
下面列出了org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter.IContentFormatter#org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter.IFormattingContext 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

protected void formatMaster(IFormattingContext context, IDocument document,
    int offset, int length) {
  // Reset error state
  masterFormatterHadError = false;

  // Save the entire doc text before we run the master formatter
  premasterDocumentText = document.get();

  // Create the document clone
  tempDocument = documentCloner.clone(document);
  if (tempDocument == null) {
    masterFormatterHadError = true;


  if (replaceSlavePartitionsDuringMasterFormat) {

  // Ensure the superclass works off the temp document
  super.formatMaster(context, tempDocument, offset, length);
 * Update the fomatting context to reflect to the script formatter that should be used with the given content-type.
 * @param context
 * @param region
 * @param lastContentType
private void updateContex(IFormattingContext context, String contentType, int offset, int length)
	IScriptFormatterFactory factory = ScriptFormatterManager.getSelected(contentType);
	if (factory != null)
		if (context != null)
			context.setProperty(ScriptFormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_FORMATTER_ID, factory.getId());
			context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PARTITION, new TypedPosition(offset, length,
public IFormattingContext createFormattingContext() {
	IFormattingContext context= new JavaFormattingContext();

	Map<String, String> preferences;
	IJavaElement inputJavaElement= getInputJavaElement();
	IJavaProject javaProject= inputJavaElement != null ? inputJavaElement.getJavaProject() : null;
	if (javaProject == null)
		preferences= new HashMap<String, String>(JavaCore.getOptions());
		preferences= new HashMap<String, String>(javaProject.getOptions(true));

	context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PREFERENCES, preferences);

	return context;
public void formatterStarts(IFormattingContext context) {

  IDocument document = (IDocument) context.getProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_MEDIUM);
  TypedPosition position = (TypedPosition) context.getProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PARTITION);

 * @param context
 * @param document
 * @param partition
 * @param project
 * @param formatterId
 * @param isSlave
 * @param canConsumeIndentation
 * @param isSelection
 * @param selectedRegion
 *            - Should be valid when isSelection is true.
public FormatJob(IFormattingContext context, IDocument document, TypedPosition partition, IProject project,
		String formatterId, Boolean isSlave, Boolean canConsumeIndentation, Boolean isSelection,
		IRegion selectedRegion)
	this.context = context;
	this.document = document;
	this.partition = partition;
	this.project = project;
	this.formatterId = formatterId;
	this.canConsumeIndentation = canConsumeIndentation;
	this.isSlave = (isSlave != null) ? isSlave : false;
	this.isSelection = (isSelection != null) ? isSelection : false;
	this.selectedRegion = selectedRegion;
源代码6 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Detects the indentation level.
public int detectIndentationLevel(IDocument document, int offset, boolean isSelection,
		IFormattingContext formattingContext)
	String source = document.get();
	int indent = 0;
		IParseState parseState = new HTMLParseState(source);
		IParseRootNode parseResult = ParserPoolFactory.parse(getMainContentType(), parseState).getRootNode();
		if (parseResult != null)
			final HTMLFormatterNodeBuilder builder = new HTMLFormatterNodeBuilder();
			final FormatterDocument formatterDocument = createFormatterDocument(source);
			IFormatterContainerNode root =, formatterDocument);
			new HTMLFormatterNodeRewriter().rewrite(root);
			IFormatterContext context = new HTMLFormatterContext(0);
			FormatterIndentDetector detector = new FormatterIndentDetector(offset);
				root.accept(context, detector);
				return detector.getLevel();
			catch (Exception e)
				// ignore
	catch (Throwable t)
		return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);
	return indent;
public IFormattingContext createFormattingContext() {

	// it's ok to use instance preferences here as subclasses replace
	// with project dependent versions (see CompilationUnitEditor.AdaptedSourceViewer)
	IFormattingContext context= new JavaFormattingContext();
	Map<String, String> map= new HashMap<String, String>(JavaCore.getOptions());
	context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PREFERENCES, map);

	return context;
public void formatterStarts(final IFormattingContext context) {

	fPartitions.addLast((TypedPosition) context.getProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PARTITION));
	fDocuments.addLast((IDocument) context.getProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_MEDIUM));
protected void doFormatPreview() {
       if (fPreviewText == null) {
           fPreviewDocument.set(""); //$NON-NLS-1$

	final IFormattingContext context = new JavaFormattingContext();
	try {
		final IContentFormatter formatter =	fViewerConfiguration.getContentFormatter(fSourceViewer);
		if (formatter instanceof IContentFormatterExtension) {
			final IContentFormatterExtension extension = (IContentFormatterExtension) formatter;
			context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PREFERENCES, fWorkingValues);
			context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_DOCUMENT, Boolean.valueOf(true));
			extension.format(fPreviewDocument, context);
		} else
			formatter.format(fPreviewDocument, new Region(0, fPreviewDocument.getLength()));
	} catch (Exception e) {
		final IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JavaPlugin.getPluginId(), IJavaStatusConstants.INTERNAL_ERROR,
			FormatterMessages.JavaPreview_formatter_exception, e);
	} finally {
protected void formatSlaves(IFormattingContext context, IDocument document,
    int offset, int length) {
  try {
    if (masterFormatterHadError) {
      // Do not proceed if the master formatter had an error

    // Revert any master changes of partitions for which we have a slave
    // formatting strategy
    try {
      ITypedRegion[] partitions = TextUtilities.computePartitioning(
          tempDocument, partitioning, 0, tempDocument.getLength(), false);
      if (partitions.length == savedPartitionText.length) {
        for (int i = 0; i < savedPartitionText.length; i++) {
          if (savedPartitionText[i] == null) {

              partitions[i].getLength(), savedPartitionText[i]);

          if (partitions[i].getLength() != savedPartitionText[i].length()) {
            // Recompute partitions since our replacement affects subsequent
            // offsets
            partitions = TextUtilities.computePartitioning(tempDocument,
                partitioning, 0, tempDocument.getLength(), false);
    } catch (BadLocationException e) {
      // This will never happen, according to super.formatSlaves

    if (length > tempDocument.getLength()) {
      // Safeguard against the master formatter shortening the document
      length = tempDocument.getLength();

    // Ensure the superclass works off the temp document
    super.formatSlaves(context, tempDocument, offset, length);

    String tempText = tempDocument.get();
    if (!tempText.equals(premasterDocumentText)) {
      if (!checkForNonwhitespaceChanges
          || StringUtilities.equalsIgnoreWhitespace(tempText,
          premasterDocumentText, true)) {
        // Replace the text since it is different than what we started the
        // with
      } else {
        CorePluginLog.logWarning("Not applying formatting since it would cause non-whitespace changes.");
  } finally {
     * This will always be called. The super.format method tries calling
     * formatMaster, and in a finally block calls formatSlaves. We try-finally
     * on entry into formatSlaves.
private void setToTempDocument(IFormattingContext context) {
源代码12 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Detects the indentation level.
public int detectIndentationLevel(IDocument document, int offset, boolean isSelection,
		IFormattingContext formattingContext)

	int indent = 0;
		// detect the indentation offset with the parser, only if the given offset is not the first one in the
		// current partition.
		ITypedRegion partition = document.getPartition(offset);
		if (partition != null && partition.getOffset() == offset)
			return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);

		String source = document.get();
		IParseRootNode parseResult = ParserPoolFactory.parse(getMainContentType(), source).getRootNode();
		if (parseResult != null)
			final XMLFormatterNodeBuilder builder = new XMLFormatterNodeBuilder();
			final FormatterDocument formatterDocument = createFormatterDocument(source, offset);
			IFormatterContainerNode root =, formatterDocument);
			new XMLFormatterNodeRewriter().rewrite(root);
			IFormatterContext context = new XMLFormatterContext(0);
			FormatterIndentDetector detector = new FormatterIndentDetector(offset);
				root.accept(context, detector);
				return detector.getLevel();
			catch (Exception e)
				// ignore
	catch (Throwable t)
		return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);
	return indent;
源代码13 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Detects the indentation level.
public int detectIndentationLevel(IDocument document, int offset, boolean isSelection,
		IFormattingContext formattingContext)

	int indent = 0;
		// detect the indentation offset with the parser, only if the given offset is not the first one in the
		// current partition.
		ITypedRegion partition = document.getPartition(offset);
		if (partition != null && partition.getOffset() == offset)
			return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);

		String source = document.get();
		IParseRootNode parseResult = ParserPoolFactory.parse(getMainContentType(), source).getRootNode();
		if (parseResult != null)
			final CSSFormatterNodeBuilder builder = new CSSFormatterNodeBuilder();
			final FormatterDocument formatterDocument = createFormatterDocument(source, offset);
			IFormatterContainerNode root =, formatterDocument);
			new CSSFormatterNodeRewriter(parseResult, formatterDocument).rewrite(root);
			IFormatterContext context = new CSSFormatterContext(0);
			FormatterIndentDetector detector = new FormatterIndentDetector(offset);
				root.accept(context, detector);
				return detector.getLevel();
			catch (Exception e)
				// ignore
	catch (Throwable t)
		return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);
	return indent;
源代码14 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Detects the indentation level.
public int detectIndentationLevel(IDocument document, int offset, boolean isSelection,
		IFormattingContext formattingContext)
	int indent = 0;
		// detect the indentation offset with the parser, only if the given offset is not the first one in the
		// current partition.
		ITypedRegion partition = document.getPartition(offset);
		if (partition != null && partition.getOffset() == offset)
			return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);
		String source = document.get();
		IParseRootNode parseResult = ParserPoolFactory.parse(getMainContentType(), source).getRootNode();
		if (parseResult != null)
			final JSFormatterNodeBuilder builder = new JSFormatterNodeBuilder();
			final FormatterDocument formatterDocument = createFormatterDocument(source, offset);
			IFormatterContainerNode root =, formatterDocument);
			new JSFormatterNodeRewriter(parseResult, formatterDocument).rewrite(root);
			IFormatterContext context = new JSFormatterContext(0);
			FormatterIndentDetector detector = new FormatterIndentDetector(offset);
				root.accept(context, detector);
				return detector.getLevel();
			catch (Exception e)
				// ignore
	catch (Throwable t)
		return super.detectIndentationLevel(document, offset);
	return indent;
源代码15 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
public IFormattingContext createFormattingContext()
	final IFormattingContext context = super.createFormattingContext();
		QualifiedContentType contentType = CommonEditorPlugin.getDefault().getDocumentScopeManager()
				.getContentType(getDocument(), 0);
		if (contentType != null && contentType.getPartCount() > 0)
			for (String ct : contentType.getParts())
				String mainContentType = ct;
				// We need to make sure that in case the given content type is actually a nested language in
				// HTML, we look for the HTML formatter factory because it should be the 'Master' formatter.
				if (mainContentType.startsWith(CommonSourceViewerConfiguration.CONTENTTYPE_HTML_PREFIX))
					mainContentType = CommonSourceViewerConfiguration.CONTENTTYPE_HTML_PREFIX;
				final IScriptFormatterFactory factory = ScriptFormatterManager.getSelected(mainContentType);
				if (factory != null)
					// The code above might change the content type that is used to
					// get the formatter, but we still need to save the original content-type so that the
					// IScriptFormatter instance will handle the any required parsing by calling the right
					// IParser.

					ITextEditor textEditor = (ITextEditor) getAdapter(ITextEditor.class);
					if (textEditor != null)
						IResource file = (IResource) textEditor.getEditorInput().getAdapter(IResource.class);
						context.setProperty(ScriptFormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_FORMATTER_ID, factory.getId());
						IProject project = (file != null) ? file.getProject() : null;
						Map preferences = factory.retrievePreferences(new PreferencesLookupDelegate(project));
						context.setProperty(FormattingContextProperties.CONTEXT_PREFERENCES, preferences);
	catch (BadLocationException e)
	return context;
源代码16 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Detects the indentation level at the specified offset
 * @param document
 * @param offset
 * @param context
 * @param isSelection
 * @return
int detectIndentationLevel(IDocument document, int offset, boolean isSelection, IFormattingContext context);
源代码17 项目: APICloud-Studio   文件:
 * Format <code>source</code>, and returns a text edit that correspond to the difference between the given string
 * and the formatted string.
 * <p>
 * It returns null if the given string cannot be formatted.
 * </p>
 * @param source
 *            full source module content
 * @param offset
 *            the offset of the region to format
 * @param length
 *            the length of the region to format
 * @param indentationLevel
 *            the additional indent level
 * @param isSelection
 *            Indicate that we are formatting selected text.
 * @param context
 *            {@link IFormatterContext}
 * @param indentSufix
 *            Extra string indent to insert into the end of the formatter text (may be empty)
TextEdit format(String source, int offset, int length, int indentationLevel, boolean isSelection,
		IFormattingContext context, String indentSufix) throws FormatterException;