org.eclipse.jface.text.TypedPosition#getLength ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
private boolean isOpenSingleLineCommentPartition(TypedPosition position, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
	if (position.isDeleted()) {
		return false;
	int endOffset = position.getOffset() + position.getLength();
	if (offset != endOffset) {
		return false;
	if (!TerminalsTokenTypeToPartitionMapper.SL_COMMENT_PARTITION.equals(position.getType())) {
		return false;
	int line = fDocument.getLineOfOffset(offset - 1);
	return fDocument.getLineDelimiter(line) == null;
源代码2 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件:
public static TextEdit format(IDocument document, TypedPosition partition,
    Map<String, String> javaFormattingPrefs,
    Map<String, String> javaScriptFormattingPrefs, String original) {
  try {
    // Extract the JSNI block out of the document
    int offset = partition.getOffset();
    int length = partition.getLength();

    // Determine the line delimiter, indent string, and tab/indent widths
    String lineDelimiter = TextUtilities.getDefaultLineDelimiter(document);
    int tabWidth = IndentManipulation.getTabWidth(javaFormattingPrefs);
    int indentWidth = IndentManipulation.getIndentWidth(javaFormattingPrefs);

    // Get indentation level of the first line of the JSNI block (this should
    // be the line containing the JSNI method declaration)
    int methodDeclarationOffset = getMethodDeclarationOffset(document, offset);
    int jsniLine1 = document.getLineOfOffset(methodDeclarationOffset);
    int methodIndentLevel = getLineIndentLevel(document, jsniLine1, tabWidth,
    DefaultCodeFormatter defaultCodeFormatter = new DefaultCodeFormatter(
    String indentLine = defaultCodeFormatter.createIndentationString(methodIndentLevel);

    // Extract the JSNI body out of the block and split it up by line
    String jsniSource = document.get(offset, length);
    String body = JsniParser.extractMethodBody(jsniSource);

    String formattedJs;

    // JSNI Java references mess up the JS formatter, so replace them
    // with place holder values
    JsniJavaRefReplacementResult replacementResults = replaceJsniJavaRefs(body);
    body = replacementResults.getJsni();

    TextEdit formatEdit = CodeFormatterUtil.format2(
        CodeFormatter.K_STATEMENTS, body, methodIndentLevel + 1,
        lineDelimiter, javaScriptFormattingPrefs);

    if (formatEdit != null) {

      body = restoreJsniJavaRefs(replacementResults);

      Document d = new Document(body);

      formattedJs = d.get();

      if (!formattedJs.startsWith(lineDelimiter)) {
        formattedJs = lineDelimiter + formattedJs;

      if (!formattedJs.endsWith(lineDelimiter)) {
        formattedJs = formattedJs + lineDelimiter;

      formattedJs = formattedJs + indentLine;

      formattedJs = "/*-{" + formattedJs + "}-*/";

    } else {

      if (original == null) {
        return null;

      formattedJs = original; // formatting failed, use the original string

    return new ReplaceEdit(offset, length, formattedJs);

  } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;