java.util.SortedMap#size ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.SortedMap#size ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * <p>Construct a descriptor where the names and values of the fields
 * are the keys and values of the given Map.</p>
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null, or
 * if a field name is null or empty, or if the same field name appears
 * more than once (which can happen because field names are not case
 * sensitive).
public ImmutableDescriptor(Map<String, ?> fields) {
    if (fields == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Map");
    SortedMap<String, Object> map =
            new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
    for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
        String name = entry.getKey();
        if (name == null || name.equals(""))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty or null field name");
        if (map.containsKey(name))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate name: " + name);
        map.put(name, entry.getValue());
    int size = map.size();
    this.names = map.keySet().toArray(new String[size]);
    this.values = map.values().toArray(new Object[size]);
 * <p>Construct a descriptor where the names and values of the fields
 * are the keys and values of the given Map.</p>
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null, or
 * if a field name is null or empty, or if the same field name appears
 * more than once (which can happen because field names are not case
 * sensitive).
public ImmutableDescriptor(Map<String, ?> fields) {
    if (fields == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Map");
    SortedMap<String, Object> map =
            new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
    for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
        String name = entry.getKey();
        if (name == null || name.equals(""))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty or null field name");
        if (map.containsKey(name))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate name: " + name);
        map.put(name, entry.getValue());
    int size = map.size();
    this.names = map.keySet().toArray(new String[size]);
    this.values = map.values().toArray(new Object[size]);
源代码3 项目: jstorm   文件:
private void removeSuccessBatch(long successBatchId) {
    SortedMap<Long, Pair<Integer, Long>> obsoleteBatches = committingBatches.headMap(successBatchId);
    if (obsoleteBatches.size() > 0) {"Obsolete batchIds are {}, successBatchId is {}", obsoleteBatches, successBatchId);
        for (Long batchId : obsoleteBatches.keySet()) {

    Pair<Integer, Long> commitBatchInfo = committingBatches.remove(successBatchId);
    if (commitBatchInfo == null) {
        LOG.warn("Batch-{} has already been removed", successBatchId);
    } else {
        if (commitBatchInfo.getFirst() > 0)
            taskStats.spoutProcessLatency("", commitBatchInfo.getSecond(), System.currentTimeMillis(), commitBatchInfo.getFirst());
源代码4 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.minibuffer.WithMinibuffer#showCompletions()
protected void showCompletions() {
	String name = getMBString();
	SortedMap<String, ?> compTree;
	if (isSearching() && getSearchStr().length() > 0) {
		compTree = getSearchResults();
	} else {
		compTree = getCompletions(name); 
	if (compTree != null) {
		if (compTree.size() > 1) {
			if (getMiniDialog() == null) {
				setMiniDialog(new SelectionDialog(null, this, getEditor()));
			((SelectionDialog) getMiniDialog()).open(compTree);
	} else {
		updateStatusLine(name + NOMATCH_MSG);
源代码5 项目: uyuni   文件:
 * Sets the page attributes.
 * @param request the request
 * @param context the context
 * @param server the server
 * @param user the user
 * @param strutsDelegate the Struts delegate
 * @param errors ActionErrors that might have already been raised
private void setAttributes(HttpServletRequest request, RequestContext context,
        Server server, User user, StrutsDelegate strutsDelegate, ActionErrors errors) {
    request.setAttribute(RequestContext.SID, server.getId());
    request.setAttribute(RequestContext.SYSTEM, server);

    SortedMap<String, String> types = setUpPowerTypes(request, strutsDelegate, errors);

    if (types.size() > 0) {
        SystemRecord record = getSystemRecord(user, server);

        if (record == null) {
            request.setAttribute(POWER_TYPE, types.get(types.firstKey()));
        else {
            request.setAttribute(POWER_TYPE, record.getPowerType());
            request.setAttribute(POWER_ADDRESS, record.getPowerAddress());
            request.setAttribute(POWER_USERNAME, record.getPowerUsername());
            request.setAttribute(POWER_PASSWORD, record.getPowerPassword());
            request.setAttribute(POWER_ID, record.getPowerId());
源代码6 项目: james-project   文件:
private List<MailboxMessage> findMessagesInMailbox(Mailbox mailbox, FilenameFilter filter, int limit)
        throws MailboxException {
    MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
    try {
        SortedMap<MessageUid, MaildirMessageName> uidMap = folder.getUidMap(filter, limit);

        ArrayList<MailboxMessage> filtered = new ArrayList<>(uidMap.size());
        for (Entry<MessageUid, MaildirMessageName> entry : uidMap.entrySet()) {
            filtered.add(new MaildirMailboxMessage(mailbox, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
        return filtered;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MailboxException("Failure while search for Messages in Mailbox " + mailbox, e);

源代码7 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * @see com.mulgasoft.emacsplus.minibuffer.ExecutingMinibuffer#executeResult(org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor, java.lang.Object)
protected boolean executeResult(ITextEditor editor, Object command) {
	boolean result = true;
	CommandSupport commandControl = getCommandSupport();
	if (commandControl != null) {
		String commandS = (String) command;
		Command com = commandList.get(commandS);
		// Invoke completion on exit, if the string came through uncompleted
		if (completeOnExit && com == null) {
			try {
				SortedMap<String, Command> viewTree = commandControl
						.getCommandSubTree(commandList, commandS, false,
				if (viewTree.size() == 1) {
					commandS = viewTree.firstKey();
					com = commandList.get(commandS);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// Could be a java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException on weird input
				// when looking for a match; just ignore and command will abort
		if (com != null) {
			addToHistory(commandS); // add to command history
			//				setResultMessage(commandS,false);
			try {
				result = exitExecuteResult(getEditor(), copyCommand(com,
			} finally {
	return result;
源代码8 项目: geowave   文件:
public void sample(
    final Iterable<CentroidPairing<T>> pairings,
    final SampleNotification<T> notification,
    final double normalizingConstant) {
  int putCounter = 0;

  final SortedMap<Double, T> reservoir = Maps.newTreeMap();
  for (final CentroidPairing<T> pairing : pairings) {
    final double weight = pairing.getDistance();
    if (weight > 0.0) {
      final double score =
          sampleProbabilityFn.getProbability(weight, normalizingConstant, sampleSize);
      // could add extra to make sure new point is far enough away
      // from the rest
      if (reservoir.size() < sampleSize) {
        reservoir.put(score, pairing.getPairedItem().getWrappedItem());
      } else if (score > reservoir.firstKey()) {
        reservoir.put(score, pairing.getPairedItem().getWrappedItem());
      if (putCounter > putLimit) {
        // On the off-chance this gets huge, cleanup
        // Can occur if sampleSize > PUT_LIMIT
        notifyAll(notification, reservoir.values(), true);
        putCounter = 0;
  notifyAll(notification, reservoir.values(), false);
源代码9 项目: kripton   文件:
 * for attribute sortedMap serialization
public static byte[] serializeSortedMap(SortedMap<String, String> value) {
  if (value==null) {
    return null;
  KriptonJsonContext context=KriptonBinder.jsonBind();
  try (KriptonByteArrayOutputStream stream=new KriptonByteArrayOutputStream(); JacksonWrapperSerializer wrapper=context.createSerializer(stream)) {
    JsonGenerator jacksonSerializer=wrapper.jacksonGenerator;
    int fieldCount=0;
    if (value!=null)  {
      // write wrapper tag
      if (value.size()>0) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> item: value.entrySet()) {
          jacksonSerializer.writeStringField("key", item.getKey());
          if (item.getValue()==null) {
          } else {
            jacksonSerializer.writeStringField("value", item.getValue());
      } else {
    return stream.toByteArray();
  } catch(Exception e) {
    throw(new KriptonRuntimeException(e.getMessage()));
源代码10 项目: hottub   文件:
private MXBeanMapping makeCompositeMapping(Class<?> c,
                                           MXBeanMappingFactory factory)
        throws OpenDataException {

    // For historical reasons GcInfo implements CompositeData but we
    // shouldn't count its CompositeData.getCompositeType() field as
    // an item in the computed CompositeType.
    final boolean gcInfoHack =
        (c.getName().equals("") &&
            c.getClassLoader() == null);

    final List<Method> methods =
    final SortedMap<String,Method> getterMap = newSortedMap();

    /* Select public methods that look like "T getX()" or "boolean
       isX()", where T is not void and X is not the empty
       string.  Exclude "Class getClass()" inherited from Object.  */
    for (Method method : methods) {
        final String propertyName = propertyName(method);

        if (propertyName == null)
        if (gcInfoHack && propertyName.equals("CompositeType"))

        Method old =
        if (old != null) {
            final String msg =
                "Class " + c.getName() + " has method name clash: " +
                old.getName() + ", " + method.getName();
            throw new OpenDataException(msg);

    final int nitems = getterMap.size();

    if (nitems == 0) {
        throw new OpenDataException("Can't map " + c.getName() +
                                    " to an open data type");

    final Method[] getters = new Method[nitems];
    final String[] itemNames = new String[nitems];
    final OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[nitems];
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String,Method> entry : getterMap.entrySet()) {
        itemNames[i] = entry.getKey();
        final Method getter = entry.getValue();
        getters[i] = getter;
        final Type retType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
        openTypes[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory).getOpenType();

    CompositeType compositeType =
        new CompositeType(c.getName(),
                          itemNames, // field names
                          itemNames, // field descriptions

    return new CompositeMapping(c,
源代码11 项目: alfresco-repository   文件:
public Map<QName, Serializable> convertToPublicProperties(Map<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> propertyValues)
    Map<QName, Serializable> propertyMap = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(propertyValues.size(), 1.0F);
    // Shortcut
    if (propertyValues.size() == 0)
        return propertyMap;
    // We need to process the properties in order
    SortedMap<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> sortedPropertyValues = new TreeMap<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>(
    // A working map. Ordering is important.
    SortedMap<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> scratch = new TreeMap<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>();
    // Iterate (sorted) over the map entries and extract values with the same qname
    Long currentQNameId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    Iterator<Map.Entry<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue>> iterator = sortedPropertyValues.entrySet().iterator();
    while (true)
        Long nextQNameId = null;
        NodePropertyKey nextPropertyKey = null;
        NodePropertyValue nextPropertyValue = null;
        // Record the next entry's values
        if (iterator.hasNext())
            Map.Entry<NodePropertyKey, NodePropertyValue> entry =;
            nextPropertyKey = entry.getKey();
            nextPropertyValue = entry.getValue();
            nextQNameId = nextPropertyKey.getQnameId();
        // If the QName is going to change, and we have some entries to process, then process them.
        if (scratch.size() > 0 && (nextQNameId == null || !nextQNameId.equals(currentQNameId)))
            QName currentQName = qnameDAO.getQName(currentQNameId).getSecond();
            PropertyDefinition currentPropertyDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(currentQName);
            // We have added something to the scratch properties but the qname has just changed
            Serializable collapsedValue = null;
            // We can shortcut if there is only one value
            if (scratch.size() == 1)
                // There is no need to collapse list indexes
                collapsedValue = collapsePropertiesWithSameQNameAndListIndex(currentPropertyDef, scratch);
                // There is more than one value so the list indexes need to be collapsed
                collapsedValue = collapsePropertiesWithSameQName(currentPropertyDef, scratch);
            boolean forceCollection = false;
            // If the property is multi-valued then the output property must be a collection
            if (currentPropertyDef != null && currentPropertyDef.isMultiValued())
                forceCollection = true;
            else if (scratch.size() == 1 && scratch.firstKey().getListIndex().intValue() > -1)
                // This is to handle cases of collections where the property is d:any but not
                // declared as multiple.
                forceCollection = true;
            if (forceCollection && collapsedValue != null && !(collapsedValue instanceof Collection<?>))
                // Can't use Collections.singletonList: ETHREEOH-1172
                ArrayList<Serializable> collection = new ArrayList<Serializable>(1);
                collapsedValue = collection;
            // Store the value
            propertyMap.put(currentQName, collapsedValue);
            // Reset
        if (nextQNameId != null)
            // Add to the current entries
            scratch.put(nextPropertyKey, nextPropertyValue);
            currentQNameId = nextQNameId;
            // There is no next value to process
    // Done
    return propertyMap;
源代码12 项目: e4macs   文件:
 * Expose the command completion dialog
protected void showCompletions() {
	CommandSupport commandControl = getCommandSupport();
	if (commandControl != null) {
		String command = getMBString();
		SortedMap<String, Command> viewTree;
		if (isSearching() && getSearchStr().length() > 0) {
			@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")	// need local variable for unchecked annotation 
			SortedMap<String, Command> tmpTree = (SortedMap<String,Command>)getSearchResults();
			viewTree = tmpTree;
		} else {
			viewTree = commandControl.getCommandSubTree(commandList, command, false, isIgnoreDisabled());
		if (viewTree != null) {
			if (viewTree.size() > 1) {
				if (getMiniDialog() == null) {
					setMiniDialog(new MetaXDialog(null, this, getEditor()));
				((MetaXDialog) getMiniDialog()).open(viewTree);
			String newCommand;
			if (viewTree.size() == 0) {
				updateStatusLine((isSearching() ? EMPTY_STR : command) + NOMATCH_MSG);
			} else if (viewTree.size() == 1) {
				newCommand = viewTree.firstKey();
				if (!command.equals(newCommand) && !isSearching()) {
				updateStatusLine(newCommand + COMPLETE_MSG);
			} else if (!isSearching()) {
				if (command.length() > 0) {
					newCommand = commandControl.getCommonString(viewTree, command);
					if (!command.equals(newCommand)) {
		} else {
			updateStatusLine(command + NOMATCH_MSG);
private MXBeanMapping makeCompositeMapping(Class<?> c,
                                           MXBeanMappingFactory factory)
        throws OpenDataException {

    // For historical reasons GcInfo implements CompositeData but we
    // shouldn't count its CompositeData.getCompositeType() field as
    // an item in the computed CompositeType.
    final boolean gcInfoHack =
        (c.getName().equals("") &&
            c.getClassLoader() == null);

    final List<Method> methods =
    final SortedMap<String,Method> getterMap = newSortedMap();

    /* Select public methods that look like "T getX()" or "boolean
       isX()", where T is not void and X is not the empty
       string.  Exclude "Class getClass()" inherited from Object.  */
    for (Method method : methods) {
        final String propertyName = propertyName(method);

        if (propertyName == null)
        if (gcInfoHack && propertyName.equals("CompositeType"))

        Method old =
        if (old != null) {
            final String msg =
                "Class " + c.getName() + " has method name clash: " +
                old.getName() + ", " + method.getName();
            throw new OpenDataException(msg);

    final int nitems = getterMap.size();

    if (nitems == 0) {
        throw new OpenDataException("Can't map " + c.getName() +
                                    " to an open data type");

    final Method[] getters = new Method[nitems];
    final String[] itemNames = new String[nitems];
    final OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[nitems];
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String,Method> entry : getterMap.entrySet()) {
        itemNames[i] = entry.getKey();
        final Method getter = entry.getValue();
        getters[i] = getter;
        final Type retType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
        openTypes[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory).getOpenType();

    CompositeType compositeType =
        new CompositeType(c.getName(),
                          itemNames, // field names
                          itemNames, // field descriptions

    return new CompositeMapping(c,
源代码14 项目: data-prep   文件:
 * Return the columns metadata for the given sheet.
 * @param sheet the sheet to look at.
 * @param datasetId the dataset id.
 * @return the columns metadata for the given sheet.
private List<ColumnMetadata> parsePerSheet(Sheet sheet, String datasetId, FormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator) {

    LOGGER.debug(Markers.dataset(datasetId), "parsing sheet '{}'", sheet.getSheetName());

    // Map<ColId, Map<RowId, type>>
    SortedMap<Integer, SortedMap<Integer, String>> cellsTypeMatrix =
            collectSheetTypeMatrix(sheet, formulaEvaluator);
    int averageHeaderSize = guessHeaderSize(cellsTypeMatrix);

    // here we have information regarding types for each rows/col (yup a Matrix!! :-) )
    // so we can analyse and guess metadata (column type, header value)
    final List<ColumnMetadata> columnsMetadata = new ArrayList<>(cellsTypeMatrix.size());

    cellsTypeMatrix.forEach((colId, typePerRowMap) -> {

        Type type = guessColumnType(colId, typePerRowMap, averageHeaderSize);

        String headerText = null;
        if (averageHeaderSize == 1 && sheet.getRow(0) != null) {
            // so header value is the first row of the column
            Cell headerCell = sheet.getRow(0).getCell(colId);
            headerText = XlsUtils.getCellValueAsString(headerCell, formulaEvaluator);

        // header text cannot be null so use a default one
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(headerText)) {
            // +1 because it starts from 0
            headerText = message("import.local.generated_column_name", colId + 1);

        // FIXME what do we do if header size is > 1 concat all lines?
        columnsMetadata.add(ColumnMetadata.Builder //
                .column() //
                .headerSize(averageHeaderSize) //
                .name(headerText) //
                .type(type) //


    return columnsMetadata;
源代码15 项目: cobarclient   文件:
 * We support insert in 3 ways here:<br>
 * <pre>
 *      1- if no partitioning requirement is found:
 *          the insert will be delegated to the default insert behavior of {@link SqlMapClientTemplate};
 *      2- if partitioning support is enabled and 'parameterObject' is NOT a type of collection:
 *          we will search for routing rules against it and execute insertion as per the rule if found, 
 *          if no rule is found, the default data source will be used.
 *      3- if partitioning support is enabled and 'parameterObject' is a type of {@link BatchInsertTask}:
 *           this is a specific solution, mainly aimed for "insert into ..values(), (), ()" style insertion.
 *           In this situation, we will regroup the entities in the original collection into several sub-collections as per routing rules, 
 *           and submit the regrouped sub-collections to their corresponding target data sources.
 *           One thing to NOTE: in this situation, although we return a object as the result of insert, but it doesn't mean any thing to you, 
 *           because, "insert into ..values(), (), ()" style SQL doesn't return you a sensible primary key in this way. 
 *           this, function is optional, although we return a list of sub-insert result, but don't guarantee precise semantics.
 * </pre>
 * we can't just decide the execution branch on the Collection<?> type of
 * the 'parameterObject', because sometimes, maybe the application does want
 * to do insertion as per the parameterObject of its own.<br>
public Object insert(final String statementName, final Object parameterObject)
        throws DataAccessException {
    auditSqlIfNecessary(statementName, parameterObject);
    long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        if (isPartitioningBehaviorEnabled()) {
             * sometimes, client will submit batch insert request like
             * "insert into ..values(), (), ()...", it's a rare situation,
             * but does exist, so we will create new executor on this kind
             * of request processing, and map each values to their target
             * data source and then reduce to sub-collection, finally,
             * submit each sub-collection of entities to executor to
             * execute.
            if (parameterObject != null && parameterObject instanceof BatchInsertTask) {
                // map collection into mapping of data source and sub collection of entities
                        "start to prepare batch insert operation with parameter type of:{}.",

                return batchInsertAfterReordering(statementName, parameterObject);

            } else {
                DataSource targetDataSource = null;
                SqlMapClientCallback action = new SqlMapClientCallback() {
                    public Object doInSqlMapClient(SqlMapExecutor executor) throws SQLException {
                        return executor.insert(statementName, parameterObject);
                SortedMap<String, DataSource> resultDataSources = lookupDataSourcesByRouter(
                        statementName, parameterObject);
                if (MapUtils.isEmpty(resultDataSources) || resultDataSources.size() == 1) {
                    targetDataSource = getSqlMapClient().getDataSource(); // fall back to default data source.
                    if (resultDataSources.size() == 1) {
                        targetDataSource = resultDataSources.values().iterator().next();
                    return executeWith(targetDataSource, action);
                } else {
                    return executeInConcurrency(action, resultDataSources);

        } // end if for partitioning status checking
        return super.insert(statementName, parameterObject);
    } finally {
        if (isProfileLongTimeRunningSql()) {
            long interval = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp;
            if (interval > getLongTimeRunningSqlIntervalThreshold()) {
                                "SQL Statement [{}] with parameter object [{}] ran out of the normal time range, it consumed [{}] milliseconds.",
                                new Object[] { statementName, parameterObject, interval });
源代码16 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
private MXBeanMapping makeCompositeMapping(Class<?> c,
                                           MXBeanMappingFactory factory)
        throws OpenDataException {

    // For historical reasons GcInfo implements CompositeData but we
    // shouldn't count its CompositeData.getCompositeType() field as
    // an item in the computed CompositeType.
    final boolean gcInfoHack =
        (c.getName().equals("") &&
            c.getClassLoader() == null);

    final List<Method> methods =
    final SortedMap<String,Method> getterMap = newSortedMap();

    /* Select public methods that look like "T getX()" or "boolean
       isX()", where T is not void and X is not the empty
       string.  Exclude "Class getClass()" inherited from Object.  */
    for (Method method : methods) {
        final String propertyName = propertyName(method);

        if (propertyName == null)
        if (gcInfoHack && propertyName.equals("CompositeType"))

        Method old =
        if (old != null) {
            final String msg =
                "Class " + c.getName() + " has method name clash: " +
                old.getName() + ", " + method.getName();
            throw new OpenDataException(msg);

    final int nitems = getterMap.size();

    if (nitems == 0) {
        throw new OpenDataException("Can't map " + c.getName() +
                                    " to an open data type");

    final Method[] getters = new Method[nitems];
    final String[] itemNames = new String[nitems];
    final OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[nitems];
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String,Method> entry : getterMap.entrySet()) {
        itemNames[i] = entry.getKey();
        final Method getter = entry.getValue();
        getters[i] = getter;
        final Type retType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
        openTypes[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory).getOpenType();

    CompositeType compositeType =
        new CompositeType(c.getName(),
                          itemNames, // field names
                          itemNames, // field descriptions

    return new CompositeMapping(c,
源代码17 项目: cobarclient   文件:
public int delete(final String statementName, final Object parameterObject)
        throws DataAccessException {
    auditSqlIfNecessary(statementName, parameterObject);

    long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        if (isPartitioningBehaviorEnabled()) {
            SortedMap<String, DataSource> dsMap = lookupDataSourcesByRouter(statementName,
            if (!MapUtils.isEmpty(dsMap)) {

                SqlMapClientCallback action = new SqlMapClientCallback() {
                    public Object doInSqlMapClient(SqlMapExecutor executor) throws SQLException {
                        return executor.delete(statementName, parameterObject);

                if (dsMap.size() == 1) {
                    DataSource dataSource = dsMap.get(dsMap.firstKey());
                    return (Integer) executeWith(dataSource, action);
                } else {
                    List<Object> results = executeInConcurrency(action, dsMap);
                    Integer rowAffacted = 0;
                    for (Object item : results) {
                        rowAffacted += (Integer) item;
                    return rowAffacted;
        } // end if for partitioning status checking
        return super.delete(statementName, parameterObject);
    } finally {
        if (isProfileLongTimeRunningSql()) {
            long interval = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp;
            if (interval > getLongTimeRunningSqlIntervalThreshold()) {
                                "SQL Statement [{}] with parameter object [{}] ran out of the normal time range, it consumed [{}] milliseconds.",
                                new Object[] { statementName, parameterObject, interval });
源代码18 项目: Eagle   文件:
private byte[] generateUniqueIndexRowkey(byte[][] indexValues, int[] partitionHashCodes, SortedMap<Integer, Integer> tagMap) {
	final int prefixHashCode = indexPrefix.hashCode();
	int totalLength = 4;
	totalLength += (partitionHashCodes != null) ? (4 * partitionHashCodes.length) : 0;
	totalLength += (2 * indexValues.length);
	for (int i = 0; i < indexValues.length; ++i) {
		final byte[] value = indexValues[i];
		totalLength += value.length;
	if (tagMap != null && (!tagMap.isEmpty())) {
		totalLength += tagMap.size() * 8;
	int offset = 0;
	final byte[] rowkey = new byte[totalLength];
	// 1. set prefix
	ByteUtil.intToBytes(prefixHashCode, rowkey, offset);
	offset += 4;
	// 2. set partition
	if (partitionHashCodes != null) {
		for (Integer partitionHashCode : partitionHashCodes) {
			ByteUtil.intToBytes(partitionHashCode, rowkey, offset);
			offset += 4;
	// 3. set index values
	for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) {
		ByteUtil.shortToBytes((short)indexValues[i].length, rowkey, offset);
		offset += 2;
		for (int j = 0; j < indexValues[i].length; ++j) {
			rowkey[offset++] = indexValues[i][j];
	// Check if it's non clustered index, then set the tag/value hash code
	if (tagMap != null && (!tagMap.isEmpty())) {
		// 4. set tag key/value hashes
		for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : tagMap.entrySet()) {
			ByteUtil.intToBytes(entry.getKey(), rowkey, offset);
			offset += 4;
			ByteUtil.intToBytes(entry.getValue(), rowkey, offset);
			offset += 4;
	return rowkey;
private MXBeanMapping makeCompositeMapping(Class<?> c,
                                           MXBeanMappingFactory factory)
        throws OpenDataException {

    // For historical reasons GcInfo implements CompositeData but we
    // shouldn't count its CompositeData.getCompositeType() field as
    // an item in the computed CompositeType.
    final boolean gcInfoHack =
        (c.getName().equals("") &&
            c.getClassLoader() == null);

    final List<Method> methods =
    final SortedMap<String,Method> getterMap = newSortedMap();

    /* Select public methods that look like "T getX()" or "boolean
       isX()", where T is not void and X is not the empty
       string.  Exclude "Class getClass()" inherited from Object.  */
    for (Method method : methods) {
        final String propertyName = propertyName(method);

        if (propertyName == null)
        if (gcInfoHack && propertyName.equals("CompositeType"))

        Method old =
        if (old != null) {
            final String msg =
                "Class " + c.getName() + " has method name clash: " +
                old.getName() + ", " + method.getName();
            throw new OpenDataException(msg);

    final int nitems = getterMap.size();

    if (nitems == 0) {
        throw new OpenDataException("Can't map " + c.getName() +
                                    " to an open data type");

    final Method[] getters = new Method[nitems];
    final String[] itemNames = new String[nitems];
    final OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[nitems];
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String,Method> entry : getterMap.entrySet()) {
        itemNames[i] = entry.getKey();
        final Method getter = entry.getValue();
        getters[i] = getter;
        final Type retType = getter.getGenericReturnType();
        openTypes[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory).getOpenType();

    CompositeType compositeType =
        new CompositeType(c.getName(),
                          itemNames, // field names
                          itemNames, // field descriptions

    return new CompositeMapping(c,
源代码20 项目: symja_android_library   文件:
 * Constructor for GenPolynomial.
 * @param r
 *            polynomial ring factory.
 * @param v
 *            the SortedMap of some other polynomial.
protected ExprPolynomial(ExprPolynomialRing r, SortedMap<ExpVectorLong, IExpr> v) {
	if (v.size() > 0) {
		// ExprPolynomialRing.creations++;
		val.putAll(v); // assume no zero coefficients and val is empty