org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getValueOffset ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getValueOffset ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Halyard   文件:
protected void map(ImmutableBytesWritable key, Result value, Context output) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    for (Cell c : value.rawCells()) {
        Statement st = HalyardTableUtils.parseStatement(c, SVF);
        if ((subj == null || subj.equals(st.getSubject())) && (pred == null || pred.equals(st.getPredicate())) && (obj == null || obj.equals(st.getObject())) && (ctx == null || ctx.contains(st.getContext()))) {
            KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(c.getRowArray(), c.getRowOffset(), (int) c.getRowLength(),
                c.getFamilyArray(), c.getFamilyOffset(), (int) c.getFamilyLength(),
                c.getQualifierArray(), c.getQualifierOffset(), c.getQualifierLength(),
                c.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn, c.getValueArray(), c.getValueOffset(),
                c.getValueLength(), c.getTagsArray(), c.getTagsOffset(), c.getTagsLength());
            output.write(new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowLength()), kv);
        } else {
        if (total++ % 10000l == 0) {
            String msg = MessageFormat.format("{0} / {1} cells deleted", deleted, total);
            LOG.log(Level.INFO, msg);

public List<SpanProtos.Span> getRootSpans() throws IOException {
  Scan scan = new Scan();
  scan.addColumn(this.icf, HBaseSpanReceiver.INDEX_SPAN_QUAL);
  List<SpanProtos.Span> spans = new ArrayList<SpanProtos.Span>();
  try {
    ResultScanner scanner = htable.getScanner(scan);
    Result result = null;
    while ((result = != null) {
      for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) {
        InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(cell.getValueArray(),
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOG.warn("Failed to get root spans from HBase. " + e.getMessage());
  return spans;
源代码3 项目: phoenix   文件:
public ValueGetter createGetterFromKeyValues(final byte[] rowKey, Collection<? extends Cell> pendingUpdates) {
    final Map<ReferencingColumn, ImmutableBytesPtr> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pendingUpdates
    for (Cell kv : pendingUpdates) {
        // create new pointers to each part of the kv
        ImmutableBytesPtr family = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getRowArray(),kv.getFamilyOffset(),kv.getFamilyLength());
        ImmutableBytesPtr qual = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength());
        ImmutableBytesPtr value = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
        valueMap.put(new ReferencingColumn(family, qual), value);
    return new ValueGetter() {
        public ImmutableBytesPtr getLatestValue(ColumnReference ref) {
            if(ref.equals(dataEmptyKeyValueRef)) return null;
            return valueMap.get(ReferencingColumn.wrap(ref));
        public byte[] getRowKey() {
        	return rowKey;
源代码4 项目: phoenix   文件:
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
    Tuple tuple = plan.iterator().next();
    long rowCount = 0;
    if (tuple != null) {
        Cell kv = tuple.getValue(0);
        ImmutableBytesWritable tmpPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
        // A single Cell will be returned with the count(*) - we decode that here
        rowCount = PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(tmpPtr, SortOrder.getDefault());
    // The contract is to return a MutationState that contains the number of rows modified. In this
    // case, it's the number of rows in the data table which corresponds to the number of index
    // rows that were added.
    return new MutationState(0, 0, connection, rowCount);
源代码5 项目: phoenix   文件:
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
    Tuple tuple = plan.iterator().next();
    long rowCount = 0;
    if (tuple != null) {
        Cell kv = tuple.getValue(0);
        ImmutableBytesWritable tmpPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv.getValueArray(),
          kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
        // A single Cell will be returned with the count(*) - we decode that here
        rowCount = PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(tmpPtr, SortOrder.getDefault());
    // The contract is to return a MutationState that contains the number of rows modified.
    // In this case, it's the number of rows in the data table which corresponds to the
    // number of index rows that were added.
    return new MutationState(0, 0, connection, rowCount);
源代码6 项目: phoenix   文件:
public ValueGetter createGetterFromKeyValues(final byte[] rowKey, Collection<? extends Cell> pendingUpdates) {
    final Map<ColumnReference, ImmutableBytesPtr> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pendingUpdates
    for (Cell kv : pendingUpdates) {
        // create new pointers to each part of the kv
        ImmutableBytesPtr value = new ImmutableBytesPtr(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
        valueMap.put(new ColumnReference(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength(), kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength()), value);
    return new ValueGetter() {
        public ImmutableBytesWritable getLatestValue(ColumnReference ref, long ts) {
            if(ref.equals(dataEmptyKeyValueRef)) return null;
            return valueMap.get(ref);
        public byte[] getRowKey() {
        	return rowKey;
源代码7 项目: spliceengine   文件:
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell ignored){
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW; //can skip the remainder, because we've already got an entry allocated
    byte[] value=ignored.getValueArray();
    int offset=ignored.getValueOffset();
    int length=ignored.getValueLength();
        return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
    }else if(value.length!=0
            || Bytes.equals(value,offset,length,SIConstants.COUNTER_COL,0,SIConstants.COUNTER_COL.length)){
        //a machine has already got this id -- also skip the counter column, since we don't need that
        return ReturnCode.SKIP;
    return ReturnCode.INCLUDE; //this is an available entry
源代码8 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * @param ref
 * @return the first value on the scanner for the given column
private ImmutableBytesPtr get(ColumnReference ref) throws IOException {
  KeyValue first = ref.getFirstKeyValueForRow(row);
  if (! {
    return null;
  // there is a next value - we only care about the current value, so we can just snag that
  Cell next =;
  if (ref.matches(next)) {
    return new ImmutableBytesPtr(next.getValueArray(), next.getValueOffset(), next.getValueLength());
  return null;
源代码9 项目: hbase   文件:
public void preWALWrite(ObserverContext<? extends WALCoprocessorEnvironment> env,
    RegionInfo info, WALKey logKey, WALEdit logEdit) throws IOException {
  // check table name matches or not.
  if (!Bytes.equals(info.getTable().toBytes(), this.tableName)) {
  preWALWriteCalled = true;
  // here we're going to remove one keyvalue from the WALEdit, and add
  // another one to it.
  List<Cell> cells = logEdit.getCells();
  Cell deletedCell = null;
  for (Cell cell : cells) {
    // assume only one kv from the WALEdit matches.
    byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell);
    byte[] qulifier = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell);

    if (Arrays.equals(family, ignoredFamily) &&
        Arrays.equals(qulifier, ignoredQualifier)) {
      LOG.debug("Found the KeyValue from WALEdit which should be ignored.");
      deletedCell = cell;
    if (Arrays.equals(family, changedFamily) &&
        Arrays.equals(qulifier, changedQualifier)) {
      LOG.debug("Found the KeyValue from WALEdit which should be changed.");
      cell.getValueArray()[cell.getValueOffset()] =
          (byte) (cell.getValueArray()[cell.getValueOffset()] + 1);
  if (null != row) {
    cells.add(new KeyValue(row, addedFamily, addedQualifier));
  if (deletedCell != null) {
    LOG.debug("About to delete a KeyValue from WALEdit.");
源代码10 项目: pinpoint   文件:
static Dot createDot(Cell cell) {

        final Buffer valueBuffer = new OffsetFixedBuffer(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
        int elapsed = valueBuffer.readVInt();
        int exceptionCode = valueBuffer.readSVInt();
        String agentId = valueBuffer.readPrefixedString();

        final int acceptTimeOffset = cell.getRowOffset() + HbaseTableConstatns.APPLICATION_NAME_MAX_LEN + HbaseColumnFamily.APPLICATION_TRACE_INDEX_TRACE.ROW_DISTRIBUTE_SIZE;
        long reverseAcceptedTime = BytesUtils.bytesToLong(cell.getRowArray(), acceptTimeOffset);
        long acceptedTime = TimeUtils.recoveryTimeMillis(reverseAcceptedTime);

        TransactionId transactionId = TransactionIdMapper.parseVarTransactionId(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
        return new Dot(transactionId, acceptedTime, elapsed, exceptionCode, agentId);
源代码11 项目: pinpoint   文件:
public List<JoinStatBo> mapRow(Result result, int rowNum) throws Exception {
    if (result.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    final byte[] distributedRowKey = result.getRow();
    final String applicationId = this.hbaseOperationFactory.getApplicationId(distributedRowKey);
    final long baseTimestamp = this.hbaseOperationFactory.getBaseTimestamp(distributedRowKey);

    List<JoinStatBo> dataPoints = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Cell cell : result.rawCells()) {
        if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, HbaseColumnFamily.APPLICATION_STAT_STATISTICS.getName())) {
            Buffer qualifierBuffer = new OffsetFixedBuffer(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
            Buffer valueBuffer = new OffsetFixedBuffer(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());

            long timestampDelta = this.decoder.decodeQualifier(qualifierBuffer);

            ApplicationStatDecodingContext decodingContext = new ApplicationStatDecodingContext();
            List<JoinStatBo> candidates = this.decoder.decodeValue(valueBuffer, decodingContext);
            for (JoinStatBo candidate : candidates) {
                long timestamp = candidate.getTimestamp();
                if (this.filter.filter(timestamp)) {
    // Reverse sort as timestamp is stored in a reversed order.
    return dataPoints;
源代码12 项目: pinpoint   文件:
public List<T> mapRow(Result result, int rowNum) throws Exception {
    if (result.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    final byte[] distributedRowKey = result.getRow();
    final String agentId = this.hbaseOperationFactory.getAgentId(distributedRowKey);
    final long baseTimestamp = this.hbaseOperationFactory.getBaseTimestamp(distributedRowKey);

    List<T> dataPoints = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Cell cell : result.rawCells()) {
        if (CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, HbaseColumnFamily.AGENT_STAT_STATISTICS.getName())) {
            Buffer qualifierBuffer = new OffsetFixedBuffer(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
            Buffer valueBuffer = new OffsetFixedBuffer(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());

            long timestampDelta = this.decoder.decodeQualifier(qualifierBuffer);

            AgentStatDecodingContext decodingContext = new AgentStatDecodingContext();
            List<T> candidates = this.decoder.decodeValue(valueBuffer, decodingContext);
            for (T candidate : candidates) {
                if (filter(candidate)) {
    // Reverse sort as timestamp is stored in a reversed order.
    return dataPoints;
源代码13 项目: phoenix   文件:
private Cell getChangedKey(Cell next, boolean changeBottomKeys) {
    // If it is a top store file change the StartKey with SplitKey in Key
    //and produce the new value corresponding to the change in key
    byte[] changedKey = getNewRowkeyByRegionStartKeyReplacedWithSplitKey(next, changeBottomKeys);
    KeyValue changedKv =
            new KeyValue(changedKey, 0, changedKey.length, next.getFamilyArray(),
                next.getFamilyOffset(), next.getFamilyLength(), next.getQualifierArray(),
                next.getQualifierOffset(), next.getQualifierLength(),
                next.getTimestamp(), Type.codeToType(next.getTypeByte()),
                next.getValueArray(), next.getValueOffset(), next.getValueLength(),
                next.getTagsArray(), next.getTagsOffset(), next.getTagsLength());
    return changedKv;
源代码14 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * @param ref
 * @return the first value on the scanner for the given column
private ImmutableBytesPtr get(ColumnReference ref) throws IOException {
    KeyValue first = ref.getFirstKeyValueForRow(row);
    if (! {
        return null;
    // there is a next value - we only care about the current value, so we can just snag that
    Cell next =;
    if (ref.matches(next)) {
        return new ImmutableBytesPtr(next.getValueArray(), next.getValueOffset(), next.getValueLength());
    return null;
public void readFields(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
    Tuple row = resultSet.unwrap(PhoenixResultSet.class).getCurrentRow();
    Cell kv = row.getValue(0);
    ImmutableBytesWritable tmpPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), kv.getValueLength());
    // A single Cell will be returned with the count(*) - we decode that here
    rowCount = PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(tmpPtr, SortOrder.getDefault());
源代码16 项目: phoenix   文件:
private static KeyValue addSaltByte(Cell keyValue, int nSaltBuckets) {
    byte[] buf = keyValue.getRowArray();
    int length = keyValue.getRowLength();
    int offset = keyValue.getRowOffset();
    boolean isViewSeq = length > SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length && Bytes.compareTo(SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES, 0, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length, buf, offset, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length) == 0;
    if (!isViewSeq && nSaltBuckets == 0) {
        return null;
    byte[] newBuf;
    if (isViewSeq) { // We messed up the name for the sequences for view indexes so we'll take this opportunity to fix it
        if (buf[length-1] == 0) { // Global indexes on views have trailing null byte
        byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[3][];
        SchemaUtil.getVarChars(buf, offset, length, 0, rowKeyMetaData);
        byte[] schemaName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];
        byte[] unprefixedSchemaName = new byte[schemaName.length - MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length];
        System.arraycopy(schemaName, MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length, unprefixedSchemaName, 0, unprefixedSchemaName.length);
        byte[] tableName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
        PName physicalName = PNameFactory.newName(unprefixedSchemaName);
        // Reformulate key based on correct data
        newBuf = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexSequenceKey(tableName == null ? null : Bytes.toString(tableName),
                physicalName, nSaltBuckets, false).getKey();
    } else {
        newBuf = new byte[length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(buf, offset, newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length);
        newBuf[0] = SaltingUtil.getSaltingByte(newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length, nSaltBuckets);
    return new KeyValue(newBuf, 0, newBuf.length,
            buf, keyValue.getFamilyOffset(), keyValue.getFamilyLength(),
            buf, keyValue.getQualifierOffset(), keyValue.getQualifierLength(),
            keyValue.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte()),
            buf, keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength());
源代码17 项目: spliceengine   文件:
public boolean isFailedCommitTimestamp(Cell element) {
    return element.getValueLength()==1 && element.getValueArray()[element.getValueOffset()]==SIConstants.SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION_FAILED_TIMESTAMP[0];