org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getTypeByte ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getTypeByte ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: phoenix   文件:
private PTable buildDeletedTable(byte[] key, ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey, HRegion region,
    long clientTimeStamp) throws IOException {
    if (clientTimeStamp == HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) {
        return null;

    Scan scan = MetaDataUtil.newTableRowsScan(key, clientTimeStamp, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
    scan.setFilter(new FirstKeyOnlyFilter());
    List<Cell> results = Lists.<Cell> newArrayList();
    try (RegionScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);) {;
    // HBase ignores the time range on a raw scan (HBASE-7362)
    if (!results.isEmpty() && results.get(0).getTimestamp() > clientTimeStamp) {
        Cell kv = results.get(0);
        if (kv.getTypeByte() == Type.Delete.getCode()) {
            Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr, PTable> metaDataCache =
            PTable table = newDeletedTableMarker(kv.getTimestamp());
            metaDataCache.put(cacheKey, table);
            return table;
    return null;
源代码2 项目: hbase   文件:
 * A method for checking Bloom filters. Called directly from
 * StoreFileScanner in case of a multi-column query.
 * @param cell
 *          the cell to check if present in BloomFilter
 * @return True if passes
public boolean passesGeneralRowColBloomFilter(Cell cell) {
  BloomFilter bloomFilter = this.generalBloomFilter;
  if (bloomFilter == null) {
    return true;
  // Used in ROW_COL bloom
  Cell kvKey = null;
  // Already if the incoming key is a fake rowcol key then use it as it is
  if (cell.getTypeByte() == KeyValue.Type.Maximum.getCode() && cell.getFamilyLength() == 0) {
    kvKey = cell;
  } else {
    kvKey = PrivateCellUtil.createFirstOnRowCol(cell);
  return checkGeneralBloomFilter(null, kvKey, bloomFilter);
源代码3 项目: hbase   文件:
public void add(Cell cell) {
  byte type = cell.getTypeByte();
  switch (Type.codeToType(type)) {
  // By the order of seen. We put null cq at first.
  case DeleteFamily: // Delete all versions of all columns of the specified family
        new DeleteVersionsNode(cell.getTimestamp(), cell.getSequenceId()));
  case DeleteFamilyVersion: // Delete all columns of the specified family and specified version

  // These two kinds of markers are mix with Puts.
  case DeleteColumn: // Delete all versions of the specified column
        new DeleteVersionsNode(cell.getTimestamp(), cell.getSequenceId()));
  case Delete: // Delete the specified version of the specified column.
    throw new AssertionError("Unknown delete marker type for " + cell);
源代码4 项目: hbase   文件:
public MatchCode match(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  if (filter != null && filter.filterAllRemaining()) {
    return MatchCode.DONE_SCAN;
  MatchCode returnCode = preCheck(cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  byte typeByte = cell.getTypeByte();
  if (PrivateCellUtil.isDelete(typeByte)) {
    boolean includeDeleteMarker = seePastDeleteMarkers ? tr.withinTimeRange(timestamp)
        : tr.withinOrAfterTimeRange(timestamp);
    if (includeDeleteMarker) {
    return MatchCode.SKIP;
  returnCode = checkDeleted(deletes, cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  return matchColumn(cell, timestamp, typeByte);
源代码5 项目: hbase   文件:
public MatchCode match(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  MatchCode returnCode = preCheck(cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  long mvccVersion = cell.getSequenceId();
  byte typeByte = cell.getTypeByte();
  if (PrivateCellUtil.isDelete(typeByte)) {
    if (mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions) {
      // we should not use this delete marker to mask any cell yet.
      return MatchCode.INCLUDE;
    return MatchCode.INCLUDE;
  returnCode = checkDeleted(deletes, cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  // Skip checking column since we do not remove column during compaction.
  return columns.checkVersions(cell, cell.getTimestamp(), typeByte,
    mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions);
源代码6 项目: phoenix   文件:
private DeleteType getDeleteTypeOrNull(Collection<? extends Cell> pendingUpdates, int nCFs) {
      int nDeleteCF = 0;
      int nDeleteVersionCF = 0;
      for (Cell kv : pendingUpdates) {
      	if (kv.getTypeByte() == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion.getCode()) {
      	else if (kv.getTypeByte() == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily.getCode()
      			// Since we don't include the index rows in the change set for txn tables, we need to detect row deletes that have transformed by TransactionProcessor
      	        || TransactionUtil.isDeleteFamily(kv)) {
      // This is what a delete looks like on the server side for mutable indexing...
      // Should all be one or the other for DeleteFamily versus DeleteFamilyVersion, but just in case not
      DeleteType deleteType = null; 
      if (nDeleteVersionCF > 0 && nDeleteVersionCF >= nCFs) {
      	deleteType = DeleteType.SINGLE_VERSION;
      } else {
	int nDelete = nDeleteCF + nDeleteVersionCF;
	if (nDelete>0 && nDelete >= nCFs) {
		deleteType = DeleteType.ALL_VERSIONS;
      return deleteType;
源代码7 项目: hbase   文件:
public void add(Cell delCell) {
  //Cannot call super.add because need to find if the delete needs to be considered
  long timestamp = delCell.getTimestamp();
  byte type = delCell.getTypeByte();
  if (type == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily.getCode()) {
    hasFamilyStamp = true;
    boolean hasVisTag = extractDeleteCellVisTags(delCell, KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily);
    if (!hasVisTag && timestamp > familyStamp) {
      familyStamp = timestamp;
  } else if (type == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion.getCode()) {
    extractDeleteCellVisTags(delCell, KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion);
  // new column, or more general delete type
  if (deleteCell != null) {
    if (!(CellUtil.matchingQualifier(delCell, deleteCell))) {
      // A case where there are deletes for a column qualifier but there are
      // no corresponding puts for them. Rare case.
      visibilityTagsDeleteColumns = null;
      visiblityTagsDeleteColumnVersion = null;
    } else if (type == KeyValue.Type.Delete.getCode() && (deleteTimestamp != timestamp)) {
      // there is a timestamp change which means we could clear the list
      // when ts is same and the vis tags are different we need to collect
      // them all. Interesting part is that in the normal case of puts if
      // there are 2 cells with same ts and diff vis tags only one of them is
      // returned. Handling with a single List<Tag> would mean that only one
      // of the cell would be considered. Doing this as a precaution.
      // Rare cases.
      visiblityTagsDeleteColumnVersion = null;
  deleteCell = delCell;
  deleteType = type;
  deleteTimestamp = timestamp;
  extractDeleteCellVisTags(delCell, KeyValue.Type.codeToType(type));
public void add(Cell cell) {
  byte type = cell.getTypeByte();
  switch (KeyValue.Type.codeToType(type)) {
  // By the order of seen. We put null cq at first.
  case DeleteFamily: // Delete all versions of all columns of the specified family
        new VisibilityDeleteVersionsNode(cell.getTimestamp(), cell.getSequenceId(),
            new TagInfo(cell)));
  case DeleteFamilyVersion: // Delete all columns of the specified family and specified version

  // These two kinds of markers are mix with Puts.
  case DeleteColumn: // Delete all versions of the specified column
        new VisibilityDeleteVersionsNode(cell.getTimestamp(), cell.getSequenceId(),
            new TagInfo(cell)));
  case Delete: // Delete the specified version of the specified column.
    throw new AssertionError("Unknown delete marker type for " + cell);
源代码9 项目: hbase   文件:
public MatchCode match(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  MatchCode returnCode = preCheck(cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  long mvccVersion = cell.getSequenceId();
  byte typeByte = cell.getTypeByte();
  if (PrivateCellUtil.isDelete(typeByte)) {
    if (mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions) {
      return MatchCode.INCLUDE;
    if (dropDeletesInOutput == DropDeletesInOutput.IN) {
      // here we are running like major compaction
      returnCode = tryDropDelete(cell);
      if (returnCode != null) {
        return returnCode;
    } else {
      return MatchCode.INCLUDE;
  } else {
    returnCode = checkDeleted(deletes, cell);
    if (returnCode != null) {
      return returnCode;
  // Skip checking column since we do not remove column during compaction.
  return columns.checkVersions(cell, cell.getTimestamp(), typeByte,
    mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions);
源代码10 项目: phoenix   文件:
private boolean hasIndexedColumnChanged(ValueGetter oldState, Collection<? extends Cell> pendingUpdates, long ts) throws IOException {
    if (pendingUpdates.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    Map<ColumnReference,Cell> newState = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pendingUpdates.size()); 
    for (Cell kv : pendingUpdates) {
        newState.put(new ColumnReference(CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(kv)), kv);
    for (ColumnReference ref : indexedColumns) {
    	Cell newValue = newState.get(ref);
    	if (newValue != null) { // Indexed column has potentially changed
    	    ImmutableBytesWritable oldValue = oldState.getLatestValue(ref, ts);
            boolean newValueSetAsNull = (newValue.getTypeByte() == Type.DeleteColumn.getCode() || newValue.getTypeByte() == Type.Delete.getCode() || CellUtil.matchingValue(newValue, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY));
    		boolean oldValueSetAsNull = oldValue == null || oldValue.getLength() == 0;
    		//If the new column value has to be set as null and the older value is null too,
    		//then just skip to the next indexed column.
    		if (newValueSetAsNull && oldValueSetAsNull) {
    		if (oldValueSetAsNull || newValueSetAsNull) {
    			return true;
    		// If the old value is different than the new value, the index row needs to be deleted
    		if (Bytes.compareTo(oldValue.get(), oldValue.getOffset(), oldValue.getLength(), 
    				newValue.getValueArray(), newValue.getValueOffset(), newValue.getValueLength()) != 0) {
    			return true;
    return false;
源代码11 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Add the specified Cell to the list of deletes to check against for this row operation.
 * <p>
 * This is called when a Delete is encountered.
 * @param cell - the delete cell
public void add(Cell cell) {
  long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  byte type = cell.getTypeByte();
  if (!hasFamilyStamp || timestamp > familyStamp) {
    if (type == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamily.getCode()) {
      hasFamilyStamp = true;
      familyStamp = timestamp;
    } else if (type == KeyValue.Type.DeleteFamilyVersion.getCode()) {

    if (deleteCell != null && type < deleteType) {
      // same column, so ignore less specific delete
      if (CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, deleteCell)) {
    // new column, or more general delete type
    deleteCell = cell;
    deleteType = type;
    deleteTimestamp = timestamp;
  // missing else is never called.
源代码12 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Record the earlest Put timestamp.
 * If the timeRangeTracker is not set,
 * update TimeRangeTracker to include the timestamp of this key
public void trackTimestamps(final Cell cell) {
  if (KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode() == cell.getTypeByte()) {
    earliestPutTs = Math.min(earliestPutTs, cell.getTimestamp());
源代码13 项目: hbase   文件:
private int compareTypeBytes(Cell key, Cell right) {
  if (key.getFamilyLength() + key.getQualifierLength() == 0
      && key.getTypeByte() == Type.Minimum.getCode()) {
    // left is "bigger", i.e. it appears later in the sorted order
    return 1;
  if (right.getFamilyLength() + right.getQualifierLength() == 0
      && right.getTypeByte() == Type.Minimum.getCode()) {
    return -1;
  return 0;
源代码14 项目: hbase   文件:
 * @return True if we have crossed over onto a new row or type
private boolean isNewRowOrType(final Cell previousCell, final Cell cell) {
  return previousCell == null || previousCell.getTypeByte() != cell.getTypeByte() ||
      !CellUtil.matchingRows(previousCell, cell);
源代码15 项目: hbase   文件:
public void upsert(Cell cell, long readpoint, MemStoreSizing memStoreSizing,
    boolean sizeAddedPreOperation) {
  internalAdd(cell, false, memStoreSizing, sizeAddedPreOperation);

  // Get the Cells for the row/family/qualifier regardless of timestamp.
  // For this case we want to clean up any other puts
  Cell firstCell = PrivateCellUtil.createFirstOnRowColTS(cell, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
  SortedSet<Cell> ss = this.tailSet(firstCell);
  Iterator<Cell> it = ss.iterator();
  // versions visible to oldest scanner
  int versionsVisible = 0;
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    Cell cur =;

    if (cell == cur) {
      // ignore the one just put in
    // check that this is the row and column we are interested in, otherwise bail
    if (CellUtil.matchingRows(cell, cur) && CellUtil.matchingQualifier(cell, cur)) {
      // only remove Puts that concurrent scanners cannot possibly see
      if (cur.getTypeByte() == KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode() && cur.getSequenceId() <= readpoint) {
        if (versionsVisible >= 1) {
          // if we get here we have seen at least one version visible to the oldest scanner,
          // which means we can prove that no scanner will see this version

          // false means there was a change, so give us the size.
          // TODO when the removed cell ie.'cur' having its data in MSLAB, we can not release that
          // area. Only the Cell object as such going way. We need to consider cellLen to be
          // decreased there as 0 only. Just keeping it as existing code now. We need to know the
          // removed cell is from MSLAB or not. Will do once HBASE-16438 is in
          int cellLen = getCellLength(cur);
          long heapSize = heapSizeChange(cur, true);
          long offHeapSize = offHeapSizeChange(cur, true);
          incMemStoreSize(-cellLen, -heapSize, -offHeapSize, -1);
          if (memStoreSizing != null) {
            memStoreSizing.decMemStoreSize(cellLen, heapSize, offHeapSize, 1);
        } else {
    } else {
      // past the row or column, done
源代码16 项目: hbase   文件:
public MatchCode match(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  MatchCode returnCode = preCheck(cell);
  if (returnCode != null) {
    return returnCode;
  long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  long mvccVersion = cell.getSequenceId();
  byte typeByte = cell.getTypeByte();

  // The delete logic is pretty complicated now.
  // This is corroborated by the following:
  // 1. The store might be instructed to keep deleted rows around.
  // 2. A scan can optionally see past a delete marker now.
  // 3. If deleted rows are kept, we have to find out when we can
  // remove the delete markers.
  // 4. Family delete markers are always first (regardless of their TS)
  // 5. Delete markers should not be counted as version
  // 6. Delete markers affect puts of the *same* TS
  // 7. Delete marker need to be version counted together with puts
  // they affect
  if (PrivateCellUtil.isDelete(typeByte)) {
    if (mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions) {
      // We can not drop this delete marker yet, and also we should not use this delete marker to
      // mask any cell yet.
      return MatchCode.INCLUDE;
    returnCode = tryDropDelete(cell);
    if (returnCode != null) {
      return returnCode;
  } else {
    returnCode = checkDeleted(deletes, cell);
    if (returnCode != null) {
      return returnCode;
  // Skip checking column since we do not remove column during compaction.
  return columns.checkVersions(cell, timestamp, typeByte,
    mvccVersion > maxReadPointToTrackVersions);
源代码17 项目: hbase   文件:
private int compressSingleKeyValue(DataOutputStream out, Cell cell, Cell prevCell)
    throws IOException {
  int flag = 0; // Do not use more bits that can fit into a byte
  int kLength = KeyValueUtil.keyLength(cell);
  int vLength = cell.getValueLength();

  long timestamp;
  long diffTimestamp = 0;
  int diffTimestampFitsInBytes = 0;
  int timestampFitsInBytes;
  int commonPrefix = 0;

  if (prevCell == null) {
    timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
    if (timestamp < 0) {
      flag |= FLAG_TIMESTAMP_SIGN;
      timestamp = -timestamp;
    timestampFitsInBytes = ByteBufferUtils.longFitsIn(timestamp);
    flag |= (timestampFitsInBytes - 1) << SHIFT_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH;
    // put column family
    byte familyLength = cell.getFamilyLength();
    PrivateCellUtil.writeFamily(out, cell, familyLength);
  } else {
    // Finding common prefix
    int preKeyLength = KeyValueUtil.keyLength(prevCell);
    commonPrefix = PrivateCellUtil.findCommonPrefixInFlatKey(cell, prevCell, true, false);
    if (kLength == preKeyLength) {
      flag |= FLAG_SAME_KEY_LENGTH;
    if (vLength == prevCell.getValueLength()) {
    if (cell.getTypeByte() == prevCell.getTypeByte()) {
      flag |= FLAG_SAME_TYPE;
    // don't compress timestamp and type using prefix encode timestamp
    timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
    diffTimestamp = prevCell.getTimestamp() - timestamp;
    boolean negativeTimestamp = timestamp < 0;
    if (negativeTimestamp) {
      timestamp = -timestamp;
    timestampFitsInBytes = ByteBufferUtils.longFitsIn(timestamp);
    boolean minusDiffTimestamp = diffTimestamp < 0;
    if (minusDiffTimestamp) {
      diffTimestamp = -diffTimestamp;
    diffTimestampFitsInBytes = ByteBufferUtils.longFitsIn(diffTimestamp);
    if (diffTimestampFitsInBytes < timestampFitsInBytes) {
      flag |= (diffTimestampFitsInBytes - 1) << SHIFT_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH;
      if (minusDiffTimestamp) {
        flag |= FLAG_TIMESTAMP_SIGN;
    } else {
      flag |= (timestampFitsInBytes - 1) << SHIFT_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH;
      if (negativeTimestamp) {
        flag |= FLAG_TIMESTAMP_SIGN;
  if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_KEY_LENGTH) == 0) {
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, kLength);
  if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_VALUE_LENGTH) == 0) {
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, vLength);
  ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, commonPrefix);
  short rLen = cell.getRowLength();
  if (commonPrefix < rLen + KeyValue.ROW_LENGTH_SIZE) {
    // Previous and current rows are different. Copy the differing part of
    // the row, skip the column family, and copy the qualifier.
    PrivateCellUtil.writeRowKeyExcludingCommon(cell, rLen, commonPrefix, out);
    PrivateCellUtil.writeQualifier(out, cell, cell.getQualifierLength());
  } else {
    // The common part includes the whole row. As the column family is the
    // same across the whole file, it will automatically be included in the
    // common prefix, so we need not special-case it here.
    // What we write here is the non common part of the qualifier
    int commonQualPrefix = commonPrefix - (rLen + KeyValue.ROW_LENGTH_SIZE)
        - (cell.getFamilyLength() + KeyValue.FAMILY_LENGTH_SIZE);
    PrivateCellUtil.writeQualifierSkippingBytes(out, cell, cell.getQualifierLength(),
  if ((flag & FLAG_TIMESTAMP_IS_DIFF) == 0) {
    ByteBufferUtils.putLong(out, timestamp, timestampFitsInBytes);
  } else {
    ByteBufferUtils.putLong(out, diffTimestamp, diffTimestampFitsInBytes);

  if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_TYPE) == 0) {
  PrivateCellUtil.writeValue(out, cell, vLength);
  return kLength + vLength + KeyValue.KEYVALUE_INFRASTRUCTURE_SIZE;
源代码18 项目: hbase   文件:
private int compressSingleKeyValue(DataOutputStream out, Cell cell, Cell prevCell)
    throws IOException {
  int flag = 0; // Do not use more bits than will fit into a byte
  int kLength = KeyValueUtil.keyLength(cell);
  int vLength = cell.getValueLength();

  if (prevCell == null) {
    // copy the key, there is no common prefix with none
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, kLength);
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, vLength);
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, 0);
    PrivateCellUtil.writeFlatKey(cell, (DataOutput)out);
    // Write the value part
    PrivateCellUtil.writeValue(out, cell, cell.getValueLength());
  } else {
    int preKeyLength = KeyValueUtil.keyLength(prevCell);
    int preValLength = prevCell.getValueLength();
    // find a common prefix and skip it
    int commonPrefix = PrivateCellUtil.findCommonPrefixInFlatKey(cell, prevCell, true, false);

    if (kLength == preKeyLength) {
      flag |= FLAG_SAME_KEY_LENGTH;
    if (vLength == prevCell.getValueLength()) {
    if (cell.getTypeByte() == prevCell.getTypeByte()) {
      flag |= FLAG_SAME_TYPE;

    byte[] curTsBuf = Bytes.toBytes(cell.getTimestamp());
    int commonTimestampPrefix = findCommonTimestampPrefix(curTsBuf,

    flag |= commonTimestampPrefix << SHIFT_TIMESTAMP_LENGTH;

    // Check if current and previous values are the same. Compare value
    // length first as an optimization.
    if (vLength == preValLength
        && PrivateCellUtil.matchingValue(cell, prevCell, vLength, preValLength)) {
      flag |= FLAG_SAME_VALUE;

    if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_KEY_LENGTH) == 0) {
      ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, kLength);
    if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_VALUE_LENGTH) == 0) {
      ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, vLength);
    ByteBufferUtils.putCompressedInt(out, commonPrefix);
    short rLen = cell.getRowLength();
    if (commonPrefix < rLen + KeyValue.ROW_LENGTH_SIZE) {
      // Previous and current rows are different. Copy the differing part of
      // the row, skip the column family, and copy the qualifier.
      PrivateCellUtil.writeRowKeyExcludingCommon(cell, rLen, commonPrefix, out);
      PrivateCellUtil.writeQualifier(out, cell, cell.getQualifierLength());
    } else {
      // The common part includes the whole row. As the column family is the
      // same across the whole file, it will automatically be included in the
      // common prefix, so we need not special-case it here.
      // What we write here is the non common part of the qualifier
      int commonQualPrefix = commonPrefix - (rLen + KeyValue.ROW_LENGTH_SIZE)
          - (cell.getFamilyLength() + KeyValue.FAMILY_LENGTH_SIZE);
      PrivateCellUtil.writeQualifierSkippingBytes(out, cell, cell.getQualifierLength(),
    // Write non common ts part
    out.write(curTsBuf, commonTimestampPrefix, KeyValue.TIMESTAMP_SIZE - commonTimestampPrefix);

    // Write the type if it is not the same as before.
    if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_TYPE) == 0) {

    // Write the value if it is not the same as before.
    if ((flag & FLAG_SAME_VALUE) == 0) {
      PrivateCellUtil.writeValue(out, cell, vLength);
  return kLength + vLength + KeyValue.KEYVALUE_INFRASTRUCTURE_SIZE;
源代码19 项目: hbase   文件:
public int seekToKeyInBlock(Cell seekCell, boolean seekBefore) {
  int rowCommonPrefix = 0;
  int familyCommonPrefix = 0;
  int qualCommonPrefix = 0;
  do {
    int comp;
    keyOnlyKV.setKey(current.keyBuffer, 0, current.keyLength);
    if (current.lastCommonPrefix != 0) {
      // The KV format has row key length also in the byte array. The
      // common prefix
      // includes it. So we need to subtract to find out the common prefix
      // in the
      // row part alone
      rowCommonPrefix = Math.min(rowCommonPrefix, current.lastCommonPrefix - 2);
    if (current.lastCommonPrefix <= 2) {
      rowCommonPrefix = 0;
    rowCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInRowPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, rowCommonPrefix);
    comp = compareCommonRowPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, rowCommonPrefix);
    if (comp == 0) {
      comp = compareTypeBytes(seekCell, keyOnlyKV);
      if (comp == 0) {
        // Subtract the fixed row key length and the family key fixed length
        familyCommonPrefix = Math.max(
                current.lastCommonPrefix - (3 + keyOnlyKV.getRowLength())));
        familyCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInFamilyPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV,
        comp = compareCommonFamilyPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, familyCommonPrefix);
        if (comp == 0) {
          // subtract the rowkey fixed length and the family key fixed
          // length
          qualCommonPrefix = Math.max(
                      - (3 + keyOnlyKV.getRowLength() + keyOnlyKV.getFamilyLength())));
          qualCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInQualifierPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV,
          comp = compareCommonQualifierPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, qualCommonPrefix);
          if (comp == 0) {
            comp = CellComparator.getInstance().compareTimestamps(seekCell, keyOnlyKV);
            if (comp == 0) {
              // Compare types. Let the delete types sort ahead of puts;
              // i.e. types
              // of higher numbers sort before those of lesser numbers.
              // Maximum
              // (255)
              // appears ahead of everything, and minimum (0) appears
              // after
              // everything.
              comp = (0xff & keyOnlyKV.getTypeByte()) - (0xff & seekCell.getTypeByte());
    if (comp == 0) { // exact match
      if (seekBefore) {
        if (!previous.isValid()) {
          // The caller (seekBefore) has to ensure that we are not at the
          // first key in the block.
          throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot seekBefore if "
              + "positioned at the first key in the block: key="
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(seekCell.getRowArray()));
        return 1;
      return 0;

    if (comp < 0) { // already too large, check previous
      if (previous.isValid()) {
      } else {
        return HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC; // using optimized index key
      return 1;

    // move to next, if more data is available
    if (currentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
      current.setKey(current.keyBuffer, current.memstoreTS);
    } else {
  } while (true);

  // we hit the end of the block, not an exact match
  return 1;
源代码20 项目: phoenix   文件:
public void add(Cell kv){
  if (pointDeleteCode != kv.getTypeByte()) {
    allPointDeletes = false;