
下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionAnnotation#org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
private static IRubyObject toRubyObject(Ruby rubyRuntime, Object value) {

        if (value instanceof List) {
            return toRubyArray(rubyRuntime, (List<Object>) value);
        } else if (value instanceof Map) {
        	return convertMapToRubyHashWithStrings(rubyRuntime, (Map<String, Object>) value);
        } else {

            if (isNotARubySymbol(value)) {
                CharSequence stringValue = ((CharSequence) value);

                if (stringValue.length() > 0 && stringValue.charAt(0) == ':') {
                    return RubyUtils.toSymbol(rubyRuntime, stringValue.subSequence(1, stringValue.length()).toString());

            IRubyObject iRubyObject = JavaEmbedUtils.javaToRuby(rubyRuntime, value);
            return iRubyObject;
源代码2 项目: lams   文件:
 * Create a new JRuby-scripted object from the given script source.
 * @param scriptSource the script source text
 * @param interfaces the interfaces that the scripted Java object is to implement
 * @param classLoader the {@link ClassLoader} to create the script proxy with
 * @return the scripted Java object
 * @throws JumpException in case of JRuby parsing failure
public static Object createJRubyObject(String scriptSource, Class<?>[] interfaces, ClassLoader classLoader) {
	Ruby ruby = initializeRuntime();

	Node scriptRootNode = ruby.parseEval(scriptSource, "", null, 0);
       IRubyObject rubyObject = ruby.runNormally(scriptRootNode);

	if (rubyObject instanceof RubyNil) {
		String className = findClassName(scriptRootNode);
		rubyObject = ruby.evalScriptlet("\n" + className + ".new");
	// still null?
	if (rubyObject instanceof RubyNil) {
		throw new IllegalStateException("Compilation of JRuby script returned RubyNil: " + rubyObject);

	return Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, new RubyObjectInvocationHandler(rubyObject, ruby));
源代码3 项目: ramus   文件:
 * Hooks this <code>TextAreaReadline</code> instance into the runtime,
 * redefining the <code>Readline</code> module so that it uses this object.
 * This method does not redefine the standard input-output streams. If you
 * need that, use {@link #hookIntoRuntimeWithStreams(Ruby)}.
 * @param runtime The runtime.
 * @see #hookIntoRuntimeWithStreams(Ruby)
public void hookIntoRuntime(final Ruby runtime) {
    this.runtime = runtime;
    /* Hack in to replace usual readline with this */
    RubyModule readlineM = runtime.fastGetModule("Readline");

    readlineM.defineModuleFunction("readline", new Callback() {
        public IRubyObject execute(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args,
                                   Block block) {
            String line = readLine(args[0].toString());
            if (line != null) {
                return RubyString.newUnicodeString(runtime, line);
            } else {
                return runtime.getNil();

        public Arity getArity() {
            return Arity.twoArguments();
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", required = 2, optional = 2)
public IRubyObject rubyInitialize(final ThreadContext ctx, final IRubyObject[] args) {
    final Ruby ruby = ctx.runtime;
    try {
        dissectors = DissectPair.createArrayFromHash((RubyHash) args[0]);
    } catch (final InvalidFieldException e) {
        throw new RaiseException(e, JavaDissectorLibrary.NativeExceptions.newFieldFormatError(ruby, e));
    plugin = (RubyObject) args[1];
    pluginMetaClass = plugin.getMetaClass();
    conversions = ConvertPair.createArrayFromHash((RubyHash) args[2]);
    for (final ConvertPair convertPair : conversions) {
        if (convertPair.converter().isInvalid()) {
            final RubyClass klass = ruby.getModule("LogStash").getClass("ConvertDatatypeFormatError");
            final String errorMessage = String.format("Dissector datatype conversion, datatype not supported: %s", convertPair.type());
            throw new RaiseException(ruby, klass, errorMessage, true);
    runMatched = args[3] == null || args[3].isTrue();
    failureTags = fetchFailureTags(ctx);
    return ctx.nil;
源代码5 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * setConsole
 * @param ostream
protected IRubyObject setConsole(OutputStream ostream)
	Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
	RubyClass object = runtime.getObject();
	IRubyObject oldValue = null;

	// CONSOLE will only exist already if one command invokes another
	if (object.hasConstant(CONSOLE_CONSTANT))
		oldValue = object.getConstant(CONSOLE_CONSTANT);

	if (ostream != null)
		RubyIO io = new RubyIO(runtime, ostream);


	return oldValue;
源代码6 项目: spork   文件:
 * This calls to the static method compare of DataByteArray. Given two DataByteArrays, it will call it
 * on the underlying bytes.
 * @param context the context the method is being executed in
 * @param self    an class which contains metadata on the calling class (required for static Ruby methods)
 * @param arg1    a RubyDataByteArray or byte array to compare
 * @param arg2    a RubyDataByteArray or byte array to compare
 * @return        the Fixnum result of comparing arg1 and arg2's bytes
public static RubyFixnum compare(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
    byte[] buf1, buf2;
    if (arg1 instanceof RubyDataByteArray) {
        buf1 = ((RubyDataByteArray)arg1).getDBA().get();
    } else {
        buf1 = (byte[])arg1.toJava(byte[].class);
    if (arg2 instanceof RubyDataByteArray) {
        buf2 = ((RubyDataByteArray)arg2).getDBA().get();
    } else {
        buf2 = (byte[])arg2.toJava(byte[].class);
    return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.getRuntime(),, buf2));
源代码7 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public IRubyObject getRubyProperty(String propertyName, Object... args) {
    ThreadContext threadContext = runtime.getThreadService().getCurrentContext();

    IRubyObject result;
    if (propertyName.startsWith("@")) {
        if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No args allowed for direct field access");
        result = rubyNode.getInstanceVariables().getInstanceVariable(propertyName);
    } else {
        if (args == null) {
            result = rubyNode.callMethod(threadContext, propertyName);
        } else {
            IRubyObject[] rubyArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                if (args[i] instanceof RubyObjectWrapper) {
                    rubyArgs[i] = ((RubyObjectWrapper) args[i]).getRubyObject();
                } else {
                    rubyArgs[i] = JavaEmbedUtils.javaToRuby(runtime, args[i]);
            result = rubyNode.callMethod(threadContext, propertyName, rubyArgs);
    return result;
public void modifyContext(CommandElement command, CommandContext context)
	if (command != null)
		Ruby runtime = command.getRuntime();
		if (runtime != null)
			IRubyObject rubyInstance = ScriptUtils.instantiateClass(runtime, ScriptUtils.RUBLE_MODULE, "Browser"); //$NON-NLS-1$
			context.put("browser", rubyInstance); //$NON-NLS-1$
			context.put("browser", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void modifyContext(CommandElement command, CommandContext context)
	IEditorPart editor = this.getActiveEditor();

	if (editor != null && command != null)
		Ruby runtime = command.getRuntime();

		if (runtime != null)
			IRubyObject rubyInstance = ScriptUtils.instantiateClass(runtime, ScriptUtils.RUBLE_MODULE,
					EDITOR_RUBY_CLASS, JavaEmbedUtils.javaToRuby(runtime, editor));

			context.put(EDITOR_PROPERTY_NAME, rubyInstance);
			context.put(EDITOR_PROPERTY_NAME, null);
源代码10 项目: spork   文件:
 * This method registers the class with the given runtime.
 * @param runtime an instance of the Ruby runtime
 * @return        a RubyClass object with metadata about the registered class
public static RubyClass define(Ruby runtime) {
    RubyClass result = runtime.defineClass("Schema",runtime.getObject(), ALLOCATOR);

    result.kindOf = new RubyModule.KindOf() {
        public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject obj, RubyModule type) {
            return obj instanceof RubySchema;



    return result;
源代码11 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public T set(int index, T element) {
    Object oldObject;
    if (element instanceof IRubyObject) {
        oldObject = rubyBlockList.set(index, element);
    } else {
        oldObject = rubyBlockList.set(index, ((ContentNodeImpl) element).getRubyObject());
    return (T) NodeConverter.createASTNode(oldObject);
源代码12 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public static RubyClass register(final JRubyAsciidoctor asciidoctor, final BlockProcessor blockProcessor) {
    RubyClass rubyClass = ProcessorProxyUtil.defineProcessorClass(asciidoctor.getRubyRuntime(), "BlockProcessor", new JRubyAsciidoctorObjectAllocator(asciidoctor) {
        public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) {
            return new BlockProcessorProxy(asciidoctor, klazz, blockProcessor);

    applyAnnotations(blockProcessor.getClass(), rubyClass);

    ProcessorProxyUtil.defineAnnotatedMethods(rubyClass, BlockProcessorProxy.class);
    return rubyClass;
源代码13 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public ExtensionGroup treeprocessor(final Class<? extends Treeprocessor> treeProcessor) {
  final RubyClass rubyClass = TreeprocessorProxy.register(asciidoctor, treeProcessor);
  registrators.add(new Registrator() {
    public void register(IRubyObject registry) {
      registry.callMethod(rubyRuntime.getCurrentContext(), "tree_processor", rubyClass);
  return this;
源代码14 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", required = 1)
public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject options) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
    if (getProcessor() != null) {
        // Instance was created in Java and has options set, so we pass these
        // instead of those passed by asciidoctor
                new IRubyObject[]{RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(getRuntime(), getProcessor().getConfig())},
        // The extension config in the Java extension is just a view on the @config member of the Ruby part
        getProcessor().updateConfig(new RubyHashMapDecorator((RubyHash) getInstanceVariable(MEMBER_NAME_CONFIG)));
    } else {
        // First create only the instance passing in the block name
        setProcessor(instantiateProcessor(new HashMap<String, Object>()));

        // Then create the config hash that may contain config options defined in the Java constructor
        RubyHash config = RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(context.getRuntime(), getProcessor().getConfig());

        // Initialize the Ruby part and pass in the config options
        Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, getMetaClass(), METHOD_NAME_INITIALIZE, new IRubyObject[] {config}, Block.NULL_BLOCK);

        // Reset the Java config options to the decorated Ruby hash, so that Java and Ruby work on the same config map
        getProcessor().setConfig(new RubyHashMapDecorator((RubyHash) getInstanceVariable(MEMBER_NAME_CONFIG)));


    return null;
源代码15 项目: rack-servlet   文件:
@Test public void iteratingOverAThingThatRespondsToClose_shouldCloseTheThing() {
  IRubyObject body = scriptingContainer.parse(" second third))").run();
  JRubyRackBodyIterator subject = new JRubyRackBodyIterator(body);


  while (subject.hasNext()) {;

源代码16 项目: rack-servlet   文件:
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception {
  // Silence logging.
  System.setProperty(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "WARN");

  // Build the Rack servlet.
  ScriptingContainer ruby = new ScriptingContainer();
  IRubyObject application = ruby.parse("lambda { |env| [200, {}, ['Hello, World!']] }").run();
  RackServlet servlet = new RackServlet(new JRubyRackApplication(application));

  server = new ExampleServer(servlet, "/*");
  client = new DefaultHttpClient();
  localhost = new HttpHost("localhost", server.getPort());
源代码17 项目: spork   文件:
 * This is just a convenience method which sets the name of the internalSchema to the argument that was given.
 * @param arg a RubyString to set the name of the encapsulated Schema object
private void setNameIf(IRubyObject arg) {
    if (arg instanceof RubyString) {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Bad name given");
源代码18 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public static RubyClass register(final JRubyAsciidoctor asciidoctor, final Class<? extends BlockMacroProcessor> blockMacroProcessor) {
    RubyClass rubyClass = ProcessorProxyUtil.defineProcessorClass(asciidoctor.getRubyRuntime(), "BlockMacroProcessor", new JRubyAsciidoctorObjectAllocator(asciidoctor) {
        public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) {
            return new BlockMacroProcessorProxy(asciidoctor, klazz, blockMacroProcessor);

    applyAnnotations(blockMacroProcessor, rubyClass);

    ProcessorProxyUtil.defineAnnotatedMethods(rubyClass, BlockMacroProcessorProxy.class);
    return rubyClass;
源代码19 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
protected IRubyObject convertProcessorResult(Object o) {
    if (o instanceof ContentNodeImpl) {
        return ((ContentNodeImpl) o).getRubyObject();
    } else {
        return JavaEmbedUtils.javaToRuby(getRuntime(), o);
源代码20 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", required = 1)
public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject options) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
    if (getProcessor() != null) {
        // Instance was created in Java and has options set, so we pass these
        // instead of those passed by asciidoctor
                new IRubyObject[]{
                        RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(getRuntime(), getProcessor().getConfig())},
        // The extension config in the Java extension is just a view on the @config member of the Ruby part
        getProcessor().updateConfig(new RubyHashMapDecorator((RubyHash) getInstanceVariable(MEMBER_NAME_CONFIG)));
    } else {
        // First create only the instance passing in the block name
        setProcessor(instantiateProcessor(new HashMap<String, Object>()));

        // Then create the config hash that may contain config options defined in the Java constructor
        RubyHash config = RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(context.getRuntime(), getProcessor().getConfig());

        // Initialize the Ruby part and pass in the config options
        Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, getMetaClass(), METHOD_NAME_INITIALIZE, new IRubyObject[] {config}, Block.NULL_BLOCK);

        // Reset the Java config options to the decorated Ruby hash, so that Java and Ruby work on the same config map
        getProcessor().setConfig(new RubyHashMapDecorator((RubyHash) getInstanceVariable(MEMBER_NAME_CONFIG)));


    return null;
源代码21 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public Cell createTableCell(Column column, String text, Map<String, Object> attributes) {
    Ruby rubyRuntime = JRubyRuntimeContext.get(column);

    RubyHash rubyAttributes = RubyHash.newHash(rubyRuntime);

    IRubyObject[] parameters = {
            ((ColumnImpl) column).getRubyObject(),
            text != null ? rubyRuntime.newString(text) : rubyRuntime.getNil(),
            rubyAttributes}; // No cursor parameter yet

    return (Cell) NodeConverter.createASTNode(rubyRuntime, NodeConverter.NodeType.TABLE_CELL_CLASS, parameters);
源代码22 项目: logstash-filter-dissect   文件:
static ConvertPair[] createArrayFromHash(final RubyHash hash) {
    if (hash.isNil()) {
        return EMPTY_ARRAY;
    // a hash iterator that is independent of JRuby 1.7 and 9.0 (Visitor vs VisitorWithState)
    // this does not use unchecked casts
    // RubyHash inst.to_a() creates an array of arrays each having the key and value as elements
    final IRubyObject[] convertPairs = hash.to_a().toJavaArray();
    final ConvertPair[] pairs = new ConvertPair[convertPairs.length];
    for (int idx = 0; idx < convertPairs.length; idx++) {
        pairs[idx] = create((RubyArray) convertPairs[idx]);
    return pairs;
源代码23 项目: spork   文件:
 * Given two RubyDataByteArrays, initializes the encapsulated DataByteArray
 * to be a concatentation of the copied bits of the first and second.
 * @param arg1 the first RubyDataByteArray whose bits will be used
 * @param arg2 the second RubyDataByteArray whose bits will be concatenated
               after the first's
 * @return     the initialized RubyDataBytearray
public RubyDataByteArray initialize(IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
    if (arg1 instanceof RubyDataByteArray && arg2 instanceof RubyDataByteArray) {
       internalDBA = new DataByteArray(((RubyDataByteArray)arg1).getDBA(), ((RubyDataByteArray)arg2).getDBA());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments passed to DataByteArray");
    return this;
源代码24 项目: gocd   文件:
@JRubyMethod(visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src,IRubyObject file, IRubyObject line) {
    filename = filenameAsString(context, file).dup();
    parser = new RipperParser(context, this, source(context, src, filename.asJavaString(), lineAsInt(context, line)));

    return context.nil;
源代码25 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public ExtensionGroup rubyInlineMacro(final String macroName, final String inlineMacroProcessor) {
  registrators.add(new Registrator() {
    public void register(IRubyObject registry) {
      registry.callMethod(rubyRuntime.getCurrentContext(), "inline_macro", new IRubyObject[]{rubyRuntime.newString(inlineMacroProcessor), rubyRuntime.newSymbol(macroName)});
  return this;
源代码26 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public Block createBlock(StructuralNode parent, String context,
                         Map<Object, Object> options) {

    Ruby rubyRuntime = JRubyRuntimeContext.get(parent);

    RubyHash convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols = RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbolsIfNecessary(rubyRuntime,
            filterBlockOptions(parent, options, "subs", ContentModel.KEY));

    IRubyObject[] parameters = {
            ((StructuralNodeImpl) parent).getRubyObject(),
            RubyUtils.toSymbol(rubyRuntime, context),
    return (Block) NodeConverter.createASTNode(rubyRuntime, NodeConverter.NodeType.BLOCK_CLASS, parameters);
源代码27 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * setReader
 * @param io
protected void setReader(IRubyObject io)
	Ruby runtime = this.getRuntime();

	runtime.defineVariable(new InputGlobalVariable(runtime, STDIN_GLOBAL, io));
	runtime.defineGlobalConstant(STDIN_CONSTANT, io);
源代码28 项目: gocd   文件:
public IRubyObject column(ThreadContext context) {
    if (!parser.hasStarted()) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("method called for uninitialized object");

    if (!parseStarted) return context.nil;

    return context.runtime.newFixnum(parser.getColumn());
源代码29 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
@JRubyMethod(name = "register_extensions", required = 2)
public IRubyObject registerExtensions(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject registry, IRubyObject rubyRegistrators) {
  List<Registrator> registrators = (List<Registrator>) JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(rubyRegistrators);
  for (Registrator registrator: registrators) {
  return context.getRuntime().getNil();
源代码30 项目: asciidoctorj   文件:
public int getInt(String propertyName, Object... args) {
    IRubyObject result = getRubyProperty(propertyName, args);
    if (result instanceof RubyNil) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return (int) ((RubyNumeric) result).getLongValue();