org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer#getDocument ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer#getDocument ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

protected ContentAssistProcessorTestBuilder appendAndApplyProposal(ICompletionProposal proposal, ISourceViewer sourceViewer, String model, int position)
		throws Exception {
	IDocument document = sourceViewer.getDocument();
	int offset = position;
	if (model != null) {
		document.set(getModel() + model);
		offset += model.length();
	if (proposal instanceof ICompletionProposalExtension2) {
		ICompletionProposalExtension2 proposalExtension2 = (ICompletionProposalExtension2) proposal;
		proposalExtension2.apply(sourceViewer, (char) 0, SWT.NONE, offset);	
	} else if (proposal instanceof ICompletionProposalExtension) {
		ICompletionProposalExtension proposalExtension = (ICompletionProposalExtension) proposal;
		proposalExtension.apply(document, (char) 0, offset);	
	} else  {
	return reset().append(document.get());
 * Finds the previous position before the given position.
 * @param position the current position
 * @return the previous position
protected int findPreviousPosition(int position) {
	ISourceViewer viewer= getSourceViewer();
	int widget= -1;
	int previous= position;
	while (previous != BreakIterator.DONE && widget == -1) { // XXX: optimize
		previous= fIterator.preceding(previous);
		if (previous != BreakIterator.DONE)
			widget= modelOffset2WidgetOffset(viewer, previous);

	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();
	LinkedModeModel model= LinkedModeModel.getModel(document, position);
	if (model != null && previous != BreakIterator.DONE) {
		LinkedPosition linkedPosition= model.findPosition(new LinkedPosition(document, position, 0));
		if (linkedPosition != null) {
			int linkedPositionOffset= linkedPosition.getOffset();
			if (position != linkedPositionOffset && previous < linkedPositionOffset)
				previous= linkedPositionOffset;
		} else {
			LinkedPosition previousLinkedPosition= model.findPosition(new LinkedPosition(document, previous, 0));
			if (previousLinkedPosition != null) {
				int previousLinkedPositionEnd= previousLinkedPosition.getOffset() + previousLinkedPosition.getLength();
				if (position != previousLinkedPositionEnd && previous < previousLinkedPositionEnd)
					previous= previousLinkedPositionEnd;

	return previous;
源代码3 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
public void setSourceViewer(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) {
	this.sourceViewer = sourceViewer;
	IDocument document = sourceViewer.getDocument();
	xtextDocument = xtextDocumentUtil.getXtextDocument(document);
源代码4 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
public boolean start(IRenameElementContext renameElementContext, Provider<LinkedPositionGroup> provider, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
	if (renameElementContext == null)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("RenameElementContext is null");
	this.linkedPositionGroup = provider.get();
	if (linkedPositionGroup == null || linkedPositionGroup.isEmpty())
		return false;
	this.editor = (XtextEditor) renameElementContext.getTriggeringEditor();
	this.focusEditingSupport = new FocusEditingSupport();
	ISourceViewer viewer = editor.getInternalSourceViewer();
	IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
	originalSelection = viewer.getSelectedRange();
	currentPosition = linkedPositionGroup.getPositions()[0];
	originalName = getCurrentName();
	try {
		linkedModeModel = new LinkedModeModel();
		linkedModeModel.addLinkingListener(new EditorSynchronizer());
		LinkedModeUI ui = new EditorLinkedModeUI(linkedModeModel, viewer);
		ui.setExitPolicy(new ExitPolicy(document));
		if (currentPosition.includes(originalSelection.x))
			ui.setExitPosition(viewer, originalSelection.x, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
		if (currentPosition.includes(originalSelection.x)
				&& currentPosition.includes(originalSelection.x + originalSelection.y))
			viewer.setSelectedRange(originalSelection.x, originalSelection.y);
		if (viewer instanceof IEditingSupportRegistry) {
			IEditingSupportRegistry registry = (IEditingSupportRegistry) viewer;
		return true;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		throw new WrappedException(e);
 * Checks if <code>selection</code> is contained by the visible region of <code>viewer</code>.
 * As a special case, a selection is considered contained even if it extends over the visible
 * region, but the extension stays on a partially contained line and contains only white space.
 * @param selection the selection to be checked
 * @param viewer the viewer displaying a visible region of <code>selection</code>'s document.
 * @return <code>true</code>, if <code>selection</code> is contained, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean containedByVisibleRegion(ITextSelection selection, ISourceViewer viewer) {
	int min= selection.getOffset();
	int max= min + selection.getLength();
	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();

	IRegion visible;
	if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension5)
		visible= ((ITextViewerExtension5) viewer).getModelCoverage();
		visible= viewer.getVisibleRegion();

	int visOffset= visible.getOffset();
	try {
		if (visOffset > min) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visOffset) != selection.getStartLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(min, visOffset - min))) {
				return false;
		int visEnd= visOffset + visible.getLength();
		if (visEnd < max) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visEnd) != selection.getEndLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(visEnd, max - visEnd))) {
				return false;
		return true;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
	return false;
源代码6 项目: texlipse   文件:
 * Find a problem marker from the given line and return its error message.
 * @param sourceViewer the source viewer
 * @param lineNumber line number in the file, starting from zero
 * @return the message of the marker of null, if no marker at the specified line
public String getHoverInfo(ISourceViewer sourceViewer, int lineNumber) {
    IDocument document= sourceViewer.getDocument();
    IAnnotationModel model= sourceViewer.getAnnotationModel();
    if (model == null)
        return null;
    List<String> lineMarkers = null;

    Iterator<Annotation> e= model.getAnnotationIterator();
    while (e.hasNext()) {
        Annotation o=;
        if (o instanceof MarkerAnnotation) {
            MarkerAnnotation a= (MarkerAnnotation) o;
            if (isRulerLine(model.getPosition(a), document, lineNumber)) {
                if (lineMarkers == null)
                    lineMarkers = new LinkedList<String>();
                lineMarkers.add(a.getMarker().getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, null));
    if (lineMarkers != null)
        return getMessage(lineMarkers);
    return null;
源代码7 项目: tlaplus   文件:
private String[] getMessagesForLine(final ISourceViewer viewer, final int line) {
	final IAnnotationModel model = viewer.getAnnotationModel();

	if (model == null) {
		return new String[0];

	final Iterator<Annotation> it = model.getAnnotationIterator();
	final IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
	final ArrayList<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
	final HashMap<Position, Set<String>> placeMessagesMap = new HashMap<>();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		final Annotation annotation =;
		if (annotation instanceof MarkerAnnotation) {
			final MarkerAnnotation ma = (MarkerAnnotation) annotation;
			final Position p = model.getPosition(ma);
			if (compareRulerLine(p, document, line)) {
				final IMarker marker = ma.getMarker();
				final String message = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, null);
				if ((message != null) && (message.trim().length() > 0)) {
					Set<String> priorMessages = placeMessagesMap.get(p);
					if (priorMessages == null) {
						priorMessages = new HashSet<>();
						placeMessagesMap.put(p, priorMessages);
					if (!priorMessages.contains(message)) {
	return (String[]) messages.toArray(new String[messages.size()]);
public String getOldName(int offset, ITypeScriptFile tsFile) {
	try {
		Location startLoc = null;
		Location endLoc = null;

		if (true) {
			QuickInfo info = tsFile.quickInfo(offset).get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
			if (info == null) {
				return null;
			startLoc = info.getStart();
			endLoc = info.getEnd();
		} else {
			List<OccurrencesResponseItem> occurrences = tsFile.occurrences(offset).get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
			if (occurrences.isEmpty()) {
				return null;
			OccurrencesResponseItem occurrence = occurrences.get(0);
			startLoc = occurrence.getStart();
			endLoc = occurrence.getEnd();

		ISourceViewer viewer = fEditor.getViewer();
		IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
		int start = DocumentUtils.getPosition(document, startLoc);
		int end = DocumentUtils.getPosition(document, endLoc);
		int length = end - start;
		return document.get(start, length);
	} catch (

	Exception e) {
		return null;
源代码9 项目: Pydev   文件:
public void run() {
    // get involved objects
    if (pyEdit == null) {

    if (!validateEditorInputState()) {

    ISourceViewer viewer = pyEdit.getEditorSourceViewer();
    if (viewer == null) {

    IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
    if (document == null) {

    StyledText widget = viewer.getTextWidget();
    if (widget == null) {

    // get selection
    ITextSelection sel = (ITextSelection) viewer.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
    move(pyEdit, viewer, document, new CoreTextSelection(document, sel.getOffset(), sel.getLength()));
public void run() {
	// Check whether we are in a java code partition and the preference is enabled
	final IPreferenceStore store= getPreferenceStore();
	if (!store.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_SUB_WORD_NAVIGATION)) {;

	final ISourceViewer viewer= getSourceViewer();
	final IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();
	try {
		fIterator.setText((CharacterIterator)new DocumentCharacterIterator(document));
		int position= widgetOffset2ModelOffset(viewer, viewer.getTextWidget().getCaretOffset());
		if (position == -1)

		int next= findNextPosition(position);
		if (isBlockSelectionModeEnabled() && document.getLineOfOffset(next) != document.getLineOfOffset(position)) {; // may navigate into virtual white space
		} else if (next != BreakIterator.DONE) {
	} catch (BadLocationException x) {
		// ignore
 *  If length of line at 'lineNum' is 'len', then validate all proposals for invocation
 *  index varying from '(len - numCharsCompleted)' to 'len'.
private static void validateExpectedProposals(IJavaProject javaProject,
    String fullyQualifiedClassName, String source, int lineNum, int numCharsCompleted,
    String... expectedProposals) throws CoreException, BadLocationException {
  IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();

  ICompilationUnit iCompilationUnit = JavaProjectUtilities.createCompilationUnit(
      javaProject, fullyQualifiedClassName, source);
  CompilationUnitEditor cuEditor = (CompilationUnitEditor) JavaUI.openInEditor(iCompilationUnit);

  ISourceViewer viewer = cuEditor.getViewer();
  IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();

  IRegion lineInformation = document.getLineInformation(lineNum);
  JsniMethodBodyCompletionProposalComputer jcpc = new JsniMethodBodyCompletionProposalComputer();

  for (int numCharsToOverwrite = 0; numCharsToOverwrite <= numCharsCompleted;
    int invocationOffset = lineInformation.getOffset()
        + lineInformation.getLength() - numCharsToOverwrite;
    JavaContentAssistInvocationContext context = new JavaContentAssistInvocationContext(
        viewer, invocationOffset, cuEditor);
    List<ICompletionProposal> completions = jcpc.computeCompletionProposals(
        context, monitor);

    int indentationUnits = JsniMethodBodyCompletionProposalComputer.measureIndentationUnits(
        document, lineNum, lineInformation.getOffset(), javaProject);
    List<String> expected = createJsniBlocks(javaProject, indentationUnits,
    for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++){
      String expectedBlock = expected.get(i).substring(numCharsCompleted - numCharsToOverwrite);
      expected.set(i, expectedBlock);
    assertExpectedProposals(expected, completions, numCharsToOverwrite);
protected List<IMarker> getMarkersFor(ISourceViewer sourceViewer, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
    final IDocument document = sourceViewer.getDocument();

    int line = document.getLineOfOffset(offset);
    int lineOffset = document.getLineOffset(line);

    String delim = document.getLineDelimiter(line);
    int delimLength = delim != null ? delim.length() : 0;
    int lineLength = document.getLineLength(line) - delimLength;

    return getMarkersFor(sourceViewer, lineOffset, lineLength);
源代码13 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * getDocument
 * @return
protected IDocument getDocument() {
	ISourceViewer sourceViewer = getSourceViewer();
	IDocument result = null;

	if (sourceViewer != null) {
		result = sourceViewer.getDocument();

	return result;
protected Object getHoverInfoForLine(final ISourceViewer viewer, final int line) {
	final boolean showTemporaryProblems= PreferenceConstants.getPreferenceStore().getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_CORRECTION_INDICATION);
	IAnnotationModel model= viewer.getAnnotationModel();
	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();

	if (model == null)
		return null;

	List<Annotation> exact= new ArrayList<Annotation>();
	HashMap<Position, Object> messagesAtPosition= new HashMap<Position, Object>();

	Iterator<Annotation> e= model.getAnnotationIterator();
	while (e.hasNext()) {
		Annotation annotation=;

		if (fAnnotationAccess instanceof IAnnotationAccessExtension)
			if (!((IAnnotationAccessExtension)fAnnotationAccess).isPaintable(annotation))

		if (annotation instanceof IJavaAnnotation && !isIncluded((IJavaAnnotation)annotation, showTemporaryProblems))

		AnnotationPreference pref= fLookup.getAnnotationPreference(annotation);
		if (pref != null) {
			String key= pref.getVerticalRulerPreferenceKey();
			if (key != null && !fStore.getBoolean(key))

		Position position= model.getPosition(annotation);
		if (position == null)

		if (compareRulerLine(position, document, line) == 1) {

			if (isDuplicateMessage(messagesAtPosition, position, annotation.getText()))


	sort(exact, model);

	if (exact.size() > 0)
		setLastRulerMouseLocation(viewer, line);

	if (exact.size() > 0) {
		Annotation first= exact.get(0);
		if (!isBreakpointAnnotation(first))
			exact.add(0, new NoBreakpointAnnotation());

	if (exact.size() <= 1)
		return null;

	AnnotationHoverInput input= new AnnotationHoverInput();
	input.fAnnotations= exact.toArray(new Annotation[0]);
	input.fViewer= viewer;
	input.fRulerInfo= fCompositeRuler;
	input.fAnnotationListener= fgListener;
	input.fDoubleClickListener= fDblClickListener;
	input.redoAction= new AnnotationExpansionControl.ICallback() {

		public void run(IInformationControlExtension2 control) {
			control.setInput(getHoverInfoForLine(viewer, line));

	input.model= model;

	return input;
private static boolean getEscapeUnescapeBackslashProposals(IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext, ArrayList<ICompletionProposal> resultingCollections) throws BadLocationException,
		BadPartitioningException {
	ISourceViewer sourceViewer= invocationContext.getSourceViewer();
	IDocument document= sourceViewer.getDocument();
	Point selectedRange= sourceViewer.getSelectedRange();
	int selectionOffset= selectedRange.x;
	int selectionLength= selectedRange.y;
	int proposalOffset;
	int proposalLength;
	String text;
	if (selectionLength == 0) {
		if (selectionOffset != document.getLength()) {
			char ch= document.getChar(selectionOffset);
			if (ch == '=' || ch == ':') { //see PropertiesFilePartitionScanner()
				return false;

		ITypedRegion partition= null;
		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3)
			partition= ((IDocumentExtension3)document).getPartition(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTIES_FILE_PARTITIONING, invocationContext.getOffset(), false);
		if (partition == null)
			return false;

		String type= partition.getType();
		if (!(type.equals(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTY_VALUE) || type.equals(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE))) {
			return false;
		proposalOffset= partition.getOffset();
		proposalLength= partition.getLength();
		text= document.get(proposalOffset, proposalLength);

		if (type.equals(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTY_VALUE)) {
			text= text.substring(1); //see PropertiesFilePartitionScanner()
	} else {
		proposalOffset= selectionOffset;
		proposalLength= selectionLength;
		text= document.get(proposalOffset, proposalLength);

	if (PropertiesFileEscapes.containsUnescapedBackslash(text)) {
		if (resultingCollections == null)
			return true;
		resultingCollections.add(new EscapeBackslashCompletionProposal(PropertiesFileEscapes.escape(text, false, true, false), proposalOffset, proposalLength,
		return true;
	if (PropertiesFileEscapes.containsEscapedBackslashes(text)) {
		if (resultingCollections == null)
			return true;
		resultingCollections.add(new EscapeBackslashCompletionProposal(PropertiesFileEscapes.unescapeBackslashes(text), proposalOffset, proposalLength,
		return true;
	return false;
源代码16 项目: Pydev   文件:
public static PySelection createPySelectionFromEditor(ISourceViewer viewer, ITextSelection textSelection) {
    return new PySelection(viewer.getDocument(), new CoreTextSelection(
            viewer.getDocument(), textSelection.getOffset(), textSelection.getLength()));
 * Mostly based on code from {@link org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.proposals.LinkedNamesAssistProposal}
private void startEditing(ISourceViewer viewer) throws ExecutionException {
	Point selOffsetAndLen = viewer.getSelectedRange();
	int selStart = CoordinatesUtil.fromOffsetAndLengthToStartAndEnd(selOffsetAndLen).x;

	IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();
	try {
		String selectedText;
		if (selOffsetAndLen.y == 0) { // no characters selected
			String documentText = document.get();
			Point wordOffsetAndLen = TextUtil.findWordSurrounding(documentText, selStart);
			if (wordOffsetAndLen != null) {
				selectedText = document.get(wordOffsetAndLen.x, wordOffsetAndLen.y);
			} else {
				IRegion selectedLine = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(selStart);
				selectedText = document.get(selectedLine.getOffset(), selectedLine.getLength());
		} else {
			selectedText = document.get(selOffsetAndLen.x, selOffsetAndLen.y);

		LinkedPositionGroup linkedPositionGroup = new LinkedPositionGroup();

		FindReplaceDocumentAdapter findReplaceAdaptor = new FindReplaceDocumentAdapter(document);
		IRegion matchingRegion = findReplaceAdaptor.find(0, selectedText, true, true, false, false);
		while (matchingRegion != null) {
			linkedPositionGroup.addPosition(new LinkedPosition(document, matchingRegion.getOffset(), matchingRegion

			matchingRegion = findReplaceAdaptor.find(matchingRegion.getOffset() + matchingRegion.getLength(),
					selectedText, true, true, false, false);

		LinkedModeModel model = new LinkedModeModel();

		LinkedModeUI ui = new EditorLinkedModeUI(model, viewer);
		ui.setExitPolicy(new DeleteBlockingExitPolicy(document));

		// by default the text being edited is selected so restore original selection
		viewer.setSelectedRange(selOffsetAndLen.x, selOffsetAndLen.y);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		throw new ExecutionException("Editing failed", e);
源代码18 项目: Pydev   文件:
 * Checks if <code>selection</code> is contained by the visible region of <code>viewer</code>.
 * As a special case, a selection is considered contained even if it extends over the visible
 * region, but the extension stays on a partially contained line and contains only white space.
 * @param selection the selection to be checked
 * @param viewer the viewer displaying a visible region of <code>selection</code>'s document.
 * @return <code>true</code>, if <code>selection</code> is contained, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean containedByVisibleRegion(ICoreTextSelection selection, ISourceViewer viewer) {
    if (viewer == null) {
        return true; //in tests
    int min = selection.getOffset();
    int max = min + selection.getLength();
    IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();

    IRegion visible;
    if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension5) {
        visible = ((ITextViewerExtension5) viewer).getModelCoverage();
    } else {
        visible = viewer.getVisibleRegion();

    int visOffset = visible.getOffset();
    try {
        if (visOffset > min) {
            if (document.getLineOfOffset(visOffset) != selection.getStartLine()) {
                return false;
            if (!isWhitespace(document.get(min, visOffset - min))) {
                return false;
        int visEnd = visOffset + visible.getLength();
        if (visEnd < max) {
            if (document.getLineOfOffset(visEnd) != selection.getEndLine()) {
                return false;
            if (!isWhitespace(document.get(visEnd, max - visEnd))) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } catch (BadLocationException e) {
    return false;
源代码19 项目:   文件:
public void start() {
	if (getActiveLinkedMode() != null) {
		// for safety; should already be handled in RenameJavaElementAction

	ISourceViewer viewer = fEditor.getViewer();
	IDocument document = viewer.getDocument();

	ITypeScriptFile tsFile = fEditor.getTypeScriptFile();
	fOriginalSelection = viewer.getSelectedRange();
	int offset = fOriginalSelection.x;

	try {
		fLinkedPositionGroup = new LinkedPositionGroup();
		if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension6) {
			IUndoManager undoManager = ((ITextViewerExtension6) viewer).getUndoManager();
			if (undoManager instanceof IUndoManagerExtension) {
				IUndoManagerExtension undoManagerExtension = (IUndoManagerExtension) undoManager;
				IUndoContext undoContext = undoManagerExtension.getUndoContext();
				IOperationHistory operationHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory();
				fStartingUndoOperation = operationHistory.getUndoOperation(undoContext);

		// Find occurrences
		List<OccurrencesResponseItem> occurrences = tsFile.occurrences(offset).get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

		// Create Eclipse linked position from the occurrences list.
		int start, length;
		for (int i = 0; i < occurrences.size(); i++) {
			OccurrencesResponseItem item = occurrences.get(i);
			start = tsFile.getPosition(item.getStart());
			length = tsFile.getPosition(item.getEnd()) - start;
			LinkedPosition linkedPosition = new LinkedPosition(document, start, length, i);
			if (i == 0) {
				fOriginalName = document.get(start, length);
				fNamePosition = linkedPosition;

		fLinkedModeModel = new LinkedModeModel();
		fLinkedModeModel.addLinkingListener(new EditorHighlightingSynchronizer(fEditor));
		fLinkedModeModel.addLinkingListener(new EditorSynchronizer());

		LinkedModeUI ui = new EditorLinkedModeUI(fLinkedModeModel, viewer);
		ui.setExitPosition(viewer, offset, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
		ui.setExitPolicy(new ExitPolicy(document));

		viewer.setSelectedRange(fOriginalSelection.x, fOriginalSelection.y); // by
																				// default,
																				// full
																				// word
																				// is
																				// selected;
																				// restore
																				// original
																				// selection

		if (viewer instanceof IEditingSupportRegistry) {
			IEditingSupportRegistry registry = (IEditingSupportRegistry) viewer;

		// startAnimation();
		fgActiveLinkedMode = this;

	} catch (Exception e) {
源代码20 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * AbstractFoldingEditor
public AbstractFoldingEditor()

	// Hack because we cannot override org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.getSelectionChangedListener().
	ISelectionChangedListener selectionChangedListener = new ISelectionChangedListener()

		private Runnable fRunnable = new Runnable()
			public void run()
				ISourceViewer sourceViewer = getSourceViewer();
				// check whether editor has not been disposed yet
				if (sourceViewer != null && sourceViewer.getDocument() != null)

		private Display fDisplay;

		public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event)
			Display current = Display.getCurrent();
			if (current != null)
				// Don't execute asynchronously if we're in a thread that has a display.
				// Fix for: (the rationale
				// is that the actions were not being enabled because they were previously
				// updated in an async call).
				// Ideally, if this is really the root case of that issue, this code should
				// be provided back to as part of the bug:
				// but just patching getSelectionChangedListener() properly.;
				if (fDisplay == null)
					fDisplay = getSite().getShell().getDisplay();

		// Hack to change private field fSelectionChangedListener
		Field field = AbstractTextEditor.class.getDeclaredField("fSelectionChangedListener"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		field.set(this, selectionChangedListener);
	catch (Exception e)
		// Should not really happen, but let's not fail if it happens.
		IdeLog.logError(CommonEditorPlugin.getDefault(), e);
