java.util.BitSet#cardinality ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.BitSet#cardinality ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: J2ME-Loader   文件:
 * Returns a new instance, which contains a subset of the elements
 * specified by the given BitSet. Indexes in the BitSet with a zero
 * are included, while indexes with a one are excluded. Mutability
 * of the result is inherited from the original.
 * @param exclusionSet {@code non-null;} set of registers to exclude
 * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriately-constructed instance
public RegisterSpecList subset(BitSet exclusionSet) {
    int newSize = size() - exclusionSet.cardinality();

    if (newSize == 0) {
        return EMPTY;

    RegisterSpecList result = new RegisterSpecList(newSize);

    int newIndex = 0;
    for (int oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < size(); oldIndex++) {
        if (!exclusionSet.get(oldIndex)) {
            result.set0(newIndex, get0(oldIndex));

    if (isImmutable()) {

    return result;
源代码2 项目: Box   文件:
public static BlockNode getPathCross(MethodNode mth, BlockNode b1, BlockNode b2) {
	if (b1 == null || b2 == null) {
		return null;
	if (b1.getDomFrontier() == null || b2.getDomFrontier() == null) {
		return null;
	BitSet b = new BitSet();
	if (b.cardinality() == 1) {
		BlockNode end = mth.getBasicBlocks().get(b.nextSetBit(0));
		if (isPathExists(b1, end) && isPathExists(b2, end)) {
			return end;
	if (isPathExists(b1, b2)) {
		return b2;
	if (isPathExists(b2, b1)) {
		return b1;
	return null;
源代码3 项目: ReactionDecoder   文件:
     * Determine if this set is an (improper) superset of another.
     * @param source the set we are testing for.
     * @param destination the set we are testing against.
     * @return source is a superset of destination, yes then return true else
     * false
     * @throws CDKException
    public static boolean isSuperSet(BitSet source, BitSet destination) throws CDKException {
        boolean flag = false;
        if (source.cardinality() >= destination.cardinality()) {


            /* make a copy of the source set */
            BitSet copy_other = (BitSet) source.clone();

            /* and or in */

            /* if it hasn't changed, we were a subset */
            flag = copy_other.equals(destination);
//            flag = copy_other.equals(destination);
        return flag;
源代码4 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
public void testRandomStream() {
    final int size = 1024 * 1024;
    final int[] seeds = {
            2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,
            43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97};
    final byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
    for (int seed : seeds) {
        final Random random = new Random(seed);
        final BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(bytes);
        final int cardinality = bitSet.cardinality();
        final IntStream stream =;
        final int[] array = stream.toArray();
        assertEquals(array.length, cardinality);
        int nextSetBit = -1;
        for (int i=0; i < cardinality; i++) {
            nextSetBit = bitSet.nextSetBit(nextSetBit + 1);
            assertEquals(array[i], nextSetBit);
源代码5 项目: metanome-algorithms   文件:
public static List<BitSet> generateLhsSubsets(BitSet lhs) {
    List<BitSet> results = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = lhs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = lhs.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
        BitSet subset = (BitSet) lhs.clone();
        if (subset.cardinality() > 0) {
    return results;
源代码6 项目: Box   文件:
 * @return rop-form basic block list
private BasicBlockList convertBasicBlocks() {
    ArrayList<SsaBasicBlock> blocks = ssaMeth.getBlocks();

    // Exit block may be null.
    SsaBasicBlock exitBlock = ssaMeth.getExitBlock();

    BitSet reachable = ssaMeth.computeReachability();
    int ropBlockCount = reachable.cardinality();

    // Don't count the exit block, if it exists and is reachable.
    if (exitBlock != null && reachable.get(exitBlock.getIndex())) {
        ropBlockCount -= 1;

    BasicBlockList result = new BasicBlockList(ropBlockCount);

    // Convert all the reachable blocks except the exit block.
    int ropBlockIndex = 0;
    for (SsaBasicBlock b : blocks) {
        if (reachable.get(b.getIndex()) && b != exitBlock) {
            result.set(ropBlockIndex++, convertBasicBlock(b));

    // The exit block, which is discarded, must do nothing.
    if (exitBlock != null && !exitBlock.getInsns().isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Exit block must have no insns when leaving SSA form");

    return result;
源代码7 项目: big-c   文件:
public int updateBlockReportContext(BlockReportContext context) {
  if (curBlockReportId != context.getReportId()) {
    curBlockReportId = context.getReportId();
    curBlockReportRpcsSeen = new BitSet(context.getTotalRpcs());
  return curBlockReportRpcsSeen.cardinality();
 * Hydra task to execute functions, then stop scheduling.
public static void HydraTask_doFunctionExecution() {
  BitSet availableOps = new BitSet(operations.length);
  availableOps.flip(FIRST_OP, LAST_OP + 1);
  if (availableOps.cardinality() == 0) {
    throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder("Finished with ops");
源代码9 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
 * Constructor for OzoneAcl.
 * @param type   - Type
 * @param name   - Name of user
 * @param acls   - Rights
 * @param scope  - AclScope
public OzoneAcl(ACLIdentityType type, String name, BitSet acls,
    AclScope scope) {

  if(acls.cardinality() > ACLType.getNoOfAcls()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Acl bitset passed has unexpected " +
        "size. bitset size:" + acls.cardinality() + ", bitset:"
        + acls.toString());
  this.aclBitSet = (BitSet) acls.clone(); = name;
  this.type = type;
  if (type == ACLIdentityType.WORLD || type == ACLIdentityType.ANONYMOUS) {
    if (!name.equals( &&
        !name.equals( &&
        name.length() != 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected name:{" + name +
          "} for type WORLD, ANONYMOUS. It should be WORLD & " +
          "ANONYMOUS respectively.");
    // For type WORLD and ANONYMOUS we allow only one acl to be set. =;
  if (((type == ACLIdentityType.USER) || (type == ACLIdentityType.GROUP))
      && (name.length() == 0)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("User or group name is required");
  aclScope = scope;
源代码10 项目: openCypher   文件:
public void verifyRequiredAttributes( BitSet required )
    if ( required.cardinality() != 0 )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( ( i ) -> attributes[i].name ).collect(
                Collectors.joining( ", ", "Missing required attributes: ", "" ) ) );
源代码11 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
 * Hydra task to do region operations, then stop scheduling.
public static void HydraTask_doOps() {
  BitSet availableOps = new BitSet(operations.length);
  availableOps.flip(FIRST_OP, LAST_OP + 1);
  Log.getLogWriter().info("Cardinality is " + availableOps.cardinality());
  if (availableOps.cardinality() == 0) {
    throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder("Finished with ops");
源代码12 项目: metanome-algorithms   文件:
public boolean contains(BitSet fd) {
	int length = fd.cardinality();
	if ((this.maxDepth > 0) && (length > this.maxDepth))
		return false;
	return this.fdLevels.get(length).contains(fd);
源代码13 项目: metanome-algorithms   文件:
public boolean contains(BitSet ucc) {
	int length = ucc.cardinality();
	if ((this.maxDepth > 0) && (length > this.maxDepth))
		return false;
	return this.uccLevels.get(length).contains(ucc);
源代码14 项目: TarsosLSH   文件:
public int hammingDistance(BinVector other) {
	//clone the bit set of this object
	BitSet xored = (BitSet) bitSet.clone();
	//xor (modify) the bit set
	//return the number of 1's
	return xored.cardinality();
源代码15 项目: jadx   文件:
public static BlockNode bitSetToOneBlock(MethodNode mth, BitSet bs) {
	if (bs == null || bs.cardinality() != 1) {
		return null;
	return mth.getBasicBlocks().get(bs.nextSetBit(0));
源代码16 项目: bt   文件:
 * @return Number of pieces that have status different from {@link PieceStatus#COMPLETE_VERIFIED}
 *         and should NOT be skipped.
 * @since 1.0
public int getPiecesRemaining() {
    try {
        if (skipped == null) {
            return getPiecesTotal() - getPiecesComplete();
        } else {
            BitSet bitmask = getBitmask();
            return getPiecesTotal() - bitmask.cardinality();
    } finally {
源代码17 项目: metanome-algorithms   文件:
public void executeAlgorithm(Map<BitSet, BitSet> fds) {
	System.out.println("Building the FDs' closures ...");
	for (Entry<BitSet, BitSet> entry : fds.entrySet()) {
		BitSet lhs = entry.getKey();
		BitSet rhs = entry.getValue();
		// Add the trivial fds to the current fd's rhs for the closure construction (we need to check against ALL the attributes in this fd to build its closure)
		// Extend rhs
		long rhsCardinality;
		do {
			rhsCardinality = rhs.cardinality();
			for (Entry<BitSet, BitSet> other : fds.entrySet())
				if (Utils.andNotCount(other.getKey(), rhs) == 0)
			// TODO: when we think of parallelizing the closure calculation
		//	closureFds.entrySet().stream()
		//		.filter(other -> {return Utils.andNotCount(other.getKey(), rhs) == 0;})
		//		.forEach(other -> rhs.and(other.getValue()));
		while (rhsCardinality != rhs.cardinality());
		// Remove the trivial fds
源代码18 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
 * Hydra task to execute region functions, then stop scheduling (For HA).
public static void HydraTask_doFunctionExecution_HA() {
  BitSet availableOps = new BitSet(operations.length);
  availableOps.flip(FUNC_HA_FIRST_OP, FUNC_HA_LAST_OP + 1);
  Log.getLogWriter().info("Cardinality is " + availableOps.cardinality());
  if (availableOps.cardinality() == 0) {
    throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder("Finished with ops");
public void edit(final GraphWriteMethods graph, final PluginInteraction interaction, final PluginParameters parameters) throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
    final boolean includeConnectionsIn = parameters.getBooleanValue(INCLUDE_CONNECTIONS_IN_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean includeConnectionsOut = parameters.getBooleanValue(INCLUDE_CONNECTIONS_OUT_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean treatUndirectedBidirectional = parameters.getBooleanValue(TREAT_UNDIRECTED_BIDIRECTIONAL_PARAMETER_ID);
    final int minCommonFeatures = parameters.getParameters().get(MINIMUM_COMMON_FEATURES_PARAMETER_ID).getIntegerValue();
    final boolean selectedOnly = parameters.getBooleanValue(SELECTED_ONLY_PARAMETER_ID);
    final boolean community = parameters.getBooleanValue(COMMUNITY_PARAMETER_ID);

    final int vertexSelectedAttributeId = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.get(graph);

    // map each vertex to its neighbour count
    final int vertexCount = graph.getVertexCount();
    final BitSet[] neighbours = new BitSet[vertexCount];
    final BitSet update = new BitSet(vertexCount);
    final BitSet selected = new BitSet(vertexCount);
    for (int vertexPosition = 0; vertexPosition < vertexCount; vertexPosition++) {
        final int vertexId = graph.getVertex(vertexPosition);
        neighbours[vertexPosition] = new BitSet(vertexCount);
        for (int vertexNeighbourPosition = 0; vertexNeighbourPosition < graph.getVertexNeighbourCount(vertexId); vertexNeighbourPosition++) {
            final int neighbourId = graph.getVertexNeighbour(vertexId, vertexNeighbourPosition);
            final int neighbourPosition = graph.getVertexPosition(neighbourId);

            if (vertexPosition == neighbourPosition) {

            final int linkId = graph.getLink(vertexId, neighbourId);
            for (int linkEdgePosition = 0; linkEdgePosition < graph.getLinkEdgeCount(linkId); linkEdgePosition++) {
                final int edgeId = graph.getLinkEdge(linkId, linkEdgePosition);
                final int edgeDirection = graph.getEdgeDirection(edgeId);
                final boolean isRequestedDirection = (treatUndirectedBidirectional && edgeDirection == GraphConstants.UNDIRECTED
                        || includeConnectionsIn && graph.getEdgeDestinationVertex(edgeId) == neighbourId
                        || includeConnectionsOut && graph.getEdgeSourceVertex(edgeId) == neighbourId);
                if (isRequestedDirection) {
                    if (!SimilarityUtilities.checkEdgeTypes(graph, edgeId)) {
                    neighbours[vertexPosition].set(neighbourPosition, true);
                    update.set(vertexPosition, true);
        final boolean vertexSelected = graph.getBooleanValue(vertexSelectedAttributeId, vertexId);
        selected.set(vertexPosition, vertexSelected);

    // calculate resource allocation index for every pair of vertices on the graph
    final Map<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, Float> raiScores = new HashMap<>();
    for (int vertexOnePosition = update.nextSetBit(0); vertexOnePosition >= 0; vertexOnePosition = update.nextSetBit(vertexOnePosition + 1)) {
        for (int vertexTwoPosition = update.nextSetBit(0); vertexTwoPosition >= 0; vertexTwoPosition = update.nextSetBit(vertexTwoPosition + 1)) {
            if (!selectedOnly || (selected.get(vertexOnePosition) || selected.get(vertexTwoPosition))) {
                if (vertexOnePosition >= vertexTwoPosition) {

                if (community && (!selected.get(vertexOnePosition) || !selected.get(vertexTwoPosition))) {

                final BitSet intersection = (BitSet) neighbours[vertexOnePosition].clone();
                intersection.set(vertexOnePosition, false);
                intersection.set(vertexTwoPosition, false);

                if (intersection.cardinality() < minCommonFeatures) {

                final int vertexOneId = graph.getVertex(vertexOnePosition);
                final int vertexTwoId = graph.getVertex(vertexTwoPosition);
                float sum = 0f;
                for (int commonNeighbour = intersection.nextSetBit(0); commonNeighbour >= 0; commonNeighbour = intersection.nextSetBit(commonNeighbour + 1)) {
                    sum += (1f / graph.getVertexNeighbourCount(graph.getVertex(commonNeighbour)));

                raiScores.put(Tuple.create(vertexOneId, vertexTwoId), sum);

    // update the graph with resource allocation index values
    SimilarityUtilities.addScoresToGraph(graph, raiScores, RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE);
    // complete with schema
源代码20 项目: metanome-algorithms   文件:
public List<FunctionalDependency> toFunctionalDependencies(BitSet lhs, BitSet rhs) {
	List<FunctionalDependency> fds = new ArrayList<>(rhs.cardinality());
	for (int rhsAttr = rhs.nextSetBit(0); rhsAttr >= 0; rhsAttr = rhs.nextSetBit(rhsAttr + 1))
		fds.add(this.toFunctionalDependency(lhs, rhsAttr));
	return fds;