java.util.Vector#get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Vector#get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

 * Refine Net
 * @param bitmap
 * @param boxes
 * @return
private Vector<Box> rNet(Bitmap bitmap, Vector<Box> boxes) {
    // RNet Input Init
    int num = boxes.size();
    float[][][][] rNetIn = new float[num][24][24][3];
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        float[][][] curCrop = MyUtil.cropAndResize(bitmap, boxes.get(i), 24);
        curCrop = MyUtil.transposeImage(curCrop);
        rNetIn[i] = curCrop;

    // Run RNet
    rNetForward(rNetIn, boxes);

    // RNetThreshold
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        if (boxes.get(i).score < rNetThreshold) {
            boxes.get(i).deleted = true;

    // Nms
    nms(boxes, 0.7f, "Union");
    return updateBoxes(boxes);
源代码2 项目: translationstudio8   文件:
 * 设置列属性 ;
private void setColumnType() {
	if (cols < 2) {
		MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), Messages.getString("dialog.TBXMakerDialog.msgTitle"),
	Vector<ColProperties> colTypes = new Vector<ColProperties>(cols);
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
		colTypes.add((ColProperties) table.getColumn(i).getData());

	ColumnTypeDialog selector = new ColumnTypeDialog(getShell(), colTypes, template, imagePath);
	if ( == IDialogConstants.OK_ID) {
		for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
			TableColumn col = table.getColumn(i);
			ColProperties type = colTypes.get(i);
			if (!type.getColName().equals("") && !type.getLanguage().equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
源代码3 项目: netbeans   文件:
public static Vector targetExists(Vector<Vector> rows, TargetElement e) {
    for (Vector row : rows) {
        TargetElement te = (TargetElement) row.get(TargetElement.DATA);
        if (te.equals(e)) {
            return row;
    return null;
源代码4 项目: MoodleRest   文件:
public MoodleGroup[] __getGroupsById(String url, String token, Long[] groupids) throws MoodleRestGroupException, UnsupportedEncodingException, MoodleRestException {
    Vector v=new Vector();
    MoodleGroup group;
    StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder();
    String functionCall=MoodleCallRestWebService.isLegacy()?MoodleServices.MOODLE_GROUP_GET_GROUPS.toString():MoodleServices.CORE_GROUP_GET_GROUPS.toString();
    data.append(URLEncoder.encode("wstoken", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(token, MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("wsfunction", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(functionCall, MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    for (int i=0;i<groupids.length;i++) {
        if (groupids[i]<1) throw new MoodleRestGroupException(); data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("groupids["+i+"]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(groupids[i]);
    NodeList elements=(new MoodleCallRestWebService()).__call(url,data.toString());
    for (int j=0;j<elements.getLength();j++) {
        String content=elements.item(j).getTextContent();
        String nodeName=elements.item(j).getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
        if (nodeName.equals("id")) {
            if (group==null)
                group=new MoodleGroup(Long.parseLong(content));
            else {
                group=new MoodleGroup(Long.parseLong(content));
        if (group==null)
          throw new MoodleRestGroupException();
        group.setMoodleGroupField(nodeName, content);
    if (group!=null)
    MoodleGroup[] groups=new MoodleGroup[v.size()];
    for (int i=0;i<v.size();i++) {
    return groups;
源代码5 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
protected void queryView(boolean gfxdclient) {
  Vector<String> queryVec = ViewPrms.getQueryViewsStatements();
  String viewQuery = queryVec.get(random.nextInt(queryVec.size()));
  Connection dConn = getDiscConnection();
  Connection gConn = getGFEConnection(); 
  //provided for thin client driver as long as isEdge is set
  //use this especially after product default has been changed to read committed
  queryResultSets(dConn, gConn, viewQuery, false);
源代码6 项目: tmxeditor8   文件:
private boolean isDuplicated(Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> vector, Hashtable<String, String> tu) {
	int size = vector.size();
	String src = tu.get("srcText"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	String tgt = tu.get("tgtText"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		Hashtable<String, String> table = vector.get(i);
		if (src.trim().equals(table.get("srcText").trim()) //$NON-NLS-1$
				&& tgt.trim().equals(table.get("tgtText").trim())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
			return true;
	return false;
源代码7 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
 * Obtains the encodings that the system can obtain from an
 * audio input stream with the specified format using the set
 * of installed format converters.
 * @param sourceFormat the audio format for which conversion
 * is queried
 * @return array of encodings. If <code>sourceFormat</code>is not supported,
 * an array of length 0 is returned. Otherwise, the array will have a length
 * of at least 1, representing the encoding of <code>sourceFormat</code> (no conversion).
public static AudioFormat.Encoding[] getTargetEncodings(AudioFormat sourceFormat) {

    List codecs = getFormatConversionProviders();
    Vector encodings = new Vector();

    int size = 0;
    int index = 0;
    AudioFormat.Encoding encs[] = null;

    // gather from all the codecs

    for(int i=0; i<codecs.size(); i++ ) {
        encs = ((FormatConversionProvider) codecs.get(i)).getTargetEncodings(sourceFormat);
        size += encs.length;
        encodings.addElement( encs );

    // now build a new array

    AudioFormat.Encoding encs2[] = new AudioFormat.Encoding[size];
    for(int i=0; i<encodings.size(); i++ ) {
        encs = (AudioFormat.Encoding [])(encodings.get(i));
        for(int j=0; j<encs.length; j++ ) {
            encs2[index++] = encs[j];
    return encs2;
 * ONet跑神经网络,将score和bias写入boxes
 * @param oNetIn
 * @param boxes
private void oNetForward(float[][][][] oNetIn, Vector<Box> boxes) {
    int num = oNetIn.length;
    float[][] prob1 = new float[num][2];
    float[][] conv6_2_conv6_2 = new float[num][4];
    float[][] conv6_3_conv6_3 = new float[num][10];

    Map<Integer, Object> outputs = new HashMap<>();
    outputs.put(oInterpreter.getOutputIndex("onet/prob1"), prob1);
    outputs.put(oInterpreter.getOutputIndex("onet/conv6-2/conv6-2"), conv6_2_conv6_2);
    outputs.put(oInterpreter.getOutputIndex("onet/conv6-3/conv6-3"), conv6_3_conv6_3);
    oInterpreter.runForMultipleInputsOutputs(new Object[]{oNetIn}, outputs);

    // 转换
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        // prob
        boxes.get(i).score = prob1[i][1];
        // bias
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            boxes.get(i).bbr[j] = conv6_2_conv6_2[i][j];
        // landmark
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
            int x = Math.round(boxes.get(i).left() + (conv6_3_conv6_3[i][j] * boxes.get(i).width()));
            int y = Math.round(boxes.get(i).top() + (conv6_3_conv6_3[i][j + 5] * boxes.get(i).height()));
            boxes.get(i).landmark[j] = new Point(x, y);
private String vectorToString(Vector<byte[]> v) {
  StringBuffer aStr = new StringBuffer();
  aStr.append("The size of list is " + v.size() + "\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
    byte[] aStruct = v.get(i);
    for (int j = 0; j < aStruct.length; j++) {
  return aStr.toString();
 * Gets the address books for the current Session
 * @param session
 *            Session
 * @return NABDb[] Array of address books
 * @throws NotesException
private static NABDb[] getSessionAddressBooks(final Session session) throws NotesException {
	if (session != null) {// Unit tests
		ArrayList<NABDb> nabs = new ArrayList<NABDb>();
		Vector<?> vc = session.getAddressBooks();
		if (vc != null) {
			for (int i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) {
				Database db = (Database) vc.get(i);
				try {;
					try {
						NABDb nab = new NABDb(db);
					} finally {
				} catch (NotesException ex) {
					// Opening the database can fail if the user doesn't sufficient
					// rights. In this vase, we simply ignore this NAB and continue
					// with the next one.
		return nabs.toArray(new NABDb[nabs.size()]);
	return null;
源代码11 项目: translationstudio8   文件:
 * Split tagged.
 * @param text
 *            the text
 * @return the string[]
private String[] splitTagged(String text) {
	Vector<String> strings = new Vector<String>();

	int index = find(text, "\uE008" + "0&gt;", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	while (index != -1) {
		String candidate = text.substring(0, index);
		int ends = find(candidate, "&lt;0" + "\uE007", 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		while (ends != -1) {
			if (!candidate.substring(0, ends + 6).endsWith("0" + "\uE007")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
				ends += candidate.substring(ends).indexOf("0" + "\uE007") + 2; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
				strings.add(candidate.substring(0, ends));
				candidate = candidate.substring(ends);
			} else {
				strings.add(candidate.substring(0, ends + 6));
				candidate = candidate.substring(ends + 6);
			ends = find(candidate, "&lt;0" + "\uE007", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		text = text.substring(index);
		index = find(text, "\uE008" + "0&gt;", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	if (!text.endsWith("0" + "\uE007")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		index = text.lastIndexOf("0" + "\uE007"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if (index != -1) {
			strings.add(text.substring(0, index + 2));
			text = text.substring(index + 2);

	String[] result = new String[strings.size()];
	for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
		result[i] = strings.get(i);
	return result;
源代码12 项目: XPagesExtensionLibrary   文件:
 * Given a list of rooms, find the ones that are free for a given range.
 * @param session
 * @param candidates
 * @param start
 * @param end
 * @return
 * @throws NotesException
private List<Room> findFreeRooms(Session session, List<Room> candidates, Date start, Date end) throws NotesException {

    List<Room> rooms = new ArrayList<Room>();
    DateRange range = null;
    Vector freetimes = null;
    try {
        DateTime dtStart = session.createDateTime(start);
        DateTime dtEnd = session.createDateTime(end);
        range = session.createDateRange();
        Iterator<Room> iterator = candidates.iterator();
        while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
            if ( freetimes != null ) {
                freetimes = null;
            Room room =;
            String item = room.getEmailAddress();
            if ( StringUtil.isEmpty(item) ) {
                item = room.getDistinguishedName();
            Vector<String> names = new Vector<String>(1);
            // Get the free time for this room
            Logger.get().getLogger().fine("Searching free time for " + item); // $NON-NLS-1$
            try {
                freetimes = session.freeTimeSearch(range, 5, names, false);
            catch (Throwable e) {
                Logger.get().warn(e, "Exception thrown searching free time for {0}", item); // $NLW-FreeRoomsProvider.Exceptionthrownsearchingfreetimef-1$
            if ( freetimes == null ) {
            // Compare the start and end times of the first free block
            DateRange freeRange = (DateRange)freetimes.get(0);
            Date freeStart = freeRange.getStartDateTime().toJavaDate();
            Date freeEnd = freeRange.getEndDateTime().toJavaDate();
            if ( start.getTime() != freeStart.getTime() || 
                 end.getTime() != freeEnd.getTime() ) {
            // It's completely free.  Add it to the list.
    finally {
    return rooms;
源代码13 项目: MorphoLibJ   文件:
public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent evt) 
	if (gd.wasCanceled() || gd.wasOKed()) 
		return true;
	Vector choices = gd.getChoices();
	if (choices == null) 
		IJ.log("empty choices array...");
		return false;
	// Change of the data table
       if (evt.getSource() == choices.get(0)) 
		String tableName = ((Choice) evt.getSource()).getSelectedItem();
		Frame tableFrame = WindowManager.getFrame(tableName);
		this.table = ((TextWindow) tableFrame).getTextPanel().getResultsTable();
		// Choose current heading
		String[] headings = this.table.getHeadings();
		String defaultHeading = headings[0];
		if (defaultHeading.equals("Label") && headings.length > 1) 
			defaultHeading = headings[1];
		Choice headingChoice = (Choice) choices.get(1);
		for (String heading : headings) 

	// Change of the column heading
	if (evt.getSource() == choices.get(1)) 
		String headerName = ((Choice) evt.getSource()).getSelectedItem();
	return true;
源代码14 项目: hortonmachine   文件:
 * Configure the geometry of the polylines in a DWG file from the vertex list in
 * this DWG file. This geometry is given by an array of Points
 * Besides, manage closed polylines and polylines with bulges in a GIS Data model.
 * It means that the arcs of the polylines will be done through a curvature
 * parameter called bulge associated with the points of the polyline.
public void calculateCadModelDwgPolylines() {
    for( int i = 0; i < dwgObjects.size(); i++ ) {
        DwgObject pol = (DwgObject) dwgObjects.get(i);
        if (pol instanceof DwgPolyline2D) {
            int flags = ((DwgPolyline2D) pol).getFlags();
            int firstHandle = ((DwgPolyline2D) pol).getFirstVertexHandle();
            int lastHandle = ((DwgPolyline2D) pol).getLastVertexHandle();
            Vector pts = new Vector();
            Vector bulges = new Vector();
            double[] pt = new double[3];
            for( int j = 0; j < dwgObjects.size(); j++ ) {
                DwgObject firstVertex = (DwgObject) dwgObjects.get(j);
                if (firstVertex instanceof DwgVertex2D) {
                    int vertexHandle = firstVertex.getHandle();
                    if (vertexHandle == firstHandle) {
                        int k = 0;
                        while( true ) {
                            DwgObject vertex = (DwgObject) dwgObjects.get(j + k);
                            int vHandle = vertex.getHandle();
                            if (vertex instanceof DwgVertex2D) {
                                pt = ((DwgVertex2D) vertex).getPoint();
                                pts.add(new Point2D.Double(pt[0], pt[1]));
                                double bulge = ((DwgVertex2D) vertex).getBulge();
                                bulges.add(new Double(bulge));
                                if (vHandle == lastHandle && vertex instanceof DwgVertex2D) {
                            } else if (vertex instanceof DwgSeqend) {
            if (pts.size() > 0) {
                /*Point2D[] newPts = new Point2D[pts.size()];
                 if ((flags & 0x1)==0x1) {
                 newPts = new Point2D[pts.size()+1];
                 for (int j=0;j<pts.size();j++) {
                 newPts[j] = (Point2D)pts.get(j);
                 newPts[pts.size()] = (Point2D)pts.get(0);
                 bulges.add(new Double(0));
                 } else {
                 for (int j=0;j<pts.size();j++) {
                 newPts[j] = (Point2D)pts.get(j);
                double[] bs = new double[bulges.size()];
                for( int j = 0; j < bulges.size(); j++ ) {
                    bs[j] = ((Double) bulges.get(j)).doubleValue();
                ((DwgPolyline2D) pol).setBulges(bs);
                // Point2D[] points = GisModelCurveCalculator.calculateGisModelBulge(newPts,
                // bs);
                Point2D[] points = new Point2D[pts.size()];
                for( int j = 0; j < pts.size(); j++ ) {
                    points[j] = (Point2D) pts.get(j);
                ((DwgPolyline2D) pol).setPts(points);
            } else {
                // System.out.println("Encontrada polil�nea sin puntos ...");
                // TODO: No se debe mandar nunca una polil�nea sin puntos, si esto
                // ocurre es porque existe un error que hay que corregir ...
        } else if (pol instanceof DwgPolyline3D) {
        } else if (pol instanceof DwgLwPolyline && ((DwgLwPolyline) pol).getVertices() != null) {
源代码15 项目:   文件:
BundleRevisionsImpl(Vector<BundleGeneration> generations) {
  this.generations = generations;
源代码16 项目: TFC2   文件:
private Vector<Edge> reorderEdges(Vector<Edge> origEdges, Class criterion)
	int i = 0;
	int n = origEdges.size();
	Edge edge;
	// we're going to reorder the edges in order of traversal
	Vector<Boolean> done = new Vector<Boolean>();
	int nDone = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

	Vector<Edge> newEdges = new Vector<Edge>();
	i = 0;
	edge = origEdges.get(i);
	ICoord firstPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._leftVertex : edge.getLeftSite();
	ICoord lastPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._rightVertex : edge.getRightSite();

	if (firstPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY || lastPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY)
		return new Vector<Edge>();

	done.set(i, true);

	int loops = 0;
	while (nDone < n)
		for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
			if (done.get(i))
			edge = origEdges.get(i);
			ICoord leftPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._leftVertex : edge.getLeftSite();
			ICoord rightPoint = (criterion == Vertex.class) ? edge._rightVertex : edge.getRightSite();
			if (leftPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY || rightPoint == Vertex.VERTEX_AT_INFINITY)
				return new Vector<Edge>();
			if (leftPoint == lastPoint)
				lastPoint = rightPoint;
				done.set(i, true);
			else if (rightPoint == firstPoint)
				firstPoint = leftPoint;
				DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(_edgeOrientations, LR.LEFT);
				DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(newEdges, edge);
				done.set(i, true);
			else if (leftPoint == firstPoint)
				firstPoint = rightPoint;
				DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(_edgeOrientations, LR.RIGHT);
				DelaunayUtil.unshiftArray(newEdges, edge);
				done.set(i, true);
			else if (rightPoint == lastPoint)
				lastPoint = leftPoint;
				done.set(i, true);
			if (done.get(i))
		if (loops > n)

	return newEdges;
源代码17 项目: THULAC-Java   文件:
public int putValues(String sequence, int len) {
	if (len >= this.maxLength) {
		System.err.println("Length larger than maxLength.");
		return 1;

	Vector<Integer> result = this.findBases(this.datSize, SENTENCE_BOUNDARY,
	this.uniBases[0] = result.get(0);
	this.biBases[0] = result.get(1);

	result = this.findBases(this.datSize, SENTENCE_BOUNDARY, sequence.charAt(0));
	this.uniBases[0] = result.get(0);
	this.biBases[1] = result.get(1);
	for (int i = 0; i + 1 < len; i++) {
		result = this.findBases(this.datSize, sequence.charAt(i),
				sequence.charAt(i + 1));
		this.uniBases[i + 1] = result.get(0);
		this.biBases[i + 2] = result.get(1);

	result = this.findBases(this.datSize, (int) sequence.charAt(len - 1),
	this.uniBases[len] = result.get(0);
	this.biBases[len + 1] = result.get(1);

	result = this.findBases(this.datSize, SENTENCE_BOUNDARY, SENTENCE_BOUNDARY);
	this.uniBases[len + 1] = result.get(0);
	this.biBases[len + 2] = result.get(1);

	int base;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		int valueOffset = i * this.model.l_size;
		if ((base = this.uniBases[i + 1]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 49);
		if ((base = this.uniBases[i]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 50);
		if ((base = this.uniBases[i + 2]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 51);
		if ((base = this.biBases[i + 1]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 49);
		if ((base = this.biBases[i + 2]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 50);
		if ((base = this.biBases[i]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 51);
		if ((base = this.biBases[i + 3]) != -1) {
			this.addValues(valueOffset, base, 52);
	return 0;
protected Object readLabel(ViewEntry ve, Vector<Object> columnValues) throws NotesException {
    int idx = getMetaData().labelIndex;
    return idx>=0 ? columnValues.get(idx) : null;
源代码19 项目: davmail   文件:
public void updateVAAndSize(Vector oldsections, Vector newsections) {
  long codebase = findNewVA(this.BaseOfCode, oldsections, newsections);
  long codesize = findNewSize(this.BaseOfCode, oldsections, newsections);
  // System.out.println("New BaseOfCode=" + codebase + " (size=" + codesize + ")");
  this.BaseOfCode = codebase;
  this.SizeOfCode = codesize;

  this.AddressOfEntryPoint = findNewVA(this.AddressOfEntryPoint, oldsections, newsections);

  long database = findNewVA(this.BaseOfData, oldsections, newsections);
  long datasize = findNewSize(this.BaseOfData, oldsections, newsections);
  // System.out.println("New BaseOfData=" + database + " (size=" + datasize + ")");
  this.BaseOfData = database;

  long imagesize = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < newsections.size(); i++) {
    PESection sect = (PESection)newsections.get(i);
    long curmax = sect.VirtualAddress + sect.VirtualSize;
          if (curmax > imagesize)
              imagesize = curmax;
  this.SizeOfImage = imagesize;

  // this.SizeOfInitializedData = datasize;

  ExportDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ExportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ExportDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ExportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ImportDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ImportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ImportDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ImportDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ResourceDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ResourceDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ResourceDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ResourceDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ExceptionDirectory_Size = findNewSize(ExceptionDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ExceptionDirectory_VA = findNewVA(ExceptionDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  SecurityDirectory_Size = findNewSize(SecurityDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  SecurityDirectory_VA = findNewVA(SecurityDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  BaseRelocationTable_Size = findNewSize(BaseRelocationTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  BaseRelocationTable_VA = findNewVA(BaseRelocationTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  DebugDirectory_Size = findNewSize(DebugDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  DebugDirectory_VA = findNewVA(DebugDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ArchitectureSpecificData_Size = findNewSize(ArchitectureSpecificData_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ArchitectureSpecificData_VA = findNewVA(ArchitectureSpecificData_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  RVAofGP_Size = findNewSize(RVAofGP_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  RVAofGP_VA = findNewVA(RVAofGP_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  TLSDirectory_Size = findNewSize(TLSDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  TLSDirectory_VA = findNewVA(TLSDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  LoadConfigurationDirectory_Size = findNewSize(LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA = findNewVA(LoadConfigurationDirectory_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_Size = findNewSize(BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA = findNewVA(BoundImportDirectoryinheaders_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ImportAddressTable_Size = findNewSize(ImportAddressTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  ImportAddressTable_VA = findNewVA(ImportAddressTable_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  DelayLoadImportDescriptors_Size = findNewSize(DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA = findNewVA(DelayLoadImportDescriptors_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  COMRuntimedescriptor_Size = findNewSize(COMRuntimedescriptor_VA, oldsections, newsections);
  COMRuntimedescriptor_VA = findNewVA(COMRuntimedescriptor_VA, oldsections, newsections);
源代码20 项目: KEEL   文件:
   * Returns a nominal representation of a attribute's real value given as argument.
   * @param atributo Attribute given.
   * @param valorReal Real value of the attribute given.
   * @return Returns a nominal representation of a attribute's real value.
public static String valorNominal(int atributo, double valorReal) {
  Vector nominales = Attributes.getInputAttribute(atributo).
  return (String) nominales.get( (int) valorReal);