org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField#stringValue ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField#stringValue ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jstarcraft-core   文件:
public Object decode(LuceneContext context, String path, Field field, LuceneStore annotation, Type type, NavigableMap<String, IndexableField> indexables) {
    String from = path;
    char character = path.charAt(path.length() - 1);
    String to = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1) + character;
    indexables = indexables.subMap(from, true, to, false);
    IndexableField indexable = indexables.firstEntry().getValue();
    return indexable.stringValue();
源代码2 项目: Elasticsearch   文件:
public String get(String name) {
    for (IndexableField f : fields) {
        if ( && f.stringValue() != null) {
            return f.stringValue();
    return null;
源代码3 项目: SearchServices   文件:
public Set<Long> getErrorDocIds() throws IOException
    Set<Long> errorDocIds = new HashSet<>();
    RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> refCounted = null;
        refCounted = this.core.getSearcher();
        SolrIndexSearcher searcher = refCounted.get();
        TermQuery errorQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD_DOC_TYPE, DOC_TYPE_ERROR_NODE));
        DocListCollector docListCollector = new DocListCollector();, docListCollector);
        IntArrayList docList = docListCollector.getDocs();
        int size = docList.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            int doc = docList.get(i);
            Document document = searcher.doc(doc, REQUEST_ONLY_ID_FIELD);
            IndexableField id = document.getField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID);
            String idString = id.stringValue();

            if (idString.startsWith(PREFIX_ERROR))
                idString = idString.substring(PREFIX_ERROR.length());

    return errorDocIds;
private static String getFieldString(Document document, String name) {
    IndexableField field = document.getField(name);
    if (field == null) {
        return null;

    return field.stringValue();
源代码5 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
private static Object getValueFromField(Object expectedValue, IndexableField field) {
  if (expectedValue instanceof String) {
    return field.stringValue();
  } else if (expectedValue instanceof byte[]) {
    return field.binaryValue().bytes;

  return field.numericValue();
源代码6 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
static DocumentField of(FieldInfo finfo, IndexableField field, IndexReader reader, int docId)
    throws IOException {


  DocumentField dfield = new DocumentField(); =;
  dfield.idxOptions = finfo.getIndexOptions();
  dfield.hasTermVectors = finfo.hasVectors();
  dfield.hasPayloads = finfo.hasPayloads();
  dfield.hasNorms = finfo.hasNorms();

  if (finfo.hasNorms()) {
    NumericDocValues norms = MultiDocValues.getNormValues(reader,;
    if (norms.advanceExact(docId)) {
      dfield.norm = norms.longValue();

  dfield.dvType = finfo.getDocValuesType();

  dfield.pointDimensionCount = finfo.getPointDimensionCount();
  dfield.pointNumBytes = finfo.getPointNumBytes();

  if (field != null) {
    dfield.isStored = field.fieldType().stored();
    dfield.stringValue = field.stringValue();
    if (field.binaryValue() != null) {
      dfield.binaryValue = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(field.binaryValue());
    dfield.numericValue = field.numericValue();

  return dfield;
源代码7 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Find words for a more-like-this query former.
 * @param docNum the id of the lucene document from which to find terms
private PriorityQueue<ScoreTerm> retrieveTerms(int docNum) throws IOException {
  Map<String, Map<String, Int>> field2termFreqMap = new HashMap<>();
  for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
    final Fields vectors = ir.getTermVectors(docNum);
    final Terms vector;
    if (vectors != null) {
      vector = vectors.terms(fieldName);
    } else {
      vector = null;

    // field does not store term vector info
    if (vector == null) {
      Document d = ir.document(docNum);
      IndexableField[] fields = d.getFields(fieldName);
      for (IndexableField field : fields) {
        final String stringValue = field.stringValue();
        if (stringValue != null) {
          addTermFrequencies(new StringReader(stringValue), field2termFreqMap, fieldName);
    } else {
      addTermFrequencies(field2termFreqMap, vector, fieldName);

  return createQueue(field2termFreqMap);
源代码8 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Returns an array of values of the field specified as the method parameter.
 * This method returns an empty array when there are no
 * matching fields.  It never returns null.
 * For a numeric {@link StoredField} it returns the string value of the number. If you want
 * the actual numeric field instances back, use {@link #getFields}.
 * @param name the name of the field
 * @return a <code>String[]</code> of field values
public final String[] getValues(String name) {
  List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
  for (IndexableField field : fields) {
    if ( && field.stringValue() != null) {
  if (result.size() == 0) {
    return NO_STRINGS;
  return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
源代码9 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public String toExternal(IndexableField f) {
  if (null != f.binaryValue()) {
    return indexedToReadable(f.binaryValue().utf8ToString());
  if (null != f.stringValue()) {
    return indexedToReadable(f.stringValue());
  return null;
源代码10 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public float score() throws IOException {

  try {
    final Document document = context.reader().document(itr.docID(),
    final IndexableField indexableField = document.getField(field);
    if (indexableField == null) {
      return getDefaultValue();
    final Number number = indexableField.numericValue();
    if (number != null) {
      return number.floatValue();
    } else {
      final String string = indexableField.stringValue();
      if (string.length() == 1) {
        // boolean values in the index are encoded with the
        // a single char contained in TRUE_TOKEN or FALSE_TOKEN
        // (see BoolField)
        if (string.charAt(0) == BoolField.TRUE_TOKEN[0]) {
          return 1;
        if (string.charAt(0) == BoolField.FALSE_TOKEN[0]) {
          return 0;
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    throw new FeatureException(
        e.toString() + ": " +
            "Unable to extract feature for "
            + name, e);
  return getDefaultValue();
源代码11 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
protected String convertFieldValue(Object val) {
  if (val instanceof IndexableField) {
    IndexableField f = (IndexableField)val;
    return f.stringValue();
  return val.toString();
源代码12 项目: vxquery   文件:
boolean isDirectChildAttribute(IndexableField child, IndexableField adult) {
    String childId = child.stringValue();
    String adultId = adult.stringValue();

    String childPath = childId.substring(0, childId.lastIndexOf('.'));
    String adultPath = adultId.substring(0, adultId.lastIndexOf('.'));
    adultPath = adultPath.replaceFirst(":", ".");
    String[] childSegments = child.stringValue().split("\\.");

    String childType = childSegments[childSegments.length - 1];

    return childPath.startsWith(adultPath + ":") && "attribute".equals(childType);
源代码13 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Convert the stored-field format to an external (string, human readable)
 * value
 * @see #toInternal
public String toExternal(IndexableField f) {
  // currently used in writing XML of the search result (but perhaps
  // a more efficient toXML(IndexableField f, Writer w) should be used
  // in the future.
  String val = f.stringValue();
  if (val == null) {
    // docValues will use the binary value
    val = f.binaryValue().utf8ToString();
  return val;
源代码14 项目: vxquery   文件:
private int buildElement(ArrayBackedValueStorage abvsFileNode, int fieldNum) throws SAXException {
    int whereIFinish = fieldNum;
    IndexableField field = fields.get(fieldNum);
    String contents = field.stringValue();
    String uri = "";
    IndexAttributes atts = new IndexAttributes();
    int firstColon = contents.indexOf(':');
    int lastDot = contents.lastIndexOf('.');
    String type = contents.substring(lastDot + 1);
    String lastBit = contents.substring(firstColon + 1, lastDot);
    int dots = contents.indexOf(".");
    int nextdot;
    String element = "";
    int elements = 0;
    if (this.firstElement) {
        this.firstElement = false;
        while (dots < firstColon) {
            nextdot = dots;
            dots = contents.indexOf(".", dots + 1);
            element = contents.substring(nextdot + 1, dots);
            if (dots > firstColon) {
                element = contents.substring(nextdot + 1, firstColon);
            handler.startElement(uri, element, element, (Attributes) atts);

    if ("textnode".equals(type)) {
        char[] charContents = lastBit.toCharArray();
        handler.characters(charContents, 0, charContents.length);

    if ("element".equals(type)) {
        whereIFinish = findAttributeChildren(whereIFinish, atts);
        handler.startElement(uri, lastBit, lastBit, (Attributes) atts);

        boolean noMoreChildren = false;

        while (whereIFinish + 1 < fields.size() && !noMoreChildren) {
            if (isChild(fields.get(whereIFinish + 1), field)) {
                whereIFinish = buildElement(abvsFileNode, whereIFinish + 1);
            } else {
                noMoreChildren = true;

        handler.endElement(uri, lastBit, lastBit);


    while (elements > 0) {
        handler.endElement(uri, element, element);
    return whereIFinish;
源代码15 项目: SearchServices   文件:
public List<NodeMetaData> getCascadeNodes(List<Long> txnIds) throws IOException, JSONException
    List<FieldInstance> list = dataModel.getIndexedFieldNamesForProperty(ContentModel.PROP_CASCADE_TX).getFields();
    FieldInstance fieldInstance = list.get(0);

    RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> refCounted = null;
    IntArrayList docList;
    Set<Long> parentNodesId = new HashSet<>();

        refCounted = core.getSearcher();
        SolrIndexSearcher searcher = refCounted.get();
        String field = fieldInstance.getField();
        SchemaField schemaField = searcher.getSchema().getField(field);
        FieldType fieldType = schemaField.getType();
        BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
        BooleanQuery booleanQuery;

        for(Long l : txnIds)
            BytesRefBuilder bytesRefBuilder = new BytesRefBuilder();
            fieldType.readableToIndexed(l.toString(), bytesRefBuilder);
            TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(field, bytesRefBuilder.toBytesRef()));
            BooleanClause booleanClause = new BooleanClause(termQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

        booleanQuery =;

        DocListCollector collector = new DocListCollector();, collector);
        docList = collector.getDocs();
        int size = docList.size();
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
            int docId = docList.get(i);
            Document document = searcher.doc(docId, REQUEST_ONLY_ID_FIELD);
            IndexableField indexableField = document.getField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID);
            String id = indexableField.stringValue();
            TenantDbId ids = AlfrescoSolrDataModel.decodeNodeDocumentId(id);

    List<NodeMetaData> allNodeMetaDatas = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Long parentNodeId : parentNodesId)
        NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
        // Gets only one
        Optional<Collection<NodeMetaData>> nodeMetaDatas = getNodesMetaDataFromRepository(nmdp);

    return allNodeMetaDatas;
源代码16 项目: incubator-retired-blur   文件:
 * NOTE: This method will not preserve the correct field types.
 * @param preTag
 * @param postTag
public static Document highlight(int docId, Document document, Query query, FieldManager fieldManager,
    IndexReader reader, String preTag, String postTag) throws IOException, InvalidTokenOffsetsException {

  String fieldLessFieldName = fieldManager.getFieldLessFieldName();

  Query fixedQuery = fixSuperQuery(query, null, fieldLessFieldName);

  Analyzer analyzer = fieldManager.getAnalyzerForQuery();

  SimpleHTMLFormatter htmlFormatter = new SimpleHTMLFormatter(preTag, postTag);
  Document result = new Document();
  for (IndexableField f : document) {
    String name =;
    if (fieldLessFieldName.equals(name) || FIELDS_NOT_TO_HIGHLIGHT.contains(name)) {
    String text = f.stringValue();
    Number numericValue = f.numericValue();

    Query fieldFixedQuery;
    if (fieldManager.isFieldLessIndexed(name)) {
      fieldFixedQuery = fixSuperQuery(query, name, fieldLessFieldName);
    } else {
      fieldFixedQuery = fixedQuery;

    if (numericValue != null) {
      if (shouldNumberBeHighlighted(name, numericValue, fieldFixedQuery)) {
        String numberHighlight = preTag + text + postTag;
        result.add(new StringField(name, numberHighlight, Store.YES));
    } else {
      Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(htmlFormatter, new QueryScorer(fieldFixedQuery, name));
      TokenStream tokenStream = TokenSources.getAnyTokenStream(reader, docId, name, analyzer);
      TextFragment[] frag = highlighter.getBestTextFragments(tokenStream, text, false, 10);
      for (int j = 0; j < frag.length; j++) {
        if ((frag[j] != null) && (frag[j].getScore() > 0)) {
          result.add(new StringField(name, frag[j].toString(), Store.YES));
  return result;
源代码17 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * build a list of classification results from search results
 * @param topDocs the search results as a {@link TopDocs} object
 * @return a {@link List} of {@link ClassificationResult}, one for each existing class
 * @throws IOException if it's not possible to get the stored value of class field
protected List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> buildListFromTopDocs(TopDocs topDocs) throws IOException {
  Map<BytesRef, Integer> classCounts = new HashMap<>();
  Map<BytesRef, Double> classBoosts = new HashMap<>(); // this is a boost based on class ranking positions in topDocs
  float maxScore = topDocs.totalHits.value == 0 ? Float.NaN : topDocs.scoreDocs[0].score;
  for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) {
    IndexableField[] storableFields = indexSearcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc).getFields(classFieldName);
    for (IndexableField singleStorableField : storableFields) {
      if (singleStorableField != null) {
        BytesRef cl = new BytesRef(singleStorableField.stringValue());
      //update count
        classCounts.merge(cl, 1, (a, b) -> a + b);
      //update boost, the boost is based on the best score
      Double totalBoost = classBoosts.get(cl);
      double singleBoost = scoreDoc.score / maxScore;
      if (totalBoost != null) {
        classBoosts.put(cl, totalBoost + singleBoost);
      } else {
        classBoosts.put(cl, singleBoost);
  List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
  List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> temporaryList = new ArrayList<>();
  int sumdoc = 0;
  for (Map.Entry<BytesRef, Integer> entry : classCounts.entrySet()) {
    Integer count = entry.getValue();
    Double normBoost = classBoosts.get(entry.getKey()) / count; //the boost is normalized to be 0<b<1
    temporaryList.add(new ClassificationResult<>(entry.getKey().clone(), (count * normBoost) / (double) k));
    sumdoc += count;

  if (sumdoc < k) {
    for (ClassificationResult<BytesRef> cr : temporaryList) {
      returnList.add(new ClassificationResult<>(cr.getAssignedClass(), cr.getScore() * k / (double) sumdoc));
  } else {
    returnList = temporaryList;
  return returnList;
源代码18 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * build a list of classification results from search results
 * @param topDocs the search results as a {@link TopDocs} object
 * @return a {@link List} of {@link ClassificationResult}, one for each existing class
 * @throws IOException if it's not possible to get the stored value of class field
private List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> buildListFromTopDocs(TopDocs topDocs) throws IOException {
  Map<BytesRef, Integer> classCounts = new HashMap<>();
  Map<BytesRef, Double> classBoosts = new HashMap<>(); // this is a boost based on class ranking positions in topDocs
  float maxScore = topDocs.totalHits.value == 0 ? Float.NaN : topDocs.scoreDocs[0].score;
  for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) {
    IndexableField storableField = indexSearcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc).getField(classFieldName);
    if (storableField != null) {
      BytesRef cl = new BytesRef(storableField.stringValue());
      //update count
      classCounts.merge(cl, 1, (a, b) -> a + b);
      //update boost, the boost is based on the best score
      Double totalBoost = classBoosts.get(cl);
      double singleBoost = scoreDoc.score / maxScore;
      if (totalBoost != null) {
        classBoosts.put(cl, totalBoost + singleBoost);
      } else {
        classBoosts.put(cl, singleBoost);
  List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
  List<ClassificationResult<BytesRef>> temporaryList = new ArrayList<>();
  int sumdoc = 0;
  for (Map.Entry<BytesRef, Integer> entry : classCounts.entrySet()) {
    Integer count = entry.getValue();
    Double normBoost = classBoosts.get(entry.getKey()) / count; //the boost is normalized to be 0<b<1
    temporaryList.add(new ClassificationResult<>(entry.getKey().clone(), (count * normBoost) / (double) k));
    sumdoc += count;

  if (sumdoc < k) {
    for (ClassificationResult<BytesRef> cr : temporaryList) {
      returnList.add(new ClassificationResult<>(cr.getAssignedClass(), cr.getScore() * k / (double) sumdoc));
  } else {
    returnList = temporaryList;
  return returnList;
public void writeField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field)
    throws IOException {


  int bits = 0;
  final BytesRef bytes;
  final String string;

  Number number = field.numericValue();
  if (number != null) {
    if (number instanceof Byte || number instanceof Short || number instanceof Integer) {
      bits = NUMERIC_INT;
    } else if (number instanceof Long) {
      bits = NUMERIC_LONG;
    } else if (number instanceof Float) {
      bits = NUMERIC_FLOAT;
    } else if (number instanceof Double) {
      bits = NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.getClass());
    string = null;
    bytes = null;
  } else {
    bytes = field.binaryValue();
    if (bytes != null) {
      bits = BYTE_ARR;
      string = null;
    } else {
      bits = STRING;
      string = field.stringValue();
      if (string == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("field " + + " is stored but does not have binaryValue, stringValue nor numericValue");

  final long infoAndBits = (((long) info.number) << TYPE_BITS) | bits;

  if (bytes != null) {
    bufferedDocs.writeBytes(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, bytes.length);
  } else if (string != null) {
  } else {
    if (number instanceof Byte || number instanceof Short || number instanceof Integer) {
    } else if (number instanceof Long) {
      writeTLong(bufferedDocs, number.longValue());
    } else if (number instanceof Float) {
      writeZFloat(bufferedDocs, number.floatValue());
    } else if (number instanceof Double) {
      writeZDouble(bufferedDocs, number.doubleValue());
    } else {
      throw new AssertionError("Cannot get here");
源代码20 项目: HongsCORE   文件:
public Object get(IndexableField f) {
    return f.stringValue();