
下面列出了net.minecraft.util.Mirror#NONE 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: litematica   文件:
public static void rotateEntity(Entity entity, double x, double y, double z, Rotation rotationCombined, Mirror mirrorMain, Mirror mirrorSub)
    float rotationYaw = entity.rotationYaw;

    if (mirrorMain != Mirror.NONE)          { rotationYaw = entity.getMirroredYaw(mirrorMain); }
    if (mirrorSub != Mirror.NONE)           { rotationYaw = entity.getMirroredYaw(mirrorSub); }
    if (rotationCombined != Rotation.NONE)  { rotationYaw += entity.rotationYaw - entity.getRotatedYaw(rotationCombined); }

    entity.setLocationAndAngles(x, y, z, rotationYaw, entity.rotationPitch);

    entity.prevRotationYaw = rotationYaw;
    entity.prevRotationPitch = entity.rotationPitch;

    if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase)
        EntityLivingBase livingBase = (EntityLivingBase) entity;
        livingBase.rotationYawHead = rotationYaw;
        livingBase.prevRotationYawHead = rotationYaw;
        livingBase.renderYawOffset = rotationYaw;
        livingBase.prevRenderYawOffset = rotationYaw;
源代码2 项目: litematica   文件:
void resetToOriginalValues()
    this.pos = this.defaultPos;
    this.rotation = Rotation.NONE;
    this.mirror = Mirror.NONE;
    this.enabled = true;
    this.ignoreEntities = false;
源代码3 项目: litematica   文件:
public boolean isRegionPlacementModified(BlockPos originalPosition)
    return this.isEnabled() == false ||
           this.ignoreEntities() ||
           this.getMirror() != Mirror.NONE ||
           this.getRotation() != Rotation.NONE ||
           this.getPos().equals(originalPosition) == false;
源代码4 项目: litematica   文件:
public static IBlockState getUntransformedBlockState(IBlockState state, SchematicPlacement schematicPlacement, String subRegionName)
    SubRegionPlacement placement = schematicPlacement.getRelativeSubRegionPlacement(subRegionName);

    if (placement != null)
        final Rotation rotationCombined = PositionUtils.getReverseRotation(schematicPlacement.getRotation().add(placement.getRotation()));
        final Mirror mirrorMain = schematicPlacement.getMirror();
        Mirror mirrorSub = placement.getMirror();

        if (mirrorSub != Mirror.NONE &&
            (schematicPlacement.getRotation() == Rotation.CLOCKWISE_90 ||
             schematicPlacement.getRotation() == Rotation.COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90))
            mirrorSub = mirrorSub == Mirror.FRONT_BACK ? Mirror.LEFT_RIGHT : Mirror.FRONT_BACK;

        if (rotationCombined != Rotation.NONE)
            state = state.withRotation(rotationCombined);

        if (mirrorSub != Mirror.NONE)
            state = state.withMirror(mirrorSub);

        if (mirrorMain != Mirror.NONE)
            state = state.withMirror(mirrorMain);

    return state;
源代码5 项目: enderutilities   文件:
private void toggleMirror(ItemStack stack, Mode mode, EntityPlayer player)
    Mirror mirror = player.getHorizontalFacing().getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Z ? Mirror.LEFT_RIGHT : Mirror.FRONT_BACK;

    // Same mirror setting as the one stored, toggle mirror off
    if (mirror == this.getMirror(stack) && this.isMirrored(stack))
        mirror = Mirror.NONE;

    this.setMirror(stack, mode, mirror);
源代码6 项目: enderutilities   文件:
public Mirror getMirror(ItemStack stack, Mode mode)
    int sel = this.getSelectionIndex(stack);
    NBTTagCompound tag = this.getModeTag(stack, mode);

    if (tag.getBoolean("IsMirrored_" + sel) && tag.hasKey("Mirror_" + sel, Constants.NBT.TAG_BYTE))
        return Mirror.values()[tag.getByte("Mirror_" + sel) % Mirror.values().length];

    return Mirror.NONE;
源代码7 项目: TofuCraftReload   文件:
public TofuCastleTemplate(TemplateManager manager, BlockPos pos, Rotation rotation, String templateName) {
    this(manager, pos, rotation, Mirror.NONE, templateName);
源代码8 项目: litematica   文件:
 * Writes the most important/basic settings to JSON.
 * If <b>minimal</b> is true, then only non-default rotation, mirror etc. values are included,
 * and the name is not included. This is meant for sharing the settings string with other people.
 * @param minimal
 * @return
public JsonObject baseSettingsToJson(boolean minimal)
    JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
    boolean all = minimal == false;

    obj.add("origin", JsonUtils.blockPosToJson(this.origin));

    if (all)
        obj.add("name", new JsonPrimitive(;

    if (this.rotation != Rotation.NONE)
        obj.add("rotation", new JsonPrimitive(;

    if (this.mirror != Mirror.NONE)
        obj.add("mirror", new JsonPrimitive(;

    if (this.ignoreEntities())
        obj.add("ignore_entities", new JsonPrimitive(this.ignoreEntities()));

    if (this.gridSettings.isInitialized() && this.gridSettings.isAtDefaultValues() == false)
        obj.add("grid", this.gridSettings.toJson());

    if ((all || this.isRegionPlacementModified()) && this.relativeSubRegionPlacements.isEmpty() == false)
        JsonArray arr = new JsonArray();

        for (Map.Entry<String, SubRegionPlacement> entry : this.relativeSubRegionPlacements.entrySet())
            JsonObject placementObj = new JsonObject();
            placementObj.add("name", new JsonPrimitive(entry.getKey()));
            placementObj.add("placement", entry.getValue().toJson());

        obj.add("placements", arr);

    return obj;