java.util.SortedSet#isEmpty ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.SortedSet#isEmpty ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件:
private static String getFileName(String homePath, Pattern pattern) {
    File home = new File(homePath);
    SortedSet<String> files = Sets.newTreeSet();
    if (home.exists() && home.isDirectory()) {
        File[] listFiles = home.listFiles();
        if (listFiles != null) {
            for (File file : listFiles) {
                final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(file.getName());
                if (matcher.matches()) {
    if (files.isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("cannot find " + pattern.toString() + " in " + homePath);
    } else {
        return files.last();
源代码2 项目: JSAT   文件:
private void testSubSet(SortedSet<Integer> groundTruth, SortedSet<Integer> testSet, Random rand, int depth)
    if(groundTruth.isEmpty() || groundTruth.last() - groundTruth.first() <= 0)//avoid bad tests
    int fromElement = groundTruth.first() + rand.nextInt(groundTruth.last() - groundTruth.first());
    int toElement = fromElement + rand.nextInt(groundTruth.last() - fromElement);
    SortedSet<Integer> g_s = groundTruth.subSet(fromElement, toElement);
    SortedSet<Integer> t_s = testSet.subSet(fromElement, toElement);
    assertSameContent(g_s, t_s);
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        if(fromElement == toElement)
            continue;//we can't add anything
        int new_val = fromElement+rand.nextInt(toElement-fromElement);
    assertSameContent(g_s, t_s);
    assertSameContent(groundTruth, testSet);
    if(depth-- > 0)
        testSubSet(g_s, t_s, rand, depth);
    assertSameContent(groundTruth, testSet);
源代码3 项目: toxiclibs   文件:
public double map(float x) {
    Sample t = new Sample(x, 0);
    SortedSet<Sample> aset = samples.headSet(t);
    SortedSet<Sample> bset = samples.tailSet(t);
    if (aset.isEmpty()) {
        return bset.first().y;
    } else {
        if (bset.isEmpty()) {
            return aset.last().y;
        } else {
            Sample a = aset.last();
            Sample b = bset.first();
            return a.y + (b.y - a.y) * (x - a.x) / (b.x - a.x);
源代码4 项目: cucumber   文件:
public void defineParameterType(ParameterType<?> parameterType) {
    if (parameterType.getName() != null) {
        if (parameterTypeByName.containsKey(parameterType.getName())) {
            if (parameterType.getName().isEmpty()) {
                throw new DuplicateTypeNameException("The anonymous parameter type has already been defined");
            throw new DuplicateTypeNameException(String.format("There is already a parameter type with name %s", parameterType.getName()));
        parameterTypeByName.put(parameterType.getName(), parameterType);

    for (String parameterTypeRegexp : parameterType.getRegexps()) {
        if (!parameterTypesByRegexp.containsKey(parameterTypeRegexp)) {
            parameterTypesByRegexp.put(parameterTypeRegexp, new TreeSet<ParameterType<?>>());
        SortedSet<ParameterType<?>> parameterTypes = parameterTypesByRegexp.get(parameterTypeRegexp);
        if (!parameterTypes.isEmpty() && parameterTypes.first().preferForRegexpMatch() && parameterType.preferForRegexpMatch()) {
            throw new CucumberExpressionException(String.format(
                    "There can only be one preferential parameter type per regexp. " +
                            "The regexp /%s/ is used for two preferential parameter types, {%s} and {%s}",
                    parameterTypeRegexp, parameterTypes.first().getName(), parameterType.getName()
public ActionForward deleteAllContests(final ActionMapping mapping, final ActionForm actionForm,
        final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) {

    OutboundMobilityContextBean outboundMobilityContextBean = getRenderedObject();

    SortedSet<OutboundMobilityCandidacyContest> outboundMobilityCandidacyContest =

    if (outboundMobilityCandidacyContest == null || outboundMobilityCandidacyContest.isEmpty()) {
        return prepare(mapping, request, outboundMobilityContextBean);
    } else {
        try {

            FenixFramework.atomic(() -> {

        }catch (DomainException e) {
            addErrorMessage(request, "errors", e.getKey());
            return prepare(mapping, request, outboundMobilityContextBean);
        return prepare(mapping, request, new OutboundMobilityContextBean(outboundMobilityContextBean));
源代码6 项目: sfs   文件:
public boolean getServerSideEncryption() {
    SortedSet<String> value = metadata.get(X_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION);
    if (!value.isEmpty()) {
        return equalsIgnoreCase("true", value.first());
    return false;
源代码7 项目: webarchive-commons   文件:
 * Maintains additional invariant: if one entry is a 
 * prefix of another, keep only the prefix. 
 * @see java.util.Collection#add(java.lang.Object)
public boolean add(String s) {
    SortedSet<String> sub = headSet(s);
    if (!sub.isEmpty() && s.startsWith((String)sub.last())) {
        // no need to add; prefix is already present
        return false;
    boolean retVal = super.add(s);
    sub = tailSet(s+"\0");
    while(!sub.isEmpty() && ((String)sub.first()).startsWith(s)) {
        // remove redundant entries
    return retVal;
源代码8 项目: fenixedu-academic   文件:
final public CurriculumLine getLastApprovement() {
    final SortedSet<CurriculumLine> curriculumLines =
            new TreeSet<CurriculumLine>(CurriculumLine.COMPARATOR_BY_APPROVEMENT_DATE_AND_ID);

    if (curriculumLines.isEmpty()) {
        throw new DomainException("", getName().getContent());

    return curriculumLines.last();
源代码9 项目: cosmic   文件:
private void checkIpExclusionList(final String ipExclusionList, final String cidr, final List<NicVO> nicsPresent) {
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ipExclusionList)) {
        // validate ipExclusionList
        // Perform a "syntax" check on the list
        if (!NetUtils.validIpRangeList(ipExclusionList)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Syntax error in ipExclusionList");

        final List<String> excludedIps = NetUtils.getAllIpsFromRangeList(ipExclusionList);

        if (cidr != null) {
            //Check that ipExclusionList (delimiters) is within the CIDR
            if (!NetUtils.isIpRangeListInCidr(ipExclusionList, cidr)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("An IP in the ipExclusionList is not part of the CIDR of the network " + cidr);

            //Check that at least one IP is available after exclusion for the router interface
            final SortedSet<Long> allPossibleIps = NetUtils.getAllIpsFromCidr(cidr, NetUtils.listIp2LongList(excludedIps));
            if (allPossibleIps.isEmpty()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The ipExclusionList excludes all IPs in the CIDR; at least one needs to be available");

        if (nicsPresent != null) {
            // Check that no existing nics/ips are part of the exclusion list
            for (final NicVO nic : nicsPresent) {
                final String nicIp = nic.getIPv4Address();
                //check if nic IP is exclusionList
                if (excludedIps.contains(nicIp) && !(Nic.State.Deallocating.equals(nic.getState()))) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Active IP " + nic.getIPv4Address() + " exist in ipExclusionList.");
源代码10 项目: chart-fx   文件:
 * Creates a new instance of {@code DefaultTickUnitSupplier} with specified multipliers.
 * @param multipliers an array of ascending numbers, with at least one element, from 1 (inclusive) to 10
 *        (exclusive).
public DefaultTickUnitSupplier(final SortedSet<? extends Number> multipliers) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(multipliers, "The multipliers must not be null");
    if (multipliers.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The set of multipliers must not be empty");

    this.multipliers =;
源代码11 项目: phoenix-tephra   文件:
private TimeRegions getNextSetOfTimeRegions(Table stateTable, long time) throws IOException {
  byte[] timeBytes = Bytes.toBytes(getInvertedTime(time));
  Scan scan = new Scan(makeTimeRegionKey(timeBytes, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY), REGION_TIME_KEY_PREFIX_STOP);
  scan.addColumn(FAMILY, REGION_TIME_COL);

  long currentRegionTime = -1;
  SortedSet<byte[]> regions = new TreeSet<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
  Result next;
  try (ResultScanner scanner = stateTable.getScanner(scan)) {
    while ((next = != null) {
      Map.Entry<Long, byte[]> timeRegion = getTimeRegion(next.getRow());
      // Stop if reached next time value
      if (currentRegionTime == -1) {
        currentRegionTime = timeRegion.getKey();
      } else if (timeRegion.getKey() < currentRegionTime) {
      } else if (timeRegion.getKey() > currentRegionTime) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
          String.format("Got out of order time %d when expecting time less than or equal to %d",
                        timeRegion.getKey(), currentRegionTime));
  return regions.isEmpty() ? null : new TimeRegions(currentRegionTime, Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(regions));
源代码12 项目: batfish   文件:
private static Layer2Vni toL2Vni(
    @Nonnull AristaEosVxlan vxlan, int vni, int vlan, @Nullable Interface sourceInterface) {
  Ip sourceAddress =
      sourceInterface == null
          ? null
          : sourceInterface.getAddress() == null ? null : sourceInterface.getAddress().getIp();

  // Prefer VLAN-specific or general flood address (in that order) over multicast address
  SortedSet<Ip> bumTransportIps =
      firstNonNull(vxlan.getVlanFloodAddresses().get(vlan), vxlan.getFloodAddresses());

  // default to unicast flooding unless specified otherwise
  BumTransportMethod bumTransportMethod = BumTransportMethod.UNICAST_FLOOD_GROUP;

  // Check if multicast is enabled
  Ip multicastAddress = vxlan.getMulticastGroup();
  if (bumTransportIps.isEmpty() && multicastAddress != null) {
    bumTransportMethod = BumTransportMethod.MULTICAST_GROUP;
    bumTransportIps = ImmutableSortedSet.of(multicastAddress);

  return Layer2Vni.builder()
      .setUdpPort(firstNonNull(vxlan.getUdpPort(), AristaEosVxlan.DEFAULT_UDP_PORT))
源代码13 项目: cruise-control   文件:
 * Attempt to swap the given source replica with a replica from the candidate replicas to swap with. The function
 * returns the swapped in replica if succeeded, null otherwise.
 * All the replicas in the given candidateReplicasToSwapWith must be from the same broker.
 * @param clusterModel The state of the cluster.
 * @param sourceReplica Replica to be swapped with.
 * @param candidateReplicas Candidate replicas (from the same candidate broker) to swap with the source replica in the
 *                          order of attempts to swap.
 * @param optimizedGoals Optimized goals.
 * @param optimizationOptions Options to take into account during optimization -- e.g. excluded brokers for leadership.
 * @return The swapped in replica if succeeded, null otherwise.
Replica maybeApplySwapAction(ClusterModel clusterModel,
                             Replica sourceReplica,
                             SortedSet<Replica> candidateReplicas,
                             Set<Goal> optimizedGoals,
                             OptimizationOptions optimizationOptions) {
  SortedSet<Replica> eligibleReplicas = eligibleReplicasForSwap(clusterModel, sourceReplica, candidateReplicas, optimizationOptions);
  if (eligibleReplicas.isEmpty()) {
    return null;

  Broker destinationBroker = eligibleReplicas.first().broker();

  for (Replica destinationReplica : eligibleReplicas) {
    BalancingAction swapProposal = new BalancingAction(sourceReplica.topicPartition(),
                                                       ActionType.INTER_BROKER_REPLICA_SWAP, destinationReplica.topicPartition());
    // A sourceReplica should be swapped with a replicaToSwapWith if:
    // 0. The swap from source to destination is legit.
    // 1. The swap from destination to source is legit.
    // 2. The goal requirements are not violated if this action is applied to the given cluster state.
    // 3. The movement is acceptable by the previously optimized goals.
    if (!legitMove(sourceReplica, destinationBroker, clusterModel, ActionType.INTER_BROKER_REPLICA_MOVEMENT)) {
      LOG.trace("Swap from source to destination broker is not legit for {}.", swapProposal);
      return null;

    if (!legitMove(destinationReplica,, clusterModel, ActionType.INTER_BROKER_REPLICA_MOVEMENT)) {
      LOG.trace("Swap from destination to source broker is not legit for {}.", swapProposal);

    // The current goal is expected to know whether a swap is doable between given brokers.
    if (!selfSatisfied(clusterModel, swapProposal)) {
      // Unable to satisfy proposal for this eligible replica and the remaining eligible replicas in the list.
      LOG.trace("Unable to self-satisfy swap proposal {}.", swapProposal);
      return null;
    ActionAcceptance acceptance = AnalyzerUtils.isProposalAcceptableForOptimizedGoals(optimizedGoals, swapProposal, clusterModel);
    LOG.trace("Trying to apply legit and self-satisfied swap {}, actionAcceptance = {}.", swapProposal, acceptance);

    if (acceptance == ACCEPT) {
      Broker sourceBroker =;
      return destinationReplica;
    } else if (acceptance == BROKER_REJECT) {
      // Unable to swap the given source replica with any replicas in the destination broker.
      return null;
  return null;
源代码14 项目: cruise-control   文件:
private boolean rebalanceBySwappingLoadOut(Broker broker,
                                           ClusterModel clusterModel,
                                           Set<Goal> optimizedGoals,
                                           OptimizationOptions optimizationOptions,
                                           boolean moveImmigrantsOnly) {
  long swapStartTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
  if (!broker.isAlive() || optimizationOptions.excludedBrokersForReplicaMove().contains( {
    // If the source broker is (1) dead, or (2) excluded for replica move, then swap operation is not possible.
    return true;

  Set<String> excludedTopics = optimizationOptions.excludedTopics();
  // Get the replicas to swap.
  String sourceReplicaSortName = sortedCandidateReplicas(broker,
                                                         resource() == Resource.NW_OUT,
  SortedSet<Replica> sourceReplicas = broker.trackedSortedReplicas(sourceReplicaSortName).sortedReplicas(false);
  if (sourceReplicas.isEmpty()) {
    // Source broker has no filtered replica to swap.
    return true;

  // If this broker is excluded for leadership, then it can swapped with only followers.
  double maxSourceReplicaLoad = getMaxReplicaLoad(sourceReplicas);
  boolean swapWithFollowersOnly = optimizationOptions.excludedBrokersForLeadership().contains(;
  PriorityQueue<Broker> candidateBrokerPQ = new PriorityQueue<>(_brokerComparator);
  String candidateReplicaSortName = null;
  for (Broker candidate : clusterModel.aliveBrokersUnderThreshold(resource(), _balanceUpperThreshold)
                                      .stream().filter(b -> !b.replicas().isEmpty()).collect(Collectors.toSet())) {
    // Get candidate replicas on candidate broker to try swapping with -- sorted in the order of trial (ascending load).
    candidateReplicaSortName = sortedCandidateReplicas(candidate,

  while (!candidateBrokerPQ.isEmpty()) {
    if (remainingPerBrokerSwapTimeMs(swapStartTimeMs) <= 0) {
      LOG.debug("Swap load out timeout for broker {}.",;

    Broker cb = candidateBrokerPQ.poll();
    Replica swappedInReplica = null;
    for (Replica sourceReplica : sourceReplicas) {
      // Try swapping the source with the candidate replicas. Get the swapped in replica if successful, null otherwise.
      Replica swappedIn = maybeApplySwapAction(clusterModel,
      if (swappedIn != null) {
        if (isLoadUnderBalanceUpperLimit(broker)) {
          // Successfully balanced this broker by swapping in.
          return false;
        // Add swapped in/out replica for updating the list of replicas in source broker.
        swappedInReplica = swappedIn;
      } else if (remainingPerBrokerSwapTimeMs(swapStartTimeMs) <= 0) {
        LOG.debug("Swap load out timeout for source replica {}.", sourceReplica);
        return true;

    if (swappedInReplica != null) {
      sourceReplicas = broker.trackedSortedReplicas(sourceReplicaSortName).sortedReplicas(false);
      // The broker is still considered as an eligible candidate replica, because the swap was successful -- i.e. there
      // might be other potential candidate replicas on it to swap with.
  return true;
源代码15 项目: disconf   文件:
 * the command that is run and retried for actually
 * obtaining the lock
 * @return if the command was successful or not
public boolean execute() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    do {
        if (id == null) {
            long sessionId = zookeeper.getSessionId();
            String prefix = "x-" + sessionId + "-";
            // lets try look up the current ID if we failed 
            // in the middle of creating the znode
            findPrefixInChildren(prefix, zookeeper, dir);
            idName = new ZNodeName(id);
        if (id != null) {
            List<String> names = zookeeper.getChildren(dir, false);
            if (names.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.warn("No children in: " + dir + " when we've just " +
                             "created one! Lets recreate it...");
                // lets force the recreation of the id
                id = null;
            } else {
                // lets sort them explicitly (though they do seem to come back in order ususally :)
                SortedSet<ZNodeName> sortedNames = new TreeSet<ZNodeName>();
                for (String name : names) {
                    sortedNames.add(new ZNodeName(dir + "/" + name));
                ownerId = sortedNames.first().getName();
                SortedSet<ZNodeName> lessThanMe = sortedNames.headSet(idName);
                if (!lessThanMe.isEmpty()) {
                    ZNodeName lastChildName = lessThanMe.last();
                    lastChildId = lastChildName.getName();
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("watching less than me node: " + lastChildId);
                    Stat stat = zookeeper.exists(lastChildId, new LockWatcher());
                    if (stat != null) {
                        return Boolean.FALSE;
                    } else {
                        LOG.warn("Could not find the" +
                                     " stats for less than me: " + lastChildName.getName());
                } else {
                    if (isOwner()) {
                        if (callback != null) {
                        return Boolean.TRUE;
    } while (id == null);
    return Boolean.FALSE;
源代码16 项目: fenixedu-academic   文件:
final public CycleType getLastConcludedCycleType() {
    final SortedSet<CycleType> concludedCycles = new TreeSet<CycleType>(getConcludedCycles());
    return concludedCycles.isEmpty() ? null : concludedCycles.last();
 * Try to find the latest set of regions in which all regions have been major compacted, and
 * compute prune upper bound from them. Starting from newest to oldest, this looks into the
 * region set that has been saved periodically, and joins it with the prune upper bound data
 * for a region recorded after a major compaction.
 * @param timeRegions the latest set of regions
 * @return prune upper bound
 * @throws IOException when not able to talk to HBase
private long computePruneUpperBound(TimeRegions timeRegions) throws IOException {
  // Get the tables for the current time from the latest regions set
  final Set<TableName> existingTables = getTableNamesForRegions(timeRegions.getRegions());
  LOG.debug("Tables for time {} = {}", timeRegions.getTime(), existingTables);

  do {
    LOG.debug("Computing prune upper bound for {}", timeRegions);
    SortedSet<byte[]> transactionalRegions = timeRegions.getRegions();
    long time = timeRegions.getTime();

    long inactiveTransactionBound = dataJanitorState.getInactiveTransactionBoundForTime(time);
    LOG.debug("Got inactive transaction bound {}", inactiveTransactionBound);
    // If inactiveTransactionBound is not recorded then that means the data is not complete for these regions
    if (inactiveTransactionBound == -1) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Ignoring regions for time {} as no inactiveTransactionBound was found for that time, " +
                    "and hence the data must be incomplete", time);

    // Remove non-existing tables from the transactional regions set, so that we don't lookup prune upper bounds
    // for them. Since the deleted tables do not exist anymore, there is no need to make sure they have been
    // compacted. This ensures that transient tables do not block pruning progress.
    transactionalRegions = filterDeletedTableRegions(existingTables, transactionalRegions);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Transactional regions after removing the regions of non-existing tables = {}",
                Iterables.transform(transactionalRegions, TimeRegions.BYTE_ARR_TO_STRING_FN));

    // Get the prune upper bounds for all the transactional regions
    Map<byte[], Long> pruneUpperBoundRegions =

    // Use inactiveTransactionBound as the prune upper bound for the empty regions since the regions that are
    // recorded as empty after inactiveTransactionBoundTime will not have invalid data
    // for transactions started on or before inactiveTransactionBoundTime
    pruneUpperBoundRegions = handleEmptyRegions(inactiveTransactionBound, transactionalRegions,

    // If prune upper bounds are found for all the transactional regions, then compute the prune upper bound
    // across all regions
    if (!transactionalRegions.isEmpty() &&
      pruneUpperBoundRegions.size() == transactionalRegions.size()) {
      Long minPruneUpperBoundRegions = Collections.min(pruneUpperBoundRegions.values());
      long pruneUpperBound = Math.min(inactiveTransactionBound, minPruneUpperBoundRegions);
      LOG.debug("Found prune upper bound {} for time {}", pruneUpperBound, time);
      return pruneUpperBound;
    } else {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        Sets.SetView<byte[]> difference =
          Sets.difference(transactionalRegions, pruneUpperBoundRegions.keySet());
        LOG.debug("Ignoring regions for time {} because the following regions did not record a pruneUpperBound: {}",
                  time, Iterables.transform(difference, TimeRegions.BYTE_ARR_TO_STRING_FN));

    timeRegions = dataJanitorState.getRegionsOnOrBeforeTime(time - 1);
  } while (timeRegions != null);
  return -1;
源代码18 项目: pcgen   文件:
public String[] unparse(LoadContext context, PCTemplate pct)
	Changes<CDOMReference<? extends PCClass>> changes =
			context.getObjectContext().getListChanges(pct, ListKey.FAVORED_CLASS);
	Changes<ChooseSelectionActor<?>> listChanges =
			context.getObjectContext().getListChanges(pct, ListKey.NEW_CHOOSE_ACTOR);
	Boolean anyfavored = context.getObjectContext().getObject(pct, ObjectKey.ANY_FAVORED_CLASS);
	SortedSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
	if (anyfavored != null && anyfavored)
	if (changes != null && !changes.isEmpty() && changes.hasAddedItems())
		for (CDOMReference<? extends PCClass> ref : changes.getAdded())
			String prefix = ref.getPersistentFormat();
			if (prefix.startsWith("SUBCLASS="))
				set.add(prefix.substring(9) + Constants.DOT + ref.getLSTformat(false));
	Collection<ChooseSelectionActor<?>> listAdded = listChanges.getAdded();
	if (listAdded != null && !listAdded.isEmpty())
		for (ChooseSelectionActor<?> cra : listAdded)
			if (cra.getSource().equals(getTokenName()))
				catch (PersistenceLayerException e)
					context.addWriteMessage("Error writing Prerequisite: " + e);
					return null;
	if (set.isEmpty())
		// Zero indicates no add or clear
		return null;
	return new String[]{StringUtil.join(set, Constants.PIPE)};
 * @param paths a sorted set of Paths to use for the partitions/journals and
 * the snapshot. The snapshot will always be written to the first path
 * specified.
 * @param partitionCount the number of partitions/journals to use. For best
 * performance, this should be close to the number of threads that are
 * expected to update the repository simultaneously
 * @param serdeFactory the factory for the serializer/deserializer for records
 * @param syncListener the listener
 * @throws IOException if unable to initialize due to IO issue
public MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog(final SortedSet<Path> paths, final int partitionCount, final SerDeFactory<T> serdeFactory, final SyncListener syncListener) throws IOException {
    this.syncListener = syncListener;


    if (paths.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Paths must be non-empty");

    int resolvedPartitionCount = partitionCount;
    int existingPartitions = 0;
    for (final Path path : paths) {
        if (!Files.exists(path)) {

        final File file = path.toFile();
        if (!file.isDirectory()) {
            throw new IOException("Path given [" + path + "] is not a directory");
        if (!file.canWrite()) {
            throw new IOException("Path given [" + path + "] is not writable");
        if (!file.canRead()) {
            throw new IOException("Path given [" + path + "] is not readable");
        if (!file.canExecute()) {
            throw new IOException("Path given [" + path + "] is not executable");

        final File[] children = file.listFiles();
        if (children != null) {
            for (final File child : children) {
                if (child.isDirectory() && child.getName().startsWith("partition-")) {

            if (existingPartitions != 0 && existingPartitions != partitionCount) {
                logger.warn("Constructing MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog with partitionCount={}, but the repository currently has "
                        + "{} partitions; ignoring argument and proceeding with {} partitions",
                        new Object[]{partitionCount, existingPartitions, existingPartitions});
                resolvedPartitionCount = existingPartitions;

    this.basePath = paths.iterator().next();
    this.partialPath = basePath.resolve("snapshot.partial");
    this.snapshotPath = basePath.resolve("snapshot");
    this.serdeFactory = serdeFactory;

    final Path lockPath = basePath.resolve("wali.lock");
    lockChannel = new FileOutputStream(lockPath.toFile()).getChannel();

    partitions = new Partition[resolvedPartitionCount];

    Iterator<Path> pathIterator = paths.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; i < resolvedPartitionCount; i++) {
        // If we're out of paths, create a new iterator to start over.
        if (!pathIterator.hasNext()) {
            pathIterator = paths.iterator();

        final Path partitionBasePath =;

        partitions[i] = new Partition<>(partitionBasePath.resolve("partition-" + i), serdeFactory, i, getVersion());
源代码20 项目: fenixedu-academic   文件:
public PhysicalAddress getLastPersonalAddress() {
    SortedSet<PhysicalAddress> addressSet = new TreeSet<PhysicalAddress>(DomainObjectUtil.COMPARATOR_BY_ID);
    return !addressSet.isEmpty() && addressSet.last() != null ? addressSet.last() : null;