org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils#getAnnotation ( )源码实例Demo

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 * Validate the payload if applicable.
 * <p>The default implementation checks for {@code @javax.validation.Valid},
 * Spring's {@link Validated},
 * and custom annotations whose name starts with "Valid".
 * @param message the currently processed message
 * @param parameter the method parameter
 * @param target the target payload object
 * @throws MethodArgumentNotValidException in case of binding errors
protected void validate(Message<?> message, MethodParameter parameter, Object target) {
	if (this.validator == null) {
	for (Annotation ann : parameter.getParameterAnnotations()) {
		Validated validatedAnn = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Validated.class);
		if (validatedAnn != null || ann.annotationType().getSimpleName().startsWith("Valid")) {
			Object hints = (validatedAnn != null ? validatedAnn.value() : AnnotationUtils.getValue(ann));
			Object[] validationHints = (hints instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) hints : new Object[] {hints});
			BeanPropertyBindingResult bindingResult =
					new BeanPropertyBindingResult(target, getParameterName(parameter));
			if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(validationHints) && this.validator instanceof SmartValidator) {
				((SmartValidator) this.validator).validate(target, bindingResult, validationHints);
			else {
				this.validator.validate(target, bindingResult);
			if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
				throw new MethodArgumentNotValidException(message, parameter, bindingResult);
源代码2 项目: stategen   文件:
protected void scanCheckAnnos(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, TagArrayList<Annotation> checkAnnos) {
    Annotation[] annotations = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotations(annotatedElement);
    if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(annotations)) {
        for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
            Check check = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(annotation, Check.class);
            if (check != null) {
                Repeatable repeatable = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(annotation, Repeatable.class);
                if (repeatable != null) {
                    Class<? extends Annotation> realCheckAnnoClazz = repeatable.value();
                    Set<? extends Annotation> realCheckAnnos = AnnotatedElementUtils.getMergedRepeatableAnnotations(annotatedElement,
                } else {
protected Boolean hasAnnotation(String typeName) {
	if (Object.class.getName().equals(typeName)) {
		return false;
	else if (typeName.startsWith("java")) {
		if (!this.annotationType.getName().startsWith("java")) {
			// Standard Java types do not have non-standard annotations on them ->
			// skip any load attempt, in particular for Java language interfaces.
			return false;
		try {
			Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.forName(typeName, getClass().getClassLoader());
			return ((this.considerMetaAnnotations ? AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(clazz, this.annotationType) :
					clazz.getAnnotation(this.annotationType)) != null);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			// Class not regularly loadable - can't determine a match that way.
	return null;
源代码4 项目: apollo   文件:
protected void processField(Object bean, String beanName, Field field) {
  ApolloConfig annotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(field, ApolloConfig.class);
  if (annotation == null) {

      "Invalid type: %s for field: %s, should be Config", field.getType(), field);

  String namespace = annotation.value();
  Config config = ConfigService.getConfig(namespace);

  ReflectionUtils.setField(field, bean, config);
源代码5 项目: onetwo   文件:
public void test(){
	AnnotationTest inst = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(AnnotationUtilsTest.class, AnnotationTest.class);
	Map<String, Object> attrs = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(inst);
	Assert.assertEquals("test", attrs.get("name"));
 * Return the default response destination, if any.
protected String getDefaultResponseDestination() {
	Method specificMethod = getMostSpecificMethod();
	SendTo ann = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(specificMethod, SendTo.class);
	if (ann != null) {
		Object[] destinations = ann.value();
		if (destinations.length != 1) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid @" + SendTo.class.getSimpleName() + " annotation on '" +
					specificMethod + "' one destination must be set (got " + Arrays.toString(destinations) + ")");
		return resolve((String) destinations[0]);
	return null;
源代码7 项目: qconfig   文件:
public Set<Annotation> getAnnotations(Field field) {
    Set<Annotation> annotations = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass : loadAnnotations) {
        Annotation annotation = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(field, annotationClass);
        if (annotation != null) {
    return annotations;
源代码8 项目: apollo   文件:
protected void processMethod(Object bean, String beanName, Method method) {
  ApolloJsonValue apolloJsonValue = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, ApolloJsonValue.class);
  if (apolloJsonValue == null) {
  String placeHolder = apolloJsonValue.value();

  Object propertyValue = placeholderHelper
      .resolvePropertyValue(beanFactory, beanName, placeHolder);

  // propertyValue will never be null, as @ApolloJsonValue will not allow that
  if (!(propertyValue instanceof String)) {

  Type[] types = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
  Preconditions.checkArgument(types.length == 1,
      "Ignore @Value setter {}.{}, expecting 1 parameter, actual {} parameters",
      bean.getClass().getName(), method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes().length);

  boolean accessible = method.isAccessible();
  ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(method, bean, parseJsonValue((String)propertyValue, types[0]));

  if (configUtil.isAutoUpdateInjectedSpringPropertiesEnabled()) {
    Set<String> keys = placeholderHelper.extractPlaceholderKeys(placeHolder);
    for (String key : keys) {
      SpringValue springValue = new SpringValue(key, apolloJsonValue.value(), bean, beanName,
          method, true);
      springValueRegistry.register(beanFactory, key, springValue);
      logger.debug("Monitoring {}", springValue);
 * Validate the binding target if applicable.
 * <p>The default implementation checks for {@code @javax.validation.Valid},
 * Spring's {@link org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated},
 * and custom annotations whose name starts with "Valid".
 * @param binder the DataBinder to be used
 * @param parameter the method parameter descriptor
 * @since 4.1.5
 * @see #isBindExceptionRequired
protected void validateIfApplicable(WebDataBinder binder, MethodParameter parameter) {
	Annotation[] annotations = parameter.getParameterAnnotations();
	for (Annotation ann : annotations) {
		Validated validatedAnn = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Validated.class);
		if (validatedAnn != null || ann.annotationType().getSimpleName().startsWith("Valid")) {
			Object hints = (validatedAnn != null ? validatedAnn.value() : AnnotationUtils.getValue(ann));
			Object[] validationHints = (hints instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) hints : new Object[] {hints});
源代码10 项目: swagger-more   文件:
private List<ResolvedType> collectAllTypes(RequestMappingContext context, ResolvedMethodParameter parameter) {
    List<ResolvedType> allTypes = newArrayList();
    for (ResolvedType type : collectBindingTypes(context.alternateFor(parameter.getParameterType()), newArrayList())) {
        ApiModel apiModel = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(type.getErasedType(), ApiModel.class);
        if (apiModel != null) {
                    .filter(subType -> subType.getAnnotation(ApiModel.class) != type.getErasedType().getAnnotation(ApiModel.class))
    return allTypes;
public boolean matches(Method method, Class targetClass) {
	if (AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, this.annotationType) != null) {
		return true;
	// The method may be on an interface, so let's check on the target class as well.
	Method specificMethod = AopUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass);
	return (specificMethod != method &&
			(AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(specificMethod, this.annotationType) != null));
源代码12 项目: easy-sentinel   文件:
public Object invokeResourceWithSentinel(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
    Method method = resolveMethod(pjp);
    EasySentinel easySentinel = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, EasySentinel.class);
    String resourceName = getResourceName(method);
    if (this.limiter.limiter(easySentinel, resourceName)) {
        BlockException blockException = new BlockException("The current resource access QPS exceeds the maximum limit");
        return handleBlockException(pjp, easySentinel, blockException);
    return method.invoke(pjp.getTarget(), pjp.getArgs());
源代码13 项目: sinavi-jfw   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
static boolean isSessionAttributeComplete(Method method) {
    SessionAttributeComplete complete = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, SessionAttributeComplete.class);
    if (complete != null) {
        return true;
    return false;
private void validateIfApplicable(WebExchangeDataBinder binder, MethodParameter parameter) {
	for (Annotation ann : parameter.getParameterAnnotations()) {
		Validated validatedAnn = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Validated.class);
		if (validatedAnn != null || ann.annotationType().getSimpleName().startsWith("Valid")) {
			Object hints = (validatedAnn != null ? validatedAnn.value() : AnnotationUtils.getValue(ann));
			if (hints != null) {
				Object[] validationHints = (hints instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) hints : new Object[] {hints});
			else {
 * Validate the binding target if applicable.
 * <p>The default implementation checks for {@code @javax.validation.Valid},
 * Spring's {@link org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated},
 * and custom annotations whose name starts with "Valid".
 * @param binder the DataBinder to be used
 * @param parameter the method parameter descriptor
 * @since 4.1.5
 * @see #isBindExceptionRequired
protected void validateIfApplicable(WebDataBinder binder, MethodParameter parameter) {
	Annotation[] annotations = parameter.getParameterAnnotations();
	for (Annotation ann : annotations) {
		Validated validatedAnn = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(ann, Validated.class);
		if (validatedAnn != null || ann.annotationType().getSimpleName().startsWith("Valid")) {
			Object hints = (validatedAnn != null ? validatedAnn.value() : AnnotationUtils.getValue(ann));
			Object[] validationHints = (hints instanceof Object[] ? (Object[]) hints : new Object[] {hints});
protected Annotation getFactoryMethodAnnotation(RootBeanDefinition bd, Class<? extends Annotation> type) {
	Method resolvedFactoryMethod = bd.getResolvedFactoryMethod();
	return (resolvedFactoryMethod != null ? AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(resolvedFactoryMethod, type) : null);
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {

		Method method = invocation.getMethod();

		StartProcess startProcess = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, StartProcess.class);

		String processKey = startProcess.processKey();

		Assert.hasText(processKey, "you must provide the name of process to start");

		Object result;
		try {
			result = invocation.proceed();
			Map<String, Object> vars = this.processVariablesFromAnnotations(invocation);

			String businessKey = this.processBusinessKey(invocation);"variables for the started process: " + vars.toString());

			RuntimeService runtimeService = this.processEngine.getRuntimeService();
			ProcessInstance pi ;
			if (null != businessKey && StringUtils.hasText(businessKey)) {
				pi = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey(processKey, businessKey, vars);"the business key for the started process is '" + businessKey + "' ");
			} else {
				pi = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey(processKey, vars);

			String pId = pi.getId();

			if (invocation.getMethod().getReturnType().equals(void.class))
				return null;

			if (shouldReturnProcessInstance(startProcess, invocation, result))
				return pi;

			if (shouldReturnProcessInstanceId(startProcess, invocation, result))
				return pId;

			if (shouldReturnAsyncResultWithProcessInstance(startProcess, invocation, result)) {
				return new AsyncResult<ProcessInstance>(pi);

		} catch (Throwable th) {
			throw new RuntimeException(th);
		return result;
protected Annotation getQualifiedElementAnnotation(RootBeanDefinition bd, Class<? extends Annotation> type) {
	AnnotatedElement qualifiedElement = bd.getQualifiedElement();
	return (qualifiedElement != null ? AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(qualifiedElement, type) : null);
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
    if("getHeaders".equals(method.getName())) {
        return latestResponse == null ? null : latestResponse.getHeaders();
    if("getStatus".equals(method.getName())) {
        return latestResponse == null ? null : latestResponse.getStatus();
    ClientAsyncOption asyncOption = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(method, ClientAsyncOption.class);
    boolean sync = asyncOption != null && (asyncOption.value() || asyncOption.retainClient());
    DCTMRestClient client = null;
    if(latestClient == null) {
        client = clientQueue.take();
        if(clientQueue.isEmpty()) {
            if(clientCount.incrementAndGet() <= maxClientCount) {
            } else {
    } else {
        client = latestClient;
        latestClient = null;
    if(!sync && (method.getReturnType().isInterface() || method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE))) {
        Response response = new Response();
        executor.execute(new Execution(client, method, args, response));
        Set<Class<?>> interfaces = new HashSet<>();
        if(!method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
            Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
            if(returnType instanceof TypeVariable) {
                TypeVariable<?> returnTypeV = (TypeVariable<?>)returnType;
                Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
                for(int i=0;i<genericParameterTypes.length;++i){
                    if(genericParameterTypes[i] instanceof TypeVariable) {
                        TypeVariable<?> paraTypeV = (TypeVariable<?>)genericParameterTypes[i];
                        if(paraTypeV.getName().equals(returnTypeV.getName())) {
                            fillResponseType(interfaces, args[i]);
        latestResponse = (FutureModel)Proxy.newProxyInstance(DCTMRestClient.class.getClassLoader(), interfaces.toArray(new Class[0]), response);
        return latestResponse;
    } else {
        latestResponse = null;
        try {
            return method.invoke(client, args);
        } finally {
            if(asyncOption != null && asyncOption.retainClient()) {
                latestClient = client;
            } else {
 * Is the supplied property required to have a value (that is, to be dependency-injected)?
 * <p>This implementation looks for the existence of a
 * {@link #setRequiredAnnotationType "required" annotation}
 * on the supplied {@link PropertyDescriptor property}.
 * @param propertyDescriptor the target PropertyDescriptor (never {@code null})
 * @return {@code true} if the supplied property has been marked as being required;
 * {@code false} if not, or if the supplied property does not have a setter method
protected boolean isRequiredProperty(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) {
	Method setter = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod();
	return (setter != null && AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(setter, getRequiredAnnotationType()) != null);