net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing#getDirectionVec ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing#getDirectionVec ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: CommunityMod   文件:
 * Returns a velocity vector for an ant particle that will spawn on the given face
 * @param face The face of the block that the particle spawns on
 * @param rand An RNG, generally the world's rand
 * @param vScale The factor to scale the velocity by (if vScale = 1D, velocity values will be between -0.5D and 0.5D)
 * @return A vec3D containing the (x,y,z) initial velocities of an ant particle
public static Vec3d getParticleInitVelocityForFace(EnumFacing face, Random rand, double vScale)
	Vec3i faceVec = face.getDirectionVec();
	return new Vec3d(
			faceVec.getX() != 0 ? 0D : (rand.nextDouble() - 0.5D) * vScale,
			faceVec.getY() != 0 ? 0D : (rand.nextDouble() - 0.5D) * vScale,
			faceVec.getZ() != 0 ? 0D : (rand.nextDouble() - 0.5D) * vScale);
源代码2 项目: pycode-minecraft   文件:
public static void floor(World world, int width, int depth, IBlockState block_state, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing) {
    Vec3i front = facing.getDirectionVec();
    Vec3i side = facing.rotateY().getDirectionVec();
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        BlockPos set = pos.add(side.getX() * j, 0, side.getZ() * j);
        for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
            world.setBlockState(set, block_state);
            set = set.add(front);
源代码3 项目: pycode-minecraft   文件:
public static void wall(World world, int depth, int height, IBlockState block_state, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing) {
    Vec3i front = facing.getDirectionVec();
    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        BlockPos set = pos.add(0, j, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
            world.setBlockState(set, block_state);
            set = set.add(front);
源代码4 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
 * Makes a link of blocks in a shape
public static void makeLine(int startX, int startY, int startZ, EnumFacing direction, int length, IShapeable shapeable) {
	if (length < 0) return;
	final Vec3i v = direction.getDirectionVec();
	for (int offset = 0; offset <= length; offset++)
		// Create a line in the direction of direction, length in size
				startX + (offset * v.getX()),
				startY + (offset * v.getY()),
				startZ + (offset * v.getZ()));

源代码5 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
 * Makes a flat plane along two directions
public static void makePlane(int startX, int startY, int startZ, int width, int height, EnumFacing right, EnumFacing up, IShapeable shapeable) {
	if (width < 0 || height < 0) return;
	int lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, lineOffsetZ;
	// We offset each line by up, and then apply it right

	final Vec3i v = up.getDirectionVec();
	for (int h = 0; h <= height; h++) {
		lineOffsetX = startX + (h * v.getX());
		lineOffsetY = startY + (h * v.getY());
		lineOffsetZ = startZ + (h * v.getZ());
		makeLine(lineOffsetX, lineOffsetY, lineOffsetZ, right, width, shapeable);
源代码6 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
public static EntityItem ejectItemInDirection(World world, double x, double y, double z, EnumFacing direction, @Nonnull ItemStack stack) {
	EntityItem item = BlockUtils.dropItemStackInWorld(world, x, y, z, stack);
	final Vec3i v = direction.getDirectionVec();
	item.motionX = v.getX() / 5F;
	item.motionY = v.getY() / 5F;
	item.motionZ = v.getZ() / 5F;
	return item;
源代码7 项目: EmergingTechnology   文件:
public void doPowerUsageProcess(int bulbTypeId) {

        // Get modifier for current bulb
        int bulbEnergyModifier = LightHelper.getEnergyUsageModifierForBulbById(bulbTypeId);

        // Calculate energy required
        int energyRequired = EmergingTechnologyConfig.HYDROPONICS_MODULE.GROWLIGHT.lightEnergyBaseUsage
                * bulbEnergyModifier;

        if ( >= energyRequired) {
            // If enough energy, extract it
            this.energyHandler.extractEnergy(energyRequired, false);
        } else {
            // Otherwise empty all the power from the light.
            this.energyHandler.extractEnergy(, false);

        int transferEnergy = this.getEnergy();

        // If enough energy to transfer...
        if ( >= transferEnergy) {

            // Get the direction this grow light is facing
            EnumFacing facing =;

            // Grab the vector
            Vec3i vector = facing.getDirectionVec();

            // Get neighbour based on facing vector
            TileEntity neighbour =;

            // Is neighbour a grow light?
            if (neighbour instanceof LightTileEntity) {
                LightTileEntity targetTileEntity = (LightTileEntity) neighbour;

                // Send energy to the neighbour and get amount accepted
                int accepted = targetTileEntity.energyHandler.receiveEnergy(transferEnergy, false);

                if (accepted > 0) {
                    // Drain self from amount
                    this.energyHandler.extractEnergy(accepted, true);
源代码8 项目: EmergingTechnology   文件:
public void doWaterUsageProcess(boolean growSucceeded) {

        if (this.getFluid() == null)

        int waterFluidUse = HydroponicHelper.getFluidUseForMedium(this.getGrowthMediumId());

        int fluidUsage = growSucceeded ? waterFluidUse : 1;

        // Drain water
                .drain(EmergingTechnologyConfig.HYDROPONICS_MODULE.GROWBED.growBedWaterUsePerCycle * fluidUsage, true);

        // If enough water to transfer...
        if (this.water >= EmergingTechnologyConfig.HYDROPONICS_MODULE.GROWBED.growBedWaterTransferRate) {

            // Get the direction this grow bed is facing
            EnumFacing facing =;

            // Grab the vector
            Vec3i vector = facing.getDirectionVec();

            // Get neighbour based on facing vector
            TileEntity neighbour =;

            // Is neighbour a grow bed?
            if (neighbour instanceof HydroponicTileEntity) {
                HydroponicTileEntity targetTileEntity = (HydroponicTileEntity) neighbour;

                FluidStack fluidStack = this.getFluidStack();

                if (fluidStack == null) {

                if (fluidStack.getFluid() == null) {

                // Fill the neighbour and get amount filled
                int filled = targetTileEntity.fluidHandler.fill(new FluidStack(this.fluidHandler.getFluid().getFluid(),
                        EmergingTechnologyConfig.HYDROPONICS_MODULE.GROWBED.growBedWaterTransferRate), true);

                if (filled > 0) {
                    // Drain self from amount
                    this.fluidHandler.drain(filled, true);