javafx.scene.shape.Line#getEndX ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了javafx.scene.shape.Line#getEndX ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: MyBox   文件:
public static boolean inLine(Line line, int x, int y) {
    double d = (x - line.getStartX()) * (line.getStartY() - line.getEndY())
            - ((line.getStartX() - line.getEndX()) * (y - line.getStartY()));
    return Math.abs(d) < 0.0001
            && (x >= Math.min(line.getStartX(), line.getEndX())
            && x <= Math.max(line.getStartX(), line.getEndX()))
            && (y >= Math.min(line.getStartY(), line.getEndY()))
            && (y <= Math.max(line.getStartY(), line.getEndY()));
@Override // Override the start method in the Application class
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
	// Create a pane
	Pane pane = new Pane();

	// Create two circles
	Circle circle1 = new Circle(Math.random() * 201, Math.random() * 201, 15);
	Circle circle2 = new Circle(Math.random() * 201, Math.random() * 201, 15);

	// Create a line
	Line line = new Line(circle1.getCenterX(), circle1.getCenterY(),
		circle2.getCenterX(), circle2.getCenterY());

	// Calculate distane between the two centers of the circles
	double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(line.getEndX() - line.getStartX(), 2)
		+ Math.pow(line.getEndY() - line.getStartY(), 2));

	// Create a text
	double x = (line.getStartX() + line.getEndX()) / 2;
	double y = (line.getStartY() + line.getEndY()) / 2;
	Text text = new Text(x, y, String.valueOf(distance));
	// Add nodes to pane
	pane.getChildren().addAll(circle1, circle2, line, text);

	// Create a scene and place it in the stage
	Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
	primaryStage.setTitle("Exercise_14_21"); // Set the stage title 
	primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage; // Display the stage
@Override // Override the start method in the Application class
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
	// Create two panes
	Pane pane1 = new Pane();
	pane1.setPadding(new Insets(72, 0, 0, 75));
	Pane pane2 = new Pane();

	// Create a polyline
	Polyline polyline1 = new Polyline();
	ObservableList<Double> list = polyline1.getPoints();
	double scaleFactor = 0.0125;                       
	for (int x = -100; x <= 100; x++) {                
		list.add(x + 200.0);                            
		list.add(scaleFactor * x * x);                  

	// Create two lines
	Line lineX = new Line(10, 200, 350, 200);                                                
	//pane.getChildren().addAll(stackPane, lineX);

	Line lineY = new Line(lineX.getEndX() / 2, 250, lineX.getEndX() / 2, 30);                                                
	pane2.getChildren().addAll(pane1, lineX, lineY);

	// Create two polylines
	Polyline polyline2 = new Polyline();
	ObservableList<Double> list2 = polyline2.getPoints();
	list2.addAll(lineY.getEndX() - 10, lineY.getEndY() + 20, 
		lineY.getEndX(), lineY.getEndY(), lineY.getEndX() + 10, 
		lineY. getEndY() + 20);

	Polyline polyline3 = new Polyline();
	ObservableList<Double> list3 = polyline3.getPoints();
	list3.addAll(lineX.getEndX() - 20, lineX.getEndY() - 10, 
		lineX.getEndX(), lineX.getEndY(), lineX.getEndX() - 20, 
		lineX. getEndY() + 10);

	// Create two text objects
	Text textX = new Text(lineX.getEndX() - 10, lineX.getEndY() - 20, "X");
	Text textY = new Text(lineY.getEndX() + 20, lineY.getEndY() + 10, "Y");
	pane2.getChildren().addAll(textX, textY);

	// Create a scene and place it in the stage
	Scene scene = new Scene(pane2);
	primaryStage.setTitle("Exercise_14_18"); // Set the stage title
	primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage; // Display the stage
源代码4 项目: gef   文件:
 * Converts the given JavaFX {@link Line} to a
 * {@link org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Line}.
 * @param line
 *            The JavaFX {@link Line} to convert.
 * @return The newly created {@link org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Line}
 *         that describes the given {@link Line}.
public static org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Line toLine(Line line) {
	return new org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Line(line.getStartX(),
			line.getStartY(), line.getEndX(), line.getEndY());