java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom#localInit ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom#localInit ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: jdk1.8-source-analysis   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码2 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码3 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码4 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码5 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码6 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码8 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码9 项目: Java8CN   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码10 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码11 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码12 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);
源代码13 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
 * Full version of externalPush, handling uncommon cases, as well
 * as performing secondary initialization upon the first
 * submission of the first task to the pool.  It also detects
 * first submission by an external thread and creates a new shared
 * queue if the one at index if empty or contended.
 * @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
private void externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
    int r;                                    // initialize caller's probe
    if ((r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe()) == 0) {
        r = ThreadLocalRandom.getProbe();
    for (;;) {
        WorkQueue[] ws; WorkQueue q; int rs, m, k;
        boolean move = false;
        if ((rs = runState) < 0) {
            tryTerminate(false, false);     // help terminate
            throw new RejectedExecutionException();
        else if ((rs & STARTED) == 0 ||     // initialize
                 ((ws = workQueues) == null || (m = ws.length - 1) < 0)) {
            int ns = 0;
            rs = lockRunState();
            try {
                if ((rs & STARTED) == 0) {
                    U.compareAndSwapObject(this, STEALCOUNTER, null,
                                           new AtomicLong());
                    // create workQueues array with size a power of two
                    int p = config & SMASK; // ensure at least 2 slots
                    int n = (p > 1) ? p - 1 : 1;
                    n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2;  n |= n >>> 4;
                    n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n = (n + 1) << 1;
                    workQueues = new WorkQueue[n];
                    ns = STARTED;
            } finally {
                unlockRunState(rs, (rs & ~RSLOCK) | ns);
        else if ((q = ws[k = r & m & SQMASK]) != null) {
            if (q.qlock == 0 && U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 0, 1)) {
                ForkJoinTask<?>[] a = q.array;
                int s =;
                boolean submitted = false; // initial submission or resizing
                try {                      // locked version of push
                    if ((a != null && a.length > s + 1 - q.base) ||
                        (a = q.growArray()) != null) {
                        int j = (((a.length - 1) & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE;
                        U.putOrderedObject(a, j, task);
                        U.putOrderedInt(q, QTOP, s + 1);
                        submitted = true;
                } finally {
                    U.compareAndSwapInt(q, QLOCK, 1, 0);
                if (submitted) {
                    signalWork(ws, q);
            move = true;                   // move on failure
        else if (((rs = runState) & RSLOCK) == 0) { // create new queue
            q = new WorkQueue(this, null);
            q.hint = r;
            q.config = k | SHARED_QUEUE;
            q.scanState = INACTIVE;
            rs = lockRunState();           // publish index
            if (rs > 0 &&  (ws = workQueues) != null &&
                k < ws.length && ws[k] == null)
                ws[k] = q;                 // else terminated
            unlockRunState(rs, rs & ~RSLOCK);
            move = true;                   // move if busy
        if (move)
            r = ThreadLocalRandom.advanceProbe(r);