org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection#getEndLine ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: tm4e   文件:
private void removeLineComments(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, String comment, ITextEditor editor)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int lineNumber = selection.getStartLine();
	int endLineNumber = selection.getEndLine();
	String oldText = document.get();
	int deletedChars = 0;
	Boolean isStartBeforeComment = false;

	while (lineNumber <= endLineNumber) {
		int commentOffset = oldText.indexOf(comment, document.getLineOffset(lineNumber) + deletedChars);
		document.replace(commentOffset - deletedChars, comment.length(), "");
		if (deletedChars == 0) {
			isStartBeforeComment = commentOffset > selection.getOffset();
		if (lineNumber != endLineNumber) {
			deletedChars += comment.length();
	ITextSelection newSelection = new TextSelection(
			selection.getOffset() - (isStartBeforeComment ? 0 : comment.length()),
			selection.getLength() - deletedChars);
	editor.selectAndReveal(newSelection.getOffset(), newSelection.getLength());
源代码2 项目: tm4e   文件:
private void addLineComments(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, String comment, ITextEditor editor)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int lineNumber = selection.getStartLine();
	int endLineNumber = selection.getEndLine();
	int insertedChars = 0;

	while (lineNumber <= endLineNumber) {
		document.replace(document.getLineOffset(lineNumber), 0, comment);
		if (lineNumber != endLineNumber) {
			insertedChars += comment.length();
	ITextSelection newSelection = new TextSelection(selection.getOffset() + comment.length(),
			selection.getLength() + insertedChars);
	editor.selectAndReveal(newSelection.getOffset(), newSelection.getLength());
源代码3 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
 * Given a selection on a document, computes the lines fully or partially covered by
 * <code>selection</code>. A line in the document is considered covered if
 * <code>selection</code> comprises any characters on it, including the terminating delimiter.
 * <p>Note that the last line in a selection is not considered covered if the selection only
 * comprises the line delimiter at its beginning (that is considered part of the second last
 * line).
 * As a special case, if the selection is empty, a line is considered covered if the caret is
 * at any position in the line, including between the delimiter and the start of the line. The
 * line containing the delimiter is not considered covered in that case.
 * </p>
 * @param document the document <code>selection</code> refers to
 * @param selection a selection on <code>document</code>
 * @param viewer the <code>ISourceViewer</code> displaying <code>document</code>
 * @return a selection describing the range of lines (partially) covered by
 * <code>selection</code>, without any terminating line delimiters
 * @throws BadLocationException if the selection is out of bounds (when the underlying document has changed during the call)
private ITextSelection getMovingSelection(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, ITextViewer viewer) throws BadLocationException {
	int low= document.getLineOffset(selection.getStartLine());
	int endLine= selection.getEndLine();
	int high= document.getLineOffset(endLine) + document.getLineLength(endLine);

	// get everything up to last line without its delimiter
	String delim= document.getLineDelimiter(endLine);
	if (delim != null)
		high -= delim.length();

	// the new selection will cover the entire lines being moved, except for the last line's
	// delimiter. The exception to this rule is an empty last line, which will stay covered
	// including its delimiter
	if (delim != null && document.getLineLength(endLine) == delim.length())
		fAddDelimiter= true;
		fAddDelimiter= false;

	return new TextSelection(document, low, high - low);
源代码4 项目: xds-ide   文件:
protected boolean isSelectionCommented(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, String commentPrefix) 
    try {
        for (int lineNum = selection.getStartLine(); lineNum <= selection.getEndLine(); ++lineNum) {
            IRegion r  = document.getLineInformation(lineNum);
            String str = document.get(r.getOffset(), r.getLength()).trim();
            if (!str.startsWith(commentPrefix)) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } catch (Exception x) {

    return false;
源代码5 项目: tm4e   文件:
private boolean areLinesCommented(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, String comment)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int lineNumber = selection.getStartLine();
	while (lineNumber <= selection.getEndLine()) {
		IRegion lineRegion = document.getLineInformation(lineNumber);
		if (!document.get(lineRegion.getOffset(), lineRegion.getLength()).trim().startsWith(comment)) {
			return false;
	return true;
源代码6 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
 * Checks if <code>selection</code> is contained by the visible region of <code>viewer</code>.
 * As a special case, a selection is considered contained even if it extends over the visible
 * region, but the extension stays on a partially contained line and contains only white space.
 * @param selection the selection to be checked
 * @param viewer the viewer displaying a visible region of <code>selection</code>'s document.
 * @return <code>true</code>, if <code>selection</code> is contained, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean containedByVisibleRegion(ITextSelection selection, ITextViewer viewer) {
	int min= selection.getOffset();
	int max= min + selection.getLength();
	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();

	IRegion visible;
	if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension5)
		visible= ((ITextViewerExtension5) viewer).getModelCoverage();
		visible= viewer.getVisibleRegion();

	int visOffset= visible.getOffset();
	try {
		if (visOffset > min) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visOffset) != selection.getStartLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(min, visOffset - min))) {
				return false;
		int visEnd= visOffset + visible.getLength();
		if (visEnd < max) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visEnd) != selection.getEndLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(visEnd, max - visEnd))) {
				return false;
		return true;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
	return false;
源代码7 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
 * Computes the region of the skipped line given the text block to be moved. If
 * <code>fUpwards</code> is <code>true</code>, the line above <code>selection</code>
 * is selected, otherwise the line below.
 * @param document the document <code>selection</code> refers to
 * @param selection the selection on <code>document</code> that will be moved.
 * @return the region comprising the line that <code>selection</code> will be moved over, without its terminating delimiter.
private ITextSelection getSkippedLine(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection) {
	int skippedLineN= (fUpwards ? selection.getStartLine() - 1 : selection.getEndLine() + 1);
	if (skippedLineN > document.getNumberOfLines() || (!fCopy && (skippedLineN < 0 ||  skippedLineN == document.getNumberOfLines())))
		return null;
	try {
		if (fCopy && skippedLineN == -1)
			skippedLineN= 0;
		IRegion line= document.getLineInformation(skippedLineN);
		return new TextSelection(document, line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		// only happens on concurrent modifications
		return null;
源代码8 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
public void run() {

	ITextViewer viewer= getTextViewer();
	if (viewer == null)

	if (!canModifyViewer())

	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();
	if (document == null)

	ITextSelection selection= getSelection(viewer);
	if (selection == null)

	int startLine= selection.getStartLine();
	int endLine= selection.getEndLine();
	try {
		int caretOffset= joinLines(document, startLine, endLine);
		if (caretOffset > -1) {
			StyledText widget= viewer.getTextWidget();
			adjustHighlightRange(viewer, caretOffset, 0);
			viewer.revealRange(caretOffset, 0);

			viewer.setSelectedRange(caretOffset, 0);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		// should not happen

源代码9 项目: xtext-xtend   文件:
private IRegion copiedGetTextBlockFromSelection(ITextSelection selection) {

		try {
			IDocument document= getDocument();
			int start= document.getLineOffset(selection.getStartLine());
			int endLine= selection.getEndLine();
			IRegion endLineInfo= document.getLineInformation(endLine);
			int end= endLineInfo.getOffset() + endLineInfo.getLength();
			return new Region(start, end - start);

		} catch (BadLocationException x) {

		return null;
源代码10 项目: tlaplus   文件:
public void run()
    ITextEditor editor = getTextEditor();
    ISelection selection = editor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
    if (selection instanceof ITextSelection)
        ITextSelection textSelection = (ITextSelection) selection;
        if (textSelection.getLength() != 0)
            IAnnotationModel model = getAnnotationModel(editor);
            if (model != null)

                int start = textSelection.getStartLine();
                int end = textSelection.getEndLine();

                    IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(editor.getEditorInput());
                    int offset = document.getLineOffset(start);
                    int endOffset = document.getLineOffset(end + 1);
                    Position position = new Position(offset, endOffset - offset);
                    model.addAnnotation(new ProjectionAnnotation(), position);
                } catch (BadLocationException x)
                    // ignore
 * Checks if <code>selection</code> is contained by the visible region of <code>viewer</code>.
 * As a special case, a selection is considered contained even if it extends over the visible
 * region, but the extension stays on a partially contained line and contains only white space.
 * @param selection the selection to be checked
 * @param viewer the viewer displaying a visible region of <code>selection</code>'s document.
 * @return <code>true</code>, if <code>selection</code> is contained, <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean containedByVisibleRegion(ITextSelection selection, ISourceViewer viewer) {
	int min= selection.getOffset();
	int max= min + selection.getLength();
	IDocument document= viewer.getDocument();

	IRegion visible;
	if (viewer instanceof ITextViewerExtension5)
		visible= ((ITextViewerExtension5) viewer).getModelCoverage();
		visible= viewer.getVisibleRegion();

	int visOffset= visible.getOffset();
	try {
		if (visOffset > min) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visOffset) != selection.getStartLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(min, visOffset - min))) {
				return false;
		int visEnd= visOffset + visible.getLength();
		if (visEnd < max) {
			if (document.getLineOfOffset(visEnd) != selection.getEndLine())
				return false;
			if (!isWhitespace(document.get(visEnd, max - visEnd))) {
				return false;
		return true;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
	return false;
 * Computes the region of the skipped line given the text block to be moved. If
 * <code>fUpwards</code> is <code>true</code>, the line above <code>selection</code>
 * is selected, otherwise the line below.
 * @param document the document <code>selection</code> refers to
 * @param selection the selection on <code>document</code> that will be moved.
 * @return the region comprising the line that <code>selection</code> will be moved over, without its terminating delimiter.
private ITextSelection getSkippedLine(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection) {
	int skippedLineN= (fUpwards ? selection.getStartLine() - 1 : selection.getEndLine() + 1);
	if (skippedLineN > document.getNumberOfLines() || (!fCopy && (skippedLineN < 0 ||  skippedLineN == document.getNumberOfLines())))
		return null;
	try {
		if (fCopy && skippedLineN == -1)
			skippedLineN= 0;
		IRegion line= document.getLineInformation(skippedLineN);
		return new TextSelection(document, line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		// only happens on concurrent modifications
		return null;
private boolean isMultilineSelection() {
	ISelection selection= getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
	if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
		ITextSelection ts= (ITextSelection) selection;
		return  ts.getStartLine() != ts.getEndLine();
	return false;
源代码14 项目: xds-ide   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
    try {
        ITextSelection selection = WorkbenchUtils.getActiveTextSelection();
        IDocument      doc       = WorkbenchUtils.getActiveDocument();
        IEditorInput   input     = WorkbenchUtils.getActiveInput();
        IEditorPart    editor    = WorkbenchUtils.getActiveEditor(false);

        boolean isTextOperationAllowed = (selection != null) && (doc != null) 
                                      && (input != null)     && (editor != null) 
                                      && (editor instanceof ModulaEditor);

        if (isTextOperationAllowed) {
            ITextEditor iTextEditor = (ITextEditor)editor;
            final ITextOperationTarget operationTarget = (ITextOperationTarget) editor.getAdapter(ITextOperationTarget.class);
            String commentPrefix = ((SourceCodeTextEditor)editor).getEOLCommentPrefix();
            isTextOperationAllowed = (operationTarget != null)
                                  && (operationTarget instanceof TextViewer)
                                  && (validateEditorInputState(iTextEditor))
                                  && (commentPrefix != null);
            if ((isTextOperationAllowed)) {
                int startLine = selection.getStartLine();
                int endLine = selection.getEndLine(); 
                int selOffset = selection.getOffset();
                int selLen = selection.getLength();
                int realEndLine = doc.getLineOfOffset(selOffset + selLen); // for selection end at pos=0 (endLine is line before here) 
                // Are cursor and anchor at 0 positions?
                boolean is0pos = false;
                if (doc.getLineOffset(startLine) == selOffset) {
                    if ((doc.getLineOffset(endLine) + doc.getLineLength(endLine) == selOffset + selLen)) {
                        is0pos = true;
                ArrayList<ReplaceEdit> edits = null;
                int offsAfter[] = {0};
                if (is0pos || selLen == 0) {
                    edits = commentWholeLines(startLine, (selLen == 0) ? startLine : endLine, realEndLine, doc, offsAfter);
                } else {
                    edits = commentRange(selOffset, selLen, "(*", "*)", offsAfter); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                if (edits != null && !edits.isEmpty()) {
                    DocumentRewriteSession drws = null;
                    try {
                        if (doc instanceof IDocumentExtension4) {
                            drws = ((IDocumentExtension4)doc).startRewriteSession(DocumentRewriteSessionType.UNRESTRICTED);
                        MultiTextEdit edit= new MultiTextEdit(0, doc.getLength());
                        edit.addChildren((TextEdit[]) edits.toArray(new TextEdit[edits.size()]));
                        edit.apply(doc, TextEdit.CREATE_UNDO);
                        iTextEditor.getSelectionProvider().setSelection(new TextSelection(offsAfter[0], 0));
                    finally {
                        if (doc instanceof IDocumentExtension4 && drws != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;
源代码15 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件:
private static IRegion convertRegion(int offset, int length, String text,
    String originalDelimiter) {
  try {
    Document document = new Document(text);
    String delimiter = document.getLineDelimiter(0);

    // If the document's line delimiter is the same as that used to originally
    // calculate this offset/length, then just return the original region.
    if (delimiter == null || delimiter.equals(originalDelimiter)) {
      return new Region(offset, length);

    // If we're running a platform other than the one this offset/length was
    // calculated on, we'll need to adjust the values. We start by creating
    // a text selection containing the original region and the text with the
    // original line endings.
    String originalText = text.replaceAll(delimiter, originalDelimiter);
    ITextSelection originalSelection = new TextSelection(new Document(
        originalText), offset, length);

    int delimiterLengthCorrection = originalDelimiter.length()
        - delimiter.length();

    // Adjust the offset by the delimiter length difference for each line
    // that came before it.
    int newOffset = originalSelection.getOffset()
        - (delimiterLengthCorrection * originalSelection.getStartLine());

    // Adjust the length by the delimiter length difference for each line
    // between the start and the end of the original region

    // TODO: account for case where the selection ends with a line break;
    // currently this will not update the length since the selection starts
    // and ends on the same line.
    int regionLineBreaks = originalSelection.getEndLine()
        - originalSelection.getStartLine();
    int newLength = originalSelection.getLength()
        - (delimiterLengthCorrection * regionLineBreaks);

    return new Region(newOffset, newLength);
  } catch (BadLocationException e) {
    return null;
 * Given a selection on a document, computes the lines fully or partially covered by
 * <code>selection</code>. A line in the document is considered covered if
 * <code>selection</code> comprises any characters on it, including the terminating delimiter.
 * <p>Note that the last line in a selection is not considered covered if the selection only
 * comprises the line delimiter at its beginning (that is considered part of the second last
 * line).
 * As a special case, if the selection is empty, a line is considered covered if the caret is
 * at any position in the line, including between the delimiter and the start of the line. The
 * line containing the delimiter is not considered covered in that case.
 * </p>
 * @param document the document <code>selection</code> refers to
 * @param selection a selection on <code>document</code>
 * @param viewer the <code>ISourceViewer</code> displaying <code>document</code>
 * @return a selection describing the range of lines (partially) covered by
 * <code>selection</code>, without any terminating line delimiters
 * @throws BadLocationException if the selection is out of bounds (when the underlying document has changed during the call)
private ITextSelection getMovingSelection(IDocument document, ITextSelection selection, ISourceViewer viewer) throws BadLocationException {
	int low= document.getLineOffset(selection.getStartLine());
	int endLine= selection.getEndLine();
	int high= document.getLineOffset(endLine) + document.getLineLength(endLine);

	// get everything up to last line without its delimiter
	String delim= document.getLineDelimiter(endLine);
	if (delim != null)
		high -= delim.length();

	return new TextSelection(document, low, high - low);