
下面列出了org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.DefaultRolloverStrategy#org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.Action 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: summerframework   文件:
private static DefaultRolloverStrategy createStrategyByAction(String loggerName, String loggerDir) {

        IfFileName ifFileName = IfFileName.createNameCondition(null, loggerName + "\\.\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}.*");
        IfLastModified ifLastModified = IfLastModified.createAgeCondition(Duration.parse("1d"));
        DeleteAction deleteAction = DeleteAction.createDeleteAction(loggerDir, false, 1, false, null,
            new PathCondition[] {ifLastModified, ifFileName}, null, config);
        Action[] actions = new Action[] {deleteAction};

        return DefaultRolloverStrategy.createStrategy("7", "1", null, null, actions, false, config);
源代码2 项目: Zebra   文件:
 * Perform the rollover.
 * @param manager The RollingFileManager name for current active log file.
 * @return A RolloverDescription.
 * @throws SecurityException if an error occurs.
public RolloverDescription rollover(final RollingFileManager manager) throws SecurityException {
    if (maxIndex < 0) {
        return null;
    final long start = System.nanoTime();
    final int fileIndex = purge(minIndex, maxIndex, manager);
    if (fileIndex < 0) {
        return null;
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        final double duration = (System.nanoTime() - start) / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0);
        LOGGER.trace("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purge() took {} seconds", duration);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(255);
    manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(subst, buf, fileIndex);
    final String currentFileName = manager.getFileName();

    String renameTo = buf.toString();
    final String compressedName = renameTo;
    Action compressAction = null;

    if (renameTo.endsWith(EXT_GZIP)) {
        renameTo = renameTo.substring(0, renameTo.length() - EXT_GZIP.length());
        compressAction = new GzCompressAction(new File(renameTo), new File(compressedName), true);
    } else if (renameTo.endsWith(EXT_ZIP)) {
        renameTo = renameTo.substring(0, renameTo.length() - EXT_ZIP.length());
        compressAction = new ZipCompressAction(new File(renameTo), new File(compressedName), true,

    final FileRenameAction renameAction =
            new FileRenameAction(new File(currentFileName), new File(renameTo), false);

    return new RolloverDescriptionImpl(currentFileName, false, renameAction, compressAction);
 * Constructs a new instance.
 * @param maxFiles The maximum number of files that match the date portion of the pattern to keep.
 * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
 * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
 * @param tempCompressedFilePatternString File pattern of the working file
 *                                     used during compression, if null no temporary file are used
protected DirectWriteRolloverStrategy(final int maxFiles, final int compressionLevel,
                                      final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor, final Action[] customActions,
                                      final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError, final String tempCompressedFilePatternString) {
    this.maxFiles = maxFiles;
    this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
    this.stopCustomActionsOnError = stopCustomActionsOnError;
    this.customActions = customActions == null ? Collections.<Action> emptyList() : Arrays.asList(customActions);
    this.tempCompressedFilePattern =
            tempCompressedFilePatternString != null ? new PatternProcessor(tempCompressedFilePatternString) : null;
源代码4 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
protected Action merge(final Action compressAction, final List<Action> custom, final boolean stopOnError) {
    if (custom.isEmpty()) {
        return compressAction;
    if (compressAction == null) {
        return new CompositeAction(custom, stopOnError);
    final List<Action> all = new ArrayList<>();
    return new CompositeAction(all, stopOnError);
源代码5 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Create new instance.
 * @param activeFileName active log file name after rollover, may not be null.
 * @param append         true if active log file after rollover should be opened for appending.
 * @param synchronous    action to be completed after close of current active log file, may be null.
 * @param asynchronous   action to be completed after close of current active log file and
 *                       before next rollover attempt.
public RolloverDescriptionImpl(final String activeFileName, final boolean append, final Action synchronous,
                               final Action asynchronous) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(activeFileName, "activeFileName");

    this.append = append;
    this.activeFileName = activeFileName;
    this.synchronous = synchronous;
    this.asynchronous = asynchronous;
源代码6 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Constructs a new instance.
 * @param minIndex The minimum index.
 * @param maxIndex The maximum index.
 * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
 * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
 * @param tempCompressedFilePatternString File pattern of the working file
 *                                     used during compression, if null no temporary file are used
protected DefaultRolloverStrategy(final int minIndex, final int maxIndex, final boolean useMax,
        final int compressionLevel, final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor, final Action[] customActions,
        final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError, final String tempCompressedFilePatternString) {
    this.minIndex = minIndex;
    this.maxIndex = maxIndex;
    this.useMax = useMax;
    this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
    this.stopCustomActionsOnError = stopCustomActionsOnError;
    this.customActions = customActions == null ? Collections.<Action> emptyList() : Arrays.asList(customActions);
    this.tempCompressedFilePattern =
            tempCompressedFilePatternString != null ? new PatternProcessor(tempCompressedFilePatternString) : null;
源代码7 项目: Zebra   文件:
 * Purge and rename old log files in preparation for rollover. The newest file will have the smallest index, the
 * oldest will have the highest.
 * @param lowIndex  low index
 * @param highIndex high index.  Logger file associated with high index will be deleted if needed.
 * @param manager The RollingFileManager
 * @return true if purge was successful and rollover should be attempted.
private int purgeDescending(final int lowIndex, final int highIndex, final RollingFileManager manager) {
    int suffixLength = 0;

    final List<FileRenameAction> renames = new ArrayList<FileRenameAction>();
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

    // LOG4J2-531: directory scan & rollover must use same format
    manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(subst, buf, lowIndex);

    String lowFilename = subst.replace(buf);

    if (lowFilename.endsWith(EXT_GZIP)) {
        suffixLength = EXT_GZIP.length();
    } else if (lowFilename.endsWith(EXT_ZIP)) {
        suffixLength = EXT_ZIP.length();

    for (int i = lowIndex; i <= highIndex; i++) {
        File toRename = new File(lowFilename);
        boolean isBase = false;

        if (suffixLength > 0) {
            final File toRenameBase =
                    new File(lowFilename.substring(0, lowFilename.length() - suffixLength));

            if (toRename.exists()) {
                if (toRenameBase.exists()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purgeDescending deleting {} base of {}.", //
                            toRenameBase, toRename);
            } else {
                toRename = toRenameBase;
                isBase = true;

        if (toRename.exists()) {
            //    if at upper index then
            //        attempt to delete last file
            //        if that fails then abandon purge
            if (i == highIndex) {
                LOGGER.debug("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purgeDescending deleting {} at high index {}: all slots full.", //
                        toRename, i);
                if (!toRename.delete()) {
                    return -1;


            //   if intermediate index
            //     add a rename action to the list
            // LOG4J2-531: directory scan & rollover must use same format
            manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(subst, buf, i + 1);

            final String highFilename = subst.replace(buf);
            String renameTo = highFilename;

            if (isBase) {
                renameTo = highFilename.substring(0, highFilename.length() - suffixLength);

            renames.add(new FileRenameAction(toRename, new File(renameTo), true));
            lowFilename = highFilename;
        } else {

    //   work renames backwards
    for (int i = renames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        final Action action = renames.get(i);
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purgeDescending executing {} of {}: {}", //
                    i, renames.size(), action);
            if (!action.execute()) {
                return -1;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.warn("Exception during purge in RollingFileAppender", ex);
            return -1;

    return lowIndex;
源代码8 项目: entando-core   文件:
public void init() throws Exception {
    String active = (String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_ACTIVE_FILE_OUTPUT);
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(active) || !active.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
    String appenderName = "ENTANDO";
    String conversionPattern = (String) this.systemParams.get("log4jConversionPattern");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(conversionPattern)) {
        conversionPattern = "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} - %-5p -  %c - %m%n";
    String maxFileSize = (String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_FILE_SIZE);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(maxFileSize)) {
        maxFileSize = "1MB"; //default size
    } else {
        long mega = new Long(maxFileSize) / KILOBYTE;
        maxFileSize = mega + "KB";
    String filePattern = (String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_FILE_PATTERN);
    String filename = (String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_NAME);
    int maxBackupIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_FILES_COUNT));
    String log4jLevelString = (String) this.systemParams.get(INIT_PROP_LOG_LEVEL);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(log4jLevelString)) {
        log4jLevelString = "INFO"; //default level
    LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
    Configurator.setAllLevels(loggerContext.getRootLogger().getName(), Level.getLevel(log4jLevelString));
    Configuration configuration = loggerContext.getConfiguration();
    RollingFileAppender fileAppender = (RollingFileAppender) configuration.getAppender(appenderName);
    if (null == fileAppender) {
        PathCondition[] pathConditions = new PathCondition[]{IfAccumulatedFileCount.createFileCountCondition(maxBackupIndex)};
        String basePath = filePattern.substring(0, filePattern.lastIndexOf(File.separator));
        DeleteAction deleteAction = DeleteAction.createDeleteAction(basePath, true, 1, false, null, pathConditions, null, configuration);
        SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy policy = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy.createPolicy(maxFileSize);
        PatternLayout layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder().withPattern(conversionPattern).build();
        DefaultRolloverStrategy strategy = DefaultRolloverStrategy.newBuilder()
                .withCustomActions(new Action[]{deleteAction}).build();
        fileAppender = RollingFileAppender.newBuilder()
        Configurator.setLevel(appenderName, Level.getLevel(log4jLevelString));
    AsyncAppender async = (AsyncAppender) loggerContext.getRootLogger().getAppenders().get("async");
    if (null == async) {
        AppenderRef ref = AppenderRef.createAppenderRef(appenderName, Level.getLevel(log4jLevelString), null);
        async = AsyncAppender.newBuilder().setName("async")
                .setAppenderRefs(new AppenderRef[]{ref}).build();
public Action[] getCustomActions() {
    return customActions;
public List<Action> getCustomActions() {
    return customActions;
 * Performs the rollover.
 * @param manager The RollingFileManager name for current active log file.
 * @return A RolloverDescription.
 * @throws SecurityException if an error occurs.
public RolloverDescription rollover(final RollingFileManager manager) throws SecurityException {
    LOGGER.debug("Rolling " + currentFileName);
    if (maxFiles < 0) {
        return null;
    final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
    final int fileIndex = purge(manager);
    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
        final double durationMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
        LOGGER.trace("DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.purge() took {} milliseconds", durationMillis);
    Action compressAction = null;
    final String sourceName = getCurrentFileName(manager);
    String compressedName = sourceName;
    currentFileName = null;
    nextIndex = fileIndex + 1;
    final FileExtension fileExtension = manager.getFileExtension();
    if (fileExtension != null) {
        compressedName += fileExtension.getExtension();            
        if (tempCompressedFilePattern != null) {
            final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            tempCompressedFilePattern.formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, fileIndex);
            final String tmpCompressedName = buf.toString();
            final File tmpCompressedNameFile = new File(tmpCompressedName);
            final File parentFile = tmpCompressedNameFile.getParentFile();
            if (parentFile != null) {
            compressAction = new CompositeAction(
                    Arrays.asList(fileExtension.createCompressAction(sourceName, tmpCompressedName,
                            true, compressionLevel),
                            new FileRenameAction(tmpCompressedNameFile,
                                    new File(compressedName), true)),
        } else {
            compressAction = fileExtension.createCompressAction(sourceName, compressedName,
                  true, compressionLevel);

    if (compressAction != null && manager.isAttributeViewEnabled()) {
        // Propagate posix attribute view to compressed file
        // @formatter:off
        final Action posixAttributeViewAction = PosixViewAttributeAction.newBuilder()
                                                .setPathConditions(new PathCondition[0])
        // @formatter:on
        compressAction = new CompositeAction(Arrays.asList(compressAction, posixAttributeViewAction), false);

    final Action asyncAction = merge(compressAction, customActions, stopCustomActionsOnError);
    return new RolloverDescriptionImpl(sourceName, false, null, asyncAction);
源代码12 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
public Action[] getCustomActions() {
    return customActions;
源代码13 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
public List<Action> getCustomActions() {
    return customActions;
源代码14 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Purges and renames old log files in preparation for rollover. The oldest file will have the smallest index, the
 * newest the highest.
 * @param lowIndex low index. Log file associated with low index will be deleted if needed.
 * @param highIndex high index.
 * @param manager The RollingFileManager
 * @return true if purge was successful and rollover should be attempted.
private int purgeAscending(final int lowIndex, final int highIndex, final RollingFileManager manager) {
    final SortedMap<Integer, Path> eligibleFiles = getEligibleFiles(manager);
    final int maxFiles = highIndex - lowIndex + 1;

    boolean renameFiles = !eligibleFiles.isEmpty() && eligibleFiles.lastKey() >= maxIndex;
    while (eligibleFiles.size() >= maxFiles) {
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Eligible files: {}", eligibleFiles);
            final Integer key = eligibleFiles.firstKey();
            LOGGER.debug("Deleting {}", eligibleFiles.get(key).toFile().getAbsolutePath());
            renameFiles = true;
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            LOGGER.error("Unable to delete {}, {}", eligibleFiles.firstKey(), ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    if (renameFiles) {
        for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Path> entry : eligibleFiles.entrySet()) {
            // LOG4J2-531: directory scan & rollover must use same format
            manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, entry.getKey() - 1);
            final String currentName = entry.getValue().toFile().getName();
            String renameTo = buf.toString();
            final int suffixLength = suffixLength(renameTo);
            if (suffixLength > 0 && suffixLength(currentName) == 0) {
               renameTo = renameTo.substring(0, renameTo.length() - suffixLength);
            final Action action = new FileRenameAction(entry.getValue().toFile(), new File(renameTo), true);
            try {
                LOGGER.debug("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purgeAscending executing {}", action);
                if (!action.execute()) {
                    return -1;
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                LOGGER.warn("Exception during purge in RollingFileAppender", ex);
                return -1;

    return eligibleFiles.size() > 0 ?
            (eligibleFiles.lastKey() < highIndex ? eligibleFiles.lastKey() + 1 : highIndex) : lowIndex;
源代码15 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Purges and renames old log files in preparation for rollover. The newest file will have the smallest index, the
 * oldest will have the highest.
 * @param lowIndex low index
 * @param highIndex high index. Log file associated with high index will be deleted if needed.
 * @param manager The RollingFileManager
 * @return true if purge was successful and rollover should be attempted.
private int purgeDescending(final int lowIndex, final int highIndex, final RollingFileManager manager) {
    // Retrieve the files in descending order, so the highest key will be first.
    final SortedMap<Integer, Path> eligibleFiles = getEligibleFiles(manager, false);
    final int maxFiles = highIndex - lowIndex + 1;
    LOGGER.debug("Eligible files: {}", eligibleFiles);

    while (eligibleFiles.size() >= maxFiles) {
        try {
            final Integer key = eligibleFiles.firstKey();
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            LOGGER.error("Unable to delete {}, {}", eligibleFiles.firstKey(), ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
    final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Path> entry : eligibleFiles.entrySet()) {
        // LOG4J2-531: directory scan & rollover must use same format
        manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, entry.getKey() + 1);
        final String currentName = entry.getValue().toFile().getName();
        String renameTo = buf.toString();
        final int suffixLength = suffixLength(renameTo);
        if (suffixLength > 0 && suffixLength(currentName) == 0) {
            renameTo = renameTo.substring(0, renameTo.length() - suffixLength);
        final Action action = new FileRenameAction(entry.getValue().toFile(), new File(renameTo), true);
        try {
            LOGGER.debug("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purgeDescending executing {}", action);
            if (!action.execute()) {
                return -1;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.warn("Exception during purge in RollingFileAppender", ex);
            return -1;

    return lowIndex;
源代码16 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
   * Performs the rollover.
   * @param manager The RollingFileManager name for current active log file.
   * @return A RolloverDescription.
   * @throws SecurityException if an error occurs.
  public RolloverDescription rollover(final RollingFileManager manager) throws SecurityException {
      int fileIndex;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(255);
      if (minIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
          final SortedMap<Integer, Path> eligibleFiles = getEligibleFiles(manager);
          fileIndex = eligibleFiles.size() > 0 ? eligibleFiles.lastKey() + 1 : 1;
	manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, fileIndex);
      } else {
          if (maxIndex < 0) {
              return null;
          final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
          fileIndex = purge(minIndex, maxIndex, manager);
          if (fileIndex < 0) {
              return null;
	manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, fileIndex);
          if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
              final double durationMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
              LOGGER.trace("DefaultRolloverStrategy.purge() took {} milliseconds", durationMillis);

      final String currentFileName = manager.getFileName();

      String renameTo = buf.toString();
      final String compressedName = renameTo;
      Action compressAction = null;

      final FileExtension fileExtension = manager.getFileExtension();
      if (fileExtension != null) {
          final File renameToFile = new File(renameTo);
          renameTo = renameTo.substring(0, renameTo.length() - fileExtension.length());
          if (tempCompressedFilePattern != null) {
              buf.delete(0, buf.length());
              tempCompressedFilePattern.formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, fileIndex);
              final String tmpCompressedName = buf.toString();
              final File tmpCompressedNameFile = new File(tmpCompressedName);
              final File parentFile = tmpCompressedNameFile.getParentFile();
              if (parentFile != null) {
              compressAction = new CompositeAction(
                      Arrays.asList(fileExtension.createCompressAction(renameTo, tmpCompressedName,
                              true, compressionLevel),
                              new FileRenameAction(tmpCompressedNameFile,
                                      renameToFile, true)),
          } else {
              compressAction = fileExtension.createCompressAction(renameTo, compressedName,
                      true, compressionLevel);

      if (currentFileName.equals(renameTo)) {
          LOGGER.warn("Attempt to rename file {} to itself will be ignored", currentFileName);
          return new RolloverDescriptionImpl(currentFileName, false, null, null);

      if (compressAction != null && manager.isAttributeViewEnabled()) {
          // Propagate posix attribute view to compressed file
          // @formatter:off
          final Action posixAttributeViewAction = PosixViewAttributeAction.newBuilder()
                                                      .setPathConditions(new PathCondition[0])
          // @formatter:on
          compressAction = new CompositeAction(Arrays.asList(compressAction, posixAttributeViewAction), false);

      final FileRenameAction renameAction = new FileRenameAction(new File(currentFileName), new File(renameTo),

      final Action asyncAction = merge(compressAction, customActions, stopCustomActionsOnError);
      return new RolloverDescriptionImpl(currentFileName, false, renameAction, asyncAction);
 * Defines custom actions.
 * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
 * @return This builder for chaining convenience
public Builder setCustomActions(final Action... customActions) {
    this.customActions = customActions;
    return this;
源代码18 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Action to be completed after close of current active log file
 * before returning control to caller.
 * @return action, may be null.
Action getSynchronous();
源代码19 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Action to be completed after close of current active log file
 * and before next rollover attempt, may be executed asynchronously.
 * @return action, may be null.
Action getAsynchronous();
源代码20 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Action to be completed after close of current active log file
 * before returning control to caller.
 * @return action, may be null.
public Action getSynchronous() {
    return synchronous;
源代码21 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Action to be completed after close of current active log file
 * and before next rollover attempt, may be executed asynchronously.
 * @return action, may be null.
public Action getAsynchronous() {
    return asynchronous;
源代码22 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Constructor.
 * @param act The action to perform.
 * @param manager The manager.
public AsyncAction(final Action act, final RollingFileManager manager) {
    this.action = act;
    this.manager = manager;
源代码23 项目: logging-log4j2   文件:
 * Defines custom actions.
 * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
 * @return This builder for chaining convenience
public Builder setCustomActions(final Action... customActions) {
    this.customActions = customActions;
    return this;