
下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.SingleLineRule#org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.IPredicateRule 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: http4e   文件:
public XMLPartitionScanner() {

      IToken xmlComment = new Token(XML_COMMENT);
      IToken xmlPI = new Token(XML_PI);
      IToken startTag = new Token(XML_START_TAG);
      IToken endTag = new Token(XML_END_TAG);
      IToken docType = new Token(XML_DOCTYPE);
      IToken text = new Token(XML_TEXT);

      IPredicateRule[] rules = new IPredicateRule[7];

      rules[0] = new NonMatchingRule();
      rules[1] = new MultiLineRule("<!--", "-->", xmlComment);
      rules[2] = new MultiLineRule("<?", "?>", xmlPI);
      rules[3] = new MultiLineRule("</", ">", endTag);
      rules[4] = new StartTagRule(startTag);
      rules[5] = new MultiLineRule("<!DOCTYPE", ">", docType);
      rules[6] = new XMLTextPredicateRule(text);

源代码2 项目: texlipse   文件:
 * Creates the partitioner and sets up the appropriate rules.
public BibPartitionScanner() {

    IToken bibEntry = new Token(BIB_ENTRY);

    List rules = new ArrayList();

    // Add rule for single line comments.
    // rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("//", Token.UNDEFINED));

    // Add rule for strings and character constants.
    // rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", Token.UNDEFINED, '\\'));
    // rules.add(new SingleLineRule("'", "'", Token.UNDEFINED, '\\'));

    // Add rules for BibTeX entries
    //rules.add(new MultiLineRule("{", "}", bibEntry, (char) 0, false));
    rules.add(new BibBraceRule(true, bibEntry));;

    IPredicateRule[] result= new IPredicateRule[rules.size()];
源代码3 项目: xds-ide   文件:
public ModulaRuleBasedPartitionScanner() {
       // Create the list of rules that produce tokens
	inactiveCodeRule = new InactiveCodeRule();
	IPredicateRule[] rules = new IPredicateRule[] {
	    new EndOfLineRule("--", END_OF_LINE_COMMENT_TOKEN), //$NON-NLS-1$
	    new ModulaCommentRule(BLOCK_COMMENT_TOKEN),
           new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_TOKEN), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
           new SingleLineRule("'", "'",   SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_TOKEN), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

	    new MultiLineRule("<*", "*>", PRAGMA_TOKEN, (char)0, true) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

public CompositePartitionScanner(ISubPartitionScanner defaultPartitionScanner, ISubPartitionScanner primaryPartitionScanner,
		IPartitionerSwitchStrategy partitionerSwitchStrategy) {
	this.defaultPartitionScanner = defaultPartitionScanner;
	this.primaryPartitionScanner = primaryPartitionScanner;

	defaultPartitionScanner.initCharacterScanner(this, partitionerSwitchStrategy.getDefaultSwitchStrategy());
	primaryPartitionScanner.initCharacterScanner(this, partitionerSwitchStrategy.getPrimarySwitchStrategy());

	String[][] pairs = partitionerSwitchStrategy.getSwitchTagPairs();
	switchRules = new IPredicateRule[pairs.length][];
	for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; ++i) {
		switchRules[i] = new IPredicateRule[] { new SingleTagRule(pairs[i][0], new Token(START_SWITCH_TAG)), new SingleTagRule(pairs[i][1], new Token(END_SWITCH_TAG)) };

	currentPartitionScanner = defaultPartitionScanner;
	setDefaultReturnToken(new Token(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE));
源代码5 项目: birt   文件:
public SQLPartitionScanner( )
	super( );
	IToken sqlComment = new Token( COMMENT );
	IToken sqlQuoteString = new Token( QUOTE_STRING );

	ArrayList rules = new ArrayList( );
	rules.add( new MultiLineRule( "\"", "\"", sqlQuoteString, '\\' ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	rules.add( new MultiLineRule( "\'", "\'", sqlQuoteString, '\\' ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	rules.add( new EndOfLineRule( "//", sqlComment ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add( new EndOfLineRule( "--", sqlComment ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add( new MultiLineRule( "/*", "*/", sqlComment ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	setPredicateRules( (IPredicateRule[]) rules.toArray( new IPredicateRule[rules.size( )] ) );

源代码6 项目: goclipse   文件:
 * Creates the partitioner and sets up the appropriate rules.
public SamplePartitionScanner() {
	IToken tkString = new Token(LANG_STRING);
	IToken tkRawString = new Token(LANG_RAW_STRING);
	IToken tkCharacter = new Token(LANG_CHARACTER);
	IToken tkSingleComment = new Token(LANG_SINGLE_COMMENT);
	IToken tkMultiComment = new Token(LANG_MULTI_COMMENT);
	List<IPredicateRule> rules = new ArrayList<IPredicateRule>();
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("`", "`", tkRawString, NO_ESCAPE, true));
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("\"", "\"", tkString, '\\', true));
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("'", "'", tkCharacter, '\\', true));
	rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("//", tkSingleComment, NO_ESCAPE));
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("/*", "*/", tkMultiComment, NO_ESCAPE, true));
	setPredicateRules(rules.toArray(new IPredicateRule[rules.size()]));
源代码7 项目: goclipse   文件:
 * Add some partition rules common to C-style languages.
 * All rules are optional, if an id is null, the rule will not be added.
protected static void addStandardRules(ArrayList2<IPredicateRule> rules, 
		String lineCommentId, String blockCommentId, 
		String docLineCommentId, String docBlockCommentId,
		String stringId) {
	if(docLineCommentId != null) {
		rules.add(new PatternRule("///", null, new Token(docLineCommentId), NO_ESCAPE_CHAR, true, true));
	if(docBlockCommentId != null) {
		rules.add(new PatternRule("/**", "*/", new Token(docBlockCommentId), NO_ESCAPE_CHAR, false, true));
	if(lineCommentId != null) {
		rules.add(new PatternRule("//", null, new Token(lineCommentId), NO_ESCAPE_CHAR, true, true));
	if(blockCommentId != null) {
		rules.add(new PatternRule("/*", "*/", new Token(blockCommentId), NO_ESCAPE_CHAR, false, true));
	if(stringId != null) {
		rules.add(new PatternRule("\"", "\"", new Token(stringId), '\\', false, true));
源代码8 项目: http4e   文件:
public HPartitionScanner() {
   // IToken key= new Token(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
   IToken comment = new Token(COMMENT);
   IToken propertyValue = new Token(PROPERTY_VALUE);

   setPredicateRules(new IPredicateRule[] { 
         new SingleLineRule(AssistConstants.PARAM_DELIM_EQ, null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true), 
         new SingleLineRule("#", null, comment, (char) 0, true, true), });
源代码9 项目: tlaplus   文件:
public TagBasedTLCOutputTokenScanner()
    Vector<IPredicateRule> rules = new Vector<IPredicateRule>();

    rules.add(new TLCSingleLineRule(RULE_START, TAIL_DELIM + "\n", new Token(TAG_OPEN)));
    rules.add(new TLCSingleLineRule(RULE_END, TAIL_DELIM + "\n", new Token(TAG_CLOSED)));
    rules.add(new TLCMultiLineRule(new Token(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)));
    // add the rules
    setPredicateRules((IPredicateRule[]) rules.toArray(new IPredicateRule[rules.size()]));
源代码10 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件:
public GWTPartitionScanner() {
  IToken jsniMethod = new Token(GWTPartitions.JSNI_METHOD);
  MultiLineRule jsniRule = new MultiLineRule("/*-{", "}-*/", jsniMethod);

  IPredicateRule[] result = new IPredicateRule[] {jsniRule};
private static void resetRules(IPredicateRule[] rules) {
	for (IPredicateRule rule : rules) {
		if (rule instanceof IResumableRule) {
			((IResumableRule) rule).resetRule();
 * Creates the partitioner and sets up the appropriate rules.
public PropertiesFilePartitionScanner() {

	IToken comment= new Token(COMMENT);
	IToken propertyValue= new Token(PROPERTY_VALUE);
	IToken key= new Token(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);

	List<IPredicateRule> rules= new ArrayList<IPredicateRule>();

	// Add rule for leading white space.
	rules.add(new LeadingWhitespacePredicateRule(key, "\t")); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new LeadingWhitespacePredicateRule(key, " ")); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rules for comments.
	rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("#", comment, (char) 0, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("!", comment, (char) 0, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rules for property values.
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("=", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule(":", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule(" ", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\t", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add special case word rule.
	EmptyCommentRule wordRule= new EmptyCommentRule(comment);

	IPredicateRule[] result= new IPredicateRule[rules.size()];
 * Creates the partitioner and sets up the appropriate rules.
public JavaPartitionScanner() {

	IToken string= new Token(JAVA_STRING);
	IToken character= new Token(JAVA_CHARACTER);
	IToken javaDoc= new Token(JAVA_DOC);
	IToken multiLineComment= new Token(JAVA_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT);
	IToken singleLineComment= new Token(JAVA_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT);

	List<IPredicateRule> rules= new ArrayList<IPredicateRule>();

	// Add rule for single line comments.
	rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("//", singleLineComment)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rule for strings.
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", string, '\\')); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rule for character constants.
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("'", "'", character, '\\')); //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add special case word rule.
	EmptyCommentRule wordRule= new EmptyCommentRule(multiLineComment);

	// Add rules for multi-line comments and javadoc.
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("/**", "*/", javaDoc)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("/*", "*/", multiLineComment)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

	IPredicateRule[] result= new IPredicateRule[rules.size()];
 * Creates the partitioner and sets up the appropriate rules.
public EditorConfigPartitionScanner() {

	IToken comment = new Token(COMMENT);
	IToken sectionName = new Token(SECTION);
	IToken propertyValue = new Token(PROPERTY_VALUE);
	IToken key = new Token(IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);

	List<IPredicateRule> rules = new ArrayList<IPredicateRule>();

	// Add rule for leading white space.
	rules.add(new LeadingWhitespacePredicateRule(key, "\t")); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new LeadingWhitespacePredicateRule(key, " ")); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rules for comments.
	rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("#", comment, (char) 0, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	// rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("!", comment, (char) 0, true));
	// //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rules for sections.
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("[", "]", sectionName, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add rules for property values.
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("=", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule(":", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule(" ", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\t", null, propertyValue, '\\', true, true)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	// Add special case word rule.
	EmptyCommentRule wordRule = new EmptyCommentRule(comment);

	IPredicateRule[] result = new IPredicateRule[rules.size()];
public CalcitePartitionScanner() {
	IToken comment = new Token(SQL_COMMENT);
	IToken string = new Token(SQL_STRING);
	IToken quotedIdentifier = new Token(SQL_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER);

	setPredicateRules(new IPredicateRule[] {
			new EndOfLineRule("//", comment),
			new EndOfLineRule("--", comment),
			new MultiLineRule("/*", "*/", comment),
			new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", quotedIdentifier),
			new MultiLineRule("'", "'", string),
源代码16 项目: textuml   文件:
public PartitionScanner() {
    final IToken comment = new Token(ContentTypes.COMMENT_CONTENT_TYPE);
    final IPredicateRule[] rules = new IPredicateRule[2];
    rules[0] = new MultiLineRule("/*", "*/", comment);
    rules[1] = new MultiLineRule("(*", "*)", comment);
源代码17 项目: goclipse   文件:
protected void initPredicateRules(ArrayList2<IPredicateRule> rules) {
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("'", "'", new Token(LangPartitionTypes.CHARACTER.getId()), '\\'));
	rules.add(new MultiLineRule("`", "`", new Token(LangPartitionTypes.MULTILINE_STRING.getId())));
	rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", new Token(LangPartitionTypes.STRING.getId()), '\\'));
private static IPartitionTokenScanner createDefaultScanner() {
    final IToken string = new Token(PatternExpressionViewer.GROOVY_EXPRESSION_CONTENT_TYPE);
    final RuleBasedPartitionScanner scanner = new RuleBasedPartitionScanner();
    scanner.setPredicateRules(new IPredicateRule[] {
            new MultiLineRule(GROOVY_START_TAG, GROOVY_END_TAG, string)
    return scanner;
源代码19 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules()
	return partitioningRules;
源代码20 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules()
	return partitioningRules;
源代码21 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules()
	return partitioningRules;
源代码22 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules() {
	return partitioningRules;
源代码23 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules()
	return partitioningRules;
源代码24 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getPartitioningRules()
	return partitioningRules;
源代码25 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getRules() {
	return EMPTY;
public void setPredicateRules(IPredicateRule[] rules) {
	throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported method"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private IToken doResumeContentType() {
	if (fContentType == null) {
		return null;
	// inside a partition
	fColumn = UNDEFINED;
	boolean resume = (fPartitionOffset > -1 && fPartitionOffset < fOffset);
	fTokenOffset = resume ? fPartitionOffset : fOffset;
	if (hasResume) {
		resume = true;
		hasResume = false;

	IToken token;
	boolean doResetRules;
	do {
		doResetRules = false;
		for (IPredicateRule rule : currentPartitionScanner.getRules()) {
			token = rule.getSuccessToken();
			if (fContentType.equals(token.getData())) {
				token = rule.evaluate(currentPartitionScanner.getCharacterScanner(), resume);
				if (!token.isUndefined() && fOffset != fTokenOffset) {
					fContentType = null;
					return returnToken(token);
				if (doResetRules = currentPartitionScanner.doResetRules()) {
				if (hasSwitchingSequence()) {
					fContentType = null;
					return getDefaultToken();
	} while (doResetRules);

	// haven't found any rule for this type of partition
	fContentType = null;
	if (resume && fPartitionOffset >= 0) {
		fOffset = fPartitionOffset;
		fPartitionOffset = -1;
	return null;
源代码28 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public SubPartitionScanner(IPredicateRule[] rules, String[] contentTypes, IToken defaultToken) {
	this.rules = rules;
	this.defaultToken = (defaultToken != null) ? defaultToken : DEFAULT_TOKEN;
源代码29 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IPredicateRule[] getRules() {
	return rules;
public IPredicateRule[] getRules() {
	return subPartitionScanners[current].getRules();