org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument#getLineInformationOfOffset ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument#getLineInformationOfOffset ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * Insert whitespace (tabs or spaces as appropriate) into document at off
 * When replacing, emacs clears the segment if the line length is less than the column
 * @param document
 * @param column 	the current column of offset
 * @param offset	the point to begin the insertion
 * @param colLen 	the length, in columns, of the insertion
 * @param replace 	replace if true, else add
 * @return the StringBuilder for length testing
 * @throws BadLocationException
public String insertSpaces(IDocument document, int column, int offset, int colLen, boolean replace, boolean force) throws BadLocationException {

	String spaces;
	IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);
	// get the correct number of characters to traverse
	int seglen = lineInfo.getLength() - (offset - lineInfo.getOffset());
	// get the correct offset/column  
	IRegion colEnd = getColumn(document, offset, seglen, colLen);

	if (replace && colEnd.getLength() < colLen )  {
		if (colEnd.getOffset() != offset+seglen) {
			// line is long enough but spacing in line does not match with required column
			spaces = getSpaces(column, colEnd.getLength()).toString(); 
		} else {
			spaces = EMPTY_STR;
	} else {
		spaces = getSpaces(column, colLen).toString();
	// insert into document at offset
	document.replace(offset, (replace ? colEnd.getOffset() - offset : 0), spaces.toString());
	return spaces;
源代码2 项目: Pydev   文件:
 * Returns the position of the last non whitespace char in the current line.
 * @param doc
 * @param cursorOffset
 * @return position of the last character of the line (returned as an absolute
 *            offset)
 * @throws BadLocationException
protected int getLastCharPosition(IDocument doc, int cursorOffset) throws BadLocationException {
    IRegion region;
    region = doc.getLineInformationOfOffset(cursorOffset);
    int offset = region.getOffset();
    String src = doc.get(offset, region.getLength());

    int i = src.length();
    boolean breaked = false;
    while (i > 0) {
        //we have to break if we find a character that is not a whitespace or a tab.
        if (Character.isWhitespace(src.charAt(i)) == false && src.charAt(i) != '\t') {
            breaked = true;
    if (!breaked) {
    return (offset + i);
public String getCurrentLine(IDocument document, int cursorPosition, boolean toCursor) {
	final String docContent = document.get();
	String line = "";
	IRegion currentRegion = null;
	int posOffset = cursorPosition;
	try {
		currentRegion = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(cursorPosition);
		if (toCursor == false) {
			posOffset = currentRegion.getOffset() + currentRegion.getLength();
		line = docContent.substring(currentRegion.getOffset(), posOffset);
	catch (BadLocationException ble) {
		LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "could not get current line", ble);
	return line;
源代码4 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.commands.EmacsPlusNoEditHandler#transform(org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor, org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument, org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection, org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent)
protected int transform(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document, ITextSelection currentSelection,
		ExecutionEvent event) throws BadLocationException {
	String msg = null;
	int offset = getCursorOffset(editor,currentSelection);
	int docLen = document.getLength();
	IRegion line = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset); 

	if (offset >= docLen) {
		msg = String.format(EOB_POSITION, offset,docLen);
	} else {
		char curChar = document.getChar(offset);
		String sChar = "";	//$NON-NLS-1$
		int percent = new Float(((offset * 100) / docLen) + .5).intValue();

		if (offset == line.getOffset() + line.getLength()){
			String ld = document.getLineDelimiter(document.getLineOfOffset(offset));
			char[] points = ld.toCharArray();
			for (int i=0; i<points.length; i++) {
				sChar += normalizeChar(points[i]);
			msg = String.format(EOL_POSITION, sChar,offset,docLen,percent);
		} else {

			int curCode = (int) curChar;
			sChar = (curChar <= ' ' ? normalizeChar(curChar) : String.valueOf(curChar));
			msg = String.format(CURSOR_POSITION, sChar, curCode, curCode, curCode, offset, docLen, percent);
	EmacsPlusUtils.showMessage(editor, msg, false);
	setCmdResult(new Integer(offset));
	return super.transform(editor, document, currentSelection, event);

源代码5 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * When moving backward, and we're consuming _'s, see if we're currently positioned by an _
 * @param doc
 * @param iter
 * @param pos current word position
 * @return new offset if word moves past any _'s, else pos   
int checkUnder(IDocument doc, BreakIterator iter, int pos) {
	int result = pos;
	try {
		if (!isUnder()) {
			char c = doc.getChar(result);
			IRegion lineInfo = doc.getLineInformationOfOffset(pos);
			if (c == '_') {
				// we've backed over an _
				Matcher matcher = getUnderMatcher();
				// get text including the trailing _
				matcher.reset(doc.get(lineInfo.getOffset(), pos+1 - lineInfo.getOffset()));
				if (matcher.find()) {
					result = lineInfo.getOffset() + matcher.start(1);
			} else if (result > lineInfo.getOffset()){
				// check preceding character
				c = doc.getChar(result-1);
				if (c == '_' || (!isDot() && c == '.')) {
					// we've been stopped by a preceding _ or . 
					result = checkUnder(doc,iter,iter.previous());
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
	return result;
 * Returns the indentation level at the position of code completion.
 * @return the indentation level at the position of the code completion
private int getIndentation() {
	int start= getStart();
	IDocument document= getDocument();
	try {
		IRegion region= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(start);
		String lineContent= document.get(region.getOffset(), region.getLength());
		IJavaProject project= getJavaProject();
		return Strings.computeIndentUnits(lineContent, project);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		return 0;
源代码7 项目: xds-ide   文件:
public void paint(int reason) {
	IDocument document = fTextViewer.getDocument();
	if (document == null) {
	if (!fIsActive) {
		fIsActive = true;
		indentsModel.applyToDocument(document, this, fTextWidget);
	} else if (reason == CONFIGURATION || reason == INTERNAL) {
	} else if (reason == TEXT_CHANGE) {
		// redraw current line only
		try {
			IRegion lineRegion = document
			int widgetOffset = getWidgetOffset(lineRegion.getOffset());
			int charCount = fTextWidget.getCharCount();
			int redrawLength = Math.min(lineRegion.getLength(), charCount - widgetOffset);
			if (widgetOffset >= 0 && redrawLength > 0) {
				fTextWidget.redrawRange(widgetOffset, redrawLength, true);
		} catch (BadLocationException e) {
			// ignore
 * Base constructor (after data from the PySelection is gotten)
 * @throws BadLocationException 
protected ScopeAnalyzerVisitorWithoutImports(IPythonNature nature, String moduleName, IModule current,
        IDocument document, IProgressMonitor monitor, String pNameToFind, int absoluteCursorOffset,
        String[] tokenAndQual) throws BadLocationException {

    super(nature, moduleName, current, document, monitor);
    if (document != null) {
        IRegion region = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(absoluteCursorOffset);
        currLine = document.getLineOfOffset(absoluteCursorOffset);
        currCol = absoluteCursorOffset - region.getOffset();

    nameToFind = pNameToFind;
    completeNameToFind = tokenAndQual[0] + tokenAndQual[1];
源代码9 项目: http4e   文件:
public static IRegion getDelimRegion( IDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException{
   IRegion regLine = doc.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);
   FindReplaceDocumentAdapter finder = new FindReplaceDocumentAdapter(doc);
   int lineOff = regLine.getOffset();
   IRegion regDelim = null;
   try {
      regDelim = finder.find(lineOff, AssistConstants.S_EQUAL, true, true, false, false);
  } catch (Exception ignore) {}

   return regDelim;
源代码10 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
protected int getLineStartPosition(final IDocument document, final String line, final int length,
		final int offset) {

	String type = IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
	try {
		type = TextUtilities.getContentType(document, IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING, offset, false);
	} catch (BadLocationException exception) {
		// Should not happen

	int lineStartPosition = super.getLineStartPosition(document, line, length, offset);
	if (tokenTypeToPartitionTypeMapperExtension.isMultiLineComment(type)
			|| tokenTypeToPartitionTypeMapperExtension.isSingleLineComment(type)) {
		try {
			IRegion lineInformation = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);
			int offsetInLine = offset - lineInformation.getOffset();
			return getCommentLineStartPosition(line, length, offsetInLine, lineStartPosition);
		} catch(BadLocationException e) {
			// Should not happen
	if (type.equals(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
		if (isStartOfSingleLineComment(line, length, lineStartPosition) && !isStartOfMultiLineComment(line, length, lineStartPosition)) {
			return getTextStartPosition(line, length, lineStartPosition + 1);
	return lineStartPosition;
protected IRegion findWord(IDocument document, int offset) {
	try {
		IRegion line = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);

		if (offset == line.getOffset() + line.getLength())
			return null;

		BreakIterator breakIter = createBreakIterator();
		CharacterIterator characterIterator = new DocumentCharacterIterator(document);
		int start = breakIter.preceding(offset);
		if (start == BreakIterator.DONE)
			start = line.getOffset();

		int end = breakIter.following(offset);
		if (end == BreakIterator.DONE)
			end = line.getOffset() + line.getLength();

		if (breakIter.isBoundary(offset)) {
			if (end - offset > offset - start)
				start = offset;
				end = offset;

		if (end == start)
			return null;
		return new Region(start, end - start);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		return null;
 * Checks if the angular bracket at <code>offset</code> is a type parameter opening bracket.
 * @param offset the offset of the opening bracket
 * @param document the document
 * @param scanner a java heuristic scanner on <code>document</code>
 * @return <code>true</code> if the bracket is part of a type parameter, <code>false</code>
 *         otherwise
 * @since 3.1
private boolean isTypeParameterOpeningBracket(int offset, IDocument document, JavaHeuristicScanner scanner) {
	 * type parameter come after braces (closing or opening), semicolons, or after
	 * a Type name (heuristic: starts with capital character), or after a modifier
	 * keyword in a method declaration (visibility, static, synchronized, final)

	try {
		IRegion line= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);

		int prevToken= scanner.previousToken(offset - 1, line.getOffset());
		int prevTokenOffset= scanner.getPosition() + 1;
		String previous= prevToken == Symbols.TokenEOF ? null : document.get(prevTokenOffset, offset - prevTokenOffset).trim();

		if (	   prevToken == Symbols.TokenLBRACE
				|| prevToken == Symbols.TokenRBRACE
				|| prevToken == Symbols.TokenSEMICOLON
				|| prevToken == Symbols.TokenSYNCHRONIZED
				|| prevToken == Symbols.TokenSTATIC
				|| (prevToken == Symbols.TokenIDENT && isTypeParameterIntroducer(previous))
				|| prevToken == Symbols.TokenEOF)
			return true;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		return false;

	return false;
public void paint(int reason)
	IDocument document = fTextViewer.getDocument();
	if (document == null)
	if (!fIsActive)
		fIsActive = true;
	else if (reason == CONFIGURATION || reason == INTERNAL)
	else if (reason == TEXT_CHANGE)
		// redraw current line only
			IRegion lineRegion = document
			int widgetOffset = getWidgetOffset(lineRegion.getOffset());
			int charCount = fTextWidget.getCharCount();
			int redrawLength = Math.min(lineRegion.getLength(), charCount - widgetOffset);
			if (widgetOffset >= 0 && redrawLength > 0)
				fTextWidget.redrawRange(widgetOffset, redrawLength, true);
		catch (BadLocationException e)
			// ignore
private String getLineIndentation(IDocument document, int offset) throws BadLocationException {

		// find start of line
		int adjustedOffset= (offset == document.getLength() ? offset  - 1 : offset);
		IRegion line= document.getLineInformationOfOffset(adjustedOffset);
		int start= line.getOffset();

		// find white spaces
		int end= findEndOfWhiteSpace(document, start, offset);

		return document.get(start, end - start);
源代码15 项目: Pydev   文件:
 * Returns a segmentation of the line of the given document appropriate for bidi rendering. The default implementation returns only the string literals of a Java code line as segments.
 * @param document the document
 * @param lineOffset the offset of the line
 * @return the line's bidi segmentation
 * @throws BadLocationException in case lineOffset is not valid in document
protected int[] getBidiLineSegments(int lineOffset) throws BadLocationException {
    IDocument document = getDocument();
    if (document == null) {
        return null;
    IRegion line = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(lineOffset);
    ITypedRegion[] linePartitioning = document.computePartitioning(lineOffset, line.getLength());

     * List segmentation= new ArrayList(); for (int i= 0; i < linePartitioning.length; i++) { // if (IJavaPartitions.JAVA_STRING.equals(linePartitioning[i].getType())) //
     * segmentation.add(linePartitioning[i]); }
     * if (segmentation.size() == 0) return null;
    int size = linePartitioning.length;
    int[] segments = new int[size * 2 + 1];

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // ITypedRegion segment= (ITypedRegion) segmentation.get(i);
        ITypedRegion segment = linePartitioning[i];

        if (i == 0) {
            segments[j++] = 0;

        int offset = segment.getOffset() - lineOffset;
        if (offset > segments[j - 1]) {
            segments[j++] = offset;

        if (offset + segment.getLength() >= line.getLength()) {

        segments[j++] = offset + segment.getLength();

    if (j < segments.length) {
        int[] result = new int[j];
        System.arraycopy(segments, 0, result, 0, j);
        segments = result;

    return segments;
源代码16 项目:   文件:
 * Computes and returns the indentation for a javadoc line. The line must be
 * inside a javadoc comment.
 * @param document
 *            the document
 * @param line
 *            the line in document
 * @param scanner
 *            the scanner
 * @param partition
 *            the javadoc partition
 * @return the indent, or <code>null</code> if not computable
 * @throws BadLocationException
private String computeJavadocIndent(IDocument document, int line, JavaHeuristicScanner scanner,
		ITypedRegion partition) throws BadLocationException {
	if (line == 0) // impossible - the first line is never inside a javadoc
					// comment
		return null;

	// don't make any assumptions if the line does not start with \s*\* - it
	// might be
	// commented out code, for which we don't want to change the indent
	final IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformation(line);
	final int lineStart = lineInfo.getOffset();
	final int lineLength = lineInfo.getLength();
	final int lineEnd = lineStart + lineLength;
	int nonWS = scanner.findNonWhitespaceForwardInAnyPartition(lineStart, lineEnd);
	if (nonWS == JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND || document.getChar(nonWS) != '*') {
		if (nonWS == JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND)
			return document.get(lineStart, lineLength);
		return document.get(lineStart, nonWS - lineStart);

	// take the indent from the previous line and reuse
	IRegion previousLine = document.getLineInformation(line - 1);
	int previousLineStart = previousLine.getOffset();
	int previousLineLength = previousLine.getLength();
	int previousLineEnd = previousLineStart + previousLineLength;

	StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
	int previousLineNonWS = scanner.findNonWhitespaceForwardInAnyPartition(previousLineStart, previousLineEnd);
	if (previousLineNonWS == JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND || document.getChar(previousLineNonWS) != '*') {
		// align with the comment start if the previous line is not an
		// asterisked line
		previousLine = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(partition.getOffset());
		previousLineStart = previousLine.getOffset();
		previousLineLength = previousLine.getLength();
		previousLineEnd = previousLineStart + previousLineLength;
		previousLineNonWS = scanner.findNonWhitespaceForwardInAnyPartition(previousLineStart, previousLineEnd);
		if (previousLineNonWS == JavaHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND)
			previousLineNonWS = previousLineEnd;

		// add the initial space
		// TODO this may be controlled by a formatter preference in the
		// future
		buf.append(' ');

	String indentation = document.get(previousLineStart, previousLineNonWS - previousLineStart);
	buf.insert(0, indentation);
	return buf.toString();
public EnterActionAndIndent getEnterAction(IDocument document, int offset, IContentType contentType) {
	String indentation = TextUtils.getLinePrefixingWhitespaceAtPosition(document, offset);
	// let scopedLineTokens = this.getScopedLineTokens(model, range.startLineNumber,
	// range.startColumn);
	OnEnterSupport onEnterSupport = this._getOnEnterSupport(contentType /* scopedLineTokens.languageId */);
	if (onEnterSupport == null) {
		return null;

	try {
		IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);

		// String scopeLineText = DocumentHelper.getLineTextOfOffset(document, offset,
		// false);
		String beforeEnterText = document.get(lineInfo.getOffset(), offset - lineInfo.getOffset());
		String afterEnterText = null;

		// selection support
		// if (range.isEmpty()) {
		afterEnterText = document.get(offset, lineInfo.getLength() - (offset - lineInfo.getOffset())); // scopedLineText.substr(range.startColumn
																										// - 1 -
																										// scopedLineTokens.firstCharOffset);
		// } else {
		// const endScopedLineTokens = this.getScopedLineTokens(model,
		// range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
		// afterEnterText = endScopedLineTokens.getLineContent().substr(range.endColumn
		// - 1 - scopedLineTokens.firstCharOffset);
		// }

		String oneLineAboveText = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		 * let lineNumber = range.startLineNumber; let oneLineAboveText = '';
		 * if (lineNumber > 1 && scopedLineTokens.firstCharOffset === 0) { // This is
		 * not the first line and the entire line belongs to this mode let
		 * oneLineAboveScopedLineTokens = this.getScopedLineTokens(model, lineNumber -
		 * 1); if (oneLineAboveScopedLineTokens.languageId ===
		 * scopedLineTokens.languageId) { // The line above ends with text belonging to
		 * the same mode oneLineAboveText =
		 * oneLineAboveScopedLineTokens.getLineContent(); } }

		EnterAction enterResult = null;
		try {
			enterResult = onEnterSupport.onEnter(oneLineAboveText, beforeEnterText, afterEnterText);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// onUnexpectedError(e);

		if (enterResult == null) {
			return null;
		} else {
			// Here we add `\t` to appendText first because enterAction is leveraging
			// appendText and removeText to change indentation.
			if (enterResult.getAppendText() == null) {
				if ((enterResult.getIndentAction() == IndentAction.Indent)
						|| (enterResult.getIndentAction() == IndentAction.IndentOutdent)) {
					enterResult.setAppendText("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				} else {
					enterResult.setAppendText(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

		if (enterResult.getRemoveText() != null) {
			indentation = indentation.substring(0, indentation.length() - enterResult.getRemoveText());

		return new EnterActionAndIndent(enterResult, indentation);

	} catch (BadLocationException e1) {
	return null;
源代码18 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * Determine the correct set of lines and delete the whitespace at the end of each of them.
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.commands.EmacsPlusCmdHandler#transform(ITextEditor, IDocument, ITextSelection, ExecutionEvent)
protected int transform(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document, ITextSelection currentSelection,
		ExecutionEvent event) throws BadLocationException {
	int result = NO_OFFSET;
	int lastLine = 0;
	int firstLine = 0;
	int maxOffset = Integer.MAX_VALUE;		
	if (editor.showsHighlightRangeOnly()) {
		// if the buffer is narrowed, then operate on precise region
		IRegion narrow = editor.getHighlightRange();
		int lastOffset = narrow.getOffset() + narrow.getLength();
		firstLine = document.getLineOfOffset(narrow.getOffset()); 
		lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(lastOffset);
		IRegion endInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(lastOffset);
		if (endInfo.getOffset() != lastOffset) {
			// point maxOffset at the last character in the narrowed region
			maxOffset = lastOffset -1;
		} else {
			// back up if we're at the first offset of the last line
	} else {
		lastLine = document.getNumberOfLines() -1;
	if (firstLine <= lastLine) {
		Position coff = new Position(getCursorOffset(editor,currentSelection),0);
		try {
			// record the position so we can restore it after any whitespace deletions
		} catch (BadLocationException e) {
			// shouldn't happen, but alert user if it does
		} finally {
			result = coff.getOffset();
	return result;
源代码19 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * Convert the selection information to a RectangleInfo object with information about the 
 * offsets, lengths and columns involved
 * @param editor
 * @param document
 * @param selection
 * @return the RectangleInfo object
public RectangleInfo getRectangleInfo(ITextEditor editor, IDocument document,ITextSelection selection) {
	RectangleInfo result = null;
	try {
		if (selection != null) {
			result = new RectangleInfo(); 
			// get begin and end offsets
			int beginOff = selection.getOffset();
			int endOff = beginOff + selection.getLength();
			// get begin and end line information
			IRegion bl = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(beginOff);
			IRegion el = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(endOff);
			int blOff = bl.getOffset();
			int elOff = el.getOffset();
			// determine the start and end columns
			int startCol = getColumn(document, blOff, beginOff - blOff,Integer.MAX_VALUE).getLength();
			int endCol = getColumn(document, elOff, endOff - elOff,Integer.MAX_VALUE).getLength();
			if (endCol < startCol) {
				int tmp = endCol;
				endCol = startCol;
				startCol = tmp;
			// for each line in the rectangle, determine the offset and length
			int bline = document.getLineOfOffset(blOff);
			int eline = document.getLineOfOffset(elOff);
			LineInfo[] lines = new LineInfo[eline+1-bline];
			for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++) {
				IRegion line = document.getLineInformation(bline + i);
				IRegion start = getColumn(document,line.getOffset(),line.getLength(),startCol);
				IRegion end = getColumn(document,line.getOffset(),line.getLength(),endCol);
				lines[i] = new LineInfo(start.getOffset(),(end.getOffset()-start.getOffset()),end.getLength());
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		result = null;
	return result;
 * Mostly based on code from {@link org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.proposals.LinkedNamesAssistProposal}
private void startEditing(ISourceViewer viewer) throws ExecutionException {
	Point selOffsetAndLen = viewer.getSelectedRange();
	int selStart = CoordinatesUtil.fromOffsetAndLengthToStartAndEnd(selOffsetAndLen).x;

	IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
	try {
		String selectedText;
		if (selOffsetAndLen.y == 0) { // no characters selected
			String documentText = document.get();
			Point wordOffsetAndLen = TextUtil.findWordSurrounding(documentText, selStart);
			if (wordOffsetAndLen != null) {
				selectedText = document.get(wordOffsetAndLen.x, wordOffsetAndLen.y);
			} else {
				IRegion selectedLine = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(selStart);
				selectedText = document.get(selectedLine.getOffset(), selectedLine.getLength());
		} else {
			selectedText = document.get(selOffsetAndLen.x, selOffsetAndLen.y);

		LinkedPositionGroup linkedPositionGroup = new LinkedPositionGroup();

		FindReplaceDocumentAdapter findReplaceAdaptor = new FindReplaceDocumentAdapter(document);
		IRegion matchingRegion = findReplaceAdaptor.find(0, selectedText, true, true, false, false);
		while (matchingRegion != null) {
			linkedPositionGroup.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(document, matchingRegion.getOffset(), matchingRegion

			matchingRegion = findReplaceAdaptor.find(matchingRegion.getOffset() + matchingRegion.getLength(),
					selectedText, true, true, false, false);

		LinkedModeModel model = new LinkedModeModel();

		LinkedModeUI ui = new EditorLinkedModeUI(model, viewer);
		ui.setExitPolicy(new DeleteBlockingExitPolicy(document));

		// by default the text being edited is selected so restore original selection
		viewer.setSelectedRange(selOffsetAndLen.x, selOffsetAndLen.y);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		throw new ExecutionException("Editing failed", e);