws Exception {
    // Create a topic
    final String topicName = "ProducerAndConsumerTest" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    getKafkaTestUtils().createTopic(topicName, 1, (short) 1);

    final int partitionId = 0;

    // Define our message
    final String expectedKey = "my-key";
    final String expectedValue = "my test message";

    // Define the record we want to produce
    final ProducerRecord<String, String> producerRecord = new ProducerRecord<>(topicName, partitionId, expectedKey, expectedValue);

    // Create a new producer
    try (final KafkaProducer<String, String> producer =
        getKafkaTestUtils().getKafkaProducer(StringSerializer.class, StringSerializer.class)) {

        // Produce it & wait for it to complete.
        final Future<RecordMetadata> future = producer.send(producerRecord);
        while (!future.isDone()) {
        }"Produce completed");

    // Create consumer
    try (final KafkaConsumer<String, String> kafkaConsumer =
        getKafkaTestUtils().getKafkaConsumer(StringDeserializer.class, StringDeserializer.class)) {

        final List<TopicPartition> topicPartitionList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final PartitionInfo partitionInfo: kafkaConsumer.partitionsFor(topicName)) {
            topicPartitionList.add(new TopicPartition(partitionInfo.topic(), partitionInfo.partition()));

        // Pull records from kafka, keep polling until we get nothing back
        ConsumerRecords<String, String> records;
        do {
            records = kafkaConsumer.poll(2000L);
  "Found {} records in kafka", records.count());
            for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record: records) {
                // Validate
                assertEquals("Key matches expected", expectedKey, record.key());
                assertEquals("value matches expected", expectedValue, record.value());
        while (!records.isEmpty());
List<Future<List<String>>> processRegionsMetaCleanup(
    ExecFunction<Map<TableName, List<T>>, List<String>> reportFunction,
    ExecFunction<List<String>, List<T>> execFunction,
    List<String> nameSpaceOrTable) throws IOException {
  ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
    (nameSpaceOrTable == null ||
      nameSpaceOrTable.size() > Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) ?
      Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() :
  List<Future<List<String>>> futures =
    new ArrayList<>(nameSpaceOrTable == null ? 1 : nameSpaceOrTable.size());
  try {
    try(final Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
      Map<TableName,List<T>> report = reportFunction.execute(nameSpaceOrTable);
      if(report.size() < 1) {"\nNo mismatches found in meta. Worth using related reporting function " +
          "first.\nYou are likely passing non-existent " +
          "namespace or table. Note that table names should include the namespace " +
          "portion even for tables in the default namespace. " +
          "See also the command usage.\n");
      for (TableName tableName : report.keySet()) {
        if(admin.tableExists(tableName)) {
          futures.add(executorService.submit(new Callable<List<String>>() {
            public List<String> call() throws Exception {
              LOG.debug("running thread for {}", tableName.getNameWithNamespaceInclAsString());
              return execFunction.execute(report.get(tableName));
        } else {
          LOG.warn("Table {} does not exist! Skipping...",
      boolean allDone;
      do {
        allDone = true;
        for (Future<List<String>> f : futures) {
          allDone &= f.isDone();
      } while(!allDone);
  } finally {
  return futures;
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        InitialContext ctx = null;
        List<Future> results = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            // run the DeadServerTest with no timeouts set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely, so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env = createEnv();
                    testPool.submit(new DeadServerNoTimeoutTest(env, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with connect timeout set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 10ms connect timeout & 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env1 = createEnv();
            env1.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
                    new ReadServerNoTimeoutTest(env1, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with no timeouts set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely, so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env2 = createEnv();
                    new ReadServerNoTimeoutTest(env2, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the DeadServerTest with connect / read timeouts set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 10ms connect timeout, 3000ms read timeout");
            Hashtable env3 = createEnv();
            env3.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            env3.put("", "3000");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env3)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with connect / read timeouts set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            // NOTE: commenting this test out as it is failing intermittently.
            // System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 10ms connect timeout, 3000ms read timeout");
            // Hashtable env4 = createEnv();
            // env4.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            // env4.put("", "3000");
            // results.add(testPool.submit(new ReadServerTimeoutTest(env4)));

            // run the DeadServerTest with connect timeout set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 10ms connect timeout");
            Hashtable env5 = createEnv();
            env5.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env5)));

            // 8000487: Java JNDI connection library on ldap conn is
            // not honoring configured timeout
            System.out.println("Running simple auth connection test");
            Hashtable env6 = createEnv();
            env6.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            env6.put("", "3000");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "user");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env6)));

            boolean testFailed = false;
            for (Future test : results) {
                while (!test.isDone()) {
                    if ((Boolean) test.get() == false)
                        testFailed = true;

            if (testFailed) {
                throw new AssertionError("some tests failed");

        } finally {
源代码18 项目: netbeans   文件:
protected void checkSemantic(final String relFilePath, final String caretLine) throws Exception {
    Source testSource = getTestSource(getTestFile(relFilePath));

    if (caretLine != null) {
        int caretOffset = getCaretOffset(testSource.createSnapshot().getText().toString(), caretLine);
        enforceCaretOffset(testSource, caretOffset);

    UserTask task = new UserTask() {
        public @Override void run(ResultIterator resultIterator) throws Exception {
            Parser.Result r = resultIterator.getParserResult();
            assertTrue(r instanceof ParserResult);
            ParserResult pr = (ParserResult) r;

            SemanticAnalyzer analyzer = getSemanticAnalyzer();
            assertNotNull("getSemanticAnalyzer must be implemented", analyzer);

  , null);
            Map<OffsetRange, Set<ColoringAttributes>> highlights = analyzer.getHighlights();

            if (highlights == null) {
                highlights = Collections.emptyMap();

            Document doc = GsfUtilities.getDocument(pr.getSnapshot().getSource().getFileObject(), true);
            checkNoOverlaps(highlights.keySet(), doc);

            String annotatedSource = annotateSemanticResults(doc, highlights);
            assertDescriptionMatches(relFilePath, annotatedSource, false, ".semantic");

    if (classPathsForTest == null || classPathsForTest.isEmpty()) {
        ParserManager.parse(Collections.singleton(testSource), task);
    } else {
        Future<Void> future = ParserManager.parseWhenScanFinished(Collections.singleton(testSource), task);
        if (!future.isDone()) {

源代码19 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        InitialContext ctx = null;
        List<Future> results = new ArrayList<>();

        try {
            // run the DeadServerTest with no timeouts set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely, so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env = createEnv();
                    testPool.submit(new DeadServerNoTimeoutTest(env, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with connect timeout set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 10ms connect timeout & 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env1 = createEnv();
            env1.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
                    new ReadServerNoTimeoutTest(env1, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with no timeouts set
            // this should get stuck indefinitely, so we need to kill
            // it after a timeout
            System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 20s kill switch");
            Hashtable env2 = createEnv();
                    new ReadServerNoTimeoutTest(env2, killSwitchPool)));

            // run the DeadServerTest with connect / read timeouts set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 10ms connect timeout, 3000ms read timeout");
            Hashtable env3 = createEnv();
            env3.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            env3.put("", "3000");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env3)));

            // run the ReadServerTest with connect / read timeouts set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            // NOTE: commenting this test out as it is failing intermittently.
            // System.out.println("Running read timeout test with 10ms connect timeout, 3000ms read timeout");
            // Hashtable env4 = createEnv();
            // env4.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            // env4.put("", "3000");
            // results.add(testPool.submit(new ReadServerTimeoutTest(env4)));

            // run the DeadServerTest with connect timeout set
            // this should exit after the connect timeout expires
            System.out.println("Running connect timeout test with 10ms connect timeout");
            Hashtable env5 = createEnv();
            env5.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env5)));

            // 8000487: Java JNDI connection library on ldap conn is
            // not honoring configured timeout
            System.out.println("Running simple auth connection test");
            Hashtable env6 = createEnv();
            env6.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "10");
            env6.put("", "3000");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "user");
            env6.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");
            results.add(testPool.submit(new DeadServerTimeoutTest(env6)));

            boolean testFailed = false;
            for (Future test : results) {
                while (!test.isDone()) {
                    if ((Boolean) test.get() == false)
                        testFailed = true;

            if (testFailed) {
                throw new AssertionError("some tests failed");

        } finally {
 * Whether execution is already in progress against this command instance.
 * @return True if execution is in progress
private boolean isExecutionInProgress() {
    Future<LabeledResultSet> currentTask = this.currentTask;
    return currentTask != null && !currentTask.isDone();