org.bukkit.util.Vector#toLocation ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.bukkit.util.Vector#toLocation ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: TabooLib   文件:
public static void buildLightning(Location start, Vector direction, int entries, int branches, double radius, double offset, double offsetRate, double length, double lengthRate, double branch, double branchRate, Consumer<Location> action) {
    ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    if (entries <= 0) {
    boolean inRange = true;
    while (random.nextDouble() < branch || inRange) {
        Vector randomizer = new Vector(random.nextDouble(-radius, radius), random.nextDouble(-radius, radius), random.nextDouble(-radius, radius)).normalize().multiply((random.nextDouble(-radius, radius)) * offset);
        Vector endVector = start.clone().toVector().add(direction.clone().multiply(length)).add(randomizer);
        Location end = endVector.toLocation(start.getWorld());
        if (end.distance(start) <= length) {
            inRange = true;
        } else {
            inRange = false;
        int rate = (int) (start.distance(end) / 0.1); // distance * (distance / 10)
        Vector rateDir = endVector.clone().subtract(start.toVector()).normalize().multiply(0.1);
        for (int i = 0; i < rate; i++) {
            Location loc = start.clone().add(rateDir.clone().multiply(i));
        buildLightning(end.clone(), direction, entries - 1, branches - 1, radius, offset * offsetRate, offsetRate, length * lengthRate, lengthRate, branch * branchRate, branchRate, action);
        if (branches <= 0) {
源代码2 项目: Sentinel   文件:
 * Returns a spot to run to if running in a certain direction.
 * Returns null if can't reasonable run that direction.
public static Location findSpotForRunDirection(Location start, double distance, Vector direction) {
    VectorGoal goal = new VectorGoal(start.clone().add(direction.clone().multiply(distance)), 4);
    VectorNode startNode = new VectorNode(goal, start, new ChunkBlockSource(start, (float)distance + 10), examiner);
    Path resultPath = (Path) ASTAR.runFully(goal, startNode, (int)(distance * 50));
    if (resultPath == null || resultPath.isComplete()) {
        return null;
    Vector current = resultPath.getCurrentVector();
    while (!resultPath.isComplete()) {
        current = resultPath.getCurrentVector();
    return current.toLocation(start.getWorld());
源代码3 项目: askyblock   文件:
private boolean safe(ChunkSnapshot chunk, int x, int y, int z, World world) {
    Vector newSpot = new Vector(chunk.getX() * 16 + x + 0.5D, y + 1, chunk.getZ() * 16 + z + 0.5D);
    if (portal) {
        if (bestSpot == null) {
            // Stash the best spot
            bestSpot = newSpot.toLocation(world);
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
源代码4 项目: FunnyGuilds   文件:
public synchronized void update() {

    if ( == null) {

    if (this.size < 1) {

    if ( == null) { = Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0);

    if ( != null) {
        int lx = + this.size;
        int lz = + this.size;

        int px = - this.size;
        int pz = - this.size;

        Vector l = new Vector(lx, 0, lz);
        Vector p = new Vector(px,, pz);

        this.firstCorner = l.toLocation(;
        this.secondCorner = p.toLocation(;
源代码5 项目: CardinalPGM   文件:
public static void spawnFireworks(Vector vec, double radius, int count, Color color, int power) {
    Location loc = vec.toLocation(GameHandler.getGameHandler().getMatchWorld());
    FireworkEffect effect = getFireworkEffect(color);
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        double angle = (2 * Math.PI / count) * i;
        double x = radius * Math.cos(angle);
        double z = radius * Math.sin(angle);
        spawnFirework(firstEmptyBlock(loc.clone().add(x, 0, z)), effect, power);
源代码6 项目: XSeries   文件:
 * Spawns a broken line that creates more and extended branches
 * as it gets closer to the end length.
 * This method doesn't support rotations. Use the direction instead.
 * @param start      the starting point of the new branch. For the first call it's the same location as the displays location.
 * @param direction  the direction of the lightning. A simple direction would be {@code entity.getLocation().getDirection().normalize()}
 *                   For a simple end point direction would be {@code endLocation.toVector().subtract(start.toVector()).normalize()}
 * @param entries    the number of entries for the main lightning branch. Recommended is 20
 * @param branches   the maximum number of branches each entry can have. Recommended is 200
 * @param radius     the radius of the lightning branches. Recommended is 0.5
 * @param offset     the offset of the lightning branches. Recommended is 2
 * @param offsetRate the offset change rate of the lightning branches. Recommended is 1
 * @param length     the length of the lightning branch. Recommended is 1.5
 * @param lengthRate the length change rate of the lightning branch. Recommended is 1
 * @param branch     the chance of creating a new branch. Recommended is 0.1
 * @param branchRate the chance change of creating a new branch. Recommended is 1
 * @since 3.0.0
public static void lightning(Location start, Vector direction, int entries, int branches, double radius,
                             double offset, double offsetRate,
                             double length, double lengthRate,
                             double branch, double branchRate, ParticleDisplay display) {
    ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    if (entries <= 0) return;
    boolean inRange = true;

    // Check if we can create new branches or the current branch
    // length is already in range.
    while (random.nextDouble() < branch || inRange) {
        // Break our straight line randomly.
        Vector randomizer = new Vector(
                random.nextDouble(-radius, radius), random.nextDouble(-radius, radius), random.nextDouble(-radius, radius))
                .normalize().multiply((random.nextDouble(-radius, radius)) * offset);
        Vector endVector = start.clone().toVector().add(direction.clone().multiply(length)).add(randomizer);
        Location end = endVector.toLocation(start.getWorld());

        // Check if the broken line length is in our max length range.
        if (end.distance(start) <= length) {
            inRange = true;
        } else inRange = false;

        // Create particle points in our broken straight line.
        int rate = (int) (start.distance(end) / 0.1); // distance * (distance / 10)
        Vector rateDir = endVector.clone().subtract(start.toVector()).normalize().multiply(0.1);
        for (int i = 0; i < rate; i++) {
            Location loc = start.clone().add(rateDir.clone().multiply(i));

        // Create new entries if possible.
        lightning(end.clone(), direction, entries - 1, branches - 1, radius, offset * offsetRate, offsetRate,
                length * lengthRate, lengthRate,
                branch * branchRate, branchRate, display);
        // Check if the maximum number of branches has already been used for this entry.
        if (branches <= 0) break;
源代码7 项目: ProjectAres   文件:
public Location getSpawnLocation(World world) {
    Vector pos = getVector(world, "spawn.pos", world.getSpawnLocation().toVector());
    float yaw = (float) getDouble(world, "spawn.yaw", 0);
    float pitch = (float) getDouble(world, "spawn.pitch", 0);
    return pos.toLocation(world, yaw, pitch);
源代码8 项目: AACAdditionPro   文件:
 * Determines if two {@link User}s can see each other.
private boolean canSee(final User observerUser, final User watchedUser)
    final Player observer = observerUser.getPlayer();
    final Player watched = watchedUser.getPlayer();

    // Not bypassed
    if (observerUser.isBypassed(this.getModuleType()) ||
        // Has not logged in recently to prevent bugs
        observerUser.hasLoggedInRecently(3000) ||
        // Glowing handling
        // Glowing does not exist in 1.8.8
        (ServerVersion.getActiveServerVersion() != ServerVersion.MC188 &&
         // If an entity is glowing it can always be seen.
        return true;

    // ----------------------------------- Calculation ---------------------------------- //

    final Vector[] cameraVectors = VectorUtils.getCameraVectors(observer);

    // Get the Vectors of the hitbox to check.
    final Vector[] watchedHitboxVectors = (watched.isSneaking() ?
                                           Hitbox.ESP_SNEAKING_PLAYER :
                                           Hitbox.ESP_PLAYER).getCalculationVectors(watched.getLocation(), true);

    // The distance of the intersections in the same block is equal as of the
    // BlockIterator mechanics.
    final Set<Double> lastIntersectionsCache = new HashSet<>();

    for (Vector cameraVector : cameraVectors) {
        for (final Vector destinationVector : watchedHitboxVectors) {
            final Location start = cameraVector.toLocation(observer.getWorld());
            // The resulting Vector
            // The camera is not blocked by non-solid blocks
            // Vector is intersecting with some blocks
            // Cloning IS needed as we are in a second loop.
            final Vector between = destinationVector.clone().subtract(cameraVector);

            // ---------------------------------------------- FOV ----------------------------------------------- //
            final Vector cameraRotation = cameraVector.clone().subtract(observer.getLocation().toVector());

            if (cameraRotation.angle(between) > MAX_FOV) {

            // ---------------------------------------- Cache Calculation --------------------------------------- //

            // Make sure the chunks are loaded.
            if (!ChunkUtils.areChunksLoadedBetweenLocations(start, start.clone().add(between))) {
                // If the chunks are not loaded assume the players can see each other.
                return true;

            boolean cacheHit = false;

            Location cacheLocation;
            for (Double length : lastIntersectionsCache) {
                cacheLocation = start.clone().add(between.clone().normalize().multiply(length));

                // Not yet cached.
                if (length == 0) {

                final Material type = cacheLocation.getBlock().getType();

                if (BlockUtils.isReallyOccluding(type) && type.isSolid()) {
                    cacheHit = true;

            if (cacheHit) {

            // --------------------------------------- Normal Calculation --------------------------------------- //

            final double intersect = VectorUtils.getDistanceToFirstIntersectionWithBlock(start, between);

            // No intersection found
            if (intersect == 0) {
                return true;


    // Low probability to help after the camera view was changed. -> clearing
    return false;