
下面列出了org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants#INDEX_KEY_MAGIC 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hbase   文件:
 * @param s
 * @param k
 * @return false if not found or if k is after the end.
 * @throws IOException
public static boolean seekAtOrAfter(HFileScanner s, Cell k)
throws IOException {
  int result = s.seekTo(k);
  if(result < 0) {
    if (result == HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC) {
      // using faked key
      return true;
    // Passed KV is smaller than first KV in file, work from start of file
    return s.seekTo();
  } else if(result > 0) {
    // Passed KV is larger than current KV in file, if there is a next
    // it is the "after", if not then this scanner is done.
  // Seeked to the exact key
  return true;
源代码2 项目: hbase   文件:
static boolean reseekAtOrAfter(HFileScanner s, Cell k)
throws IOException {
  //This function is similar to seekAtOrAfter function
  int result = s.reseekTo(k);
  if (result <= 0) {
    if (result == HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC) {
      // using faked key
      return true;
    // If up to now scanner is not seeked yet, this means passed KV is smaller
    // than first KV in file, and it is the first time we seek on this file.
    // So we also need to work from the start of file.
    if (!s.isSeeked()) {
      return  s.seekTo();
    return true;
  // passed KV is larger than current KV in file, if there is a next
  // it is after, if not then this scanner is done.
源代码3 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Within a loaded block, seek looking for the last key that is smaller than
 * (or equal to?) the key we are interested in.
 * A note on the seekBefore: if you have seekBefore = true, AND the first
 * key in the block = key, then you'll get thrown exceptions. The caller has
 * to check for that case and load the previous block as appropriate.
 * @param key
 *          the key to find
 * @param seekBefore
 *          find the key before the given key in case of exact match.
 * @return 0 in case of an exact key match, 1 in case of an inexact match,
 *         -2 in case of an inexact match and furthermore, the input key
 *         less than the first key of current block(e.g. using a faked index
 *         key)
protected int blockSeek(Cell key, boolean seekBefore) {
  int klen, vlen, tlen = 0;
  int lastKeyValueSize = -1;
  int offsetFromPos;
  do {
    offsetFromPos = 0;
    // Better to ensure that we use the BB Utils here
    long ll = blockBuffer.getLongAfterPosition(offsetFromPos);
    klen = (int)(ll >> Integer.SIZE);
    vlen = (int)(Bytes.MASK_FOR_LOWER_INT_IN_LONG ^ ll);
    if (checkKeyLen(klen) || checkLen(vlen)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid klen " + klen + " or vlen "
          + vlen + ". Block offset: "
          + curBlock.getOffset() + ", block length: " + blockBuffer.limit() + ", position: "
          + blockBuffer.position() + " (without header)."
          + " path=" + reader.getPath());
    offsetFromPos += Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG;
    blockBuffer.asSubByteBuffer(blockBuffer.position() + offsetFromPos, klen, pair);
    bufBackedKeyOnlyKv.setKey(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), klen);
    int comp =
        PrivateCellUtil.compareKeyIgnoresMvcc(reader.getComparator(), key, bufBackedKeyOnlyKv);
    offsetFromPos += klen + vlen;
    if (this.reader.getFileContext().isIncludesTags()) {
      // Read short as unsigned, high byte first
      tlen = ((blockBuffer.getByteAfterPosition(offsetFromPos) & 0xff) << 8)
          ^ (blockBuffer.getByteAfterPosition(offsetFromPos + 1) & 0xff);
      if (checkLen(tlen)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid tlen " + tlen + ". Block offset: "
            + curBlock.getOffset() + ", block length: " + blockBuffer.limit() + ", position: "
            + blockBuffer.position() + " (without header)."
            + " path=" + reader.getPath());
      // add the two bytes read for the tags.
      offsetFromPos += tlen + (Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT);
    if (this.reader.getHFileInfo().shouldIncludeMemStoreTS()) {
      // Directly read the mvcc based on current position
    if (comp == 0) {
      if (seekBefore) {
        if (lastKeyValueSize < 0) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("blockSeek with seekBefore "
              + "at the first key of the block: key=" + CellUtil.getCellKeyAsString(key)
              + ", blockOffset=" + curBlock.getOffset() + ", onDiskSize="
              + curBlock.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader()
              + ", path=" + reader.getPath());
        return 1; // non exact match.
      currKeyLen = klen;
      currValueLen = vlen;
      currTagsLen = tlen;
      return 0; // indicate exact match
    } else if (comp < 0) {
      if (lastKeyValueSize > 0) {
      if (lastKeyValueSize == -1 && blockBuffer.position() == 0) {
        return HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC;
      return 1;
    // The size of this key/value tuple, including key/value length fields.
    lastKeyValueSize = klen + vlen + currMemstoreTSLen + KEY_VALUE_LEN_SIZE;
    // include tag length also if tags included with KV
    if (reader.getFileContext().isIncludesTags()) {
      lastKeyValueSize += tlen + Bytes.SIZEOF_SHORT;
  } while (blockBuffer.hasRemaining());

  // Seek to the last key we successfully read. This will happen if this is
  // the last key/value pair in the file, in which case the following call
  // to next() has to return false.
  return 1; // didn't exactly find it.
源代码4 项目: hbase   文件:
public int seekToKeyInBlock(Cell seekCell, boolean seekBefore) {
  int rowCommonPrefix = 0;
  int familyCommonPrefix = 0;
  int qualCommonPrefix = 0;
  do {
    int comp;
    keyOnlyKV.setKey(current.keyBuffer, 0, current.keyLength);
    if (current.lastCommonPrefix != 0) {
      // The KV format has row key length also in the byte array. The
      // common prefix
      // includes it. So we need to subtract to find out the common prefix
      // in the
      // row part alone
      rowCommonPrefix = Math.min(rowCommonPrefix, current.lastCommonPrefix - 2);
    if (current.lastCommonPrefix <= 2) {
      rowCommonPrefix = 0;
    rowCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInRowPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, rowCommonPrefix);
    comp = compareCommonRowPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, rowCommonPrefix);
    if (comp == 0) {
      comp = compareTypeBytes(seekCell, keyOnlyKV);
      if (comp == 0) {
        // Subtract the fixed row key length and the family key fixed length
        familyCommonPrefix = Math.max(
                current.lastCommonPrefix - (3 + keyOnlyKV.getRowLength())));
        familyCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInFamilyPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV,
        comp = compareCommonFamilyPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, familyCommonPrefix);
        if (comp == 0) {
          // subtract the rowkey fixed length and the family key fixed
          // length
          qualCommonPrefix = Math.max(
                      - (3 + keyOnlyKV.getRowLength() + keyOnlyKV.getFamilyLength())));
          qualCommonPrefix += findCommonPrefixInQualifierPart(seekCell, keyOnlyKV,
          comp = compareCommonQualifierPrefix(seekCell, keyOnlyKV, qualCommonPrefix);
          if (comp == 0) {
            comp = CellComparator.getInstance().compareTimestamps(seekCell, keyOnlyKV);
            if (comp == 0) {
              // Compare types. Let the delete types sort ahead of puts;
              // i.e. types
              // of higher numbers sort before those of lesser numbers.
              // Maximum
              // (255)
              // appears ahead of everything, and minimum (0) appears
              // after
              // everything.
              comp = (0xff & keyOnlyKV.getTypeByte()) - (0xff & seekCell.getTypeByte());
    if (comp == 0) { // exact match
      if (seekBefore) {
        if (!previous.isValid()) {
          // The caller (seekBefore) has to ensure that we are not at the
          // first key in the block.
          throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot seekBefore if "
              + "positioned at the first key in the block: key="
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(seekCell.getRowArray()));
        return 1;
      return 0;

    if (comp < 0) { // already too large, check previous
      if (previous.isValid()) {
      } else {
        return HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC; // using optimized index key
      return 1;

    // move to next, if more data is available
    if (currentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
      current.setKey(current.keyBuffer, current.memstoreTS);
    } else {
  } while (true);

  // we hit the end of the block, not an exact match
  return 1;
源代码5 项目: hbase   文件:
public int seekToKeyInBlock(Cell seekCell, boolean seekBefore) {
  int index = binarySearch(seekCell, seekBefore);
  if (index < 0) {
    return HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC; // using optimized index key
  } else {
    int offset = rowOffsets.getIntAfterPosition(index * Bytes.SIZEOF_INT);
    if (offset != 0) {
  do {
    int comp =
      PrivateCellUtil.compareKeyIgnoresMvcc(this.cellComparator, seekCell, current.currentKey);
    if (comp == 0) { // exact match
      if (seekBefore) {
        if (!previous.isValid()) {
          // The caller (seekBefore) has to ensure that we are not at the
          // first key in the block.
          throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot seekBefore if "
              + "positioned at the first key in the block: key="
              + Bytes.toStringBinary(seekCell.getRowArray()));
        return 1;
      return 0;

    if (comp < 0) { // already too large, check previous
      if (previous.isValid()) {
      } else {
        return HConstants.INDEX_KEY_MAGIC; // using optimized index key
      return 1;

    // move to next, if more data is available
    if (currentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
    } else {
  } while (true);

  // we hit the end of the block, not an exact match
  return 1;