java.util.Formatter#format ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Formatter#format ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
public void testHorizCoordSys(Formatter f) {
  GdsHorizCoordSys cs = makeHorizCoordSys();
  f.format("%s testProjection %s%n", getClass().getName(), cs.proj.getClass().getName());

  double endx = cs.startx + (getNx() - 1) * cs.dx;
  double endy = cs.starty + (getNy() - 1) * cs.dy;
  ProjectionPoint endPP = ProjectionPoint.create(endx, endy);
  f.format("   start at proj coord= %s%n", ProjectionPoint.create(cs.startx, cs.starty));
  f.format("     end at proj coord= %s%n", endPP);

  LatLonPoint startLL = LatLonPoint.create(la1, lo1);
  LatLonPoint endLL = cs.proj.projToLatLon(endPP);

  f.format("  start at latlon= %s%n", startLL);
  f.format("    end at latlon= %s%n", endLL);
源代码2 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Utility method to dump a byte array in a java syntax.
 * @param bytes and array of bytes
 * @return a string containing the bytes formatted in java syntax
protected static String dumpSerialStream(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 5);
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
    fmt.format("    byte[] bytes = {" );
    final int linelen = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        if (i % linelen == 0) {
            fmt.format("%n        ");
        fmt.format(" %3d,", bytes[i] & 0xff);
        if ((i % linelen) == (linelen-1) || i == bytes.length - 1) {
            fmt.format("  /*");
            int s = i / linelen * linelen;
            int k = i % linelen;
            for (int j = 0; j <= k && s + j < bytes.length; j++) {
                fmt.format(" %c", bytes[s + j] & 0xff);
            fmt.format(" */");
    fmt.format("%n    };%n");
    return sb.toString();
源代码3 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
 * Make a space-delineated String from a list of Dimension names.
 * Inverse of makeDimensionsList().
 * @return space-delineated String of Dimension names.
 * @deprecated use Dimensions.makeDimensionsString()
public static String makeDimensionsString(List<Dimension> dimensions) {
  if (dimensions == null)
    return "";

  Formatter buf = new Formatter();
  for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++) {
    Dimension myd = dimensions.get(i);
    String dimName = myd.getShortName();

    if (i != 0)
      buf.format(" ");

    if (myd.isVariableLength()) {
    } else if (myd.isShared()) {
      buf.format("%s", dimName);
    } else {
      // if (dimName != null) // LOOK losing anon dim name
      // buf.format("%s=", dimName);
      buf.format("%d", myd.getLength());
  return buf.toString();
源代码4 项目: autopoi   文件:
public void styleColor(Formatter out, String attr, Color color) {
	if (color == null) {
	HSSFColor hSSFColor = (HSSFColor) color;
	short[] rgb = hSSFColor.getTriplet();
	out.format("  %s: #%02x%02x%02x; %n", attr, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
源代码5 项目: opencensus-java   文件:
private static void emitMeasureTableHeader(PrintWriter out, Formatter formatter) {
  formatter.format("<th colspan=1>%s</th>", TABLE_HEADER_MEASURE);
  formatter.format("<th colspan=1 class=\"borderL\">%s</th>", TABLE_HEADER_DESCRIPTION);
  formatter.format("<th colspan=1 class=\"borderL\">%s</th>", TABLE_HEADER_UNIT);
  formatter.format("<th colspan=1 class=\"borderL\">%s</th>", TABLE_HEADER_MEASURE_TYPE);
源代码6 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public void formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // decide form of name
    String name = companyName;
    if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE))
        name = frenchCompanyName;
    boolean alternate = (f & ALTERNATE) == ALTERNATE;
    boolean usesymbol = alternate || (precision != -1 && precision < 10);
    String out = (usesymbol ? symbol : name);

    // apply precision
    if (precision == -1 || out.length() < precision) {
        // write it all
    } else {
        sb.append(out.substring(0, precision - 1)).append('*');

    // apply width and justification
    int len = sb.length();
    if (len < width)
        for (int i = 0; i < width - len; i++)
            if ((f & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY)
                sb.append(' ');
                sb.insert(0, ' ');

源代码7 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
public String asText(int indentlen) {
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(s, Locale.US);
    if (lft < 0) {
        formatter.format("%s ", taxon.getId());
    } else {
        formatter.format("%s ", "+");
    while (s.length() < 20-indentlen) {
        formatter.format("%s", " ");
    formatter.format("%s ", AlloppMisc.nonnegIn8Chars(height));
    return s.toString();
源代码8 项目: netty-cookbook   文件:
private static String byteArray2Hex(final byte[] hash) {
	Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
	for (byte b : hash) {
		formatter.format("%02x", b);
	return formatter.toString();
源代码9 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
public void formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // decide form of name
    String name = companyName;
    if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE))
        name = frenchCompanyName;
    boolean alternate = (f & ALTERNATE) == ALTERNATE;
    boolean usesymbol = alternate || (precision != -1 && precision < 10);
    String out = (usesymbol ? symbol : name);

    // apply precision
    if (precision == -1 || out.length() < precision) {
        // write it all
    } else {
        sb.append(out.substring(0, precision - 1)).append('*');

    // apply width and justification
    int len = sb.length();
    if (len < width)
        for (int i = 0; i < width - len; i++)
            if ((f & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY)
                sb.append(' ');
                sb.insert(0, ' ');

/** Initialize the OutputStream to the next file to write to.
private void openNextFile() throws IOException {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb);
  fmt.format("%05d", this.fileNum++);
  String filename = filePrefix + fmt.toString();
  if (codec != null) {
    filename = filename + codec.getDefaultExtension();
  Path destFile = new Path(destDir, filename);
  FileSystem fs = destFile.getFileSystem(conf);
  LOG.debug("Opening next output file: " + destFile);
  if (fs.exists(destFile)) {
    Path canonicalDest = destFile.makeQualified(fs);
    throw new IOException("Destination file " + canonicalDest
        + " already exists");

  OutputStream fsOut = fs.create(destFile);

  // Count how many actual bytes hit HDFS.
  this.countingFilterStream = new CountingOutputStream(fsOut);

  if (codec != null) {
    // Wrap that in a compressing stream.
    this.writeStream = codec.createOutputStream(this.countingFilterStream);
  } else {
    // Write to the counting stream directly.
    this.writeStream = this.countingFilterStream;
源代码11 项目: an2linuxclient   文件:
public static String getFourLineHexString(byte[] sha256Hash){
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        formatter.format("%02X", sha256Hash[i]);
        if (i == 7 || i == 15 || i == 23) {
        } else if (i != 31) {
            formatter.format(" ");
    return formatter.toString();
源代码12 项目: c5-replicator   文件:
private static void formatConfiguration(Formatter formatter, QuorumConfigurationMessage message) {
  if (message.getTransitional()) {
    formatPeerIdList(formatter, message.getPrevPeersList());
    formatter.format(" -> ");
    formatPeerIdList(formatter, message.getNextPeersList());
  } else {
    formatPeerIdList(formatter, message.getAllPeersList());
源代码13 项目: MeteoInfo   文件:
public void showInternal(Formatter f, Indent indent) {
  super.showInternal(f, indent);
  for (StructureMembers.Member m : memberData.keySet()) {
    Array data = memberData.get(m);
    f.format("%s %s = %s%n", indent, m, data);

源代码14 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
 * Check if this is a POINT datatype. If so, a TableAnalyser is used to analyze its structure.
 * The TableAnalyser is reused when the dataset is opened.
 * <ol>
 * <li>Can handle ANY_POINT FeatureType.
 * <li>Must have time, lat, lon axis (from CoordSysBuilder)
 * <li>Call TableAnalyzer.factory() to create a TableAnalyzer
 * <li>TableAnalyzer must agree it can handle the requested FeatureType
 * </ol>
 * @param wantFeatureType desired feature type, null means FeatureType.ANY_POINT
 * @param ds analyse this dataset
 * @param errlog log error messages here (may not be null)
 * @return if successful, return non-null. This object is then passed back into open(), so analysis can be reused.
public Object isMine(FeatureType wantFeatureType, NetcdfDataset ds, Formatter errlog) {
  if (wantFeatureType == null)
    wantFeatureType = FeatureType.ANY_POINT;
  if (wantFeatureType != FeatureType.ANY_POINT) {
    if (!wantFeatureType.isPointFeatureType())
      return null;

  TableConfigurer tc = TableAnalyzer.getTableConfigurer(wantFeatureType, ds);

  // if no explicit tc, then check whatever we can before expensive analysis)
  if (tc == null) {
    boolean hasTime = false;
    boolean hasLat = false;
    boolean hasLon = false;
    for (CoordinateAxis axis : ds.getCoordinateAxes()) {
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Time) // && (axis.getRank() == 1))
        hasTime = true;
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lat) // && (axis.getRank() == 1))
        hasLat = true;
      if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lon) // && (axis.getRank() == 1))
        hasLon = true;

    // minimum we need
    if (!(hasTime && hasLon && hasLat)) {
      errlog.format("PointDataset must have lat,lon,time");
      return null;
  } else if (showTables) {
    System.out.printf("TableConfigurer = %s%n", tc.getClass().getName());

  try {
    // gotta do some work
    TableAnalyzer analyser = TableAnalyzer.factory(tc, wantFeatureType, ds);
    if (analyser == null)
      return null;

    if (!analyser.featureTypeOk(wantFeatureType, errlog)) {
      return null;
    return analyser;

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    return null;
源代码15 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
private TableConfig makeStationTable(NetcdfDataset ds, FeatureType ftype, EncodingInfo info, Formatter errlog) {
  Variable lat = CoordSysEvaluator.findCoordByType(ds, AxisType.Lat);
  Variable lon = CoordSysEvaluator.findCoordByType(ds, AxisType.Lon);
  if (lat == null || lon == null) {
    errlog.format("CFpointObs: must have lat and lon coordinates%n");
    return null;
  // Dimension stationDim = (info.encoding == Encoding.single) ? null : lat.getDimension(0); // assumes outer dim of
  // lat is parent dimension, single = scalar

  Table.Type stationTableType = Table.Type.Structure;
  if (info.encoding == Encoding.single)
    stationTableType = Table.Type.Top;
  if (info.encoding == Encoding.flat)
    stationTableType = Table.Type.Construct;

  Dimension stationDim = (info.encoding == Encoding.flat) ? info.childDim : info.parentDim;
  String name = (stationDim == null) ? " single" : stationDim.getShortName();
  TableConfig stnTable = new TableConfig(stationTableType, name);
  stnTable.featureType = ftype;

  // stnId
  Variable stnIdVar =
      Evaluator.findVariableWithAttributeAndDimension(ds, CF.CF_ROLE, CF.TIMESERIES_ID, stationDim, errlog);
  if (stnIdVar == null)
    stnIdVar =
        Evaluator.findVariableWithAttributeAndDimension(ds, CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.STATION_ID, stationDim, errlog);
  if (stnIdVar == null) {
    errlog.format("CFpointObs: must have a Station id variable with %s = %s%n", CF.CF_ROLE, CF.TIMESERIES_ID);
    return null;
  stnTable.stnId = stnIdVar.getFullName();
  info.instanceId = stnIdVar;

  stnTable.stnDesc = Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.PLATFORM_NAME, stationDim, errlog);
  if (stnTable.stnDesc == null)
    stnTable.stnDesc =
        Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.STATION_DESC, stationDim, errlog);
  stnTable.stnWmoId = Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.PLATFORM_ID, stationDim, errlog);
  if (stnTable.stnWmoId == null)
    stnTable.stnWmoId =
        Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.STATION_WMOID, stationDim, errlog);
  stnTable.stnAlt =
      Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.SURFACE_ALTITUDE, stationDim, errlog);
  if (stnTable.stnAlt == null)
    stnTable.stnAlt =
        Evaluator.findNameVariableWithStandardNameAndDimension(ds, CF.STATION_ALTITUDE, stationDim, errlog); = lat.getFullName();
  stnTable.lon = lon.getFullName();

  if (info.encoding != Encoding.single && stationDim != null) {
    stnTable.dimName = stationDim.getShortName();
    makeStructureInfo(stnTable, ds, stnIdVar.getParentStructure(), stationDim);

  // LOOK probably need a standard name here
  // optional alt coord - detect if its a station height or actually associated with the obs, eg for a profile
  if (stnTable.stnAlt == null) {
    Variable alt = CoordSysEvaluator.findCoordByType(ds, AxisType.Height);
    if (alt != null) {
      if ((info.encoding == Encoding.single) && alt.getRank() == 0)
        stnTable.stnAlt = alt.getFullName();

      if ((info.encoding != Encoding.single) && (lat.getRank() == alt.getRank()) && alt.getRank() > 0
          && alt.getDimension(0).equals(stationDim))
        stnTable.stnAlt = alt.getFullName();

  return stnTable;
源代码16 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
protected void showTableExtraInfo(String indent, Formatter f) {
  f.format("%sstart=%s, numRecords=%s%n", indent, startVarName, numRecordsVarName);
源代码17 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
protected void writeCDL(Formatter f, Indent indent, boolean strict) {
  toStringStart(f, indent, strict);
  f.format("%s}%n", indent);
源代码18 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
public String toString() {
  Formatter ff = new Formatter();
  ff.format("equatorRadius=%f inverseFlattening=%f", equatorRadius, (1.0 / flattening));
  return ff.toString();
源代码19 项目: bt   文件:
public String toString() {
	StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
	b.append(" mean:").append(mean).append(" median:").append(getQuantile(0.5f)).append(" mode:").append(mode).append(" 10tile:").append(getQuantile(0.1f)).append(" 90tile:").append(getQuantile(0.9f));
	Formatter l1 = new Formatter();
	Formatter l2 = new Formatter();
	for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++) {
		if(values[i] >= 0.001) {
			l1.format(" %5d | ", i*BIN_SIZE);
			l2.format("%5d%% | ", Math.round(values[i]*100));

	return b.toString();
源代码20 项目: ml-ease   文件:
static void printf(Formatter formatter, String format, Object... args) throws IOException {
    formatter.format(format, args);
    IOException ioException = formatter.ioException();
    if (ioException != null) throw ioException;