
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Restore a {@link ForUtil} from a {@link DataInput}.
ForUtil(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  int packedIntsVersion = in.readVInt();
  encodedSizes = new int[33];
  encoders = new PackedInts.Encoder[33];
  decoders = new PackedInts.Decoder[33];
  iterations = new int[33];

  for (int bpv = 1; bpv <= 32; ++bpv) {
    final int code = in.readVInt();
    final int formatId = code >>> 5;
    final int bitsPerValue = (code & 31) + 1;

    final PackedInts.Format format = PackedInts.Format.byId(formatId);
    assert format.isSupported(bitsPerValue);
    encodedSizes[bpv] = encodedSize(format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
    encoders[bpv] = PackedInts.getEncoder(
        format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
    decoders[bpv] = PackedInts.getDecoder(
        format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
    iterations[bpv] = computeIterations(decoders[bpv]);
源代码2 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode13(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 26);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 26, longs, 0, 3, MASK16_13);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 26; iter < 2; ++iter, tmpIdx += 13, longsIdx += 3) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK16_3) << 10;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK16_3) << 7;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK16_3) << 4;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+3] & MASK16_3) << 1;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+4] >>> 2) & MASK16_1;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
    long l1 = (tmp[tmpIdx+4] & MASK16_2) << 11;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+5] & MASK16_3) << 8;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+6] & MASK16_3) << 5;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+7] & MASK16_3) << 2;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+8] >>> 1) & MASK16_2;
    longs[longsIdx+1] = l1;
    long l2 = (tmp[tmpIdx+8] & MASK16_1) << 12;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+9] & MASK16_3) << 9;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+10] & MASK16_3) << 6;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+11] & MASK16_3) << 3;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+12] & MASK16_3) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+2] = l2;
源代码3 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private void replayAddDocument(Connection c, NodeProcess primary, DataInput in) throws IOException {
  String id = in.readString();

  Document doc = new Document();
  doc.add(new StringField("docid", id, Field.Store.YES));

  String title = readNullableString(in);
  if (title != null) {
    doc.add(new StringField("title", title, Field.Store.NO));
    doc.add(new TextField("titleTokenized", title, Field.Store.NO));
  String body = readNullableString(in);
  if (body != null) {
    doc.add(new TextField("body", body, Field.Store.NO));
  String marker = readNullableString(in);
  if (marker != null) {
    //TestStressNRTReplication.message("xlog: replay marker=" + id);
    doc.add(new StringField("marker", marker, Field.Store.YES));

  // For both add and update originally, we use updateDocument to replay,
  // because the doc could in fact already be in the index:
  // nocomit what if this fails?
  primary.addOrUpdateDocument(c, doc, false);
源代码4 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private void handleAddDocument(DataInput in, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
  int fieldCount = in.readVInt();
  Document doc = new Document();
  for(int i=0;i<fieldCount;i++) {
    String name = in.readString();
    String value = in.readString();
    // NOTE: clearly NOT general!
    if (name.equals("docid") || name.equals("marker")) {
      doc.add(new StringField(name, value, Field.Store.YES));
    } else if (name.equals("title")) {
      doc.add(new StringField("title", value, Field.Store.YES));
      doc.add(new Field("titleTokenized", value, tokenizedWithTermVectors));
    } else if (name.equals("body")) {
      doc.add(new Field("body", value, tokenizedWithTermVectors));
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled field name " + name);
源代码5 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public static FuzzySet deserialize(DataInput in) throws IOException
  int version=in.readInt();
  if (version == VERSION_SPI) {
  final HashFunction hashFunction = hashFunctionForVersion(version);
  int bloomSize=in.readInt();
  int numLongs=in.readInt();
  long[]longs=new long[numLongs];
  for (int i = 0; i < numLongs; i++) {
  FixedBitSet bits = new FixedBitSet(longs,bloomSize+1);
  return new FuzzySet(bits,bloomSize,hashFunction);
源代码6 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
/** Pulls bytes from the provided IndexInput.  */
public BytesStore(DataInput in, long numBytes, int maxBlockSize) throws IOException {
  int blockSize = 2;
  int blockBits = 1;
  while(blockSize < numBytes && blockSize < maxBlockSize) {
    blockSize *= 2;
  this.blockBits = blockBits;
  this.blockSize = blockSize;
  this.blockMask = blockSize-1;
  long left = numBytes;
  while(left > 0) {
    final int chunk = (int) Math.min(blockSize, left);
    byte[] block = new byte[chunk];
    in.readBytes(block, 0, block.length);
    left -= chunk;

  // So .getPosition still works
  nextWrite = blocks.get(blocks.size()-1).length;
源代码7 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public BlockHeader read(DataInput input, BlockHeader reuse) throws IOException {
  int linesCount = input.readVInt();
  if (linesCount <= 0 || linesCount > UniformSplitTermsWriter.MAX_NUM_BLOCK_LINES) {
    throw new CorruptIndexException("Illegal number of lines in block: " + linesCount, input);

  long baseDocsFP = input.readVLong();
  long basePositionsFP = input.readVLong();
  long basePayloadsFP = input.readVLong();

  int termStatesBaseOffset = input.readVInt();
  if (termStatesBaseOffset < 0) {
    throw new CorruptIndexException("Illegal termStatesBaseOffset= " + termStatesBaseOffset, input);
  int middleTermOffset = input.readVInt();
  if (middleTermOffset < 0) {
    throw new CorruptIndexException("Illegal middleTermOffset= " + middleTermOffset, input);

  BlockHeader blockHeader = reuse == null ? new BlockHeader() : reuse;
  return blockHeader.reset(linesCount, baseDocsFP, basePositionsFP, basePayloadsFP, termStatesBaseOffset, middleTermOffset);
源代码8 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode20(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 40);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 40, longs, 0, 12, MASK32_20);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 40; iter < 8; ++iter, tmpIdx += 5, longsIdx += 3) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK32_12) << 8;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] >>> 4) & MASK32_8;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
    long l1 = (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK32_4) << 16;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK32_12) << 4;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+3] >>> 8) & MASK32_4;
    longs[longsIdx+1] = l1;
    long l2 = (tmp[tmpIdx+3] & MASK32_8) << 12;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+4] & MASK32_12) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+2] = l2;
源代码9 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public Object read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  final long code = in.readVLong();
  if ((code & 1) == 0) {
    // single long
    final long v = code >>> 1;
    if (v == 0) {
      return NO_OUTPUT;
    } else {
      return Long.valueOf(v);
  } else {
    // two longs
    final long first = code >>> 1;
    final long second = in.readVLong();
    return new TwoLongs(first, second);
源代码10 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Creates an array with content retrieved from the given DataInput.
 * @param in       a DataInput, positioned at the start of Packed64-content.
 * @param valueCount  the number of elements.
 * @param bitsPerValue the number of bits available for any given value.
 * @throws if the values for the backing array could not
 *                             be retrieved.
public Packed64(int packedIntsVersion, DataInput in, int valueCount, int bitsPerValue)
                                                          throws IOException {
  super(valueCount, bitsPerValue);
  final PackedInts.Format format = PackedInts.Format.PACKED;
  final long byteCount = format.byteCount(packedIntsVersion, valueCount, bitsPerValue); // to know how much to read
  final int longCount = format.longCount(PackedInts.VERSION_CURRENT, valueCount, bitsPerValue); // to size the array
  blocks = new long[longCount];
  // read as many longs as we can
  for (int i = 0; i < byteCount / 8; ++i) {
    blocks[i] = in.readLong();
  final int remaining = (int) (byteCount % 8);
  if (remaining != 0) {
    // read the last bytes
    long lastLong = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < remaining; ++i) {
      lastLong |= (in.readByte() & 0xFFL) << (56 - i * 8);
    blocks[blocks.length - 1] = lastLong;
  maskRight = ~0L << (BLOCK_SIZE-bitsPerValue) >>> (BLOCK_SIZE-bitsPerValue);
  bpvMinusBlockSize = bitsPerValue - BLOCK_SIZE;
源代码11 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void countFSTArcs(String fstFilePath) throws IOException {
  byte[] buf = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(fstFilePath));
  DataInput in = new ByteArrayDataInput(buf);
  FST<BytesRef> fst = new FST<>(in, in, ByteSequenceOutputs.getSingleton());
  BytesRefFSTEnum<BytesRef> fstEnum = new BytesRefFSTEnum<>(fst);
  int binarySearchArcCount = 0, directAddressingArcCount = 0, listArcCount = 0;
  while( != null) {
    if (fstEnum.arcs[fstEnum.upto].bytesPerArc() == 0) {
      listArcCount ++;
    } else if (fstEnum.arcs[fstEnum.upto].nodeFlags() == FST.ARCS_FOR_DIRECT_ADDRESSING) {
      directAddressingArcCount ++;
    } else {
      binarySearchArcCount ++;
  System.out.println("direct addressing arcs = " + directAddressingArcCount
      + ", binary search arcs = " + binarySearchArcCount
      + " list arcs = " + listArcCount);
 * Reads a double in a variable-length format.  Reads between one and
 * nine bytes. Small integral values typically take fewer bytes.
static double readZDouble(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  int b = in.readByte() & 0xFF;
  if (b == 0xFF) {
    // negative value
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(in.readLong());
  } else if (b == 0xFE) {
    // float
    return Float.intBitsToFloat(in.readInt());
  } else if ((b & 0x80) != 0) {
    // small integer [-1..124]
    return (b & 0x7f) - 1;
  } else {
    // positive double
    long bits = ((long) b) << 56 | ((in.readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << 24) | ((in.readShort() & 0xFFFFL) << 8) | (in.readByte() & 0xFFL);
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(bits);
源代码13 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode5(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 10);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 10, longs, 0, 3, MASK8_5);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 10; iter < 2; ++iter, tmpIdx += 5, longsIdx += 3) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK8_3) << 2;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] >>> 1) & MASK8_2;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
    long l1 = (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK8_1) << 4;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK8_3) << 1;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+3] >>> 2) & MASK8_1;
    longs[longsIdx+1] = l1;
    long l2 = (tmp[tmpIdx+3] & MASK8_2) << 3;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+4] & MASK8_3) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+2] = l2;
源代码14 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode10(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 20);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 20, longs, 0, 6, MASK16_10);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 20; iter < 4; ++iter, tmpIdx += 5, longsIdx += 3) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK16_6) << 4;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] >>> 2) & MASK16_4;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
    long l1 = (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK16_2) << 8;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK16_6) << 2;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+3] >>> 4) & MASK16_2;
    longs[longsIdx+1] = l1;
    long l2 = (tmp[tmpIdx+3] & MASK16_4) << 6;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+4] & MASK16_6) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+2] = l2;
源代码15 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode11(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 22);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 22, longs, 0, 5, MASK16_11);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 22; iter < 2; ++iter, tmpIdx += 11, longsIdx += 5) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK16_5) << 6;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK16_5) << 1;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] >>> 4) & MASK16_1;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
    long l1 = (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK16_4) << 7;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+3] & MASK16_5) << 2;
    l1 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+4] >>> 3) & MASK16_2;
    longs[longsIdx+1] = l1;
    long l2 = (tmp[tmpIdx+4] & MASK16_3) << 8;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+5] & MASK16_5) << 3;
    l2 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+6] >>> 2) & MASK16_3;
    longs[longsIdx+2] = l2;
    long l3 = (tmp[tmpIdx+6] & MASK16_2) << 9;
    l3 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+7] & MASK16_5) << 4;
    l3 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+8] >>> 1) & MASK16_4;
    longs[longsIdx+3] = l3;
    long l4 = (tmp[tmpIdx+8] & MASK16_1) << 10;
    l4 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+9] & MASK16_5) << 5;
    l4 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+10] & MASK16_5) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+4] = l4;
源代码16 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Retrieve PackedInts as a {@link ReaderIterator}
 * @param in positioned at the beginning of a stored packed int structure.
 * @param mem how much memory the iterator is allowed to use to read-ahead (likely to speed up iteration)
 * @return an iterator to access the values
 * @throws IOException if the structure could not be retrieved.
 * @lucene.internal
public static ReaderIterator getReaderIterator(DataInput in, int mem) throws IOException {
  final int version = CodecUtil.checkHeader(in, CODEC_NAME, VERSION_START, VERSION_CURRENT);
  final int bitsPerValue = in.readVInt();
  assert bitsPerValue > 0 && bitsPerValue <= 64: "bitsPerValue=" + bitsPerValue;
  final int valueCount = in.readVInt();
  final Format format = Format.byId(in.readVInt());
  return getReaderIteratorNoHeader(in, format, version, valueCount, bitsPerValue, mem);
源代码17 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
/** Reset the current reader to wrap a stream of <code>valueCount</code>
 * values contained in <code>in</code>. The block size remains unchanged. */
public void reset(DataInput in, long valueCount) { = in;
  assert valueCount >= 0;
  this.valueCount = valueCount;
  off = blockSize;
  ord = 0;
源代码18 项目: crate   文件:
static Checkpoint readCheckpointV5_0_0(final DataInput in) throws IOException {
    final long offset = in.readLong();
    final int numOps = in.readInt();
    final long generation = in.readLong();
    final long minSeqNo = SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
    final long maxSeqNo = SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
    final long globalCheckpoint = SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO;
    final long minTranslogGeneration = -1;
    final long trimmedAboveSeqNo = SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO;
    return new Checkpoint(offset, numOps, generation, minSeqNo, maxSeqNo, globalCheckpoint, minTranslogGeneration, trimmedAboveSeqNo);
源代码19 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private static void decode12(DataInput in, long[] tmp, long[] longs) throws IOException {
  in.readLELongs(tmp, 0, 24);
  shiftLongs(tmp, 24, longs, 0, 4, MASK16_12);
  for (int iter = 0, tmpIdx = 0, longsIdx = 24; iter < 8; ++iter, tmpIdx += 3, longsIdx += 1) {
    long l0 = (tmp[tmpIdx+0] & MASK16_4) << 8;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+1] & MASK16_4) << 4;
    l0 |= (tmp[tmpIdx+2] & MASK16_4) << 0;
    longs[longsIdx+0] = l0;
源代码20 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private String readNullableString(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  byte b = in.readByte();
  if (b == 0) {
    return null;
  } else if (b == 1) {
    return in.readString();
  } else {
    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid string lead byte " + b, in);
源代码21 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
private void checkRandomReads(DataInput is) throws IOException {
  for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
    assertEquals(INTS[i], is.readVInt());
    assertEquals(INTS[i], is.readInt());
    assertEquals(LONGS[i], is.readVLong());
    assertEquals(LONGS[i], is.readLong());
源代码22 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public void skipOutput(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  final int len = in.readVInt();
  if (len != 0) {
源代码23 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public SortField readSortField(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  SortField sf = new SortedSetSortField(in.readString(), in.readInt() == 1, readSelectorType(in));
  int missingValue = in.readInt();
  if (missingValue == 1) {
  else if (missingValue == 2) {
  return sf;
源代码24 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
public SortField readSortField(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  SortField sf = new SortField(in.readString(), readType(in), in.readInt() == 1);
  if (in.readInt() == 1) {
    // missing object
    switch (sf.type) {
      case STRING:
        int missingString = in.readInt();
        if (missingString == 1) {
        else {
      case INT:
      case LONG:
      case FLOAT:
      case DOUBLE:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot deserialize sort of type " + sf.type);
  return sf;
源代码25 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
static long readVLong(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  byte b = in.readByte();
  if (b >= 0) return b;
  long i = b & 0x7FL;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 7;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 14;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 21;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 28;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 35;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 42;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0x7FL) << 49;
  if (b >= 0) return i;
  b = in.readByte();
  i |= (b & 0xFFL) << 56;
  return i;
源代码26 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
BufferedBinaryDocValues(PackedLongValues lengths, int maxLength, DataInput bytesIterator, DocIdSetIterator docsWithFields) {
  this.value = new BytesRefBuilder();
  this.lengthsIterator = lengths.iterator();
  this.bytesIterator = bytesIterator;
  this.docsWithField = docsWithFields;
源代码27 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Reads a {@link BlockTermState} from the provided {@link DataInput}.
 * <p>
 * Simpler variant of {@link Lucene84PostingsReader#decodeTerm(DataInput, FieldInfo, BlockTermState, boolean)}.
 * @param reuse {@link BlockTermState} to reuse; or null to create a new one.
public BlockTermState readTermState(long baseDocStartFP, long basePosStartFP, long basePayStartFP,
                                    DataInput termStatesInput, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState reuse) throws IOException {
  IndexOptions indexOptions = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions();
  boolean hasFreqs = indexOptions != IndexOptions.DOCS;
  boolean hasPositions = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) >= 0;

  IntBlockTermState intTermState = reuse != null ? reset((IntBlockTermState) reuse) : new IntBlockTermState();

  intTermState.docFreq = termStatesInput.readVInt();
  intTermState.totalTermFreq = hasFreqs ?
      intTermState.docFreq + termStatesInput.readVLong() : intTermState.docFreq;
  assert intTermState.totalTermFreq >= intTermState.docFreq;

  if (intTermState.docFreq == 1) {
    intTermState.singletonDocID = termStatesInput.readVInt();
  } else {
    intTermState.docStartFP = baseDocStartFP + termStatesInput.readVLong();

  if (hasPositions) {
    intTermState.posStartFP = basePosStartFP + termStatesInput.readVLong();
    boolean hasOffsets = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
    if (hasOffsets || fieldInfo.hasPayloads()) {
      intTermState.payStartFP = basePayStartFP + termStatesInput.readVLong();
    if (intTermState.totalTermFreq > BLOCK_SIZE) {
      intTermState.lastPosBlockOffset = termStatesInput.readVLong();
  if (intTermState.docFreq > BLOCK_SIZE) {
    intTermState.skipOffset = termStatesInput.readVLong();
  return intTermState;
源代码28 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Skip 128 integers.
void skip(DataInput in) throws IOException {
  final int token = Byte.toUnsignedInt(in.readByte());
  final int bitsPerValue = token & 0x1f;
  final int numExceptions = token >>> 5;
  if (bitsPerValue == 0) {
    in.skipBytes((numExceptions << 1));
  } else {
    in.skipBytes(forUtil.numBytes(bitsPerValue) + (numExceptions << 1));
源代码29 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Reads {@code length} bytes from the given {@link DataInput} and stores
 * them at {@code offset} in {@code bytes.bytes}.
protected void readBytes(DataInput input, BytesRef bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
  assert bytes.offset == 0;
  bytes.length = offset + length;
  bytes.bytes = ArrayUtil.grow(bytes.bytes, bytes.length);
  input.readBytes(bytes.bytes, offset, length);
源代码30 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
protected Collection<FieldMetadata> readEncodedFieldsMetadata(int numFields, DataInput metadataInput, BlockDecoder blockDecoder,
                                                              FieldInfos fieldInfos, FieldMetadata.Serializer fieldMetadataReader,
                                                              int maxNumDocs) throws IOException {
  long encodedLength = metadataInput.readVLong();
  if (encodedLength < 0) {
    throw new CorruptIndexException("Illegal encoded length: " + encodedLength, metadataInput);
  BytesRef decodedBytes = blockDecoder.decode(metadataInput, encodedLength);
  DataInput decodedMetadataInput = new ByteArrayDataInput(decodedBytes.bytes, 0, decodedBytes.length);
  return readUnencodedFieldsMetadata(numFields, decodedMetadataInput, fieldInfos, fieldMetadataReader, maxNumDocs);