org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion#getType ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.ITypedRegion#getType ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
protected String getCurrentRuleUptoOffset(int offset, IDocument doc) throws BadLocationException {
	ITypedRegion currentPartition = doc.getPartition(offset);
	String partitionType = currentPartition.getType();
	String currentSegment = doc.get(currentPartition.getOffset(), offset - currentPartition.getOffset());
	StringBuilder ruleAsString = new StringBuilder(); 
	while(currentSegment.indexOf(';') == -1) {
		ruleAsString.insert(0, currentSegment);
		do {
			if(currentPartition.getOffset()==0) {
				return ruleAsString.toString();
			currentPartition = doc.getPartition(currentPartition.getOffset()-1);
			currentSegment = doc.get(currentPartition.getOffset(), currentPartition.getLength());
		} while(!partitionType.equals(currentPartition.getType()));
	ruleAsString.insert(0, currentSegment.substring(currentSegment.lastIndexOf(';') + 1));
	return ruleAsString.toString();
protected boolean shouldProcess(ITypedRegion typedRegion) {
	String type = typedRegion.getType();
	if (partitionMapperExtension != null) {
		if (partitionMapperExtension.isMultiLineComment(type) || partitionMapperExtension.isSingleLineComment(type)) {
			return true;
		if (STRING_LITERAL_PARTITION.equals(type)) {
			return true;
		return false;
			|| SL_COMMENT_PARTITION.equals(type)
			|| COMMENT_PARTITION.equals(type)) {
		return true;
	return false;
源代码3 项目: tlaplus   文件:
 * Add start of coverage
 * @param start
public void addTagStart(ITypedRegion start)
    // Assert.isTrue(inTag() && !inTag() == !hasUserPartitions(),
    // "Found user partitions which have not been removed. This is a bug.");

    ITypedRegion userRegion = getUserRegion();
    if (userRegion != null)
    TLCRegion startRegion = new TLCRegion(start.getOffset(), start.getLength(), start.getType());
    startRegion.setMessageCode(getMessageCode(start, START));
    // add start to stack
源代码4 项目: gama   文件:
protected void computeCommentFolding(final IXtextDocument xtextDocument,
		final IFoldingRegionAcceptor<ITextRegion> foldingRegionAcceptor, final ITypedRegion typedRegion,
		final boolean initiallyFolded) throws BadLocationException {
	final int offset = typedRegion.getOffset();
	final int length = typedRegion.getLength();
	final Matcher matcher = getTextPatternInComment().matcher(xtextDocument.get(offset, length));
	((GamaFoldingRegionAcceptor) foldingRegionAcceptor).type = typedRegion.getType();
	if (matcher.find()) {
		final TextRegion significant = new TextRegion(offset + matcher.start(), 0);
		((IFoldingRegionAcceptorExtension<ITextRegion>) foldingRegionAcceptor).accept(offset, length,
				initiallyFolded, significant);
	} else {
		((IFoldingRegionAcceptorExtension<ITextRegion>) foldingRegionAcceptor).accept(offset, length,
 * Handle the partition under the start offset of the selection.
 * @param partition the partition under the start of the selection
 * @param edits the list of edits to later execute
 * @param factory the factory for edits
 * @param offset the start of the selection, which must lie inside
 *        <code>partition</code>
private void handleFirstPartition(ITypedRegion partition, List<Edit> edits, Edit.EditFactory factory, int offset) throws BadLocationException {

	int partOffset= partition.getOffset();
	String partType= partition.getType();

	Assert.isTrue(partOffset <= offset, "illegal partition"); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// first partition: mark start of comment
	if (partType == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) {
		// Java code: right where selection starts
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(offset, 0, getCommentStart()));
	} else if (isSpecialPartition(partType)) {
		// special types: include the entire partition
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(partOffset, 0, getCommentStart()));
	}	// javadoc: no mark, will only start after comment

 * Returns the partition type of the document displayed in <code>viewer</code> at <code>startLine</code>.

 * @param viewer the viewer
 * @param startLine the line in the viewer
 * @return the partition type at the start of <code>startLine</code>, or <code>IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE</code> if none can be detected
private String getPartition(ISourceViewer viewer, int startLine) {
	if (viewer == null)
		return null;
	IDocument doc= viewer.getDocument();
	if (doc == null)
		return null;
	if (startLine <= 0)
		return IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
	try {
		ITypedRegion region= TextUtilities.getPartition(doc, fPartitioning, doc.getLineOffset(startLine) - 1, true);
		return region.getType();
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
源代码7 项目: n4js   文件:
public boolean isInsertClosingBracket(IDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
	if (offset >= 2) {
		ITypedRegion prevPartition = doc.getPartition(offset - 1);
		String prevPartitionType = prevPartition.getType();
		if (TerminalsTokenTypeToPartitionMapper.SL_COMMENT_PARTITION.equals(prevPartitionType)) {
			return false;
		if (TokenTypeToPartitionMapper.REG_EX_PARTITION.equals(prevPartitionType)) {
			return prevPartition.getLength() == 1;
	return SingleLineTerminalsStrategy.DEFAULT.isInsertClosingBracket(doc, offset);
源代码8 项目: xds-ide   文件:
protected IRegion findExtendedDoubleClickSelection(IDocument document,
		int offset) {
	try {
		ITypedRegion region = TextUtilities.getPartition(document, IModulaPartitions.M2_PARTITIONING, offset, true);
		if (region.getType() == IModulaPartitions.M2_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
			_XdsFlexScanner lexer = new _XdsFlexScanner();
			IRegion lineReg = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset);
			lexer.reset(document.get(lineReg.getOffset(), lineReg.getLength()));

			List<TokenRegion> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
			TokenType tokenType;
			while ( ( tokenType = lexer.nextToken()) != ModulaTokenTypes.EOF) {
				if (ModulaTokenTypes.WHITE_SPACE.getDesignator().equals(tokenType.getDesignator())) {
				int tokenOffset = lineReg.getOffset() + lexer.getTokenOffset();
				if (tokenOffset <= offset && offset <= tokenOffset + lexer.yylength()) {
					candidates.add(new TokenRegion(new Region(tokenOffset, lexer.yylength()), tokenType));
			if (candidates.size() > 0){
				if (candidates.size() > 1){
					Collections.sort(candidates, new TokenRegionComparator());
				return candidates.get(candidates.size() - 1);
	} catch (BadLocationException | IOException e) {
	return super.findExtendedDoubleClickSelection(document, offset);
源代码9 项目: tlaplus   文件:
 * Prints partition information
 * @param region
 * @param document
public static void printPartition(ITypedRegion region, IDocument document)
    if (region == null)

        StringBuffer messageBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        String location = "[" + region.getOffset() + ":" + region.getLength() + "]";

        if (region instanceof TLCRegion)
            TLCRegion tlcRegion = (TLCRegion) region;
            messageBuffer.append("TLC:" + tlcRegion.getMessageCode() + " " + tlcRegion.getSeverity() + " "
                    + location);
        } else
            int offset = region.getOffset();
            int printLength = Math.min(region.getLength(), 255);

            String type = region.getType();

            String head = document.get(offset, printLength);
            messageBuffer.append("OUTPUT:" + location + ": >" + head + "< ...");


    } catch (BadLocationException e)
        TLCUIActivator.getDefault().logError("Error printing partition", e);

 * Handles the partition under the end of the selection. For normal java
 * code, the comment end token is inserted at the selection end; if the
 * selection ends inside a special (i.e. string, character, line comment)
 * partition, the entire partition is included inside the comment.
 * @param partition the partition under the selection end offset
 * @param edits the list of edits to add to
 * @param factory the edit factory
 * @param endOffset the end offset of the selection
private void handleLastPartition(ITypedRegion partition, List<Edit> edits, Edit.EditFactory factory, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException {

	String partType= partition.getType();

	if (partType == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) {
		// normal java: end comment where selection ends
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(endOffset, 0, getCommentEnd()));
	} else if (isSpecialPartition(partType)) {
		// special types: consume entire partition
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(partition.getOffset() + partition.getLength(), 0, getCommentEnd()));

protected void runInternal(ITextSelection selection, IDocumentExtension3 docExtension, Edit.EditFactory factory) throws BadPartitioningException, BadLocationException {
	List<Edit> edits= new LinkedList<Edit>();
	int tokenLength= getCommentStart().length();

	int offset= selection.getOffset();
	int endOffset= offset + selection.getLength();

	ITypedRegion partition= docExtension.getPartition(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, offset, false);
	int partOffset= partition.getOffset();
	int partEndOffset= partOffset + partition.getLength();

	while (partEndOffset < endOffset) {

		if (partition.getType() == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {
			edits.add(factory.createEdit(partOffset, tokenLength, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$
			edits.add(factory.createEdit(partEndOffset - tokenLength, tokenLength, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$

		partition= docExtension.getPartition(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, partEndOffset, false);
		partOffset= partition.getOffset();
		partEndOffset= partOffset + partition.getLength();

	if (partition.getType() == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(partOffset, tokenLength, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(partEndOffset - tokenLength, tokenLength, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$

源代码12 项目: xds-ide   文件:
protected IRegion performMatch(IDocument document, int offs) throws BadLocationException {
    final int doclen = document.getLength();
    fMatchFlags = 0; 
    if (document == null || doclen < 1 || offs < 0 || offs > doclen) {
        return null;
    char begCh = 0;
    int idx = -1;
    if (offs > 0) {
    // Try char on the left of caret:
        begCh = document.getChar(offs - 1);
        idx = BRACE_PAIRS.indexOf(begCh);
    if (idx < 0) {
        // No bracket on the left. Try the caret position (move offs+=1 and try it):
        if (offs <= doclen) {
            begCh = document.getChar(offs - 1);
            idx = BRACE_PAIRS.indexOf(begCh);

    if (idx < 0) {
        return null;
    int pos = offs-1;
    // Bracket 'ch' found at [pos]
    int pos0 = pos;
    int step = ((idx & 0x1) == 0) ? 1 : -1; // open/close bracket
    ITypedRegion partition = getPartition(document, pos);

    final String partType = partition.getType(); 
    // Search direction depends on step. Search area is current partition if the partition type
    // is not 'CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT' or all document in other case
    int minPos = 0;
    int maxPos = doclen-1;
    if (!partType.equals(fDefaultPartition)) {
        minPos = Math.max(0,  partition.getOffset());
        maxPos = Math.min(maxPos, partition.getOffset() + partition.getLength() - 1);
    char pairCh = BRACE_PAIRS.charAt(idx ^ 0x1);

    fAnchor = step > 0 ? LEFT : RIGHT;
    int  deep = 1;
    while(true) {
        pos += step;
        if (pos < minPos || pos>maxPos) {
            // unmatched
            fMatchFlags |= MATCH_FLAG_NO_MATCH; 
            return new Region(pos0, 1); 
        if (getPartition(document, pos).getType().equals(partType)) {
            // skip other partitions (required in default partition)
            char c = document.getChar(pos);
            if (c == begCh) {
            } else if (c == pairCh) {
                if (--deep == 0) {
    } // while
    // While was breaked => found:
    if (step > 0) {
        fAnchor = LEFT;
        return new Region(pos0, pos-pos0+1);
    } else {
        fAnchor = RIGHT;
        return new Region(pos, pos0-pos+1);
源代码13 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件:
public void run(IAction action) {
  if (targetEditor == null) {
    GWTPluginLog.logWarning("targetEditor is null");

  IEditorInput editorInput = targetEditor.getEditorInput();
  IResource resource = (IResource) editorInput.getAdapter(IResource.class);
  ITextEditor javaEditor = (ITextEditor) targetEditor;
  ITextSelection sel = (ITextSelection) javaEditor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
  IDocument document = javaEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(

  IDocumentExtension3 document3 = (IDocumentExtension3) document;
  IDocumentPartitioner gwtPartitioner = document3.getDocumentPartitioner(GWTPartitions.GWT_PARTITIONING);

  String[] partitionings = document3.getPartitionings();
  String partitioning = (gwtPartitioner != null
      ? GWTPartitions.GWT_PARTITIONING : IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING);

  ITypedRegion[] types;
  try {
    types = TextUtilities.computePartitioning(document, partitioning,
        sel.getOffset(), sel.getLength(), false);
  } catch (BadLocationException e) {

  String msg = "File: " + resource.getName();

  msg += "\nPartitionings: ";
  for (String part : partitionings) {
    msg += "\n" + part;

  msg += "\n\nContent types: ";
  for (ITypedRegion type : types) {
    msg += "\n" + type.getType();

  msg += "\n\nSelection range: (offset = " + sel.getOffset() + ", length = "
      + sel.getLength() + ")";

      "Selection Info", msg);
 * This method looks at the partition that contains the specified offset and from that partition type determines if
 * the offset is: 1. Within an open tag 2. Within a close tag 3. Within a text area If the partition type is
 * unrecognized, the ERROR location will be returned.
 * @param lexemeProvider
 * @param offset
 * @return
LocationType getCoarseLocationType(IDocument document, ILexemeProvider<HTMLTokenType> lexemeProvider, int offset)
	LocationType result = LocationType.ERROR;

		ITypedRegion partition = document.getPartition((offset > 0) ? offset - 1 : offset);
		String type = partition.getType();

		if (locationMap.containsKey(type))
			// assume partition cleanly maps to a location type
			result = locationMap.get(type);

			// If the partition isn't empty, then we'll have at least one lexeme which we can use for any partion to
			// location mappings we need to fix up
			Lexeme<HTMLTokenType> firstLexeme = lexemeProvider.getFirstLexeme();

			if (firstLexeme != null)
				Lexeme<HTMLTokenType> lastLexeme = lexemeProvider.getLastLexeme();
				HTMLTokenType lastLexemeType = lastLexeme.getType();

				switch (result)
					case IN_OPEN_TAG:
					case IN_CLOSE_TAG:
						if (offset <= firstLexeme.getStartingOffset())
							// if we're before the open/close tag, then we're in text
							result = LocationType.IN_TEXT;
						else if (lastLexeme.getEndingOffset() < offset
								&& (lastLexemeType == HTMLTokenType.TAG_END || lastLexemeType == HTMLTokenType.TAG_SELF_CLOSE))
							// if we after a tag end, then we're in text
							result = LocationType.IN_TEXT;

					case IN_TEXT:
						// special case to support <!DOCTYPE
						if (firstLexeme.getType() == HTMLTokenType.TAG_START
								&& lastLexemeType == HTMLTokenType.META
								&& lastLexeme.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("DOCTYPE")) //$NON-NLS-1$
							result = LocationType.IN_DOCTYPE;

				result = LocationType.IN_TEXT;
	catch (BadLocationException e)
				MessageFormat.format(Messages.HTMLContentAssistProcessor_ErrorFetchingPartition, offset), e,

	if (IdeLog.isTraceEnabled(HTMLPlugin.getDefault(), IDebugScopes.CONTENT_ASSIST))
		IdeLog.logTrace(HTMLPlugin.getDefault(), MessageFormat.format("Coarse location: {0}", result), //$NON-NLS-1$

	return result;
源代码15 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
private IRegion performMatch(IDocument doc, int caretOffset) throws BadLocationException
	int charOffset = Math.max(caretOffset - 1, 0);
	char prevChar = doc.getChar(charOffset);
	if (!fPairs.contains(prevChar))
		// Now try to right of caret
		charOffset = caretOffset;
		caretOffset += 1;
		if (charOffset >= doc.getLength())
			return null;
		prevChar = doc.getChar(charOffset);
		if (!fPairs.contains(prevChar))
			return null;

	ITypedRegion partition = getPartition(doc, charOffset);
	// FIXME if we're inside a string or comment, we should limit our search to just this particular partition!
	// Drop out if the char is inside a comment
	if (isComment(doc, partition))
		return null;

	boolean isForward = fPairs.isStartCharacter(prevChar);
	String contentType = partition.getType();
	if (fPairs.isAmbiguous(prevChar))
		// If this is common start tag, look forward, if common end tag look backwards!
		if (CompositePartitionScanner.START_SWITCH_TAG.equals(contentType))
			isForward = true;
		else if (CompositePartitionScanner.END_SWITCH_TAG.equals(contentType))
			isForward = false;
			// Need to look at partition transition to tell if we're at end or beginning!
			String partitionAhead = TextUtilities.getContentType(doc, fPartitioning, charOffset + 1, false);
			String partitionBehind = TextUtilities.getContentType(doc, fPartitioning, charOffset - 1, false);
			if (contentType.equals(partitionBehind) && !contentType.equals(partitionAhead))
				// End because we're transitioning out of a partition on this character
				isForward = false;
			else if (isUnclosedPair(prevChar, doc, charOffset))
				isForward = false;
	fAnchor = isForward ? ICharacterPairMatcher.LEFT : ICharacterPairMatcher.RIGHT;
	int searchStartPosition = isForward ? charOffset + 1 : charOffset - 1;
	char endChar = fPairs.getMatching(prevChar);

	int endOffset = -1;
	if (isForward)
		endOffset = searchForward(doc, searchStartPosition, prevChar, endChar, contentType);
		endOffset = searchBackwards(doc, searchStartPosition, prevChar, endChar, contentType);

	if (endOffset == -1)
		return null;
	final int adjustedOffset = isForward ? charOffset : caretOffset;
	final int adjustedEndOffset = isForward ? endOffset + 1 : endOffset;
	if (adjustedEndOffset == adjustedOffset)
		return null;
	return new Region(Math.min(adjustedOffset, adjustedEndOffset), Math.abs(adjustedEndOffset - adjustedOffset));
private static boolean getEscapeUnescapeBackslashProposals(IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext, ArrayList<ICompletionProposal> resultingCollections) throws BadLocationException,
		BadPartitioningException {
	ISourceViewer sourceViewer= invocationContext.getSourceViewer();
	IDocument document= sourceViewer.getDocument();
	Point selectedRange= sourceViewer.getSelectedRange();
	int selectionOffset= selectedRange.x;
	int selectionLength= selectedRange.y;
	int proposalOffset;
	int proposalLength;
	String text;
	if (selectionLength == 0) {
		if (selectionOffset != document.getLength()) {
			char ch= document.getChar(selectionOffset);
			if (ch == '=' || ch == ':') { //see PropertiesFilePartitionScanner()
				return false;

		ITypedRegion partition= null;
		if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension3)
			partition= ((IDocumentExtension3)document).getPartition(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTIES_FILE_PARTITIONING, invocationContext.getOffset(), false);
		if (partition == null)
			return false;

		String type= partition.getType();
		if (!(type.equals(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTY_VALUE) || type.equals(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE))) {
			return false;
		proposalOffset= partition.getOffset();
		proposalLength= partition.getLength();
		text= document.get(proposalOffset, proposalLength);

		if (type.equals(IPropertiesFilePartitions.PROPERTY_VALUE)) {
			text= text.substring(1); //see PropertiesFilePartitionScanner()
	} else {
		proposalOffset= selectionOffset;
		proposalLength= selectionLength;
		text= document.get(proposalOffset, proposalLength);

	if (PropertiesFileEscapes.containsUnescapedBackslash(text)) {
		if (resultingCollections == null)
			return true;
		resultingCollections.add(new EscapeBackslashCompletionProposal(PropertiesFileEscapes.escape(text, false, true, false), proposalOffset, proposalLength,
		return true;
	if (PropertiesFileEscapes.containsEscapedBackslashes(text)) {
		if (resultingCollections == null)
			return true;
		resultingCollections.add(new EscapeBackslashCompletionProposal(PropertiesFileEscapes.unescapeBackslashes(text), proposalOffset, proposalLength,
		return true;
	return false;
public void run() {

	final JavaSourceViewer viewer= (JavaSourceViewer) getSourceViewer();
	if (viewer.isEditable() && ElementValidator.check(getInputJavaElement(), getSite().getShell(), JavaEditorMessages.JavaEditor_FormatElementDialog_label, true)) {

		final Point selection= viewer.rememberSelection();
		try {

			boolean emptySelection= selection.y == 0;
			if (emptySelection) {
				final ITypedRegion partition= TextUtilities.getPartition(viewer.getDocument(), IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, selection.x, true);
				String type= partition.getType();
				if (IJavaPartitions.JAVA_DOC.equals(type) || IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT.equals(type) || IJavaPartitions.JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT.equals(type)) {
					viewer.setSelectedRange(partition.getOffset(), partition.getLength());
			final IJavaElement element= getElementAt(selection.x, true);
			if (element != null && element.exists()) {
				try {
					final int kind= element.getElementType();
					if (kind == IJavaElement.TYPE || kind == IJavaElement.METHOD || kind == IJavaElement.INITIALIZER) {

						final ISourceReference reference= (ISourceReference) element;
						final ISourceRange range= reference.getSourceRange();
						final ISourceRange nameRange= reference.getNameRange();
						final boolean seletionInNameRange= nameRange != null && selection.x >= nameRange.getOffset()
								&& selection.x + selection.y <= nameRange.getOffset() + nameRange.getLength();
						if (range != null && (emptySelection || seletionInNameRange))
							viewer.setSelectedRange(range.getOffset(), range.getLength());
				} catch (JavaModelException exception) {
					// Should not happen
		} catch (BadLocationException e) {
			// Cannot happen
		} finally {

 * Handles partition boundaries within the selection. The end of the current
 * partition and the start of the next partition are examined for whether
 * they contain comment tokens that interfere with the created comment.
 * <p>
 * Comment tokens are removed from interior multi-line comments. Javadoc
 * comments are left as is; instead, multi-line comment tokens are inserted
 * before and after Javadoc partitions to ensure that the entire selected
 * area is commented.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The next partition is returned.
 * </p>
 * @param partition the current partition
 * @param edits the list of edits to add to
 * @param factory the edit factory
 * @param docExtension the document to get the partitions from
 * @return the next partition after the current
 * @throws BadLocationException if accessing the document fails - this can
 *         only happen if the document gets modified concurrently
 * @throws BadPartitioningException if the document does not have a Java
 *         partitioning
private ITypedRegion handleInteriorPartition(ITypedRegion partition, List<Edit> edits, Edit.EditFactory factory, IDocumentExtension3 docExtension) throws BadPartitioningException, BadLocationException {

	// end of previous partition
	String partType= partition.getType();
	int partEndOffset= partition.getOffset() + partition.getLength();
	int tokenLength= getCommentStart().length();

	boolean wasJavadoc= false; // true if the previous partition is javadoc

	if (partType == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_DOC) {

		wasJavadoc= true;

	} else if (partType == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {

		// already in a comment - remove ending mark
		edits.add(factory.createEdit(partEndOffset - tokenLength, tokenLength, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$


	// advance to next partition
	partition= docExtension.getPartition(IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING, partEndOffset, false);
	partType= partition.getType();

	// start of next partition
	if (wasJavadoc) {

		// if previous was javadoc, and the current one is not a comment,
		// then add a block comment start
		if (partType == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
				|| isSpecialPartition(partType)) {
			edits.add(factory.createEdit(partition.getOffset(), 0, getCommentStart()));

	} else { // !wasJavadoc

		if (partType == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_DOC) {
			// if next is javadoc, end block comment before
			edits.add(factory.createEdit(partition.getOffset(), 0, getCommentEnd()));
		} else if (partType == IJavaPartitions.JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {
			// already in a comment - remove startToken
			edits.add(factory.createEdit(partition.getOffset(), getCommentStart().length(), "")); //$NON-NLS-1$

	return partition;