java.util.Hashtable#containsKey ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Hashtable#containsKey ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jatecs   文件:
protected Hashtable<String, File> extractValidPaths(File f) {
    Hashtable<String, File> dirs = new Hashtable<String, File>();

    File[] files = f.listFiles(new ValidDirectory());
    if (files.length != 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            Hashtable<String, File> validDirs = extractValidPaths(files[i]);
            Iterator<File> it = validDirs.values().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                File fi =;
                if (!dirs.containsKey(fi.getAbsolutePath()))
                    dirs.put(fi.getAbsolutePath(), fi);
    } else {
        if (!dirs.containsKey(f.getAbsolutePath()))
            dirs.put(f.getAbsolutePath(), f);

    return dirs;
源代码2 项目: MoodleRest   文件:
public MoodleGroup[] __createGroups(String url, String token, MoodleGroup[] group) throws MoodleRestGroupException, UnsupportedEncodingException, MoodleRestException {
    Hashtable hash=new Hashtable();
    StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder();
    String functionCall=MoodleCallRestWebService.isLegacy()?MoodleServices.MOODLE_GROUP_CREATE_GROUPS.toString():MoodleServices.CORE_GROUP_CREATE_GROUPS.toString();
    data.append(URLEncoder.encode("wstoken", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(token, MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("wsfunction", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(functionCall, MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    for (int i=0;i<group.length;i++) {
        if (group[i]==null) throw new MoodleRestGroupException();
        if (group[i].getCourseId()==null) throw new MoodleRestGroupException(); else data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("groups["+i+"][courseid]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+group[i].getCourseId(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
        if (group[i].getName()==null || group[i].getName().equals("")) throw new MoodleRestGroupException(); else data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("groups["+i+"][name]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+group[i].getName(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
        if (group[i].getDescription()==null) throw new MoodleRestGroupException(); else data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("groups["+i+"][description]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+group[i].getDescription(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
        if (group[i].getEnrolmentKey()==null) throw new MoodleRestGroupException(); else data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("groups["+i+"][enrolmentkey]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+group[i].getEnrolmentKey(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    NodeList elements=(new MoodleCallRestWebService()).__call(url,data.toString());
    for (int j=0;j<elements.getLength();j+=5) {
        hash.put(elements.item(j+2).getTextContent(), elements.item(j).getTextContent());
    for (int i=0;i<group.length;i++) {
        if (hash.containsKey(group[i].getName()))
    return group;
private int maxColumns() throws IOException {
	int max = 0;
	InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(csvPath), encoding);
	BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(input);
	Hashtable<String, Integer> table1 = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
	String line = buffer.readLine();
	while (line != null) {
		int i = countColumns(line);
		if (table1.containsKey("" + i)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
			int count = table1.get("" + i).intValue() + 1; //$NON-NLS-1$
			table1.put("" + i, new Integer(count)); //$NON-NLS-1$
		} else {
			table1.put("" + i, new Integer(1)); //$NON-NLS-1$
		line = buffer.readLine();
	Enumeration<String> e = table1.keys();
	String key = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
	while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
		String s = e.nextElement();
		int value = table1.get(s).intValue();
		if (value > max) {
			max = value;
			key = s;
	return Integer.parseInt(key);
 * Check if a bundle uses this service
 * @param b Bundle to check
 * @return true if bundle uses this service
boolean isUsedByBundle(Bundle b) {
  final Hashtable<Bundle, Integer> deps = dependents;
  if (deps != null) {
    boolean res = deps.containsKey(b);
    if (!res) {
      if (prototypeServiceInstances != null) {
        res = prototypeServiceInstances.containsKey(b);
    return res;
  return false;
源代码5 项目: Hidden-Markov-Model   文件:
public boolean isValidTransitionMatrix(Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, Double> transitionMatrix, Vector<String> states) {
    if (transitionMatrix.size() != states.size() * states.size())
        return false;

    Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, Boolean> frequency = new Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, Boolean>();

    for (Pair<String, String> item : transitionMatrix.keySet()) {
        if (frequency.containsKey(item)) {
            return false;
        frequency.put(item, true);

    Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, Boolean> visited = new Hashtable<Pair<String, String>, Boolean>();

    for (Pair<String, String> first : transitionMatrix.keySet()) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        int entered = 0;
        String state = first.getKey();
        for (Pair<String, String> second: transitionMatrix.keySet()) {
            if (state.equals(second.getKey()) && !visited.containsKey(second)) {
                sum += transitionMatrix.get(second);
                visited.put(second, true);

        if (sum != 1.0 && entered > 0) {
            return false;

    return true;
源代码6 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件:
 * Parses a query string passed from the client to the
 * server and builds a <code>HashTable</code> object
 * with key-value pairs. 
 * The query string should be in the form of a string
 * packaged by the GET or POST method, that is, it
 * should have key-value pairs in the form <i>key=value</i>,
 * with each pair separated from the next by a &amp; character.
 * <p>A key can appear more than once in the query string
 * with different values. However, the key appears only once in 
 * the hashtable, with its value being
 * an array of strings containing the multiple values sent
 * by the query string.
 * <p>The keys and values in the hashtable are stored in their
 * decoded form, so
 * any + characters are converted to spaces, and characters
 * sent in hexadecimal notation (like <i>%xx</i>) are
 * converted to ASCII characters.
 * @param s                a string containing the query to be parsed
 * @return                a <code>HashTable</code> object built
 *                         from the parsed key-value pairs
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException        if the query string 
 *                                                is invalid
public static Hashtable<String,String[]> parseQueryString(String s) {

    String valArray[] = null;
    if (s == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    Hashtable<String,String[]> ht = new Hashtable<String,String[]>();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "&");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String pair = st.nextToken();
        int pos = pair.indexOf('=');
        if (pos == -1) {
            // XXX
            // should give more detail about the illegal argument
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        String key = parseName(pair.substring(0, pos), sb);
        String val = parseName(pair.substring(pos+1, pair.length()), sb);
        if (ht.containsKey(key)) {
            String oldVals[] = ht.get(key);
            valArray = new String[oldVals.length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < oldVals.length; i++) 
                valArray[i] = oldVals[i];
            valArray[oldVals.length] = val;
        } else {
            valArray = new String[1];
            valArray[0] = val;
        ht.put(key, valArray);
    return ht;
源代码7 项目: malmo   文件:
public void getReward(MissionInit missionInit, MultidimensionalReward reward) {
    super.getReward(missionInit, reward);
    try {
        Hashtable<String, Object> properties = MalmoMod.getPropertiesForCurrentThread();
        if (properties.containsKey("QuitCode")) {
            float reward_value = parseQuitCode((String) properties.get("QuitCode"));
            reward.add( this.params.getDimension(), reward_value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
源代码8 项目:   文件:
   * Parses a query string passed from the client to the
   * server and builds a <code>HashTable</code> object
   * with key-value pairs.
   * The query string should be in the form of a string
   * packaged by the GET or POST method, that is, it
   * should have key-value pairs in the form <i>key=value</i>,
   * with each pair separated from the next by a &amp; character.
   * <p>A key can appear more than once in the query string
   * with different values. However, the key appears only once in
   * the hashtable, with its value being
   * an array of strings containing the multiple values sent
   * by the query string.
   * <p>The keys and values in the hashtable are stored in their
   * decoded form, so
   * any + characters are converted to spaces, and characters
   * sent in hexadecimal notation (like <i>%xx</i>) are
   * converted to ASCII characters.
   * @param s		a string containing the query to be parsed
   * @return		a <code>HashTable</code> object built
   * 			from the parsed key-value pairs
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException	if the query string
   *						is invalid

static public Hashtable parseQueryString(String s) {

  String valArray[] = null;

  if (s == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "&");
  while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
    String pair = (String)st.nextToken();
    int pos = pair.indexOf('=');
    if (pos == -1) {
      // XXX
      // should give more detail about the illegal argument
      //throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      throw new IllegalArgumentException
        ("Query name, value pair without '=': '" +pair +"'.");
    String key = parseName(pair.substring(0, pos), sb);
    String val = parseName(pair.substring(pos+1, pair.length()), sb);
    if (ht.containsKey(key)) {
      String oldVals[] = (String []) ht.get(key);
      valArray = new String[oldVals.length + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i < oldVals.length; i++)
        valArray[i] = oldVals[i];
      valArray[oldVals.length] = val;
    } else {
      valArray = new String[1];
      valArray[0] = val;
    ht.put(key, valArray);
  return ht;
源代码9 项目: MoodleRest   文件:
 * <p>From Moodle 2.3</p>
 * @param categories
 * @return
 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
 * @throws MoodleRestCourseException
 * @throws MoodleRestException
public static MoodleCategory[] createCategories(MoodleCategory[] categories) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, MoodleRestCourseException, MoodleRestException {
  if (MoodleCallRestWebService.isLegacy()) throw new MoodleRestException(MoodleRestException.NO_LEGACY);
  StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder();
  String functionCall=MoodleServices.CORE_COURSE_CREATE_CATEGORIES.toString();
  if (MoodleCallRestWebService.getAuth()==null)
    throw new MoodleRestCourseException();
  data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("wsfunction", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(functionCall, MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
  Hashtable<String, MoodleCategory> catStore=new Hashtable();
  for (int i=0; i<categories.length; i++) {
    if (categories[i].getName()==null) throw new MoodleRestCourseException(MoodleRestException.REQUIRED_PARAMETER+" name"); data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("categories["+i+"][name]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+categories[i].getName(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    if (categories[i].getParent()!=null) data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("categories["+i+"][parent]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+categories[i].getParent(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    if (categories[i].getIdNumber()!=null) data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("categories["+i+"][idnumber]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+categories[i].getIdNumber(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    if (categories[i].getDescription()!=null) data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("categories["+i+"][description]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+categories[i].getDescription(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    if (categories[i].getTheme()!=null) data.append("&").append(URLEncoder.encode("categories["+i+"][theme]", MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString())).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(""+categories[i].getTheme(), MoodleServices.ENCODING.toString()));
    catStore.put(categories[i].getName(), categories[i]);
  long id=-1;
  for (int i=0;i<elements.getLength();i++) {
    String parent=elements.item(i).getParentNode().getParentNode().getParentNode().getParentNode().getNodeName();
    if (parent.equals("KEY"))
    String content=elements.item(i).getTextContent();
    String nodeName=elements.item(i).getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
    if (parent.equals("RESPONSE") && nodeName.equals("id")) {
    } else {
      if (parent.equals("RESPONSE") && nodeName.equals("name")) {
        if (catStore.containsKey(content))
  return categories;
源代码10 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
private boolean isBinaryValued(String attrid,
                               Hashtable<String, Boolean> binaryAttrs) {
    String id = attrid.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    return ((id.indexOf(";binary") != -1) ||
        defaultBinaryAttrs.containsKey(id) ||
        ((binaryAttrs != null) && (binaryAttrs.containsKey(id))));
源代码11 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
public void buildInformEntries(Hashtable<InetAddress, Vector<String>> dest) {

        JDMHostInform host= (JDMHostInform) jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformInterestedHost hosts= (JDMInformInterestedHost) host.jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformItem inform = (JDMInformItem) hosts.jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformCommunity community = inform.getCommunity();
        String comm = community.getCommunity();

        InetAddress add = null;
        try {
            add =;
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, Host.class.getName(),
                        "Cannot create INFORM entry; got exception", e);

        Vector<String> list = null;
        if (dest.containsKey(add)){
            list = dest.get(add);
            if (!list.contains(comm)){
        } else {
            list = new Vector<String>();
源代码12 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
public void buildTrapEntries(Hashtable<InetAddress, Vector<String>> dest) {

        JDMHostTrap host= (JDMHostTrap) jjtGetParent();
        JDMTrapInterestedHost hosts= (JDMTrapInterestedHost) host.jjtGetParent();
        JDMTrapItem trap = (JDMTrapItem) hosts.jjtGetParent();
        JDMTrapCommunity community = trap.getCommunity();
        String comm = community.getCommunity();

        InetAddress add = null;
        try {
            add =;
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, Host.class.getName(),
                        "Cannot create TRAP entry; got exception", e);

        Vector<String> list = null;
        if (dest.containsKey(add)){
            list = dest.get(add);
            if (!list.contains(comm)){
        } else {
            list = new Vector<String>();
源代码13 项目: hottub   文件:
public void buildInformEntries(Hashtable<InetAddress, Vector<String>> dest) {

        JDMHostInform host= (JDMHostInform) jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformInterestedHost hosts= (JDMInformInterestedHost) host.jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformItem inform = (JDMInformItem) hosts.jjtGetParent();
        JDMInformCommunity community = inform.getCommunity();
        String comm = community.getCommunity();

        InetAddress add = null;
        try {
            add =;
        } catch(UnknownHostException e) {
            if (SNMP_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                SNMP_LOGGER.logp(Level.FINEST, Host.class.getName(),
                        "Cannot create INFORM entry; got exception", e);

        Vector<String> list = null;
        if (dest.containsKey(add)){
            list = dest.get(add);
            if (!list.contains(comm)){
        } else {
            list = new Vector<String>();
源代码14 项目: j2ssh-maverick   文件:
  Grants permission only to those users, who connect from one of the
  hosts registered with add(InetRange,Hashtable) and whose names, as
  reported by identd daemon, are listed for the host the connection
  came from.
public ServerAuthenticator startSession(Socket s)
                           throws IOException{

  int ind = getRangeIndex(s.getInetAddress());
  String user = null;


  if(ind < 0) return null; //Host is not on the list.

  ServerAuthenticatorNone auth = (ServerAuthenticatorNone)

  //System.out.println("super.startSession() returned:"+auth);
  if(auth == null) return null;

  //do the authentication 

  Hashtable<String,Object> user_names = users.elementAt(ind); 

  if(user_names != null){ //If need to do authentication
    Ident ident;
    ident = new Ident(s);
    //If can't obtain user name, fail
    if(!ident.successful) return null;
    //If user name is not listed for this address, fail
    if(!user_names.containsKey(ident.userName)) return null;
    user = ident.userName;
  return new IdentAuthenticator(,auth.out,user);

源代码15 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
public static boolean isHidden(Node node, Hashtable hiddenNodes) {
    if (node instanceof {
        return ((;
    else {
        return hiddenNodes.containsKey(node);
源代码16 项目: MET-CS665   文件:
 * function to set 4 hidden numbers.

public void setNumbers() {
	Hashtable<Integer, Integer> table = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
	for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
		int number = rand.nextInt(10); // initial one number from 0 to 9
		while (table.containsKey(number)) { // check if this number is already in the array
			number = rand.nextInt(10); // keep getting a new random int
		table.put(number, number); // record this number
		numbers[i] = number;
源代码17 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
 * Parses stanza names and values from configuration file to
 * stanzaTable (Hashtable). Hashtable key would be stanza names,
 * (libdefaults, realms, domain_realms, etc), and the hashtable value
 * would be another hashtable which contains the key-value pairs under
 * a stanza name. The value of this sub-hashtable can be another hashtable
 * containing another sub-sub-section or a vector of strings for
 * final values (even if there is only one value defined).
 * <p>
 * For duplicates section names, the latter overwrites the former. For
 * duplicate value names, the values are in a vector in its appearing order.
 * </ol>
 * Please note that this behavior is Java traditional. and it is
 * not the same as the MIT krb5 behavior, where:<ol>
 * <li>Duplicated root sections will be merged
 * <li>For duplicated sub-sections, the former overwrites the latter
 * <li>Duplicate keys for values are always saved in a vector
 * </ol>
 * @param v the strings in the file, never null, might be empty
 * @throws KrbException if there is a file format error
private Hashtable<String,Object> parseStanzaTable(List<String> v)
        throws KrbException {
    Hashtable<String,Object> current = stanzaTable;
    for (String line: v) {
        // There are 3 kinds of lines
        // 1. a = b
        // 2. a = {
        // 3. }
        if (line.equals("}")) {
            // Go back to parent, see below
            current = (Hashtable<String,Object>)current.remove(" PARENT ");
            if (current == null) {
                throw new KrbException("Unmatched close brace");
        } else {
            int pos = line.indexOf('=');
            if (pos < 0) {
                throw new KrbException("Illegal config content:" + line);
            String key = line.substring(0, pos).trim();
            String value = trimmed(line.substring(pos+1));
            if (value.equals("{")) {
                Hashtable<String,Object> subTable;
                if (current == stanzaTable) {
                    key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
                subTable = new Hashtable<>();
                current.put(key, subTable);
                // A special entry for its parent. Put whitespaces around,
                // so will never be confused with a normal key
                subTable.put(" PARENT ", current);
                current = subTable;
            } else {
                Vector<String> values;
                if (current.containsKey(key)) {
                    Object obj = current.get(key);
                    // If a key first shows as a section and then a value,
                    // this is illegal. However, we haven't really forbid
                    // first value then section, which the final result
                    // is a section.
                    if (!(obj instanceof Vector)) {
                        throw new KrbException("Key " + key
                                + "used for both value and section");
                    values = (Vector<String>)current.get(key);
                } else {
                    values = new Vector<String>();
                    current.put(key, values);
    if (current != stanzaTable) {
        throw new KrbException("Not closed");
    return current;
源代码18 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Parses stanza names and values from configuration file to
 * stanzaTable (Hashtable). Hashtable key would be stanza names,
 * (libdefaults, realms, domain_realms, etc), and the hashtable value
 * would be another hashtable which contains the key-value pairs under
 * a stanza name. The value of this sub-hashtable can be another hashtable
 * containing another sub-sub-section or a vector of strings for
 * final values (even if there is only one value defined).
 * <p>
 * For duplicates section names, the latter overwrites the former. For
 * duplicate value names, the values are in a vector in its appearing order.
 * </ol>
 * Please note that this behavior is Java traditional. and it is
 * not the same as the MIT krb5 behavior, where:<ol>
 * <li>Duplicated root sections will be merged
 * <li>For duplicated sub-sections, the former overwrites the latter
 * <li>Duplicate keys for values are always saved in a vector
 * </ol>
 * @param v the strings in the file, never null, might be empty
 * @throws KrbException if there is a file format error
private Hashtable<String,Object> parseStanzaTable(List<String> v)
        throws KrbException {
    Hashtable<String,Object> current = stanzaTable;
    for (String line: v) {
        // There are 3 kinds of lines
        // 1. a = b
        // 2. a = {
        // 3. }
        if (line.equals("}")) {
            // Go back to parent, see below
            current = (Hashtable<String,Object>)current.remove(" PARENT ");
            if (current == null) {
                throw new KrbException("Unmatched close brace");
        } else {
            int pos = line.indexOf('=');
            if (pos < 0) {
                throw new KrbException("Illegal config content:" + line);
            String key = line.substring(0, pos).trim();
            String value = trimmed(line.substring(pos+1));
            if (value.equals("{")) {
                Hashtable<String,Object> subTable;
                if (current == stanzaTable) {
                    key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
                subTable = new Hashtable<>();
                current.put(key, subTable);
                // A special entry for its parent. Put whitespaces around,
                // so will never be confused with a normal key
                subTable.put(" PARENT ", current);
                current = subTable;
            } else {
                Vector<String> values;
                if (current.containsKey(key)) {
                    Object obj = current.get(key);
                    // If a key first shows as a section and then a value,
                    // this is illegal. However, we haven't really forbid
                    // first value then section, which the final result
                    // is a section.
                    if (!(obj instanceof Vector)) {
                        throw new KrbException("Key " + key
                                + "used for both value and section");
                    values = (Vector<String>)current.get(key);
                } else {
                    values = new Vector<String>();
                    current.put(key, values);
    if (current != stanzaTable) {
        throw new KrbException("Not closed");
    return current;
源代码19 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Given this target node, and the array of its source-level children, treat them as follows:
 * 1. The info for a source child who has the same class as this node, is added to this node.
 * Its own children are processed recursively by calling this same method.
 * 2. The first source child whose class is different and was not observed before (not contained
 * in uniqChildCache) is added to uniqChildCache, and to allSourceChildren.
 * 3. All other source children are added to allSourceChildren, but not to uniqChildCache.
protected void processChildren(int dataOfs, int methodNodeOfs, int nChildren, IntVector allSourceChildren,
                               Hashtable uniqChildCache) {
    int thisNodeClassOrPackageId = getMethodIdForNodeOfs(dataOfs);

    int nCalls = 0;
    long time0 = 0;
    long time1 = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++) {
        int sourceChildOfs = sourceContainer.getChildOfsForNodeOfs(methodNodeOfs, i);
        int sourceChildClassOrPackageId = methodIdMap.getClassOrPackageIdForMethodId(sourceContainer.getMethodIdForNodeOfs(sourceChildOfs));

        if (sourceChildClassOrPackageId == thisNodeClassOrPackageId) { // A child node has the same class as this node
            nCalls += sourceContainer.getNCallsForNodeOfs(sourceChildOfs);
            time0 += sourceContainer.getSelfTime0ForNodeOfs(sourceChildOfs);

            if (collectingTwoTimeStamps) {
                time1 += sourceContainer.getSelfTime1ForNodeOfs(sourceChildOfs);

            // sourceChild's children logically become this node's children now.
            int nSourceChildChildren = sourceContainer.getNChildrenForNodeOfs(sourceChildOfs);

            if (nSourceChildChildren > 0) {
                this.processChildren(dataOfs, sourceChildOfs, nSourceChildChildren, allSourceChildren, uniqChildCache);
        } else { // A child node belongs to a different class

            Integer key = Integer.valueOf(sourceChildClassOrPackageId);

            if (!uniqChildCache.containsKey(key)) {
                uniqChildCache.put(key, key);


    nCalls += getNCallsForNodeOfs(dataOfs);
    time0 += getSelfTime0ForNodeOfs(dataOfs);

    if (collectingTwoTimeStamps) {
        time1 += getSelfTime1ForNodeOfs(dataOfs);

    setNCallsForNodeOfs(dataOfs, nCalls);
    setSelfTime0ForNodeOfs(dataOfs, time0);

    if (collectingTwoTimeStamps) {
        setSelfTime1ForNodeOfs(dataOfs, time1);
源代码20 项目: big-data-lite   文件:
public List<MovieTO> getMoviesByMood(int userId) {
    List<MovieTO> movieList = null;
    String search = null;
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    MovieTO movieTO = null;
    MovieDAO movieDAO = new MovieDAO();
    String title = null;
    Hashtable<String, String> movieHash = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    search =
            "SELECT * FROM " + "(SELECT s.MID2 RESMOVIE,  (c.RATING * s.COR) SCORE " +
            "WHERE c.MOVIEID = s.MID1 and s.MID2 != c.MOVIEID and c.USERID = ? " +
            "GROUP BY s.MID2, c.RATING * s.COR " +
            "ORDER by SCORE DESC) " + "WHERE ROWNUM <= 20";
    try {
        if (conn != null) {
            //initialize movieList only when connection is successful
            movieList = new ArrayList<MovieTO>();
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(search);
            stmt.setInt(1, userId);
            rs = stmt.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                //Retrieve by column name
                int id = rs.getInt("RESMOVIE");

                //create new object
                movieTO = movieDAO.getMovieById(id);
                if (movieTO != null) {
                    title = movieTO.getTitle();
                    //Make sure movie title doesn't exist before in the movieHash
                    if (!movieHash.containsKey(title)) {
                        movieHash.put(title, title);
                } //if (movieTO != null)
            } //EOF while
        } //EOF if (conn!=null)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //No Database is running, so can not recommend item-item similarity             
    return movieList;