net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper#abs ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: fabric-carpet   文件:
public static List<BaseText> findDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(Vec3d pos1, Vec3d pos2)
    double dx = MathHelper.abs((float)pos1.x-(float)pos2.x);
    double dy = MathHelper.abs((float)pos1.y-(float)pos2.y);
    double dz = MathHelper.abs((float)pos1.z-(float)pos2.z);
    double manhattan = dx+dy+dz;
    double spherical = MathHelper.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
    double cylindrical = MathHelper.sqrt(dx*dx + dz*dz);
    List<BaseText> res = new ArrayList<>();
    res.add(Messenger.c("w Distance between ",
  "c",pos1),"w  and ",
  "c",pos2),"w :"));
    res.add(Messenger.c("w  - Spherical: ", String.format("wb %.2f", spherical)));
    res.add(Messenger.c("w  - Cylindrical: ", String.format("wb %.2f", cylindrical)));
    res.add(Messenger.c("w  - Manhattan: ", String.format("wb %.1f", manhattan)));
    return res;
源代码2 项目: Cyberware   文件:
private void transformEatFirstPerson(float p_187454_1_, EnumHandSide p_187454_2_, ItemStack p_187454_3_)
	float f = (float) - p_187454_1_ + 1.0F;
	float f1 = f / (float)p_187454_3_.getMaxItemUseDuration();

	if (f1 < 0.8F)
		float f2 = MathHelper.abs(MathHelper.cos(f / 4.0F * (float)Math.PI) * 0.1F);
		GlStateManager.translate(0.0F, f2, 0.0F);

	float f3 = 1.0F - (float)Math.pow((double)f1, 27.0D);
	int i = p_187454_2_ == EnumHandSide.RIGHT ? 1 : -1;
	GlStateManager.translate(f3 * 0.6F * (float)i, f3 * -0.5F, f3 * 0.0F);
	GlStateManager.rotate((float)i * f3 * 90.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
	GlStateManager.rotate(f3 * 10.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
	GlStateManager.rotate((float)i * f3 * 30.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
源代码3 项目: Sakura_mod   文件:
   * Returns the absolute greatest distance in the BlockPos object.
  private int getGreatestDistance(BlockPos posIn)
      int i = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getX());
      int j = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getY());
      int k = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getZ());

      if (k > i && k > j)
          return k;
return j > i ? j : i;
源代码4 项目: Sakura_mod   文件:
   * Returns the absolute greatest distance in the BlockPos object.
  private int getGreatestDistance(BlockPos posIn)
      int i = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getX());
      int j = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getY());
      int k = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getZ());

      if (k > i && k > j)
          return k;
return j > i ? j : i;
源代码5 项目: Production-Line   文件:
public static EnumFacing getFacingFromEntity(BlockPos pos, EntityLivingBase entity) {
    if (MathHelper.abs((float)entity.posX - (float)pos.getX()) < 2.0F && MathHelper.abs((float)entity.posZ - (float)pos.getZ()) < 2.0F) {
        double d0 = entity.posY + (double)entity.getEyeHeight();

        if (d0 - (double)pos.getY() > 2.0D) {
            return EnumFacing.UP;

        if ((double)pos.getY() - d0 > 0.0D) {
            return EnumFacing.DOWN;

    return entity.getHorizontalFacing().getOpposite();
源代码6 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
public static EnumFacing get3dOrientation(EntityLivingBase entity, BlockPos pos) {
	if (MathHelper.abs((float)entity.posX - pos.getX()) < 2.0F && MathHelper.abs((float)entity.posZ - pos.getZ()) < 2.0F) {
		final double entityEyes = entity.posY + entity.getEyeHeight();
		if (entityEyes - pos.getY() > 2.0D) return EnumFacing.DOWN;
		if (pos.getY() - entityEyes > 0.0D) return EnumFacing.UP;

	return entity.getHorizontalFacing();
源代码7 项目: Sandbox   文件:
public void render(int int_1, int int_2, float float_1) {
    if (this.backgroundFadeStart == 0L && this.doBackgroundFade) {
        this.backgroundFadeStart = Util.getMeasuringTimeMs();

    float float_2 = this.doBackgroundFade ? (float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() - this.backgroundFadeStart) / 1000.0F : 1.0F;
    fill(0, 0, this.width, this.height, -1);
    this.backgroundRenderer.render(float_1, MathHelper.clamp(float_2, 0.0F, 1.0F));
    int int_4 = this.width / 2 - 137;
    GlStateManager.blendFunc(GlStateManager.SrcFactor.SRC_ALPHA.value, GlStateManager.DstFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.value);
    GlStateManager.color4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, this.doBackgroundFade ? (float) MathHelper.ceil(MathHelper.clamp(float_2, 0.0F, 1.0F)) : 1.0F);
    blit(0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0.0F, 0.0F, 16, 128, 16, 128);
    float float_3 = this.doBackgroundFade ? MathHelper.clamp(float_2 - 1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F) : 1.0F;
    int int_6 = MathHelper.ceil(float_3 * 255.0F) << 24;
    if ((int_6 & -67108864) != 0) {
        GlStateManager.color4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, float_3);
        if (this.field_17776) {
            this.blit(int_4 + 0, 30, 0, 0, 99, 44);
            this.blit(int_4 + 99, 30, 129, 0, 27, 44);
            this.blit(int_4 + 99 + 26, 30, 126, 0, 3, 44);
            this.blit(int_4 + 99 + 26 + 3, 30, 99, 0, 26, 44);
            this.blit(int_4 + 155, 30, 0, 45, 155, 44);
        } else {
            this.blit(int_4 + 0, 30, 0, 0, 155, 44);
            this.blit(int_4 + 155, 30, 0, 45, 155, 44);

        blit(int_4 + 88, 67, 0.0F, 0.0F, 98, 14, 128, 16);
        if (this.splashText != null) {
            GlStateManager.translatef((float) (this.width / 2 + 90), 70.0F, 0.0F);
            GlStateManager.rotatef(-20.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            float float_4 = 1.8F - MathHelper.abs(MathHelper.sin((float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() % 1000L) / 1000.0F * 6.2831855F) * 0.1F);
            float_4 = float_4 * 100.0F / (float) (this.font.getStringWidth(this.splashText) + 32);
            GlStateManager.scalef(float_4, float_4, float_4);
            this.drawCenteredString(this.font, this.splashText, 0, -8, 16776960 | int_6);

        String string_1 = "Minecraft " + SharedConstants.getGameVersion().getName();
        if (this.minecraft.isDemo()) {
            string_1 = string_1 + " Demo";
        } else {
            string_1 = string_1 + ("release".equalsIgnoreCase(this.minecraft.getVersionType()) ? "" : "/" + this.minecraft.getVersionType());

        this.drawString(this.font, string_1, 2, this.height - 10, 16777215 | int_6);
        this.drawString(this.font, "Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!", this.copyrightTextX, this.height - 10, 16777215 | int_6);
        if (int_1 > this.copyrightTextX && int_1 < this.copyrightTextX + this.copyrightTextWidth && int_2 > this.height - 10 && int_2 < this.height) {
            fill(this.copyrightTextX, this.height - 1, this.copyrightTextX + this.copyrightTextWidth, this.height, 16777215 | int_6);

        if (this.warning != null) {

        Iterator var11 = this.buttons.iterator();

        while (var11.hasNext()) {
            AbstractButtonWidget abstractButtonWidget_1 = (AbstractButtonWidget);

        super.render(int_1, int_2, float_1);

源代码8 项目: Wizardry   文件:
public boolean generate(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos position) {
    while (worldIn.isAirBlock(position) && position.getY() > 2) {
        position = position.down();

    if (worldIn.getBlockState(position).getBlock() != Blocks.SNOW) {
        return false;
    } else {
        position = position.up(rand.nextInt(4));
        int i = rand.nextInt(4) + 7;
        int j = i / 4 + rand.nextInt(2);

        if (j > 1 && rand.nextInt(60) == 0) {
            position = position.up(10 + rand.nextInt(30));

        for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
            float f = (1.0F - (float) k / (float) i) * (float) j;
            int l = MathHelper.ceil(f);

            for (int i1 = -l; i1 <= l; ++i1) {
                float f1 = (float) MathHelper.abs(i1) - 0.25F;

                for (int j1 = -l; j1 <= l; ++j1) {
                    float f2 = (float) MathHelper.abs(j1) - 0.25F;

                    if ((i1 == 0 && j1 == 0 || f1 * f1 + f2 * f2 <= f * f) && (i1 != -l && i1 != l && j1 != -l && j1 != l || rand.nextFloat() <= 0.75F)) {
                        IBlockState iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(position.add(i1, k, j1));
                        Block block = iblockstate.getBlock();

                        if (iblockstate.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate, worldIn, position.add(i1, k, j1)) || block == Blocks.DIRT || block == Blocks.SNOW || block == Blocks.ICE) {
                            this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, position.add(i1, k, j1), Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState());

                        if (k != 0 && l > 1) {
                            iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(position.add(i1, -k, j1));
                            block = iblockstate.getBlock();

                            if (iblockstate.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate, worldIn, position.add(i1, -k, j1)) || block == Blocks.DIRT || block == Blocks.SNOW || block == Blocks.ICE) {
                                this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, position.add(i1, -k, j1), Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState());

        int k1 = j - 1;

        if (k1 < 0) {
            k1 = 0;
        } else if (k1 > 1) {
            k1 = 1;

        for (int l1 = -k1; l1 <= k1; ++l1) {
            for (int i2 = -k1; i2 <= k1; ++i2) {
                BlockPos blockpos = position.add(l1, -1, i2);
                int j2 = 50;

                if (Math.abs(l1) == 1 && Math.abs(i2) == 1) {
                    j2 = rand.nextInt(5);

                while (blockpos.getY() > 50) {
                    IBlockState iblockstate1 = worldIn.getBlockState(blockpos);
                    Block block1 = iblockstate1.getBlock();

                    if (!iblockstate1.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate1, worldIn, blockpos) && block1 != Blocks.DIRT && block1 != Blocks.SNOW && block1 != Blocks.ICE && block1 != Blocks.PACKED_ICE) {

                    this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, blockpos, Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState());
                    blockpos = blockpos.down();

                    if (j2 <= 0) {
                        blockpos = blockpos.down(rand.nextInt(5) + 1);
                        j2 = rand.nextInt(5);

        return true;